"中英對照/教義和聖約/第56篇​" 修訂間的差異

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於 2017年3月4日 (六) 13:43 的修訂


Section 56

一八三一年六月,在俄亥俄,嘉德蘭,透過先知約瑟 • 斯密給予的啟示〔教會史,1:186–188〕。以斯拉 • 泰爾本來被指定要與多馬 • 馬西一同前往密蘇里(見教約52:22),然而多馬 • 馬西準備好時,他卻無法出發去傳道。泰爾長老由於捲入俄亥俄,湯普生的問題而無法成行(見第五十四篇前言)。主藉本啟示答覆先知關於此事的求問。

Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio, June 1831 (see History of the Church, 1:186–88). Ezra Thayre, who had been appointed to travel to Missouri with Thomas B. Marsh (see section 52:22), was unable to start on his mission when the latter was ready. Elder Thayre was not ready to depart on his journey because of his involvement in the problems at Thompson, Ohio (see the heading to section 54). The Lord answered the Prophet’s inquiry on the matter by giving this revelation.


1–2, The Saints must take up their cross and follow the Lord to gain salvation; 3–13, The Lord commands and revokes, and the disobedient are cast off; 14–17, Wo unto the rich who will not help the poor, and wo unto the poor whose hearts are not broken; 18–20, Blessed are the poor who are pure in heart, for they will inherit the earth.

1 聽啊,你們這些宣稱信奉我的名的人民啊,主你們的神說,因為看啊,我對叛逆者的憤怒已燃起,在我罰並對列國發怒的日子,他們將知道我的臂膀和我的憤怒。

1 Hearken, O ye people who aprofess my name, saith the Lord your God; for behold, mine anger is bkindled against the rebellious, and they shall know mine arm and mine indignation, in the day of cvisitation and of wrath upon the nations.

2 凡不背起自己的十字架跟從我並遵守我誡命的,必不能得救。

2 And he that will not take up his across and bfollow me, and keep my commandments, the same shall not be saved.

3 看啊,我,主,命令;我已命令而誡命被破壞後,凡是不服從的人,必在我認為適當的時候被剪除

3 Behold, I, the Lord, command; and he that will not aobey shall be bcut off in mine own due time, after I have commanded and the commandment is broken.

4 主說,因此,我,主,按照我認為好的方式命令,也撤消命令;這一切都要報應在叛逆者的頭上。

4 Wherefore I, the Lord, command and arevoke, as it seemeth me good; and all this to be answered upon the heads of thebrebellious, saith the Lord.

5 因此,我撤消給我僕人馬 • 馬西和以斯拉 • 泰爾的誡命,給我僕人多馬一條新誡命,他要趕快啟程前往密蘇里地,我僕人西拉 • 葛瑞分也要跟他去。

5 Wherefore, I revoke the commandment which was given unto my servants aThomas B. Marsh and Ezra Thayre, and give a new commandment unto my servant Thomas, that he shall take up his journey speedily to the land of Missouri, and my servant Selah J. Griffin shall also go with him.

6 因為看啊,由於我在湯普生的人民倔強而叛逆,我撤消給我僕人西拉 • 葛瑞分和紐奧 • 耐特的誡命。

6 For behold, I revoke the commandment which was given unto my servants aSelah J. Griffin and Newel Knight, in consequence of the bstiffneckedness of my people which are in Thompson, and their rebellions.

7 因此,我的僕人紐奧 • 耐特要和他們在一起;在我面前痛悔的人,凡是願意去的,都可以去,由他帶領去我指定的地方。

7 Wherefore, let my servant Newel Knight remain with them; and as many as will go may go, that are contrite before me, and be led by him to the land which I have appointed.

8 還有,我實在告訴你們,我僕人以斯拉 • 泰爾必須悔改其驕傲與自私,服從我以前給他有關他居住地方的誡命。

8 And again, verily I say unto you, that my servant Ezra Thayre must repent of his apride, and of his bselfishness, and obey the former commandment which I have given him concerning the place upon which he lives.

9 如果他願意這麼做,他仍然會被指定去密蘇里地;因為那土地是不可以分割的;

9 And if he will do this, as there shall be no divisions made upon the land, he shall be appointed still to go to the land of Missouri;

10 不然他就要領回他付的錢,離開那地方,從我教會中被剪除,萬軍之主神說;

10 Otherwise he shall receive the amoney which he has paid, and shall leave the place, and shall be bcut off out of my church, saith the Lord God of hosts;

11 縱然天地要廢去,這些話絕不廢去,卻要應驗。

11 And though the heaven and the earth pass away, these words shall not apass away, but shall be fulfilled.

12 如果我僕人小約瑟 • 斯密必須付錢,看啊,我,主,必在密蘇里地再付給他,使那些付錢給他的人,能按照他們所做的再獲得酬賞;

12 And if my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., must needs pay the money, behold, I, the Lord, will pay it unto him again in the land of Missouri, that those of whom he shall receive may be rewarded again according to that which they do;

13 因為他們必按他們所做的而得到,即得到土地作他們的繼承產業。

13 For according to that which they do they shall receive, even in lands for their inheritance.

14 看啊,主這樣對我的人民說──你們要做的和要悔改的事很多;因為看啊,你們的罪已上達我這裡,而且未被寬恕,因為你們企圖用自己的方式來勸告

14 Behold, thus saith the Lord unto my people—you have many things to do and to repent of; for behold, your asins have come up unto me, and are not bpardoned, because you seek to ccounsel in your own ways.

15 你們的心不滿足。你們不順從真理,卻喜歡不義。

15 And your hearts are not satisfied. And ye obey not the truth, but have apleasure in unrighteousness.

16 你們這些富有的人有禍了,你們不財物給窮人,因為你們的財富必腐蝕你們的靈魂;在降罰的日子、審判的日子和憤怒的日子中,這將是你們的悲哀:麥秋已過,夏令已完,我的靈魂卻沒有得救!

16 Wo unto you arich men, that will not bgive your substance to the cpoor, for your driches will canker your souls; and this shall be your lamentation in the day of visitation, and of judgment, and of indignation: The eharvest is past, the summer is ended, and my soul is not saved!

17 你們這些窮人有禍了,你們的心不破碎,你們的靈不痛悔,你們的肚腹不滿足,你們的手不停地拿別人的財物,你們的眼睛充滿貪婪,你們不肯用自己的手工作!

17 Wo unto you apoor men, whose hearts are not broken, whose spirits are not contrite, and whose bellies are not satisfied, and whose hands are not stayed from laying hold upon other men’s goods, whose eyes are full of bgreediness, and who will not claborwith your own hands!

18 但是心地純潔的窮人有福了,他們的心破碎,他們的靈痛悔,他們必見到的國度在能力和極大榮耀中來拯救他們;上的富饒將是他們的。

18 But blessed are the apoor who are pure in heart, whose hearts are broken, and whose spirits are bcontrite, for they shall see theckingdom of God coming in power and great glory unto their deliverance; for the fatness of the dearth shall be theirs.

19 因為看啊,主必來臨,祂要帶著祂的報酬,獎賞每個人,窮人將歡欣;

19 For behold, the Lord shall come, and his arecompense shall be with him, and he shall breward every man, and the poor shall rejoice;

20 他們的後代將世世代代繼承大地,直到永遠。現在我結束對你們講話。正如這樣。阿們。

20 And their generations shall ainherit the earth from generation to generation, forever and ever. And now I make an end of speaking unto you. Even so. Amen.