
出自 青少年追求卓越
< 精通教義核心文件
於 2018年3月30日 (五) 09:58 由 Limingyu2007 (對話 | 貢獻) 所做的修訂
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Helping Others Acquire Spiritual Knowledge 幫助他人獲得屬靈的知識

  • When others come to us asking questions or investigating Church doctrine, practices, or history, how might we best assist them in their quest for truth?
  • 若有人來找我們,問我們一些問題,或是他正在了解教會教義、做法或歷史,我們能用哪些最好的方式來協助他們探索真理?
  • The following are some of the ways we can help them:
  • 以下是我們能幫助他們的一些方法:

Listen carefully and prayerfully 仔細傾聽,並且透過祈禱傾聽

  • Listen attentively before you respond, seeking to clarify and understand the actual questions they are asking.
  • 在你回應前專心傾聽,試著釐清並了解他們真正問的問題是什麼。
  • Thoughtfully seek to understand the true intent of their questions and their feelings and beliefs.
  • 認真思量,試著了解他們問那些問題背後的真正意圖,以及他們的感受和信仰。

Teach and testify of gospel truths 教導並為福音真理作見證

  • Share applicable teachings from the scriptures and modern prophets and how they have made a difference in your life.
  • 分享經文中和近代先知話語中合適的教導,以及分享這些原則如何對你的生活產生影響。
  • Help those with whom you speak examine or reframe their questions in the context of the gospel and the plan of salvation.
  • 幫助那些與你交談的人以福音和救恩計畫為背景,檢視和重新建構他們的問題。

Invite them to act in faith 邀請他們憑信心行動

  • Remember that the Lord requires us to seek spiritual knowledge for ourselves.
  • 要記住,主要我們自己親自尋求屬靈的知識。
  • We must therefore invite others to act in faith through prayer, obedience to the commandments, and diligent study of the word of God, using divinely appointed sources, particularly the Book of Mormon.
  • 因此,我們必須邀請他人藉著祈禱,憑信心行動,服從誡命,並且勤奮研讀神的話,運用神所指定的知識來源,尤其是摩爾門經。
  • If applicable, invite them to remember experiences they may have had when they felt the Holy Ghost and to hold fast to eternal truths they have learned until additional knowledge comes.
  • 若適用於當下的情況,邀請他們記得他們感受到聖靈的經驗,並要堅守已學到的永恆真理,直到獲得進一步的知識。

Follow through 後續行動

  • Offer to search for answers, and then follow through by sharing what you learn. You could also search for answers together.
  • 提出要幫助他搜尋答案,接著要分享你所學到的來追蹤他的情況。
  • Express confidence in the Lord’s promise to provide personal revelation.
  • 你們也可以一起搜尋答案。主應許會提供個人啟示,你要表達你對主的應許有信心。