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Chapter 20


Jesus provides bread and wine miraculously and again administers the sacrament unto the people—The remnant of Jacob will come to the knowledge of the Lord their God and will inherit the Americas—Jesus is the prophet like unto Moses, and the Nephites are children of the prophets—Others of the Lord’s people will be gathered to Jerusalem. About A.D. 34.

1 事情是這樣的,祂命令群眾和祂的門徒停止禱告,但命令他們不要停止在心裡禱告

1 And it came to pass that he commanded the multitude that they should acease to bpray, and also his disciples. And he commanded them that they should not cease to pray in their hearts.

2 祂命令他們起身,站起來,他們就起身,站了起來。

2 And he commanded them that they should arise and stand up upon their feet. And they arose up and stood upon their feet.

3 事情是這樣的,祂再度擘開麵包,祝福了,並給門徒吃。

3 And it came to pass that he abrake bbread again and blessed it, and gave to the disciples to eat.

4 他們吃了,祂就命令他們擘開麵包給群眾。

4 And when they had eaten he commanded them that they should break bread, and give unto the multitude.

5 他們給群眾以後,祂又給他們葡萄酒喝,並命令他們給群眾。

5 And when they had given unto the multitude he also gave them wine to drink, and commanded them that they should give unto the multitude.

6 這次門徒和群眾都沒有帶麵包來,也沒有帶葡萄酒來;

6 Now, there had been no abread, neither wine, brought by the disciples, neither by the multitude;

7 但祂的確他們麵包吃,也給他們葡萄酒喝。

7 But he truly agave unto them bread to eat, and also wine to drink.

8 祂對他們說:凡這麵包的,就是將我的身體吃進他的靈魂;凡喝這葡萄酒的,就是將我的血喝進他的靈魂;他的靈魂永不饑渴,卻要飽足。

8 And he said unto them: He that eateth this bread eateth of amybody to his soul; and he that drinketh of this wine drinketh of my blood to his soul; and his soul shall never hunger nor thirst, but shall be filled.

9 群眾吃過喝過後,看啊,他們都充滿了靈;他們同聲高呼,並歸榮耀給他們看到和聽到的耶穌。

9 Now, when the multitude had all eaten and drunk, behold, they were filled with the Spirit; and they did cry out with one voice, and gave glory to Jesus, whom they both saw and heard.

10 事情是這樣的,他們都歸榮耀給耶穌後,祂對他們說:看啊,現在我已完成父命令我的有關這人民的誡命;這人民是以色列家族的遺裔。

10 And it came to pass that when they had all given glory unto Jesus, he said unto them: Behold now I finish the commandment which the Father hath commanded me concerning this people, who are a remnant of the house of Israel.

11 你們記得我對你們說過,以賽亞應驗的時候──看啊,他的話已有記載,就在你們面前,因此要查考那些話──

11 Ye remember that I spake unto you, and said that when theawords of bIsaiah should be fulfilled—behold they are written, ye have them before you, therefore search them—

12 我實實在在告訴你們,以賽亞的話應驗的時候,就是父與祂以色列家族人民立的聖約完成的時候。

12 And verily, verily, I say unto you, that when they shall be fulfilled then is the fulfilling of the acovenant which the Father hath made unto his people, O house of Israel.

13 然後那將分散在地面上的遺裔,必從東方和從西方,從南方和從北方聚集起來;他們必認識那位救贖他們的主他們的神。

13 And then shall the aremnants, which shall be bscatteredabroad upon the face of the earth, be cgathered in from the east and from the west, and from the south and from the north; and they shall be brought to the dknowledge of the Lord their God, who hath redeemed them.

14 父命令我,把這塊賜給你們作產業。

14 And the Father hath acommanded me that I should give unto you this bland, for your inheritance.

15 我對你們說,外邦人在蒙得了將要蒙得的祝福後,在分散了我的人民後,如果還不悔改──

15 And I say unto you, that if the Gentiles do not arepent after the bblessing which they shall receive, after they have scattered my people—

16 那麼你們雅各家族的遺裔,就必到他們那裡;你們必到他們中間,他們人數眾多;你們在他們那裡,必像獅子在森林百獸之中,又像幼在羊群之中,他若經過,必將牠們踐踏、撕成碎片,沒有人能解救。

16 Then shall ye, who are a aremnant of the house of Jacob, go forth among them; and ye shall be in the midst of them who shall be many; and ye shall be among them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, and as a young blion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he goeth through both ctreadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver.

17 你的手必舉起來攻擊敵人,你所有的仇敵都必被剪除。

17 Thy hand shall be lifted up upon thine adversaries, and all thine enemies shall be cut off.

18 我必像人收集禾捆到禾場那樣,聚集我的人民。

18 And I will agather my people together as a man gathereth his sheaves into the floor.

19 我必使與我父立約的人民,是的,我必使你們的成鐵,蹄成銅。你們必打碎許多人;我必將他們的財獻與主,將他們的貨獻與全地的主。看啊,做這事的就是我。

19 For I will make my apeople with whom the Father hath covenanted, yea, I will make thy bhorn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass. And thou shalt cbeat in pieces many people; and I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth. And behold, I am he who doeth it.

20 父說,事情將是這樣,在那日,我公道之劍必懸在他們頭上;父說,他們若不悔改,劍必落在他們身上,是的,必落在各外邦民族身上。

20 And it shall come to pass, saith the Father, that the asword of my justice shall hang over them at that day; and except they repent it shall fall upon them, saith the Father, yea, even upon all the nations of the Gentiles.

21 事情將是這樣,我必鞏固我的人民以色列家族。

21 And it shall come to pass that I will establish my apeople, O house of Israel.

22 看啊,我必在這塊土地上安頓這人民,履行我和你們祖先雅各立的;這地必成為耶路撒冷。天上的大能必在這人民之中,是的,也必在你們之中。

22 And behold, this apeople will I establish in this land, unto the fulfilling of the bcovenant which I made with your father Jacob; and it shall be a cNew Jerusalem. And the dpowers of heaven shall be in the midst of this people; yea, even eI will be in the midst of you.

23 看啊,我就是摩西說的那位,他說:主你們的神必從你們弟兄中,為你們興起位先知,像我一樣,凡祂對你們講的,你們都要聽從。事情將是這樣,凡不聽從那位先知的,必從人民中剪除。

23 Behold, I am he of whom Moses spake, saying: aA prophetshall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass that every soul who will not hear that prophet shall be cut off from among the people.

24 我實在告訴你們,是的,所有從撒母耳以來,以及隨後的先知,凡發言過的,都曾為我作證。

24 Verily I say unto you, yea, and aall the prophets from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have testified of me.

25 看啊,你們是眾先知的子孫,你們屬於以色列家族,你們屬於父與你們祖先所立的聖約;父曾對亞伯拉罕說:地上萬族都必你的後裔蒙福。

25 And behold, ye are the achildren of the prophets; and ye are of the house of Israel; and ye are of the bcovenant which the Father made with your fathers, saying unto Abraham: And cin thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.

26 父首先為了你們興起了我,差我來祝福你們,使你們每個人都遠離自己的罪惡;因為你們是聖約中的子孫──

26 The Father having raised me up unto you first, and sent me toabless you in bturning away every one of you from his iniquities; and this because ye are the children of the covenant—

27 你們蒙福後,父就要履行祂與亞伯拉罕立的聖約,那聖約說:地上萬族都必你的後裔蒙福──就是透過我而傾聖靈於外邦人身上;這項賜予外邦人的祝福,將使他們比所有的人都有力量分散我的人民以色列家族。

27 And after that ye were blessed then fulfilleth the Father the covenant which he made with Abraham, saying: aIn thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed—unto the pouring out of the Holy Ghost through me upon the Gentiles, which bblessingupon the cGentiles shall make them mighty above all, unto thedscattering of my people, O house of Israel.

28 他們將成為懲治這地人民的工具。然而,父說,他們得到我完整的福音後,如果硬起心來反對我,我必將他們的罪,報在他們自己頭上。

28 And they shall be a ascourge unto the people of this land. Nevertheless, when they shall have received the fulness of my gospel, then if they shall harden their hearts against me I will return their biniquities upon their own heads, saith the Father.

29 父說,我必記得和我人民立的聖約;我和他們立約,要在我自己認為適當的時刻,聚集他們,將他們祖先的土地,再賜給他們作產業;那土地就是永遠賜給他們的應許地耶路撒冷

29 And I will aremember the covenant which I have made with my people; and I have covenanted with them that I would bgatherthem together in mine own due time, that I would give unto them again the cland of their fathers for their inheritance, which is the land of Jerusalem, which is the promised land unto them forever, saith the Father.

30 事情將是這樣,時候會到,我那完整的福音必傳給他們。

30 And it shall come to pass that the time cometh, when the fulness of my gospel shall be preached unto them;

31 他們必相信我,相信我是神的兒子耶穌基督,並奉我的名向父禱告。

31 And they shall abelieve in me, that I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and shall pray unto the Father in my name.

32 那時他們的守望者必揚起聲來,一同歌唱;因為他們必親眼看見。

32 Then shall their awatchmen lift up their voice, and with the voice together shall they sing; for they shall see eye to eye.

33 那時父必再聚集他們,將耶路撒冷賜給他們作繼承的土地。

33 Then will the Father gather them together again, and give unto them aJerusalem for the bland of their inheritance.

34 那時他們必發起歡聲──耶路撒冷的荒場啊,一同歌唱;因為父安慰了祂的人民,救贖了耶路撒冷。

34 Then shall they break forth into joy—aSing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem; for the Father hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jerusalem.

35 父在萬國眼前露出聖臂,大地各端的人都必看見父的救恩;而父與我原為一。

35 The Father hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of the Father; and the Father and I are one.

36 然後那記載的事必實現:錫安啊,覺醒,再覺醒,披上你的能力;聖城耶路撒冷啊,穿上你華美的衣服,因為從今以後,未受割禮、不潔淨的必不再進入你中間。

36 And then shall be brought to pass that which is written:aAwake, awake again, and put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city, for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.

37 耶路撒冷啊,要抖下塵土,起來,坐下;錫安被擄的女子啊,要解開你頸項的鎖鏈。

37 Shake thyself from the dust; arise, sit down, O Jerusalem; loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.

38 主如此說:你們無價賣出自己,也必無銀被贖。

38 For thus saith the Lord: Ye have sold yourselves for naught, and ye shall be redeemed without money.

39 我實實在在告訴你們,我的百姓必知道我的名;是的,到那日,他們必知道,說話的就是我。

39 Verily, verily, I say unto you, that my people shall know my name; yea, in that day they shall know that I am he that doth speak.

40 然後他們會說:那報佳音、平安、報好信給良善者、傳救恩的,對錫安說:你的神作王了。這人的腳在山上何等佳美!

40 And then shall they say: aHow beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings unto them, thatbpublisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings unto them of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion: Thy God reigneth!

41 那時必有人喊道:你們離開吧,離開吧,從那裡出來,不要沾不潔之物;要從其中走出來;扛抬主器皿的人啊,你們要潔淨

41 And then shall a cry go forth: aDepart ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch not that which is bunclean; go ye out of the midst of her; be ye cclean that bear the vessels of the Lord.

42 你們出來,必不急忙,也不奔逃;因為主必在你們前頭行,以色列的神必作你們的後盾。

42 For ye shall anot go out with bhaste nor go by flight; for the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel shall be your rearward.

43 看啊,我的僕人行事必有智慧,必被高舉上升,且成為至高。

43 Behold, my servant shall deal prudently; he shall be exalted and extolled and be very high.

44 許多人因您驚奇──祂的面貌比任何人都憔悴,祂的形體比人之子枯槁──

44 As many were astonished at thee—his visage was so marred, more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men—

45 這樣,祂必洗淨許多國家,君王要向祂閉口,因為未曾傳給他們的,他們必看見,未曾聽見的,他們要明白。

45 So shall he asprinkle many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at him, for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they bconsider.

46 我實實在在告訴你們,所有這些事都必發生,恰如父命令我的那樣。然後父必履行與祂人民立的這聖約;那時耶路撒冷必再由我人民居住,成為他們繼承的土地。

46 Verily, verily, I say unto you, all these things shall surely come, even as the Father hath commanded me. Then shall this covenant which the Father hath covenanted with his people be fulfilled; and then shall aJerusalem be inhabited again with my people, and it shall be the land of their inheritance.