"中英對照/摩爾門經/尼腓三書/第17章" 修訂間的差異

出自 青少年追求卓越
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於 2017年3月4日 (六) 09:28 的修訂



Chapter 17


Jesus directs the people to ponder his words and pray for understanding—He heals their sick—He prays for the people, using language that cannot be written—Angels minister to and fire encircles their little ones. AboutA.D. 34.

1 看啊,事情是這樣的,耶穌講了這些話,又環顧群眾,對他們說:看啊,我的時候就近在眼前了。

1 Behold, now it came to pass that when Jesus had spoken these words he looked round about again on the multitude, and he said unto them: Behold, my atime is at hand.

2 我發覺你們很軟弱,不能明瞭這次父命令我對你們講的所有的話。

2 I aperceive that ye are weak, that ye cannot bunderstand all my words which I am commanded of the Father to speak unto you at this time.

3 因此,回家去,沉思我講的事,奉我的名向父祈求,使你們得以明瞭,並為明天準備好你們的心;我要再到你們這裡來。

3 Therefore, go ye unto your homes, and aponder upon the things which I have said, and ask of the Father, in my name, that ye may understand, and bprepare your minds for the cmorrow, and I come unto you again.

4 但現在我要父那裡去,也要向以色列失散的各支派顯現,因為對父來說,他們並沒有失散,祂知道祂把他們帶到哪裡。

4 But now I ago unto the Father, and also to bshow myself unto the lost tribes of Israel, for they are not clost unto the Father, for he knoweth whither he hath taken them.

5 事情是這樣的,耶穌說了這話,再環顧群眾,見他們流淚並凝望著祂,似乎在請求祂在他們那裡多逗留一些時候。

5 And it came to pass that when Jesus had thus spoken, he cast his eyes round about again on the multitude, and beheld they were ain tears, and did look steadfastly upon him as if they would ask him to tarry a little longer with them.

6 祂對他們說:看啊,我內心充滿對你們的憐憫

6 And he said unto them: Behold, my bowels are filled withacompassion towards you.

7 你們之中有沒有患病的?帶他們到這裡來;你們有沒有跛足的、失明的、有缺陷的、殘廢的、患痲瘋的、乾枯的、耳聾的或有任何病痛的?帶他們到這裡來,我必醫好他們,因為我憐憫你們,我內心充滿了慈悲。

7 Have ye any that are asick among you? Bring them hither. Have ye any that are lame, or blind, or halt, or maimed, or bleprous, or that are withered, or that are deaf, or that are afflicted in any manner? Bring them hither and I will cheal them, for I have compassion upon you; my bowels are filled with mercy.

8 我發覺你們很希望看到我在耶路撒冷你們的弟兄身上做的事,我看到你們有充分信心,相信我必能醫好你們。

8 For I perceive that ye desire that I should show unto you what I have done unto your brethren at Jerusalem, for I see that yourafaith is bsufficient that I should heal you.

9 事情是這樣的,祂這樣說了後,全體群眾,都一齊帶著生病的、受痛苦的、跛足的、失明的、聾啞的,以及有任何病痛的,走上前去;祂醫好每個被帶到祂那裡的人。

9 And it came to pass that when he had thus spoken, all the multitude, with one accord, did go forth with their sick and their afflicted, and their lame, and with their ablind, and with their dumb, and with all them that were afflicted in any manner; and he did heal them every one as they were brought forth unto him.

10 他們全體,無論是被醫好的,或是健康的,都伏在祂腳前敬拜祂;所有能來的群眾,都親了祂的腳,以致祂的腳被他們的眼淚浸濕了。

10 And they did all, both they who had been healed and they who were whole, bow down at his feet, and did worship him; and as many as could come for the multitude did akiss his feet, insomuch that they did bathe his feet with their tears.

11 事情是這樣的,祂命令他們把小孩帶來。

11 And it came to pass that he commanded that their alittlechildren should be brought.

12 他們就把小孩帶來,放在祂周圍的地上,耶穌站在中間;群眾紛紛讓路,直到所有的小孩都被帶到祂那裡。

12 So they brought their little children and set them down upon the ground round about him, and Jesus stood in the midst; and the multitude gave way till they had all been brought unto him.

13 事情是這樣的,他們都到了以後,耶穌站在中間,命令群眾在地上。

13 And it came to pass that when they had all been brought, and Jesus stood in the midst, he commanded the multitude that they should akneel down upon the ground.

14 事情是這樣的,他們跪在地上後,耶穌內心痛苦地說:父啊,我為以色列家族的邪惡憂愁

14 And it came to pass that when they had knelt upon the ground, Jesus groaned within himself, and said: Father, I amatroubled because of the wickedness of the people of the house of Israel.

15 祂說了這些話,自己也跪在地上;看啊,祂向父禱告,祂所禱告的事無法寫出來,聽到祂禱告的群眾都作了證。

15 And when he had said these words, he himself also akneltupon the earth; and behold he bprayed unto the Father, and the things which he prayed cannot be written, and the multitude did bear record who heard him.

16 他們這樣作證:之前眼睛從未看過,耳朵從未聽過像我們看到和聽到耶穌對父說的話那樣偉大而奇妙的事;

16 And after this manner do they bear record: The aeye hath never seen, neither hath the ear heard, before, so great and marvelous things as we saw and heard Jesus speak unto the Father;

17 像我們看到和聽到耶穌說的那樣偉大而奇妙的事,不能說,人不能寫,人心也不能想到;我們聽祂為我們向父禱告時,那種充滿我們靈魂的快樂,也沒有人能想像。

17 And no atongue can speak, neither can there be written by any man, neither can the hearts of men conceive so great and marvelous things as we both saw and heard Jesus speak; and no one can conceive of the joy which filled our souls at the time we heard him pray for us unto the Father.

18 事情是這樣的,耶穌向父禱告完畢,就站起來;群眾快樂極了,全都因而不勝負荷。

18 And it came to pass that when Jesus had made an end of praying unto the Father, he arose; but so great was the ajoy of the multitude that they were overcome.

19 事情是這樣的,耶穌向他們說話,命令他們站起來。

19 And it came to pass that Jesus spake unto them, and bade them arise.

20 他們從地上站起來,祂就對他們說:因為你們的信心,你們有福了。現在看啊,我快樂十足。

20 And they arose from the earth, and he said unto them: Blessed are ye because of your faith. And anow behold, my joy is full.

21 祂說了這些話,就了,群眾都為這事作證;祂一一抱起他們的小孩,祝福他們,並為他們向父禱告。

21 And when he had said these words, he awept, and the multitude bare record of it, and he took their little children, one by one, and bblessed them, and prayed unto the Father for them.

22 祂這麼做以後,又哭了;

22 And when he had done this he wept again;

23 祂向群眾說話,對他們說:看你們的小孩。

23 And he spake unto the multitude, and said unto them: Behold your little ones.

24 他們注視著去看時,眼睛望向天空;他們看到諸天開了,他們看到眾天使從天而降,如同在火裡;他們下來後,環繞著那些小孩,他們都被火環繞著;眾天使施助他們。

24 And as they looked to behold they cast their eyes towards heaven, and they saw the heavens open, and they saw angels descending out of heaven as it were in the midst of fire; and they came down and aencircled those little ones about, and they were encircled about with fire; and the angels did minister unto them.

25 群眾都看到聽到,並為這事作證;他們知道他們的見證千真萬確,因為他們每一個人都親自看到聽到;他們為數約二千五百人,有男人,有女人,也有小孩。

25 And the multitude did see and ahear and bear record; and they know that their record is true for they all of them did see and hear, every man for himself; and they were in number about two thousand and five hundred souls; and they did consist of men, women, and children.