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===The Restoration===
===<span class='english'>The Restoration</span> <span class='chinese'>復興</span>===
God has restored His gospel in these latter days by reestablishing His truths, priesthood authority, and Church upon the earth. Ancient prophets foretold the latter-day Restoration of the gospel (see Isaiah 29:13–14; Acts 3:19–21).
*<p class='english'> God has restored His gospel in these latter days by reestablishing His truths, priesthood authority, and Church upon the earth. </p>
*<p class='chinese'> 神已於後期時代透過在地上重新建立祂的真理、聖職權柄和教會,來復興祂的福音。</p>
*<p class='english'> Ancient prophets foretold the latter-day Restoration of the gospel (see Isaiah 29:13–14; Acts 3:19–21).</p>
*<p class='chinese'> 古代先知早已預言了福音會在後期時代復興(見以賽亞書29:13-14;使徒行傳3:19-21)。</p>
The Restoration began in 1820. God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph Smith in response to Joseph’s prayer, and They called him to be the Prophet of the Restoration (see Joseph Smith—History 1:15–20). God called Joseph Smith to be a latter-day witness of the living Christ. As the Prophet of the Restoration, Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon by the gift and power of God (see D&C 135:3). With the Bible, the Book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ and contains the fulness of the gospel (see Ezekiel 37:15–17). The Book of Mormon is also a witness of Joseph Smith’s prophetic calling and the truthfulness of the Restoration.
*<p class='english'> The Restoration began in 1820. </p>
*<p class='chinese'> 復興從1820年開始。</p>
*<p class='english'> God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph Smith in response to Joseph’s prayer, and They called him to be the Prophet of the Restoration (see Joseph Smith—History 1:15–20). </p>
*<p class='chinese'> 父神和祂的兒子耶穌基督回答了約瑟‧斯密的祈禱,向他顯現,祂們召喚他為復興的先知(見約瑟‧斯密—歷史1:15-20)。</p>
*<p class='english'> God called Joseph Smith to be a latter-day witness of the living Christ.</p>
*<p class='chinese'> 神召喚約瑟‧斯密為後期時代的證人,為活著的基督作見證。</p>
*<p class='english'> As the Prophet of the Restoration, Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon by the gift and power of God (see D&C 135:3). </p>
*<p class='chinese'> 身為復興的先知,約瑟‧斯密藉著神的恩賜和大能,翻譯了摩爾門經(見教約135:3)。</p>
*<p class='english'> With the Bible, the Book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ and contains the fulness of the gospel (see Ezekiel 37:15–17). </p>
*<p class='chinese'> 摩爾門經和聖經一起為耶穌基督作見證,摩爾門經蘊含圓滿的福音(見以西結書37:15-17)。</p>
*<p class='english'> The Book of Mormon is also a witness of Joseph Smith’s prophetic calling and the truthfulness of the Restoration.</p>
*<p class='chinese'> 摩爾門經也見證了約瑟‧斯密的先知召喚,和復興的真實性。</p>
As part of the Restoration, God sent angelic messengers to restore the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods. He then directed that His Church be organized anew upon the earth on April 6, 1830. Because it was established by God Himself, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is “the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth” (D&C 1:30).
*<p class='english'> As part of the Restoration, God sent angelic messengers to restore the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods. </p>
*<p class='chinese'> 復興的過程中,神派遣了天上的使者復興了亞倫聖職和麥基洗德聖職。</p>
*<p class='english'> He then directed that His Church be organized anew upon the earth on April 6, 1830. </p>
*<p class='chinese'> 祂接著指示,祂的教會要於1830年4月6日再度在世上成立。</p>
*<p class='english'> Because it was established by God Himself, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is “the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth” (D&C 1:30).</p>
*<p class='chinese'> 因為這教會是由神親自建立的,所以耶穌基督後期聖徒教會是「整個地面上唯一真實而活著的教會」(教約1:30)。</p>
Related references: Amos 3:7; Ephesians 2:19–20; Ephesians 4:11–14; D&C 13:1; D&C 76:22–24; D&C 107:8
*<p class='english'> Related references: Amos 3:7; Ephesians 2:19–20; Ephesians 4:11–14; D&C 13:1; D&C 76:22–24; D&C 107:8</p>
*<p class='chinese'> 相關經文出處:阿摩司書3:7;以弗所書2:19-20;以弗所書4:11-14;教約13:1;教約76:22-24;教約107:8</p>
Related topics: The Godhead; Prophets and Revelation
*<p class='english'> Related topics: The Godhead; Prophets and Revelation</p>
*<p class='chinese'> 相關主題:神組;先知和啟示</p>

於 2018年3月31日 (六) 23:19 的修訂

The Restoration 復興

  • God has restored His gospel in these latter days by reestablishing His truths, priesthood authority, and Church upon the earth.

  • 神已於後期時代透過在地上重新建立祂的真理、聖職權柄和教會,來復興祂的福音。

  • Ancient prophets foretold the latter-day Restoration of the gospel (see Isaiah 29:13–14; Acts 3:19–21).

  • 古代先知早已預言了福音會在後期時代復興(見以賽亞書29:13-14;使徒行傳3:19-21)。

  • The Restoration began in 1820.

  • 復興從1820年開始。

  • God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph Smith in response to Joseph’s prayer, and They called him to be the Prophet of the Restoration (see Joseph Smith—History 1:15–20).

  • 父神和祂的兒子耶穌基督回答了約瑟‧斯密的祈禱,向他顯現,祂們召喚他為復興的先知(見約瑟‧斯密—歷史1:15-20)。

  • God called Joseph Smith to be a latter-day witness of the living Christ.

  • 神召喚約瑟‧斯密為後期時代的證人,為活著的基督作見證。

  • As the Prophet of the Restoration, Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon by the gift and power of God (see D&C 135:3).

  • 身為復興的先知,約瑟‧斯密藉著神的恩賜和大能,翻譯了摩爾門經(見教約135:3)。

  • With the Bible, the Book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ and contains the fulness of the gospel (see Ezekiel 37:15–17).

  • 摩爾門經和聖經一起為耶穌基督作見證,摩爾門經蘊含圓滿的福音(見以西結書37:15-17)。

  • The Book of Mormon is also a witness of Joseph Smith’s prophetic calling and the truthfulness of the Restoration.

  • 摩爾門經也見證了約瑟‧斯密的先知召喚,和復興的真實性。

  • As part of the Restoration, God sent angelic messengers to restore the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods.

  • 復興的過程中,神派遣了天上的使者復興了亞倫聖職和麥基洗德聖職。

  • He then directed that His Church be organized anew upon the earth on April 6, 1830.

  • 祂接著指示,祂的教會要於1830年4月6日再度在世上成立。

  • Because it was established by God Himself, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is “the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth” (D&C 1:30).

  • 因為這教會是由神親自建立的,所以耶穌基督後期聖徒教會是「整個地面上唯一真實而活著的教會」(教約1:30)。

  • Related references: Amos 3:7; Ephesians 2:19–20; Ephesians 4:11–14; D&C 13:1; D&C 76:22–24; D&C 107:8

  • 相關經文出處:阿摩司書3:7;以弗所書2:19-20;以弗所書4:11-14;教約13:1;教約76:22-24;教約107:8

  • Related topics: The Godhead; Prophets and Revelation

  • 相關主題:神組;先知和啟示


The need for the latter-day Restoration of God’s truths, priesthood authority, and Church arose because of apostasy. Apostasy occurs when one or more individuals turn away from the truths of the gospel.

Following the Savior’s crucifixion and the deaths of His Apostles, many people turned away from the truths the Savior had established (see 2 Thessalonians 2:1–3). Principles of the gospel and parts of the holy scriptures were corrupted or lost. Unauthorized changes were made in Church organization and priesthood ordinances. Because of this widespread wickedness, the Lord withdrew the authority and keys of the priesthood from the earth. Although there were many good and honest people who worshipped God according to the light they possessed and received answers to their prayers, the world was left without divine revelation through living prophets. This period is known as the Great Apostasy.

Other periods of general apostasy have occurred throughout the history of the world.

Related topics: Prophets and Revelation; Priesthood and Priesthood Keys; Ordinances and Covenants


When God’s children have fallen into a state of apostasy, He has lovingly reached out to them by calling prophets and dispensing gospel blessings anew through His prophets to the people. A period of time when the Lord reveals His truths, priesthood authority, and ordinances is called a dispensation. It is a period in which the Lord has at least one authorized servant on the earth who bears the holy priesthood and who has a divine commission to dispense the gospel and to administer its ordinances.

Dispensations are identified with Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ, and others. The latter-day Restoration of the gospel, which the Lord began through the Prophet Joseph Smith, is part of this pattern of dispensations.

In every dispensation, the Lord and His prophets have sought to establish Zion. Zion refers to the Lord’s covenant people who are pure in heart, united in righteousness, and care for one another (see Moses 7:18). Zion also refers to a place where the pure in heart live.

Today we are living in the final dispensation—the dispensation of the fulness of times. It is the only dispensation that will not end in apostasy. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will eventually fill the whole earth and stand forever (see Daniel 2:44).

Related topics: Prophets and Revelation; Priesthood and Priesthood Keys; Ordinances and Covenants