"中英對照/總會大會/2018下/Deep and Lasting Conversion to Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ" 修訂間的差異

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於 2018年12月2日 (日) 23:02 的修訂

Deep and Lasting Conversion to Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
By Elder Quentin L. Cook

1Our purpose is to balance the Church and the home experiences in a way that will greatly increase faith and spirituality and deepen conversion.


2As President Russell M. Nelson has just beautifully and eloquently set forth, Church leaders have been working for a long time on “a home-centered and Church-supported plan to learn doctrine, strengthen faith, and foster greater personal worship.


3” President Nelson then announced an adjustment to achieve “a new balance and connection between gospel instruction in the home and in the Church.”


4To accomplish these purposes—described by and under the direction of President Russell M. Nelson and pursuant to the decision of the Council of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles—the Sunday meeting schedule will be adjusted in the following ways, beginning in January 2019.


5The Sunday Church meetings will consist of a 60-minute sacrament meeting each Sunday, focused on the Savior, the ordinance of the sacrament, and spiritual messages.


6After time for transition to classes, Church members will attend a 50-minute class that will alternate each Sunday:


7Sunday School will be held on the first and third Sundays of the month.


Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

8Priesthood quorums, Relief Society, and Young Women meetings will be held on the second and fourth Sundays.


9Meetings on the fifth Sunday will be under the direction of the bishop.


10Primary will be held each week during this same 50-minute period and will include singing time and classes.


11With respect to the Sunday meeting schedule, the senior leaders of the Church have been aware for many years that for some of our precious members, a three-hour Sunday schedule at church can be difficult.


12This is particularly true for parents with small children, Primary children, elderly members, new converts, and others.


13But there is so much more to this adjustment than just shortening the Sunday meetinghouse schedule.


Sunday Meeting Schedule

14President Nelson has acknowledged with gratitude how much is being accomplished as a result of your faithfulness to previous invitations.


15He and the entire leadership of the Church desire to bring greater gospel joy—to parents, children, youth, singles, the elderly, new converts, and those people the missionaries are teaching—through a home-centered, Church-supported, balanced effort.


16The purposes and blessings associated with this adjustment and other recent changes include the following:


17Deepening conversion to Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthening faith in Them.


18Strengthening individuals and families through home-centered, Church-supported curriculum that contributes to joyful gospel living.


19Honoring the Sabbath day, with a focus on the ordinance of the sacrament.


Sunday schedule

20Helping all of Heavenly Father’s children on both sides of the veil through missionary work and receiving ordinances and covenants and blessings of the temple.


21This Sunday schedule allows more time for a home evening and to study the gospel at home on Sunday or at other times as individuals and families may choose.


22A family activity night could be held on Monday or at other times.


23To this end, leaders should continue to keep Monday evenings free from Church meetings and activities.


24However, time spent in home evening, gospel study, and activities for individuals and families may be scheduled according to their individual circumstances.


25Family and individual gospel study at home will be significantly enhanced by a harmonized curriculum and a new Come, Follow Me resource for individuals and families that is coordinated with what is being taught in Sunday School and Primary.


Home-Centered, Church-Supported Gospel Learning
Extraordinary Blessings
Deep and Lasting Conversion

26In January, the Church’s youth and adult Sunday School and Primary classes will be studying the New Testament.


27The new home-study Come, Follow Me resource for individuals and families—also covering the New Testament—is designed to help members learn the gospel in the home.


28It explains: “This resource is for every individual and family in the Church.


29It is designed to help [us better] learn the gospel—whether on [our] own or with [our] family.


30… The outlines in this [new] resource are organized according to a weekly … schedule.”


31The new Primary Come, Follow Me lessons taught in church will follow the same weekly schedule.


32The adult and youth Sunday School classes on the first and third Sundays will be coordinated so that they will support the new Come, Follow Me home resource.

32第一和第三個星期日的成人及青少年主日學課程會加以協調,以支持新的來跟從我家庭資源。On the second and fourth Sundays, adults in priesthood and Relief Society will continue to study the teachings of Church leaders, with emphasis on the current messages of modern prophets.


33Young women and Aaronic Priesthood young men will study gospel topics on those Sundays.


34The new home-study resource provides “Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Family Home Evening.”


35The outlines for each week contain helpful study ideas and activities for individuals and families.


36The Come, Follow Me resource for individuals and families also has many illustrations that will help enhance individual and family learning, especially for children.


37This new resource will be provided to each household by December of this year.


38President Nelson, from his initial address to the members of the Church in January, has exhorted us to prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ by walking the covenant path.


39World conditions increasingly require deepening individual conversion to and strengthening faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement.


40The Lord has prepared us, line upon line, for the perilous times that we now face.


41In recent years, the Lord has guided us to address related core concerns, including:


42Honoring the Sabbath day and the sacred ordinance of the sacrament has again been emphasized for the last three years.


43Under the bishop’s direction, strengthened elders quorums and Relief Societies are focused on the purpose and divinely appointed responsibilities of the Church and helping members make and keep sacred covenants.


44Ministering in a higher and holier way is being joyfully adopted.


45Beginning with the end in mind, temple covenants and family history service are becoming a purposeful part of the covenant path.


46The adjustment announced this morning is yet another example of guidance for the challenges of our day.


47The Church’s traditional curriculum has emphasized the Sunday Church experience.


48We know that when we have better teaching and more spiritually prepared class members, we have a better Sunday Church experience.


49We are blessed that often the Spirit increases and strengthens conversion in the Church setting.


50The new home-centered and Church-supported curriculum needs to influence more powerfully family religious observance and behavior and personal religious observance and behavior.


51We know the spiritual impact and the deep and lasting conversion that can be achieved in the home setting.


52Years ago, a study established that for young men and women the influence of the Holy Ghost most often accompanies individual scripture study and prayer in the home.


53Our purpose is to balance the Church and the home experiences in a way that will greatly increase faith and spirituality and deepen conversion to Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.


54In the home-centered, Church-supported portion of this adjustment, there is flexibility for each individual and family to determine prayerfully how and when it will be implemented.


55For example, while this will greatly bless all families, based on local needs it would be completely appropriate for young singles, single adults, single parents, part-member families, new members, and others to gather in groups outside the normal Sunday worship services to enjoy gospel sociality and be strengthened by studying together the home-centered, Church-supported resource.


56This would be accomplished informally by those who so desire.


57In many parts of the world, people choose to stay at the meetinghouse after the normal Sunday schedule to enjoy social relationships.


58There is nothing in this announced adjustment that would interfere with this wonderful and rewarding practice in any way.


59To help members prepare for the Sabbath, some wards already send an informative email, text, or social media message midweek.


60In view of this adjustment, we strongly recommend this type of communication.


61These invitations will remind the members of the Sunday meeting schedule for that week, including the upcoming class lesson topic, and support continuing gospel conversation at home.


62In addition, the adult meetings on Sunday will also provide information to connect church and home study each week.


63The sacrament meeting and the class period will require prayerful consideration to make sure that spiritual priorities are emphasized over administrative functions.


64For example, announcements can for the most part be accomplished in the midweek invitation or on a printed program.


65While the sacrament meeting should have an opening and closing prayer, the second meeting need only have a closing prayer.


66As was mentioned earlier, the new Sunday schedule will not commence until January 2019. 如同稍早提到的,新的星期日聚會時間表要從2019年1月才開始。

67There are several reasons for this.


68The two most important are, first, to have time to distribute the Come, Follow Me resource for individuals and families


69and, second, to allow time for stake presidents and bishops to arrange meeting schedules, with the goal of having more wards meet earlier in the day.


70As leaders have sought revelation, the guidance received over the past few years is to strengthen the sacrament meeting, honor the Sabbath day, and encourage and assist parents and individuals to make their homes a source of spiritual strength and increased faith—a place of joy and happiness.


71What do these adjustments mean for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?


72We are confident that members will be blessed in extraordinary ways.


73Sunday can be a day of gospel learning and teaching at church and in the home.


74As individuals and families engage in family councils, family history, ministering, service, personal worship, and joyful family time, the Sabbath day will truly be a delight.


75One family from Brazil are members of a stake where the new home Come, Follow Me resource was tested.


76The father, Fernando, a returned missionary who, with his wife, Nancy, are the parents of four young children, reported: “When the Come, Follow Me program was introduced in our stake, I was so excited, and I thought ‘the way that we study the scriptures at home is going to change.’


77It really happened in my home, and as a Church leader I saw that it happened in other homes. …


78It helped us to really discuss the scriptures in our home.


79My wife and I had a deeper understanding about the topic studied. …


80It helped us … amplify our gospel knowledge and enhance our faith and testimony. …


81I bear my testimony … that I know it was inspired by the Lord so that the consistent and effective study of the principles and doctrines contained in the scriptures brings more faith, testimony, and light to the families … in an increasingly fallen world.”


82In pilot test stakes across the world, there was a highly favorable response to the new Come, Follow Me home resource.


83Many reported that they progressed from reading scriptures to actually studying the scriptures.


84It was also commonly felt the experience was faith promoting and had a wonderful impact on the ward.


85The goal of these adjustments is to obtain a deep and lasting conversion of adults and the rising generation.


86The first page of the individual and family resource points out: “The aim of all gospel learning and teaching is to deepen our conversion and help us become more like Jesus Christ. …


87This means relying on Christ to change our hearts.”


88This is assisted by reaching “beyond a classroom into an individual’s heart and home.


89It requires consistent, daily efforts to understand and live the gospel.


90True conversion requires the influence of the Holy Ghost.”


91The most important goal and ultimate blessing of deep and lasting conversion is worthily receiving the covenants and ordinances of the covenant pathway.


92We trust you to counsel together and to seek revelation for implementing these adjustments—while not looking beyond the mark or trying to regiment individuals or families.


93Additional information will be shared in upcoming communications, including a First Presidency letter and enclosure.


94I testify to you that in the deliberations of the Council of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the temple, and after our beloved prophet petitioned the Lord for revelation to move forward with these adjustments, a powerful confirmation was received by all.


95Russell M. Nelson is our living President and prophet.


96The announcements made today will result in profound blessings for those who enthusiastically embrace the adjustments and seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost.


97We will become closer to our Heavenly Father and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, of whom I am a sure witness.


98In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
