"中英對照/教義和聖約/第107篇​" 修訂間的差異

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Section 107

一八三五年三月二十八日,在俄亥俄,嘉德蘭,透過先知約瑟 • 斯密給予有關聖職的啟示〔教會史,2:209–217〕。在上述日期,十二位舉行議會,承認他們個人的弱點和缺點,表示悔改,並尋求主進一步的指引。他們這時正要分別前往指定的地區傳教。雖然本篇若干部分在上述日期獲得,但歷史紀錄證實,其中某些部分是在不同時期獲得,有些甚至早在一八三一年十一月。

Revelation on the priesthood, given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio, dated 28 March 1835 (see History of the Church, 2:209–17). On the date named, the Twelve met in council, confessing their individual weaknesses and shortcomings, expressing repentance, and seeking the further guidance of the Lord. They were about to separate on missions to assigned districts. Although portions of this section were received on the date named, the historical records affirm that various parts were received at sundry times, some as early as November 1831.


1–6, There are two priesthoods: the Melchizedek and the Aaronic; 7–12, Those who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood have power to officiate in all offices in the Church; 13–17, The bishopric presides over the Aaronic Priesthood, which administers in outward ordinances; 18–20, The Melchizedek Priesthood holds the keys of all spiritual blessings; the Aaronic Priesthood holds the keys of the ministering of angels; 21–38, The First Presidency, the Twelve, and the Seventy constitute the presiding quorums, whose decisions are to be made in unity and righteousness; 39–52, The patriarchal order is established from Adam to Noah; 53–57, Ancient Saints assembled at Adam-ondi-Ahman, and the Lord appeared to them; 58–67, The Twelve are to set the officers of the Church in order;68–76, Bishops serve as common judges in Israel; 77–84, The First Presidency and the Twelve constitute the highest court in the Church; 85–100, Priesthood presidents govern their respective quorums.

1 教會中有兩種聖職,就是麥基洗德聖職和包括利未聖職的亞倫聖職。

1 There are, in the church, two apriesthoods, namely, the Melchizedek and bAaronic, including the Levitical Priesthood.

2 第一種之所以稱為麥基洗德聖職,是因為麥基洗德是一位非常偉大的大祭司。

2 Why the first is called the aMelchizedek Priesthood is becausebMelchizedek was such a great high priest.

3 在他的時代之前,這聖職稱為:按照子體制的神聖聖職。

3 Before his day it was called the Holy aPriesthood, after thebOrder of the Son of God.

4 但由於對至高者之名的尊敬或虔敬,避免太常重複祂的名字,古代的教會,以麥基洗德稱呼該聖職,或麥基洗德聖職。

4 But out of arespect or breverence to the name of the Supreme Being, to avoid the too frequent repetition of his name, they, the church, in ancient days, called that priesthood after Melchizedek, or the Melchizedek Priesthood.

5 教會中所有其他權柄或職位,都附屬於此聖職。

5 All other authorities or offices in the church are aappendages to this priesthood.

6 但有兩部分或兩大綱領──一是麥基洗德聖職,另一是亞倫或利未聖職。

6 But there are two divisions or grand heads—one is the Melchizedek Priesthood, and the other is the Aaronic or aLevitical Priesthood.

7 長老的職位屬於麥基洗德聖職。

7 The office of an aelder comes under the priesthood of Melchizedek.

8 麥基洗德聖職持有會長團的權利,在世上每個時代,有管轄教會中一切職位的能力和權柄,主理屬靈的事務。

8 The aMelchizedek Priesthood holds the right of presidency, and has power and bauthority over all the offices in the church in all ages of the world, to administer in spiritual things.

9 按照麥基洗德體制的高級聖職會長團,有權利擔任教會中一切職位。

9 The aPresidency of the High Priesthood, after the order of Melchizedek, have a right to officiate in all the offices in the church.

10 按照麥基洗德聖職體制的祭司,在會長團指導下,有權利執行他們自己的職務,主理屬靈的事務,也有權利擔任長老、祭司(利未體制的)、教師、執事和教友的職位。

10 aHigh priests after the order of the Melchizedek Priesthood have a bright to officiate in their own cstanding, under the direction of the presidency, in administering spiritual things, and also in the office of an elder, dpriest (of the Levitical order), teacher, deacon, and member.

11 大祭司不在時,長老有權利代行其職務。

11 An elder has a right to officiate in his stead when the high priest is not present.

12 大祭司和長老要遵照教會的聖約和誡命,主理屬靈的事務;當沒有更高權柄的人在場時,他們有權利擔任教會的這一切職位。

12 The high priest and aelder are to administer in spiritual things, agreeable to the covenants and commandments of the church; and they have a right to officiate in all these offices of the church when there are no higher authorities present.

13 第二種聖職稱為亞倫聖職,因為那是授予亞倫及其後裔,遍及他們的各個世代。

13 The second priesthood is called the Priesthood of aAaron, because it was conferred upon Aaron and his seed, throughout all their generations.

14 這聖職之所以稱為較小聖職,是因其附屬於較大或麥基洗德聖職,有能力主理外在的教儀。

14 Why it is called the lesser priesthood is because it is anaappendage to the greater, or the Melchizedek Priesthood, and has power in administering outward ordinances.

15 主教團是這聖職的會長團,持有這聖職的權鑰或權柄。

15 The abishopric is the presidency of this priesthood, and holds the bkeys or authority of the same.

16 除了亞倫真正的後裔外,任何人都沒有這職位的合法權利,持有這聖職的權鑰。

16 No man has a legal right to this office, to hold the keys of this priesthood, except he be a aliteral descendant of bAaron.

17 但由於麥基洗德聖職的大祭司有權柄擔任一切較小的職位,所以在找不到亞倫真正的後裔時,他若經麥基洗德聖職會長團的手召喚、選派並按立此能力,就可以擔任主教的職位。

17 But as a high priest of the aMelchizedek Priesthood has authority to officiate in all the lesser offices, he may officiate in the office of bbishop when no literal descendant of Aaron can be found, provided he is called and cset apart and ordained unto this power by the hands of the dPresidency of the Melchizedek Priesthood.

18 高級或麥基洗德聖職的能力和權柄,是持有教會中一切屬靈祝福的權鑰──

18 The power and authority of the higher, or Melchizedek Priesthood, is to hold the akeys of all the spiritual blessings of the church—

19 有特權接受天國的奧祕,使諸天為他們而開,與集會及長子的教會交往,享有父神和新聖約的中保耶穌的交往和同在。

19 To have the privilege of receiving the amysteries of the kingdom of heaven, to have the bheavens opened unto them, to commune with the cgeneral assembly and church of thedFirstborn, and to enjoy the communion and epresence of God the Father, and Jesus the fmediator of the new covenant.

20 較小或亞倫聖職的能力和權柄,遵照聖約和誡命,是持有天使施助的權鑰,主理外在的教儀、福音的條文、為赦罪的悔改洗禮

20 The apower and authority of the lesser, or bAaronic Priesthood, is to hold the ckeys of the ministering of angels, and to dadminister in outward eordinances, the letter of the gospel, the baptism of repentance for the fremission of sins, agreeable to the covenants and commandments.

21 必須從被按立到這兩種聖職各職位者當中,產生或指定各會長或主領職員。

21 Of necessity there are presidents, or presiding aofficersgrowing out of, or appointed of or from among those who are ordained to the several offices in these two priesthoods.


22 Of the aMelchizedek Priesthood, three bPresiding High Priests, chosen by the body, appointed and ordained to that office, and cupheld by the confidence, faith, and prayer of the church, form a quorum of the Presidency of the Church.

23 十二位巡迴議員被召喚為十二使徒,或在全世界作基督之名的特別證人──因此他們的召喚的職責,與教會中其他職員不同。

23 The atwelve traveling councilors are called to be the TwelvebApostles, or special cwitnesses of the name of Christ in all the world—thus differing from other officers in the church in the duties of their calling.

24 他們組成一個定額組,其權柄和能力和前述三位會長相等。

24 And they form a quorum, aequal in authority and power to the three presidents previously mentioned.

25 七十員也被召喚去傳福音,對外邦人和在全世界中作特別證人──因此他們的召喚的職責,與教會中其他職員不同。

25 The aSeventy are also called to bpreach the gospel, and to be especial witnesses unto the Gentiles and in all the world—thus differing from other officers in the church in the duties of their calling.

26 他們組成一個定額組,其權柄和剛才提到的十二位特別證人或使徒們相等。

26 And they form a quorum, equal in aauthority to that of the Twelve special witnesses or Apostles just named.

27 這些定額組中,任何定額組所作的每一個決定,都必須經該定額組一致的同意;也就是說,為了使各定額組的決定彼此都有相同的能力或效力,每個定額組的每位成員,都必須同意該定額組的決定──

27 And every decision made by either of these quorums must be by the aunanimous voice of the same; that is, every member in each quorum must be agreed to its decisions, in order to make their decisions of the same power or validity one with the other—

28 若當時情況不可能全員到齊時,多數成員可組成一個定額組──

28 A majority may form a quorum when circumstances render it impossible to be otherwise—

29 若非如此,他們的決定就不配得到古代三位會長定額組的決定所得到的同樣祝福,他們也是按照麥基洗德的體制按立,是正義又聖潔的人。

29 Unless this is the case, their decisions are not entitled to the same blessings which the decisions of a quorum of three presidents were anciently, who were ordained after the order of Melchizedek, and were arighteous and holy men.

30 這些定額組或任何一個定額組作決定時,都要完全正義、聖潔,心中謙卑、溫順、恆久忍耐、信心、美德、知識、節制、忍耐、神性、手足親情和仁愛;

30 The decisions of these quorums, or either of them, are to be made in all arighteousness, in holiness, and lowliness of heart, meekness and blong suffering, and in cfaith, and dvirtue, and knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and charity;

31 因為那應許是,他們若充滿這幾樣,他們在對主的認識上,就不會不結果子。

31 Because the promise is, if these things abound in them they shall not be aunfruitful in the knowledge of the Lord.

32 若這些定額組有任何決定不是憑正義作的,可將該決定帶到組成教會屬靈當局的若干定額組的總集會面前;否則不能對他們的決定提出上訴。

32 And in case that any decision of these quorums is made in unrighteousness, it may be brought before a general assembly of the several quorums, which constitute the spiritual authorities of the church; otherwise there can be no aappeal from their decision.

33 十二位是巡迴主領高級諮議會,遵照天上的制度,在總會會長團的指導下,奉主的名執行職務,在各國建立教會,管理教會一切事務,首先對外邦人,其次對猶太人。

33 The aTwelve are a bTraveling Presiding High Council, to officiate in the name of the Lord, under the direction of the Presidency of the Church, agreeable to the institution of heaven; to build up the church, and regulate all the affairs of the same in all nations, first unto the cGentiles and secondly unto the Jews.

34 七十員要在十二位或巡迴高級諮議會的指導下,奉主的名行事,在各國建立教會,管理教會一切事務,首先對外邦人,然後對猶太人── 

34 The aSeventy are to act in the name of the Lord, under the direction of the bTwelve or the traveling high council, in building up the church and regulating all the affairs of the same in all nations, first unto the Gentiles and then to the Jews—

35 十二位奉派出去,持有權鑰,藉著傳播耶穌基督的福音,打開門戶,首先對外邦人,然後對猶太人。

35 The Twelve being asent out, holding the keys, to open the door by the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and first unto the Gentiles and then unto the Jews.

36 錫安各支聯會的常駐高級諮議會,組成一個定額組,就教會事務和他們一切的決定而言,其權柄等於會長團的定額組或巡迴高級諮議會。

36 The standing ahigh councils, at the stakes of Zion, form a quorum equal in authority in the affairs of the church, in all their decisions, to the quorum of the presidency, or to the traveling high council.

37 錫安中的高級諮議會組成一個定額組,就教會事務和他們一切的決定而言,其權柄等於錫安各支聯會的十二人議會。

37 The ahigh council in Zion form a quorum equal in authority in the affairs of the church, in all their decisions, to the councils of the Twelve at the stakes of Zion.

38 巡迴高級諮議會的職責是,當他們需要協助時,要請求七十員來擔任傳講和主理福音的若干事務,而不是請求其他任何人。

38 It is the duty of the traveling high council to call upon theaSeventy, when they need assistance, to fill the several calls for preaching and administering the gospel, instead of any others.

39 十二位的職責是,按照啟示向他們指明的,在教會所有的大分會,按立祝福牧師── 

39 It is the duty of the aTwelve, in all large branches of the church, to ordain bevangelical ministers, as they shall be designated unto them by revelation—

40 這聖職的體制已定為由父傳子,適當地屬於蒙揀選的子孫的真正後裔,那些應許就是給他們的。

40 The order of this priesthood was confirmed to be handed down from father to son, and rightly belongs to the literal descendants of the chosen seed, to whom the promises were made.

41 這體制在亞當的時代制定,並按下列系傳下來:

41 This aorder was instituted in the days of bAdam, and came down by clineage in the following manner:

42 從亞當到塞特;塞特六十九歲時由亞當按立,在他(亞當)去世前三年由他祝福,並經由他父親獲得神的應許,應許他的後裔成為主的選民,他們會被保全到大地的末了;

42 From Adam to aSeth, who was bordained by Adam at the age of sixty-nine years, and was blessed by him three years previous to his (Adam’s) death, and received the promise of God by his father, that his posterity should be the chosen of the Lord, and that they should be cpreserved unto the end of the earth;

43 因為他(塞特)是個完全的人,外貌就像他父親的外貌,以致各方面似乎都像他父親,只有從他的年齡才可以區別。

43 Because he (Seth) was a aperfect man, and his blikeness was the express likeness of his father, insomuch that he seemed to be like unto his father in all things, and could be distinguished from him only by his age.

44 以挪士一百三十四歲又四個月時,由亞當的手按立。

44 Enos was ordained at the age of one hundred and thirty-four years and four months, by the hand of Adam.

45 該南四十歲時,神在曠野中呼喚他;而他在前往敘度拉麥的途中遇見了亞當。他八十七歲時接受他的按立。

45 God called upon Cainan in the wilderness in the fortieth year of his age; and he met Adam in journeying to the place Shedolamak. He was eighty-seven years old when he received his ordination.

46 瑪勒列四百九十六歲零七天時由亞當的手按立,亞當也祝福了他。

46 Mahalaleel was four hundred and ninety-six years and seven days old when he was ordained by the hand of Adam, who also blessed him.

47 雅列二百歲時,在亞當的手下被按立,亞當也祝福了他。

47 Jared was two hundred years old when he was ordained under the hand of Adam, who also blessed him.

48 以諾二十五歲時,在亞當的手下被按立;他六十五歲時,亞當祝福了他。

48 aEnoch was twenty-five years old when he was ordained under the hand of Adam; and he was sixty-five and Adam blessed him.

49 他看見主,與主同行,繼續在主面前;他神同行了三百六十五年,所以他體質改變時是四百三十歲。

49 And he asaw the Lord, and he walked with him, and was before his face continually; and he bwalked with God three hundred and sixty-five years, making him four hundred and thirty years old when he was translated.

50 瑪土撒拉一百歲時,在亞當的手下被按立。

50 Methuselah was one hundred years old when he was ordained under the hand of Adam.

51 拉麥三十二歲時,在塞特的手下被按立。

51 Lamech was thirty-two years old when he was ordained under the hand of Seth.

52 挪亞十歲時,在瑪土撒拉的手下被按立。

52 Noah was ten years old when he was aordained under the hand of Methuselah.

53 亞當在去世前三年,召集塞特、以挪士、該南、瑪勒列、雅列、以諾和瑪土撒拉,他們都是祭司,以及他其餘正義的後裔,進入亞當安帶阿曼山谷,在那裡將他最後的祝福給予他們。

53 Three years previous to the death of Adam, he called Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, and Methuselah, who were all ahigh priests, with the residue of his posterity who were righteous, into the valley of bAdam-ondi-Ahman, and there bestowed upon them his last blessing.

54 主向他們顯現,他們站起來祝福亞當,稱他為迦勒、君王、天使長。

54 And the Lord appeared unto them, and they rose up and blessed aAdam, and called him Michael, the prince, the archangel.

55 主安慰亞當,並對他說:我已立你為首;眾多國家將出於你,你永遠是他們的君王

55 And the Lord administered comfort unto Adam, and said unto him: I have set thee to be at the head; a multitude of nations shall come of thee, and thou art a aprince over them forever.

56 亞當在會眾中站起來;雖然他因年邁背駝,但他充滿聖靈,預言了將臨到他後代的一切,直到最後一代。

56 And Adam stood up in the midst of the congregation; and, notwithstanding he was bowed down with age, being full of the Holy Ghost, apredicted whatsoever should befall his posterity unto the latest generation.

57 這些事都已記載於以諾書中,並將在適當的時候得到證明。

57 These things were all written in the book of aEnoch, and are to be testified of in due time.

58 還有,十二位的職責是,遵照啟示按立和組織教會中其他所有的職員,那啟示說:

58 It is the duty of the aTwelve, also, to bordain and set in order all the other officers of the church, agreeable to the revelation which says:

59 致錫安地的基督的教會,附加於有關教會事務的教會律法──

59 To the church of Christ in the land of Zion, in addition to the church alaws respecting church business—

60 萬軍之主說,我實在告訴你們,必須有主領的長老們來主領那些屬於長老職位的人;

60 Verily, I say unto you, saith the Lord of Hosts, there must needs be apresiding elders to preside over those who are of the office of an elder;

61 也必須有祭司們來主領那些屬於祭司職位的人;

61 And also apriests to preside over those who are of the office of a priest;

62 同樣地,也必須有教師們來主領那些屬於教師職位的人,執事也是如此──

62 And also teachers to preside over those who are of the office of a teacher, in like manner, and also the adeacons

63 因此,從執事到教師,從教師到祭司,從祭司到長老,都按照教會的聖約和誡命,按各自被指定的那樣。

63 Wherefore, from deacon to teacher, and from teacher to priest, and from priest to elder, severally as they are appointed, according to the covenants and commandments of the church.

64 然後就是高級聖職,那是一切中最大的。

64 Then comes the High Priesthood, which is the greatest of all.

65 因此,高級聖職中必須有一位被指定來主領這聖職,他要被稱為教會高級聖職的會長;

65 Wherefore, it must needs be that one be appointed of the High aPriesthood to preside over the priesthood, and he shall be called President of the High Priesthood of the Church;

66 換句話說,就是教會高級聖職的主領大祭司。

66 Or, in other words, the aPresiding High Priest over the High Priesthood of the Church.

67 執行教儀和藉按手禮祝福教友,都由他而來。

67 From the same comes the administering of ordinances and blessings upon the church, by the alaying on of the hands.

68 因此,主教的職位與此不同;因為主教的職位是主理一切俗世事務;

68 Wherefore, the office of a bishop is not equal unto it; for the office of a abishop is in administering all btemporal things;

69 然而,主教必須選自高級聖職,除非他是亞倫的真正後裔;

69 Nevertheless a abishop must be chosen from the HighbPriesthood, unless he is a cliteral descendant of Aaron;

70 因為除非他是亞倫的真正後裔,否則他不能持有該聖職的權鑰。

70 For unless he is a aliteral descendant of Aaron he cannot hold the keys of that priesthood.

71 然而,按照麥基洗德體制的大祭司,可被選派去主理俗世事務,藉真理之靈獲得這方面的知識;

71 Nevertheless, a high priest, that is, after the order of Melchizedek, may be set apart unto the ministering of temporal things, having a aknowledge of them by the Spirit of truth;

72 並且在他從教會長老中揀選或將揀選的副主教協助下,按照律法,作以色列的法官,辦理教會的事務,根據放在他面前的證據,審判違誡者。

72 And also to be a ajudge in Israel, to do the business of the church, to sit in bjudgment upon transgressors upon testimony as it shall be laid before him according to the laws, by the assistance of his ccounselors, whom he has chosen or will choose among the elders of the church.

73 這是一位非亞倫的真正後裔,但已按照麥基洗德體制被按立高級聖職的主教的職責。

73 This is the duty of a bishop who is not a literal descendant of Aaron, but has been ordained to the High Priesthood after the order of Melchizedek.

74 他要這樣成為法官,成為錫安居民中或錫安支聯會中,或他被選派擔任這事工的教會任何分會中的公眾法官,直到錫安的邊界擴大,錫安或其他地方需要有其他主教或法官為止。

74 Thus shall he be a ajudge, even a common judge among the inhabitants of Zion, or in a stake of Zion, or in any branch of the church where he shall be bset apart unto this ministry, until the borders of Zion are enlarged and it becomes necessary to have other bishops or judges in Zion or elsewhere.

75 如果任命了其他的主教,他們也要執行同樣的職務。

75 And inasmuch as there are other bishops appointed they shall act in the same office.

76 但是亞倫的真正後裔,有合法的權利擔任這聖職的會長團,持有這事工的權鑰,不用副主教,可獨立執行主教的職務,擔任以色列的法官,只有在按照麥基洗德體制的高級聖職會長受審時例外。

76 But a literal descendant of Aaron has a legal right to the presidency of this priesthood, to the akeys of this ministry, to act in the office of bishop independently, without counselors, except in a case where a President of the High Priesthood, after the order of Melchizedek, is tried, to sit as a judge in Israel.

77 這些議會中任何議會的判決,都要遵照誡命,那誡命說:

77 And the decision of either of these councils, agreeable to the commandment which says:

78 還有,我實在告訴你們,若有人對主教或法官有關教會最重要事務和教會最困難案件的判決,感到不滿,就應將其移轉並呈交高級聖職會長團面前的教會議會。

78 Again, verily, I say unto you, the most important business of the church, and the most adifficult cases of the church, inasmuch as there is not satisfaction upon the decision of the bishop or judges, it shall be handed over and carried up unto the council of the church, before the bPresidency of the High Priesthood.

79 高級聖職議會的會長團有權召集其他十二位大祭司,像副會長一樣來協助;這樣高級聖職會長團及其副會長就有權按照教會律法,根據證據判決。

79 And the Presidency of the council of the High Priesthood shall have power to call other high priests, even twelve, to assist as counselors; and thus the Presidency of the High Priesthood and its counselors shall have power to decide upon testimony according to the laws of the church.

80 判決之後,就不可再在主面前提起;因為這是神的教會的最高議會,也是屬靈事務爭論的最後判決。

80 And after this decision it shall be had in remembrance no more before the Lord; for this is the highest council of the church of God, and a final decision upon controversies in spiritual matters.

81 屬於教會的任何人都不能豁免於教會的這個議會。

81 There is not any person belonging to the church who is exempt from this council of the church.

82 如果高級聖職的會長違誡,他要在教會的公眾議會前受審;該議會要由高級聖職的十二位顧問協助;

82 And inasmuch as a President of the High Priesthood shall transgress, he shall be had in remembrance before the acommoncouncil of the church, who shall be assisted by twelve counselors of the High Priesthood;

83 他們對他所作的判決,就是有關他的爭論的終結。

83 And their decision upon his head shall be an end of controversy concerning him.

84 所以,任何人都不能豁免於神的公道和律法,這樣所有的事才能按照真理與正義,在祂面前莊嚴有序地完成。

84 Thus, none shall be exempted from the ajustice and the blawsof God, that all things may be done in corder and in solemnity before him, according to truth and righteousness.

85 還有,我實在告訴你們,執事職位會長的職責,是主領十二位執事,與他們一起舉行議會,按照聖約所顯明的教導他們自己的職責,彼此啟發。

85 And again, verily I say unto you, the duty of a president over the office of a adeacon is to preside over twelve deacons, to sit in council with them, and to bteach them their duty, cedifying one another, as it is given according to the covenants.

86 還有,教師職位會長的職責,是主領二十四位教師,與他們一起舉行議會,按照聖約的顯示教導他們有關他們職位的職責。

86 And also the duty of the president over the office of theateachers is to preside over twenty-four of the teachers, and to sit in council with them, teaching them the duties of their office, as given in the covenants.

87 還有,亞倫聖職會長的職責,是主領四十八位祭司,與他們一起舉行議會,按照聖約的顯示教導他們有關他們職位的職責──

87 Also the duty of the president over the Priesthood of Aaron is to preside over forty-eight apriests, and sit in council with them, to teach them the duties of their office, as is given in the covenants—

88 這會長應該是主教;因為這是這聖職的職責之一。

88 This president is to be a abishop; for this is one of the duties of this priesthood.

89 還有,長老職位會長的職責,是主領九十六位長老,與他們一起舉行議會,按照聖約教導他們。

89 Again, the duty of the president over the office of aelders is to preside over ninety-six elders, and to sit in council with them, and to teach them according to the covenants.

90 這會長團不同於七十員會長團,是為那些不到世界各地去巡迴的人而設的。

90 This presidency is a distinct one from that of the seventy, and is designed for those who do not atravel into all the world.

91 還有,高級聖職職位會長的職責,是主領全教會,並要像摩西一樣──

91 And again, the duty of the President of the office of the High Priesthood is to apreside over the whole church, and to be like unto bMoses

92 看啊,這就是智慧;是的,作先見啟示者、翻譯者和先知,具有神賜給教會首長的一切恩賜

92 Behold, here is wisdom; yea, to be a aseer, a brevelator, a translator, and a cprophet, having all the dgifts of God which he bestows upon the head of the church.

93 這是根據顯示七十員體制的異象,他們應由七十員中揀選出來的七位會長來主領;

93 And it is according to the vision showing the order of theaSeventy, that they should have seven presidents to preside over them, chosen out of the number of the seventy;

94 這些會長中的第七位會長要主領其他六位;

94 And the seventh president of these presidents is to preside over the six;

95 這七位會長,除了他們所屬的第一組七十員以外,還要揀選並主領其他的七十員;

95 And these seven presidents are to choose other seventy besides the first seventy to whom they belong, and are to preside over them;

96 如果葡萄園中的工作需要時,還可以有其他的七十員,直到七十的七倍。

96 And also other seventy, until seven times seventy, if the labor in the vineyard of necessity requires it.

97 這些七十員要作巡迴牧師,首先對外邦人,然後對猶太人。

97 And these aseventy are to be btraveling ministers, unto the Gentiles first and also unto the Jews.

98 而教會中其他不屬於十二使徒也不屬於七十員的職員,雖然他們在教會中可能擔任同樣高與同樣責任的職位,沒有責任到各國巡訪,但若他們的環境許可也要去巡訪。

98 Whereas other officers of the church, who belong not unto the Twelve, neither to the Seventy, are not under the responsibility to travel among all nations, but are to travel as their circumstances shall allow, notwithstanding they may hold as high and responsible offices in the church.

99 因此,現在每個人都要學會他的職責,十分勤奮地執行他被指定的職務。

99 Wherefore, now let every man learn his aduty, and to act in the office in which he is appointed, in all bdiligence.

100 懶惰的人必不被認為配稱站立得住,而那沒有學會自己的職責,且自己的表現不被認可的人,必不被認為配稱站立得住。正如這樣。阿們。

100 He that is aslothful shall not be counted bworthy to stand, and he that learns not his duty and shows himself not approved shall not be counted worthy to stand. Even so. Amen.