中英對照/總會大會/2018上/Ministering as the Savior Does

出自 青少年追求卓越
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“Ministering as the Savior Does”
By Jean B. Bingham
Relief Society General President
May we show our gratitude and love for God by ministering with love to our eternal sisters and brothers.




1 What a wonderful blessing to live in a time of continual revelation from God!

1 能生活在神不斷賜予啟示的時代,是多麼美好的祝福啊!

2 As we look forward to and embrace the “restitution of all things,” which has and will come through the prophesied events of our time, we are being prepared for the Savior’s Second Coming.

2 「萬物復興」已經開始,而且會繼續藉著已預言要在這個時代發生的事件應驗。而我們在期待和迎接萬物復興的同時,也在預備救主的第二次來臨。

3 And what better way to prepare to meet Him than to strive to become like Him through lovingly ministering to one another!

3 除了藉著彼此關懷施助,努力變得像祂一樣之外,還有什麼更好的方式,來準備好迎見祂呢?

4 As Jesus Christ taught His followers at the beginning of this dispensation, “If thou lovest me thou shalt serve me.”

4 正如耶穌基督在這個福音期之初教導信徒的:「如果你愛我,就要事奉我。」

5  Our service to others is a demonstration of discipleship and our gratitude and love for God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

5 為人服務展現出門徒精神,也顯示出我們對神和祂的兒子耶穌基督的感謝和愛。

6 Sometimes we think we have to do something grand and heroic to “count” as serving our neighbors.

6 有時候,我們以為要做宏偉的英雄事蹟才「算得上」是為鄰人服務。

7 Yet simple acts of service can have profound effects on others—as well as on ourselves.

7 但是,簡單的服務之舉卻可能對其他人,和對我們自己,產生深遠的影響。

8 What did the Savior do?

8 救主做了些什麼呢?

9 Through His supernal gifts of the Atonement and Resurrection—which we celebrate on this beautiful Easter Sunday—“none other has had so profound an influence [on] all who have lived and who will yet live upon the earth.”

9 藉著祂崇高的贖罪恩賜,以及我們在這美麗的復活主日慶祝的復活,「再沒有其他人對曾活在世上和將活在世上的人有如此深遠的影響」。

10  But He also smiled at, talked with, walked with, listened to, made time for, encouraged, taught, fed, and forgave.

10 然而,祂也對人微笑、跟人談話、與人同行、傾聽、為人騰出時間、鼓勵、教導、餵飽和寬恕人。

11 He served family and friends, neighbors and strangers alike, and He invited acquaintances and loved ones to enjoy the rich blessings of His gospel.

11 祂為家人和朋友服務,不分親疏遠近;祂邀請認識的人和近親好友一同享受祂福音的豐盛祝福。

12 Those “simple” acts of service and love provide a template for our ministering today.

12 這些「簡單」的服務、愛心之舉,是我們在今日施助的典範。

13 As you have the privilege to represent the Savior in your ministering efforts, ask yourself, “How can I share the light of the gospel with this individual or family?

13 各位在施助時有幸代表救主,所以要自問:「我要如何與這個人或家庭分享福音之光呢?

14 What is the Spirit inspiring me to do?”

14 聖靈提示我做什麼呢?」

15 Ministering can be done in a great variety of individualized ways.

15 我們可以用各式各樣的方法針對個人去施助。

16 So what does it look like?

16 所以,施助是什麼呢?

17 Ministering looks like elders quorum and Relief Society presidencies prayerfully counseling about assignments.

17 施助就是長老定額組和慈助會會長團會透過祈禱商議指派工作。

18 Rather than leaders just handing out slips of paper, it looks like counseling about the individuals and families in person as assignments are given to ministering brothers and sisters.

18 領袖並非只是發紙條,而是會在指派工作給弟兄施助者和姊妹施助者時,親自與他們針對個人和家庭進行商議。

19 It looks like going for a walk, getting together for a game night, offering service, or even serving together.

19 施助就是一起去散步、某個晚上聚在一起玩遊戲、提供服務,甚至一起服務。

20 It looks like visiting in person or talking on the phone or chatting online or texting.

20 施助就是親自拜訪,或是講電話、在線上聊天,或是傳簡訊。

21 It looks like delivering a birthday card and cheering at a soccer game.

21 施助就是送生日卡,以及在足球比賽中加油。

22 It looks like sharing a scripture or quote from a conference talk that would be meaningful to that individual.

22 施助就是分享對那個人來說深具意義的一節經文,或是從總會大會中引用的一句話。

23 It looks like discussing a gospel question and sharing testimony to bring clarity and peace.

23 施助就是討論福音問題和分享見證,以釐清問題,帶來平安。

24 It looks like becoming part of someone’s life and caring about him or her.

24 施助就是成為某人生活的一部分,關心、在乎他(她)。

25 It also looks like a ministering interview in which needs and strengths are discussed sensitively and appropriately.

25 施助也是進行施助面談,並慎重、恰當地討論需求和優點。

26 It looks like the ward council organizing to respond to a larger need.

26 施助就是把支會議會組織起來,處理較大的需求。

27 This kind of ministering strengthened one sister who moved far away from home when her husband started graduate school.

27 有位姊妹因丈夫開始就讀研究所,搬到了離家很遠的地方,而這樣的施助鞏固了她。

28 With no working phone and a small baby to care for, she felt disoriented in the new location, totally lost and alone.

28 她當時沒有電話可用,還要照顧嬰孩,因此在新的地方感到迷惘,不知所措又孤單。

29 Without advance notice, a Relief Society sister came to the door bringing a little pair of shoes for the baby, put the two of them into her car, and took them to find the grocery store.

29 一位慈助會姊妹未事先通知便來到她家門口,帶了一雙小鞋子給寶寶,然後讓他們倆坐上車子,帶他們去找雜貨店。

30 The grateful sister reported, “She was my lifeline!”

30 這位姊妹滿心感激地說:「她是我的生命線!」

31 True ministering is illustrated by an older sister in Africa who was assigned to seek out a sister who had not attended Church meetings for a long time.

31 非洲有一位年長的姊妹彰顯出何謂真正的施助。她被指派去找到一位很久沒有參加教會聚會的姊妹。

32 When she went to the sister’s home, she found that the woman had been beaten and robbed, had very little to eat, and possessed no clothes that she felt were appropriate for Sunday Church meetings.

32 當她來到那位姊妹家中時,發現那位姊妹曾經被毆打、被人搶劫,幾乎斷糧,而且覺得自己的衣服都不適合穿到教會參加安息日聚會。

33 The woman assigned to minister to her brought a listening ear, produce from her garden, scriptures to read, and friendship.

33 受指派施助的姊妹帶著傾聽的雙耳、菜園裡的農產、經文,以及友誼去看她。

34 The “missing” sister soon came back to church and now holds a calling because she knows she is loved and valued.

34 那位「迷失」的姊妹不久便回到教會,現在也有教會召喚,因為她知道有人愛她、珍惜她。

35 Combining such Relief Society efforts with the now-restructured elders quorum will bring a unity that can yield astonishing results.

35 慈助會的這些努力與調整結構的長老定額組結合之後,這樣的團結將造成不同凡響的結果。

36 Ministering becomes one coordinated effort to fulfill the priesthood duty to “visit the house of each member” and to “watch over the church always, and be with and strengthen them,” as well as to achieve the Relief Society purpose to help one another prepare for the blessings of eternal life.

36 施助成為經過協調整合的工作,來履行聖職的職責,也就是「探訪每位成員的家」,「一直看顧教會成員,和他們在一起,並堅固他們」,以及達成慈助會的宗旨,也就是幫助彼此準備好獲得永生的祝福。

37  Working together under the direction of the bishop, elders quorum and Relief Society presidencies can be inspired as they seek the best ways to watch over and care for each individual and family.

37 長老定額組及慈助會會長團在主教的指示下通力合作。他們在尋求用最好的方式去看顧、照料每個人和家庭時,會得到啟發。

38 Let me give you an example.

38 讓我為各位舉一個例子。

39 A mother was diagnosed with cancer.

39 有一位母親被診斷出罹患癌症。

40 Soon she began treatment, and immediately, the Relief Society sisters went to work, planning how to best help with meals, transportation to medical appointments, and other support.

40 不久她便開始接受治療,而慈助會姊妹也立刻動手工作,計劃如何以最好的方式提供食物、看病的交通往返,以及其他支援。

41 They visited her regularly, providing cheerful companionship.

41 姊妹們定期去看望她,讓她有人陪伴感到愉快。

42 At the same time, the Melchizedek Priesthood quorum sprang into action.

42 同時,麥基洗德聖職定額組也展開行動。

43 They provided labor in adding a remodeled bedroom and bathroom to make it easier to care for the sick sister.

43 他們付出勞力改裝臥房和浴室,以便照顧這位生病的姊妹。

44 The young men lent their hands and backs to participate in that significant effort.

44 男青年也捲起袖子參與這項深具意義的工作。

45 And the young women got involved: they cheerfully arranged to faithfully walk the dog each day.

45 女青年也加入,她們開心地安排人手,以確保每天會有人幫忙溜狗。

46 As time passed, the ward continued their service, adding and adapting where necessary.

46 這個支會就這樣繼續服務了一段時間,並按照需要來增加服務或作調整。

47 It was clearly a labor of love, each member giving of him or herself, unitedly showing caring in individual ways that blessed not only the suffering sister but each member of her family.

47 這的確是愛的事工,每位成員都付出心力,團結起來,以自己的方式付出關懷,不僅造福了那位受苦的姊妹,也讓她的每一位家人蒙福。

48 After a valiant effort, the sister finally succumbed to the cancer and was laid to rest.

48 這位姊妹英勇抗癌一段時間後,最後不敵疾病去世了。

49 Did the ward breathe a sigh of relief and consider the job well done and well over?

49 這個支會是否鬆了一口氣,認為這項工作終於大功告成了呢?

50 No, the young women continue to walk the dog daily, the priesthood quorums continue to minister to the father and his family, and the Relief Society sisters continue to reach out in love to ascertain strengths and needs.

50 沒有,女青年繼續每天幫忙溜狗,聖職定額組繼續施助這位父親和他的家人,而慈助會姊妹也繼續懷著愛心伸出援手,查明這個家庭的優勢和需求。

51 Brothers and sisters, this is ministering—this is loving as the Savior does!

51 弟兄姊妹,這就是施助,這就是像救主那樣愛人!

52 Another blessing of these inspired announcements is the opportunity for young women ages 14 to 18 to participate in ministering as companions to Relief Society sisters, just as young men their age serve as ministering companions to Melchizedek Priesthood brethren.

52 這些受靈啟發的宣布事項所帶來的另一項祝福,就是14到18歲的女青年將有機會擔任慈助會姊妹的同伴,參與施助事工,就像同年齡的男青年擔任麥基洗德聖職持有人的施助同伴一樣。

53 Youth can share their unique gifts and grow spiritually as they serve alongside adults in the work of salvation.

53 青少年與成年人在救恩的事工中一起服務時,可以分享他們獨特的才能,並在靈性上成長。

54 Involving youth in ministering assignments can also increase the reach of Relief Society and elders quorums’ caring for others by increasing the number of members who participate.

54 讓青少年加入施助指派工作,會使參與的成員人數增加,讓慈助會和長老定額組能照顧更多的人。

55 As I think about the stellar young women I have known, I get excited for those Relief Society sisters who will have the privilege of being blessed by a young woman’s enthusiasm, talents, and spiritual sensitivity as they serve side-by-side or are ministered to by them.

55 當我想到自己所認識的美好女青年時,我為慈助會姊妹感到高興。因為在與女青年並肩服務或接受她們的施助時,慈助會姊妹將有幸因女青年的熱情、才能和敏銳的靈性而蒙福。

56 And I am equally delighted by the chance young women will have to be mentored and taught and strengthened by their sisters in Relief Society.

56 同樣令我開心的是,女青年將有機會接受慈助會姊妹的指導、教導和鞏固。

57 This opportunity to participate in building the kingdom of God will be a tremendous benefit to young women, helping them better prepare to fulfill their roles as leaders in the Church and the community and as contributing partners in their families.

57 對女青年而言,有機會參與建立神的國度,會帶來極大的益處,幫助她們更準備好在教會和社區中擔任領袖,在家中成為有所貢獻的夥伴。

58 As Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson shared yesterday, young women “want to be of service.

58 正如邦妮·奧斯卡森姊妹昨天說的,女青年「想要為人服務。

59 They need to know they are valued and essential in the work of salvation.”

59 她們需要知道,她們在救恩的事工上是受到重視且不可或缺的」!

60 In fact, young women are already ministering to others, without assignment or fanfare.

60 事實上,女青年不用被指派,就已經在默默施助別人了。

61 A family I know moved hundreds of miles to a new location where they knew no one.

61 我認識一個舉家搬遷數百英里的家庭,他們在新的地方一個人都不認識。

62 Within the first week, a 14-year-old girl from their new ward showed up on their doorstep with a plate of cookies, welcoming them to the area.

62 在第一個星期,新的支會裡一位14歲的女孩出現在他們家門口,帶著一盤餅乾,歡迎他們搬到那個地方。

63 Her mother stood smiling behind her as a willing chauffeur, supporting her daughter’s desire to minister.

63 那位女孩的母親面帶微笑地站在她身後,很樂意開車送她女兒來,支持女兒想要施助的渴望。

64 Another mother was concerned one day that her 16-year-old daughter was not home at the usual hour.

64 另外有個母親有一天很擔心,因為她16歲的女兒在平常回家的時間還沒有到家。

65 When the girl finally arrived, her mother quizzed her with some frustration about where she had been.

65 女孩終於回到家時,母親有點沮喪地問她去了哪裡。

66 The 16-year-old almost sheepishly replied that she had taken a flower to a widow who lived nearby.

66 這位16歲的女孩膽怯地回答說,她帶了一朵花去探望住在附近的一位寡婦。

67 She had noticed the older sister looking lonely and felt prompted to visit her.

67 她注意到這位年長的姊妹看起來很寂寞,她得到聖靈的提示覺得要去探望她。

68 With her mother’s complete approval, the young woman continued to visit the elderly woman.

68 得到母親的完全贊同後,這位女青年繼續去拜訪這位老婦人。

69 They became good friends, and their sweet association continued for years.

69 她們成為好朋友,延續了多年溫馨的友誼。

70 Each of these young women, and many more like them, notice someone’s need and work to meet it.

70 以上所說的這些女青年,以及更多像她們一樣的女青年,都注意到別人的需求,並採取行動去滿足那些需求。

71 Young women have a natural desire to care and share that could be well directed through ministering in partnership with an adult sister.

71 女青年天生就渴望去照顧人和分享,而這些渴望可以藉由與一位成年姊妹成為施助同伴,而得到適當的指引。

72 No matter our age, when we consider how to minister most effectively, we ask, “What does she [or he] need?”

72 不論我們年紀多大,在考慮要如何作最有效的施助時,我們都要問:「她〔或他〕需要什麼?」

73 Coupling that question with a sincere desire to serve, we are then led by the Spirit to do what would lift and strengthen the individual.

73 我們若提出這個問題,加上想要服務的真誠渴望,就會得到靈的指引,去做能提升和鞏固個人的事情。

74 I have heard countless stories of brothers and sisters who were blessed by a simple gesture of inclusion and welcome at church, a thoughtful email or text message, a personal contact at a difficult time, an invitation to participate in a group activity, or an offer to help with a challenging situation.

74 我聽過無數的故事,有關弟兄姊妹因為在教會受到簡單的接納和歡迎、貼心的電子郵件或簡訊、在困難時有人親自來關心、受邀參加團體活動,或在艱難的情況中得到援助,因而蒙福。

75 Single parents, new converts, less-active members, widows and widowers, or struggling youth may need extra attention and priority help from ministering brothers and sisters.

75 單親父母、新歸信者、較不活躍的成員、鰥夫寡婦,或陷入困境的青少年,都可能需要弟兄施助者和姊妹施助者的特別關注和優先協助。

76 Coordination between elders quorum and Relief Society presidencies allows for just the right assignments to be made.

76 長老定額組和慈助會會長團互相協調,就能安排好適當的指派工作。

77 After all is said and done, true ministering is accomplished one by one with love as the motivation.

77 歸根究柢,真正的施助要以愛為動機,以一次施助一個人的方式完成。

78 The value and merit and wonder of sincere ministering is that it truly changes lives!

78 真誠施助的重要、價值與奇妙之處,就在於這樣的施助真的能改變生命!

79 When our hearts are open and willing to love and include, encourage and comfort, the power of our ministering will be irresistible.

79 當我們敞開心懷,願意藉著愛和接納、鼓勵和安慰去施助時,其力量將令人無法抗拒。

80 With love as the motivation, miracles will happen, and we will find ways to bring our “missing” sisters and brothers into the all-inclusive embrace of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

80 懷著愛為動機,奇蹟就會發生,我們便能找到方法,將「迷失」的姊妹弟兄帶進接納所有人的耶穌基督的福音中。

81 The Savior is our example in everything—not only in what we should do but why we should do it.

81 救主是我們在一切事上的典範——祂不只顯明我們應該做什麼,更顯明我們為什麼做這些事。

82  “His life on earth was [an] invitation to us—to raise our sights a little higher, to forget our own problems and [to] reach out to others.”

82 「祂的塵世生命是對我們的一項邀請——邀請我們提高眼界,忘記自己的問題,向他人伸出援手。」

83  As we accept the opportunity to wholeheartedly minister to our sisters and brothers, we are blessed to become more spiritually refined, more in tune with the will of God, and more able to understand His plan to help each one return to Him.

83 當我們接受這樣的機會,全心全意去施助姊妹弟兄時,就會蒙福,在靈性上更精進、更與神的旨意和諧,也更能了解祂的計畫,幫助每個人歸向祂。

84 We will more readily recognize His blessings and be eager to extend those blessings to others.

84 我們會更容易認出祂的祝福,更熱切想要讓其他人也得到這些祝福。

85 Our hearts will sing in unison with our voices:Savior, may I love my brotherAs I know thou lovest me,Find in thee my strength, my beacon,For thy servant I would be.

85 我們會在心中同聲唱出:救主,我願愛人如己,有如您仁慈愛我,求您光照我的道路,我願全心事奉您。

86 Savior, may I love my brother—Lord, I would follow thee.

86 救主,我願愛人如己,主,我願跟隨您。

87 May we show our gratitude and love for God by ministering with love to our eternal sisters and brothers.

87 願我們都能懷著愛去施助我們永恆的姊妹兄弟,藉此表明我們對神的感謝和愛。

88  The result will be a unity of feeling such as the people in ancient America enjoyed 100 years after the Savior’s appearance in their land.

88 結果將是我們會有合一的感受,就像古代美洲居民在救主於那塊土地上顯現後的100年間所感受到的那樣。

89 “And it came to pass that there was no contention … because of the love of God which did dwell in the hearts of the people.

89 「事情是這樣的,那地沒有紛爭,因為人民心中有神的愛。

90 “… There were no envyings, nor strifes, … and surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God.”

90 「沒有嫉妒、沒有不和……在由神的手所造的人當中,確實沒有比這人民更幸福的了」。

91 I gladly bear my personal witness that these revelatory changes are inspired of God and that, as we embrace them with willing hearts, we will become better prepared to meet His Son, Jesus Christ, at His coming.

91 我欣然作我個人的見證:這些具啟發性的改變是神所啟示的,只要我們樂意接受這些改變,就會更準備好在祂的兒子耶穌基督來臨時迎見祂。

92 We will be closer to becoming a Zion people and will feel surpassing joy with those whom we have helped along the path of discipleship.

92 我們會朝著成為錫安的人民更邁進一步,並與我們在門徒道路上沿途所幫助的人,一同感受無比的喜悅。

93 That we do so is my fervent and humble prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

93 我熱切、謙卑地祈求我們都能如此行,奉耶穌基督的名,阿們。

