"中英對照/摩爾門經/摩賽亞書/第25章" 修訂間的差異

出自 青少年追求卓越
前往: 導覽搜尋

於 2017年3月3日 (五) 11:41 的修訂



The descendants of Mulek at Zarahemla become Nephites—They learn of the people of Alma and of Zeniff—Alma baptizes Limhi and all his people—Mosiah authorizes Alma to organize the Church of God. About 120 B.C.

1 摩賽亞王命令全體人民集合在一起。

1 And now king Mosiah caused that all the people should be gathered together.

2 尼腓的子孫或尼腓的後裔,沒有柴雷罕拉的人民,也就是繆萊克的後裔以及隨他進入曠野的人那麼多。

2 Now there were not so many of the children of Nephi, or so many of those who were descendants of Nephi, as there were of the apeople of Zarahemla, who was a descendant of bMulek, and those who came with him into the wilderness.

3 尼腓的人民和柴雷罕拉的人民也沒有拉曼人那麼多;是的,他們的人數不及拉曼人的一半。

3 And there were not so many of the people of Nephi and of the people of Zarahemla as there were of the Lamanites; yea, they were not half so numerous.

4 所有尼腓的人民都集合起來,柴雷罕拉人也集合起來;他們分兩隊集合。

4 And now all the people of Nephi were assembled together, and also all the people of Zarahemla, and they were gathered together in two bodies.

5 事情是這樣的,摩賽亞親自向人民讀出曾倪夫的紀錄,也派人讀這些紀錄;是的,他讀出曾倪夫人民的紀錄,從他們離開柴雷罕拉地的時候,直到他們再回來為止。

5 And it came to pass that Mosiah did read, and caused to be read, the records of Zeniff to his people; yea, he read the records of the people of Zeniff, from the time they aleft the land of Zarahemla until they breturned again.

6 他也讀出阿爾瑪和他弟兄的記事、他們所有的苦難,從他們離開柴雷罕拉地的時候,直到他們再回來為止。

6 And he also read the account of Alma and his brethren, and all their afflictions, from the time they left the land of Zarahemla until the time they returned again.

7 摩賽亞讀完這些紀錄後,住在該地的人民都深感奇妙訝異。

7 And now, when Mosiah had made an end of reading the records, his people who tarried in the land were struck with wonder and amazement.

8 他們不知道想什麼好,因為他們看到那些脫離束縛的人時,真是高興極了。

8 For they knew not what to think; for when they beheld those that had been delivered aout of bondage they were filled with exceedingly great joy.

9 但想到被拉曼人殺害的弟兄,又很難過,甚而流下許多眼淚。

9 And again, when they thought of their brethren who had beenaslain by the Lamanites they were filled with sorrow, and even shed many tears of sorrow.

10 再想到直接由神而來的良善,想到祂以大能解救阿爾瑪和他的弟兄脫離拉曼人的掌握與束縛,他們就提高聲音感謝神。

10 And again, when they thought of the immediate goodness of God, and his power in delivering Alma and his brethren out of the hands of the Lamanites and of abondage, they did raise their voices and give thanks to God.

11 再想到自己的弟兄拉曼人,想到他們邪惡及污穢的景況,就為他們靈魂的福祉而滿心傷痛和苦惱。

11 And again, when they thought upon the Lamanites, who were their brethren, of their sinful and apolluted state, they were filled with bpain and anguish for the cwelfare of their souls.

12 事情是這樣的,娶拉曼人的女兒為妻的艾繆倫和他的弟兄,他們的子女對父親的行為深感不滿,不願再以他們父親的名被稱呼,所以就以尼腓的名自稱,使他們得以稱為尼腓的子孫,算在那些稱為尼腓人的人中。

12 And it came to pass that those who awere the children of Amulon and his brethren, who had taken to wife the bdaughters of the Lamanites, were displeased with the conduct of their fathers, and they would no longer be called by the names of their fathers, therefore they took upon themselves the name of Nephi, that they might be called the children of Nephi and be numbered among those who were ccalled Nephites.

13 這時,所有柴雷罕拉的人民都被在尼腓人之中,因為這國只傳給尼腓的後代,不傳給其他人。

13 And now all the people of Zarahemla were anumbered with the Nephites, and this because the kingdom had been conferred upon none but those who were descendants of Nephi.

14 事情是這樣的,摩賽亞結束了對人民的講話和宣讀後,希望阿爾瑪也向人民講話。

14 And now it came to pass that when Mosiah had made an end of speaking and reading to the people, he desired that Alma should also speak to the people.

15 阿爾瑪對他們講話;人民集合成若干大隊,他從一隊走到另一隊,向人民宣講悔改和對主的信心。

15 And Alma did speak unto them, when they were assembled together in large bodies, and he went from one body to another, preaching unto the people repentance and faith on the Lord.

16 他勸告林海的人民及他的弟兄,即所有被救離束縛的人,要他們記得是主解救了他們。

16 And he did exhort the people of Limhi and his brethren, all those that had been delivered out of bondage, that they should remember that it was the Lord that did deliver them.

17 事情是這樣的,阿爾瑪教導了人民許多事,並對人民講完話後,林海王很想受洗,他所有的人民也都很想受洗。

17 And it came to pass that after Alma had taught the people many things, and had made an end of speaking to them, that king Limhi was desirous that he might be baptized; and all his people were desirous that they might be baptized also.

18 於是,阿爾瑪走入水中,為他們施洗;是的,他照著在摩爾門水流為弟兄施洗的方式為他們施洗;是的,由他施洗的人都歸入神的教會,因為他們相信阿爾瑪的話。

18 Therefore, Alma did go forth into the water and did abaptizethem; yea, he did baptize them after the manner he did his brethren in the bwaters of Mormon; yea, and as many as he did baptize did belong to the church of God; and this because of their belief on the words of Alma.

19 事情是這樣的,摩賽亞王准許阿爾瑪在柴雷罕拉全地建立教會,並賜給他權力按立每個教會的祭司和教師。

19 And it came to pass that king Mosiah granted unto Alma that he might establish achurches throughout all the land of Zarahemla; and gave him power to bordain cpriests and dteachers over every church.

20 這麼做是因為人太多,無法都由一個教師管理,也無法全體聚集在一起,讓每個人都聽到神的話;

20 Now this was done because there were so many people that they could not all be governed by one teacher; neither could they all hear the word of God in one assembly;

21 所以,他們就分組集會,都稱為教會;每個教會都有自己的祭司和教師,各祭司都宣講阿爾瑪的口所告訴他們的話。

21 Therefore they did aassemble themselves together in different bodies, being called churches; every church having their priests and their teachers, and every priest preaching the word according as it was delivered to him by the mouth of Alma.

22 儘管有許多教會,卻都同是一個教會,是的,即神的教會,因為各教會中除了宣講悔改和對神的信心外,不宣講其他的事。

22 And thus, notwithstanding there being many churches they were all one achurch, yea, even the church of God; for there was nothing preached in all the churches except it were repentance and faith in God.

23 這時,柴雷罕拉地有七個教會。事情是這樣的,凡渴望承受基督之名,即神之名的人,都加入了神的教會;

23 And now there were seven churches in the land of Zarahemla. And it came to pass that whosoever were desirous to take upon them the aname of Christ, or of God, they did join the churches of God;

24 他們被稱為的人民。主將祂的靈傾注於他們,使他們在那地蒙福、昌盛。

24 And they were called the apeople of God. And the Lord did pour out his bSpirit upon them, and they were blessed, and prospered in the land.