"中英對照/教義和聖約/第24篇​" 修訂間的差異

出自 青少年追求卓越
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於 2017年3月4日 (六) 12:37 的修訂


Section 24

一八三○年七月,在賓夕法尼亞,哈茂耐,給予先知約瑟 • 斯密和奧利佛 • 考德里的啟示〔教會史,1:101–103〕。雖然教會成立不滿四個月,但迫害已很嚴重,為求安全,領袖們不得不半隱居起來。以下三篇啟示是當時為了堅固、鼓勵和指導他們而給予的。

Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Oliver Cowdery, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, July 1830 (see History of the Church, 1:101–3). Though less than four months had elapsed since the Church was organized, persecution had become intense, and the leaders had to seek safety in partial seclusion. The following three revelations were given at this time to strengthen, encourage, and instruct them.

1–9,約瑟 • 斯密蒙召喚翻譯、宣講和講解經文;10–12,奧利佛 • 考德里蒙召喚宣講福音;13–19,透露有關奇蹟、詛罰、跺下腳上塵土以及出去不帶錢囊或口袋的律法。

1–9, Joseph Smith is called to translate, preach, and expound scriptures;10–12, Oliver Cowdery is called to preach the gospel; 13–19, The law is revealed relative to miracles, cursings, casting off the dust of one’s feet, and going without purse or scrip.

1 看啊,你蒙召喚並揀選來寫摩爾門經和做我的事工;我已將你從苦難中提出來,並勸告過你,以解救你脫離所有的敵人,也解救你脫離撒但的力量和黑暗!

1 Behold, thou wast called and chosen to awrite the Book of Mormon, and to my ministry; and I have blifted thee up out of thine afflictions, and have counseled thee, that thou hast been delivered from all thine enemies, and thou hast been cdelivered from the powers of Satan and from ddarkness!

2 然而,你的違誡還是無可推諉的;然而,去吧,別再犯罪。

2 Nevertheless, thou art not excusable in thy atransgressions; nevertheless, go thy way and sin no more.

3 光大你的職務;你種了田並安頓好以後,就迅速前往斯威爾、菲也特和曼徹斯特的教會,他們會支持你;我要在屬靈和屬世兩方面祝福他們;

3 aMagnify thine office; and after thou hast bsowed thy fields and secured them, go speedily unto the church which is in cColesville, Fayette, and Manchester, and they shall dsupport thee; and I will bless them both spiritually and etemporally;

4 但是如果他們不接待你,我要給他們咒詛而非祝福。  

4 But if they receive thee not, I will send upon them a acursinginstead of a blessing.

5 你要繼續奉我的名呼求神,寫下藉保惠師給你的話,並為教友講解所有的經文。

5 And thou shalt continue in calling upon God in my name, and writing the things which shall be given thee by the aComforter, and expounding all scriptures unto the church.

6 你要說和寫的話,會在當時給你,他們要聽那些話,否則我要給他們咒詛而非祝福。

6 And it shall be given thee in the very moment what thou shaltaspeak and bwrite, and they shall hear it, or I will send unto them a cursing instead of a blessing.

7 因為你要把所有的服務貢獻給錫安;在這方面,你將有力量。

7 For thou shalt devote all thy aservice in Zion; and in this thou shalt have strength.


8 Be apatient in bafflictions, for thou shalt have many; butcendure them, for, lo, I am with thee, even unto the dend of thy days.

9 你在屬世工作上不會有力量,因為這不是你的召喚。專注你的召喚,你就能獲得所需的來光大你的職務,講解所有的經文,並繼續行按手禮和證實教友。

9 And in temporal labors thou shalt not have strength, for this is not thy calling. Attend to thy acalling and thou shalt have wherewith to magnify thine office, and to expound all scriptures, and continue in laying on of the hands and bconfirming the churches.

10 你的弟兄奧利佛要繼續向世人,也向教友,宣揚我的名。他不要以為能為我的事工說足夠的話;看啊,我與他同在,一直到底。

10 And thy brother Oliver shall continue in bearing my name before the aworld, and also to the church. And he shall not suppose that he can say enough in my cause; and lo, I am with him to the end.

11 無論軟弱或堅強,無論束縛或自由,他都會因我得榮耀,不是因他自己。

11 In me he shall have glory, and not of himself, whether in weakness or in strength, whether in abonds or free;

12 他隨時隨地,不分晝夜,都要張開口,用號角般的聲音宣講我的福音。我要給他世人所不知道的力量。

12 And at all times, and in all places, he shall open his mouth and adeclare my gospel as with the voice of a btrump, both day and night. And I will give unto him strength such as is not known among men.

13 除了治病、抗拒毒蛇和抵抗致命之毒以外,若沒有我的命令,不可要求奇蹟

13 Require not amiracles, except I shall bcommand you, exceptccasting out ddevils, ehealing the sick, and against fpoisonousserpents, and against deadly poisons;

14 除非想要這些事的人求你們這麼做,你們不可做這些事,好使經文應驗;因為你們要按照記載行事。

14 And these things ye shall not do, except it be required of you by them who adesire it, that the scriptures might be bfulfilled; for ye shall do according to that which is written.

15 無論你們進入何處,他們不因我的名接待你們,你們就跺下腳上的塵土,見證他們的不是,並在路旁潔淨你們的腳,留下詛咒而非祝福。

15 And in whatsoever place ye shall aenter, and they receive you not in my name, ye shall leave a cursing instead of a blessing, by casting off the bdust of your feet against them as a testimony, and cleansing your feet by the wayside.

16 事情將是這樣,無論誰用暴力對待你們,你們就要奉我的名命令誰受擊打;看啊,我必按照你們的話,在我認為適當的時刻,擊打他們。

16 And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall lay their hands upon you by violence, ye shall command to be smitten in my name; and, behold, I will asmite them according to your words, in mine own due time.

17 無論誰對你訴諸法律,誰就會受法律的詛咒。

17 And whosoever shall go to law with thee shall be cursed by the law.

18 你不要帶囊或口袋,不要帶拐杖,也不要帶兩件外衣,因為你需要的食物、衣服、鞋子、金錢和口袋,教友們會在你正需要的時候給你。

18 And thou shalt take no apurse nor scrip, neither staves, neither two coats, for the church shall give unto thee in the very hour what thou needest for food and for raiment, and for shoes and for money, and for scrip.

19 因為你蒙召喚來大力修剪我的葡萄園,是的,最後一次修剪;是的,凡你按立的人,也都要按照這個模式去做。阿們。

19 For thou art called to aprune my vineyard with a mighty pruning, yea, even for the last time; yea, and also all those whom thou hast bordained, and they shall do even according to this pattern. Amen.