"中英對照/教義和聖約/第91篇​" 修訂間的差異

出自 青少年追求卓越
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於 2017年3月4日 (六) 13:52 的修訂


Section 91

一八三三年三月九日,在俄亥俄,嘉德蘭,透過先知約瑟 • 斯密給予的啟示〔教會史,1:331–332〕。當時先知正致力於翻譯舊約(聖經舊約)。他翻譯到古代紀錄裡所謂的旁經那部分時,他求問主而蒙得這指示。

Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio, 9 March 1833 (see History of the Church, 1:331–32). The Prophet was at this time engaged in the translation of the Old Testament. Having come to that portion of the ancient writings called the Apocrypha, he inquired of the Lord and received this instruction.


1–3, The Apocrypha is mostly translated correctly but contains many interpolations by the hands of men that are not true; 4–6, It benefits those enlightened by the Spirit.

1 主實在這樣告訴你,有關於經──其中包含許多真實的事情,而且大部分翻譯都正確;

1 Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you concerning theaApocrypha—There are many things contained therein that are true, and it is mostly translated correctly;

2 其中也包含許多經人手竄改而不真實的事情。

2 There are many things contained therein that are not true, which are ainterpolations by the hands of men.

3 我實在告訴你,沒有必要翻譯旁經。

3 Verily, I say unto you, that it is not needful that the Apocrypha should be atranslated.

4 所以,讀旁經的人,須要明白,因為靈顯明真理;

4 Therefore, whoso readeth it, let him aunderstand, for the Spirit manifesteth truth;


5 And whoso is enlightened by the aSpirit shall obtain benefit therefrom;

6 不藉著靈接受的人,無法獲益。所以沒有必要翻譯旁經。阿們。

6 And whoso receiveth not by the Spirit, cannot be benefited. Therefore it is not needful that it should be translated. Amen.