"中英對照/摩爾門經/尼腓二書/第6章" 修訂間的差異

出自 青少年追求卓越
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於 2017年3月3日 (五) 11:21 的修訂



Jacob recounts Jewish history: The Babylonian captivity and return; the ministry and crucifixion of the Holy One of Israel; the help received from the Gentiles; and the Jews’ latter-day restoration when they believe in the Messiah. About 559–545 B.C.

1 尼腓的弟弟雅各對尼腓人講的話:

1 The awords of Jacob, the brother of Nephi, which he spake unto the people of Nephi:

2 看啊,我心愛的弟兄們,我,雅各,蒙神召喚,依照祂神聖體制的方式被按立,並由我哥哥尼腓授予聖職;你們尊他為國王或庇護者,依靠他得以安全,看啊,你們知道我曾對你們講了許多事情。

2 Behold, my beloved brethren, I, Jacob, having been called of God, and ordained after the manner of his holy aorder, and having been consecrated by my brother Nephi, unto whom ye look as abking or a protector, and on whom ye depend for safety, behold ye know that I have spoken unto you exceedingly many things.

3 然而,我還要對你們講;因為我關心你們靈魂的福祉。是的,我非常擔心你們;你們也知道我一向如此。因為我已盡最大的努力勸告你們;我已教導你們我父親的話;也把創世以來所記載的一切事情都對你們講了。

3 Nevertheless, I speak unto you again; for I am desirous for theawelfare of your souls. Yea, mine anxiety is great for you; and ye yourselves know that it ever has been. For I have exhorted you with all diligence; and I have taught you the words of my father; and I have spoken unto you concerning all things which arebwritten, from the creation of the world.

4 現在看啊,我要對你們講現在和未來的事情;因此,我要把以賽亞的話讀給你們聽。那是我哥哥希望我向你們講的話。我講這些都是為了你們,要你們認識並榮耀你們神的名。

4 And now, behold, I would speak unto you concerning things which are, and which are to come; wherefore, I will read you the words of aIsaiah. And they are the words which my brother has desired that I should speak unto you. And I speak unto you for your sakes, that ye may learn and glorify the name of your God.

5 現在,我要讀的話是以賽亞論及整個以色列家族所說的話;因此,這些話可比作對你們說的,因為你們屬於以色列家族。以賽亞所說的許多事都可以比作對你們說的,因為你們屬於以色列家族。

5 And now, the words which I shall read are they which Isaiah spake concerning all the house of Israel; wherefore, they may bealikened unto you, for ye are of the house of Israel. And there are many things which have been spoken by Isaiah which may be likened unto you, because ye are of the house of Israel.

6 現在,這就是他所說的話:主神如此說:看啊,我必向外邦人舉手,向人民豎立我的旗,他們必將你的眾子懷中抱來,將你的眾女肩上扛來。

6 And now, these are the words: aThus saith the Lord God: Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up mybstandard to the people; and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders.

7 列王必作你的養父,他們的皇后必作你的乳母;他們必將臉伏地,向你下拜,並舐你腳上的塵土;你便知道我是主;等候我的必不致羞愧。

7 And akings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers; they shall bow down to thee with their faces towards the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that bI am the Lord; for they shall not be ashamed that cwaitfor me.

8 現在我,雅各,要談談這幾句話。因為看啊,主已向我顯明,那些在耶路撒冷的人,已被殺死或走;而我們正是從耶路撒冷來的。

8 And now I, Jacob, would speak somewhat concerning these words. For behold, the Lord has shown me that those who were ataJerusalem, from whence we came, have been bslain and ccarriedaway captive.

9 然而,主向我顯明,他們必再歸回。祂也向我顯明,主神,以色列聖者,必在肉身中向他們顯現;根據那位天使對我講的話,祂顯現之後,他們會鞭打祂,將祂釘在十字架上。

9 Nevertheless, the Lord has shown unto me that they shouldareturn again. And he also has shown unto me that the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, should manifest himself unto them in the flesh; and after he should manifest himself they should bscourgehim and ccrucify him, according to the words of the angel who spake it unto me.

10 他們心硬頸強地反對以色列聖者後,看啊,以色列聖者的懲罰必臨到他們。那日,他們必受擊打與折磨。

10 And after they have ahardened their hearts and bstiffenedtheir necks against the Holy One of Israel, behold, the cjudgmentsof the Holy One of Israel shall come upon them. And the day cometh that they shall be smitten and afflicted.

11 因此,正如天使說的,他們被來回驅趕後,許多人會在肉身中受折磨,然而,由於忠信者的祈禱,他們不致滅亡;他們會被分散,並且被擊打和憎惡;然而,主必憐憫他們,一旦他們認識了他們的救贖主,他們必在他們繼承的土地上重聚

11 Wherefore, after they are driven to and fro, for thus saith the angel, many shall be afflicted in the flesh, and shall not be suffered to aperish, because of the prayers of the faithful; they shall be scattered, and smitten, and hated; nevertheless, the Lord will be merciful unto them, that bwhen they shall come to the cknowledgeof their Redeemer, they shall be dgathered together again to theelands of their inheritance.

12 那先知所寫的外邦人有福了;因為看啊,如果他們悔改,不與錫安作對,也不與那大而可憎的教會聯合,他們必得救;因為主神必履行祂和祂的子女所立的聖約;這就是先知記載這些事情的目的。

12 And blessed are the aGentiles, they of whom the prophet has written; for behold, if it so be that they shall repent and fight not against Zion, and do not unite themselves to that great andbabominable church, they shall be saved; for the Lord God will fulfil his ccovenants which he has made unto his children; and for this cause the prophet has written these things.

13 因此,凡與錫安及主的約民作對的人,必舐他們腳上的塵土;主的人民必不致羞愧。主的人民就是等候祂的人,他們仍在等候彌賽亞的來臨。

13 Wherefore, they that fight against Zion and the covenant people of the Lord shall lick up the dust of their feet; and the people of the Lord shall not be aashamed. For the people of the Lord are they who bwait for him; for they still wait for the coming of the Messiah.

14 看啊,根據那位先知的話,彌賽亞要二次再度著手收回他們,因此,到了他們相信祂的那天,祂必在大能和極大的榮耀中向他們顯現,來毀滅他們的敵人;凡信祂的,必不滅亡。

14 And behold, according to the words of the prophet, the Messiah will set himself again the asecond time to recover them; wherefore, he will bmanifest himself unto them in power and great glory, unto the cdestruction of their enemies, when that day cometh when they shall believe in him; and none will he destroy that believe in him.

15 凡不信祂的,必遭烈火、風暴、地震、流血、瘟疫和飢荒所。他們必知道主就是神,是以色列聖者。

15 And they that believe not in him shall be adestroyed, both bybfire, and by tempest, and by earthquakes, and by cbloodsheds, and by dpestilence, and by efamine. And they shall know that the Lord is God, the Holy One of Israel.

16 勇士來的豈能奪走?合法擄掠的豈能獲救呢?

16 aFor shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the blawfulcaptive delivered?

17 但主如此說:就是勇士所擄掠的,也可以奪走,可怖之人所搶的,也可以獲救;因為能的神必解救祂的約民。因為主如此說:與你相爭的,我必與他相爭。

17 But thus saith the Lord: Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered; aforthe bMighty God shall cdeliver his covenant people. For thus saith the Lord: I will contend with them that contendeth with thee—

18 並且我必使那欺壓你的吃自己的肉;也要以自己的血喝醉,好像喝甜酒一樣;凡屬血氣的,必都知道我,主,是你的救主和你的救贖主,是雅各的能者。

18 And I will feed them that oppress thee, with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood as with sweet wine; and all flesh shall know that I the Lord am thy Savior and thy aRedeemer, the bMighty One of Jacob.