"中英對照/摩爾門經/尼腓三書/第7章" 修訂間的差異

出自 青少年追求卓越
前往: 導覽搜尋

於 2017年3月4日 (六) 09:26 的修訂



Chapter 7


The chief judge is murdered, the government is destroyed, and the people divide into tribes—Jacob, an anti-Christ, becomes king of a secret combination—Nephi preaches repentance and faith in Christ—Angels minister to him daily, and he raises his brother from the dead—Many repent and are baptized. About A.D. 30–33.

1 現在看啊,我要讓你們知道,他們並未立王統治這地,但同一年,是的,第三十年,他們在審判席上謀殺了這地的首席法官。

1 Now behold, I will show unto you that they did not establish a king over the land; but in this same year, yea, the thirtieth year, they did destroy upon the judgment-seat, yea, did murder the chief judge of the land.

2 人民彼此分裂,各人依家庭、親戚、朋友等分裂為部落;他們就這樣破壞了當地的政府。

2 And the people were divided one against another; and they didaseparate one from another into tribes, every man according to his family and his kindred and friends; and thus they did destroy the government of the land.

3 每個部落都選派一位族長或首領;於是就產生了各部落和部落首領。

3 And every tribe did appoint a chief or a leader over them; and thus they became tribes and leaders of tribes.

4 現在看啊,人人都有大家庭和很多親戚朋友,所以他們的部落變得非常龐大。

4 Now behold, there was no man among them save he had much family and many kindreds and friends; therefore their tribes became exceedingly great.

5 這些事都發生了,只是還沒有戰爭;這一切的罪臨到人民,是因為他們已向撒但的勢力屈服了。

5 Now all this was done, and there were no wars as yet among them; and all this iniquity had come upon the people abecausethey did byield themselves unto the power of Satan.

6 由於謀殺先知的兇手的親戚和朋友的密幫派,政府法規已破壞殆盡。

6 And the regulations of the government were destroyed, because of the asecret combination of the friends and kindreds of those who murdered the prophets.

7 他們在當地引起激烈的紛爭,結果較正義的那部分人幾乎全部都變得邪惡了;是的,他們當中正義的人寥寥無幾。

7 And they did cause a great contention in the land, insomuch that the more righteous part of the people had nearly all become wicked; yea, there were but few righteous men among them.

8 不到六年,大部分人已離棄正義,就像狗轉過頭來吃自己的東西,或像母豬回到泥沼中打滾。

8 And thus six years had not passed away since the more part of the people had turned from their righteousness, like the dog to his avomit, or like the sow to her wallowing in the mire.

9 這個造成人民極大罪惡的祕密幫派聚集在一起,擁立一個叫雅各的人為首領;

9 Now this secret combination, which had brought so great iniquity upon the people, did gather themselves together, and did place at their head a man whom they did call Jacob;

10 他們稱他為王,他就成了這邪惡團體的王;他是出言反對為耶穌作見證的先知的首要分子之一。

10 And they did call him their king; therefore he became a king over this wicked band; and he was one of the chiefest who had given his voice against the prophets who testified of Jesus.

11 事情是這樣的,他們的人數沒有各部落的人數多,因為各部落都聯合一起,只是各有族長按自己的部落制定法律;然而他們卻彼此為敵;雖然他們不是正義的人,但是他們一致憎恨立約破壞政府的人。

11 And it came to pass that they were not so strong in number as the tribes of the people, who were united together save it were their leaders did establish their laws, every one according to his tribe; nevertheless they were enemies; notwithstanding they were not a righteous people, yet they were united in the hatred of those who had entered into a covenant to adestroy the government.

12 因此,雅各見敵人的人數比他們多,由於自己是這團體的王,就命令他的人逃到最北的地方,在那裡為他們自己建立王國,直到叛離者加入他們,(他哄騙他們會有很多叛離份子)使他們成為足夠強大,能與各部落作戰;他們果然這麼做了。

12 Therefore, Jacob seeing that their enemies were more numerous than they, he being the king of the band, therefore he commanded his people that they should take their flight into the northernmost part of the land, and there build up unto themselves a akingdom, until they were joined by dissenters, (for he flattered them that there would be many dissenters) and they become sufficiently strong to contend with the tribes of the people; and they did so.

13 他們行動如此迅速,直到離開了人民的勢力範圍,都無人能阻擋。第三十年就這樣結束了,這就是尼腓人的情形。

13 And so speedy was their march that it could not be impeded until they had gone forth out of the reach of the people. And thus ended the thirtieth year; and thus were the affairs of the people of Nephi.

14 事情是這樣的,第三十一年,他們按照他們的家庭、親戚和朋友分成各部落;不過他們達成協議,不彼此作戰;他們在法律和政府形式上並不一致,因為那是按各部落族長和首領的意思制定的。但是他們制定了嚴格的法律,任何部落不得侵犯其他部落,所以他們在該地享有某種程度的和平;然而他們的心離棄了主他們的神;他們用石頭擲打先知,將他們趕出去。

14 And it came to pass in the thirty and first year that they were divided into tribes, every man according to his family, kindred and friends; nevertheless they had come to an agreement that they would not go to war one with another; but they were not united as to their laws, and their manner of government, for they were established according to the minds of those who were their chiefs and their leaders. But they did establish very strict laws that one tribe should not trespass against another, insomuch that in some degree they had peace in the land; nevertheless, their hearts were turned from the Lord their God, and they did stone the aprophets and did cast them out from among them.

15 事情是這樣的,而尼腓──曾蒙天使和主的聲音來訪,所以他看到天使,且是目擊證人,並獲賜權力,得知基督的事工;他也是人民迅速離棄正義轉向邪惡和憎行的目擊證人;

15 And it came to pass that aNephi—having been visited by angels and also the voice of the Lord, therefore having seen angels, and being eye-witness, and having had power given unto him that he might know concerning the ministry of Christ, and also being eye-witness to their quick return from righteousness unto their wickedness and abominations;

16 因此,他因他們的心地頑硬、心智盲目而憂傷──就在那同一年到他們那裡,開始勇敢地見證經由對主耶穌基督的信心而來的悔改和赦罪。

16 Therefore, being agrieved for the hardness of their hearts and the blindness of their minds—went forth among them in that same year, and began to testify, boldly, repentance and remission of sins through faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.

17 他教導他們許多事;那些事無法全部寫下來,只寫一部分又不夠,所以就沒有寫在這部書裡。尼腓以權力和極大的權柄教導他們。

17 And he did minister many things unto them; and all of them cannot be written, and a part of them would not suffice, therefore they are not written in this book. And Nephi did minister withapower and with great authority.

18 事情是這樣的,他們惱怒他,因為他的能力比他們強,因為他們無法不相信他的話;由於他對主耶穌基督的信心那麼大,天使每天都來施助他。

18 And it came to pass that they were angry with him, even because he had greater power than they, for it were anot possible that they could disbelieve his words, for so great was his faith on the Lord Jesus Christ that angels did minister unto him daily.

19 他奉耶穌的名趕出惡魔和不潔的靈;甚至他的弟弟被人用石頭打死後,他使他從死裡復生。

19 And in the name of Jesus did he cast out devils and auncleanspirits; and even his bbrother did he craise from the dead, after he had been stoned and suffered death by the people.

20 人民看見,並親眼目睹後,因他的能力而惱怒他;他還奉耶穌的名,在人民眼前行了更多奇蹟。

20 And the people saw it, and did witness of it, and were angry with him because of his power; and he did also do amany more miracles, in the sight of the people, in the name of Jesus.

21 事情是這樣的,第三十一年過去了,歸信主的人寥寥無幾;但凡歸信者,都確實向人民表明他們曾蒙得神的靈和力量,那是在他們所相信的耶穌基督裡。

21 And it came to pass that the thirty and first year did pass away, and there were but few who were converted unto the Lord; but as many as were converted did truly signify unto the people that they had been avisited by the power and bSpirit of God, which was in Jesus Christ, in whom they believed.

22 凡是身上惡魔被趕走的,疾病與孱弱被治好的,都確實向人民宣告神的靈曾在他們身上做工,治癒了他們;他們也在人民中顯徵兆,並且行了一些奇蹟。

22 And as many as had devils cast out from them, and wereahealed of their sicknesses and their infirmities, did truly manifest unto the people that they had been wrought upon by the Spirit of God, and had been healed; and they did show forth signs also and did do some miracles among the people.

23 第三十二年也這樣過去了。第三十三年初,尼腓向人民大聲疾呼,向人民宣講悔改和赦罪。

23 Thus passed away the thirty and second year also. And Nephi did cry unto the people in the commencement of the thirty and third year; and he did preach unto them repentance and remission of sins.

24 我希望你們也記住,凡被帶向悔改的,無一不受水的洗禮

24 Now I would have you to remember also, that there were none who were brought unto arepentance who were not baptized with water.

25 因此,尼腓按立了擔任這事工的人,凡到他們這裡來的,都要受水的洗禮,以在神前和向世人作為他們已經悔改並獲得赦罪的證明與見證。

25 Therefore, there were ordained of Nephi, men unto this ministry, that all such as should come unto them should beabaptized with water, and this as a witness and a testimony before God, and unto the people, that they had repented and received abremission of their sins.

26 那年初,有很多人接受了悔改的洗禮,而大半年就這樣過去了。

26 And there were many in the commencement of this year that were baptized unto repentance; and thus the more part of the year did pass away.