
出自 青少年追求卓越
前往: 導覽搜尋




The prophecy of Samuel, the Lamanite, to the Nephites.


Comprising chapters 13 to 15 inclusive.


Chapter 13


Samuel the Lamanite prophesies the destruction of the Nephites unless they repent—They and their riches are cursed—They reject and stone the prophets, are encircled about by demons, and seek for happiness in doing iniquity. About 6 B.C.

1 事情是這樣的,第八十六年,尼腓人依然留在罪惡中,是的,留在重大的罪惡中,而拉曼人則按照摩西律法,嚴格遵守神的誡命。

1 And now it came to pass in the eighty and sixth year, the Nephites did still remain in wickedness, yea, in great wickedness, while the aLamanites did observe strictly to keep the commandments of God, according to the law of Moses.

2 事情是這樣的,這一年,有位名叫撒母耳的拉曼人到柴雷罕拉地來,開始向人民傳教。事情是這樣的,他多日向人民宣講悔改,但他們把他趕出去;他正要返回自己的家鄉。

2 And it came to pass that in this year there was one aSamuel, abLamanite, came into the land of Zarahemla, and began to preach unto the people. And it came to pass that he did preach, many days, repentance unto the people, and they did ccast him out, and he was about to dreturn to his own land.

3 但是看啊,主的聲音臨到他,要他再回去,向人民預言將進入他心中的一切事。

3 But behold, the avoice of the Lord came unto him, that he should return again, and prophesy unto the people whatsoever things should come into his bheart.

4 事情是這樣的,他們不許他進城,於是他登上城牆,伸手大聲呼喊,向人民預言主放進他心中的一切事。

4 And it came to pass that they would not suffer that he should enter into the city; therefore he went and got upon the awallthereof, and stretched forth his hand and cried with a loud voice, and bprophesied unto the people whatsoever things the Lord put into his heart.

5 他對他們說:看啊,我是拉曼人撒母耳,要說出主放進我心中的話;看啊,祂把這話放進我心中,要我告訴這人民,義之劍已懸在人民頭上,不出四百年,公義之劍就要落在這人民頭上。

5 And he said unto them: Behold, I, Samuel, a Lamanite, do speak the words of the Lord which he doth put into my heart; and behold he hath put it into my heart to say unto this people that the asword of justice hangeth over this people; and four hundred years pass not away save the sword of justice falleth upon this people.

6 是的,大毀滅正等著這人民,且必臨到他們;除非他們悔改,信靠那位必來到世間,忍受許多事情,並為祂的人民被殺害的主耶穌基督,否則他們無從得救。

6 Yea, heavy adestruction awaiteth this people, and it surely cometh unto this people, and nothing can save this people save it be repentance and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ, who surely shall come into the world, and shall suffer many things and shall be slain for his people.

7 看啊,這是主的天使向我宣告的,他向我的靈魂傳達這信息。看啊,我也奉派來向你們宣布,使你們也知道這好信息,但是看啊,你們不接受我。

7 And behold, an aangel of the Lord hath declared it unto me, and he did bring bglad tidings to my soul. And behold, I was sent unto you to declare it unto you also, that ye might have glad tidings; but behold ye would cnot receive me.

8 因此,主這樣說:由於尼腓人心地頑硬,除非他們悔改,否則我必從他們那裡取走我的話,收回我的靈,我必不再容忍他們,我要轉變他們弟兄的心來反對他們。

8 Therefore, thus saith the Lord: Because of the hardness of the hearts of the people of the Nephites, except they repent I will take away my word from them, and I will awithdraw my Spirit from them, and I will suffer them no longer, and I will turn the hearts of their brethren against them.

9 不出四百年,我必使他們受擊打;是的,我必用刀劍、飢荒、瘟疫來懲罰他們。

9 And afour hundred years shall not pass away before I will cause that they shall be smitten; yea, I will visit them with the sword and with famine and with pestilence.

10 是的,我必在烈怒中懲罰他們,你們敵人的四代子孫必在有生之年目睹你們徹底毀滅;主說,除非你們悔改,否則這事必然發生;第四代的人必導致你們滅亡。

10 Yea, I will visit them in my fierce anger, and there shall be those of the afourth generation who shall live, of your enemies, to behold your utter destruction; and this shall surely come except ye repent, saith the Lord; and those of the fourth generation shall visit your destruction.

11 主說:但是如果你們肯悔改並轉向主你們的神,我必平息我的怒氣;是的,主這樣說,凡悔改轉向我的人有福了,但不肯悔改的人有禍了。

11 But if ye will repent and areturn unto the Lord your God I will turn away mine anger, saith the Lord; yea, thus saith the Lord, blessed are they who will repent and turn unto me, but wo unto him that repenteth not.

12 是的,柴雷罕拉這座大城禍了!因為看啊,它因義人才得以保全;主說,是的,這大城有禍了,因為我看出許多人,是的,即這座大城裡的大多數人,都要硬起心來反對我,主說。

12 Yea, awo unto this great city of Zarahemla; for behold, it is because of those who are righteous that it is saved; yea, wo unto this great city, for I perceive, saith the Lord, that there are many, yea, even the more part of this great city, that will harden their hearts against me, saith the Lord.

13 然而悔改的人有福了,因為我必饒恕他們。但是看啊,要不是這座大城中的義人,看啊,我就要從天降,毀滅它。

13 But blessed are they who will repent, for them will I spare. But behold, if it were not for the righteous who are in this great city, behold, I would cause that afire should come down out of heaven and bdestroy it.

14 但是看啊,由於義人的緣故,此城才得以被饒過。但是看啊,主說,時候要到,當你們把義人趕出時,你們毀滅的時機就成熟了;是的,這大城因其中的邪惡和憎行有禍了。

14 But behold, it is for the righteous’ sake that it is spared. But behold, the time cometh, saith the Lord, that when ye shall cast out the righteous from among you, then shall ye be aripe for destruction; yea, wo be unto this great city, because of the wickedness and abominations which are in her.

15 是的,基甸城也因其中的邪惡和憎行有禍了。

15 Yea, and wo be unto the city of Gideon, for the wickedness and abominations which are in her.

16 是的,這地周圍尼腓人擁有的各個城市,也因其中的邪惡和憎行有禍了。

16 Yea, and wo be unto all the cities which are in the land round about, which are possessed by the Nephites, because of the wickedness and abominations which are in them.

17 萬軍之主說,看啊,由於此地居民的緣故,是的,由於他們的邪惡和憎行,詛罰必臨到此地。

17 And behold, a acurse shall come upon the land, saith the Lord of Hosts, because of the people’s sake who are upon the land, yea, because of their wickedness and their abominations.

18 事情將是這樣,萬軍之主,是的,我們偉大的真神說,由於此地受到大詛罰,凡把財寶在地下的人,除非是義人為主而將財寶藏起來,否則必再也找不到那財寶。

18 And it shall come to pass, saith the Lord of Hosts, yea, our great and true God, that whoso shall ahide up treasures in the earth shall find them again no more, because of the great curse of the land, save he be a righteous man and shall hide it up unto the Lord.

19 主說,我希望他們為我藏起財寶;凡不是為我藏起財寶的必受詛罰,因為唯有義人,才為我藏起財寶;凡不是為我藏起財寶的必受詛罰,那財寶也是一樣;由於這地所受的詛罰,無人能取回那財寶。

19 For I will, saith the Lord, that they shall hide up theiratreasures unto me; and cursed be they who hide not up their treasures unto me; for none hideth up their treasures unto me save it be the righteous; and he that hideth not up his treasures unto me, cursed is he, and also the treasure, and none shall redeem it because of the curse of the land.

20 他們藏起財寶的日子必定會來到,因為他們的心放在財富上;由於他們把心放在財富上,當他們逃離敵人時,必將財寶藏起來;因為他們不為我藏起財寶,所以他們和他們的財寶都要受詛罰,主說,在那日,他們必遭擊打。

20 And the day shall come that they shall hide up their treasures, because they have set their hearts upon riches; and because they have set their hearts upon their riches, and will hide up their treasures when they shall flee before their enemies; because they will not hide them up unto me, cursed be they and also their treasures; and in that day shall they be smitten, saith the Lord.

21 看啊,你們這大城的人啊,請我的話;是的,請聽主說的話;看啊,祂說,你們因財富而受詛罰,而且你們的財富也因你們把心放在財富上,不聽賜財富給你們的主對你們講的話而受詛罰。

21 Behold ye, the people of this great city, and hearken unto my words; yea, hearken unto the words which the Lord saith; for behold, he saith that ye are acursed because of your riches, and also are your riches cursed because ye have set your hearts upon them, and have not bhearkened unto the words of him who gave them unto you.

22 你們不記念主你們的神賜福你們的事,卻念念不忘你們的財富,不為此感謝主你們的神;是的,你們的心不呼求主,卻充滿了驕傲,以致你們自誇、極度自負、嫉妒、不和、怨恨,行迫害、謀殺及種種罪惡。

22 Ye do not remember the Lord your God in the things with which he hath blessed you, but ye do always remember yourariches, not to thank the Lord your God for them; yea, your hearts are not drawn out unto the Lord, but they do swell with great pride, unto bboasting, and unto great cswelling, denvyings, strifes, malice, persecutions, and murders, and all manner of iniquities.

23 為這緣故,主神使詛罰臨到這地,也臨到你們的財富,這都因你們的罪惡。

23 For this cause hath the Lord God caused that a curse should come upon the land, and also upon your riches, and this because of your iniquities.

24 是的,這人民有禍了,因為你們已到了像古人那樣驅逐先知、嘲弄他們、用石頭擲打他們、殺害他們,並對他們做盡各種壞事的地步。

24 Yea, wo unto this people, because of this time which has arrived, that ye do acast out the prophets, and do mock them, and cast stones at them, and do slay them, and do all manner of iniquity unto them, even as they did of old time.

25 你們談話時會說:若我們生在祖先的時代,我們就不會殺害先知;我們不會用石頭擲打他們,驅逐他們。

25 And now when ye talk, ye say: If our days had been in the days of our afathers of old, we would not have bslain the prophets; we would not have stoned them, and cast them out.

26 看啊,你們比他們更壞;像主活著一樣,若有位先知來到你們這裡,向你們宣講主的話,見證你們的罪惡和不義,你們會對他發怒,驅逐他,千方百計要毀滅他;是的,只因他見證你們的行徑邪惡,你們就說他是假先知,說他是罪人,是屬於魔鬼的人。

26 Behold ye are worse than they; for as the Lord liveth, if aaprophet come among you and declareth unto you the word of the Lord, which testifieth of your bsins and iniquities, ye are cangrywith him, and cast him out and seek all manner of ways to destroy him; yea, you will say that he is a dfalse eprophet, and that he is a sinner, and of the devil, because he ftestifieth that your deeds are evil.

27 但是看啊,若有人來到你們這裡說:做這事吧,不會有罪的,做那事吧,不會受苦的;是的,他會說:隨著你們心中的驕傲行事吧,是的,隨著你們眼中的驕傲行事吧,隨心所欲去做吧──若有人到你們這裡這樣說,你們必接待他,說他是先知

27 But behold, if a man shall come among you and shall say: Do this, and there is no iniquity; do that and ye shall not suffer; yea, he will say: aWalk after the pride of your own hearts; yea, walk after the pride of your eyes, and do whatsoever your heart desireth—and if a man shall come among you and say this, ye will receive him, and say that he is a bprophet.

28 是的,你們必抬舉他,將你們的東西給他,將你們的金子和你們的銀子給他,給他穿奢華的服裝;因為他對你們說諂媚的話,說一切都很好,你們就不挑他的錯。

28 Yea, ye will lift him up, and ye will give unto him of your substance; ye will give unto him of your gold, and of your silver, and ye will clothe him with costly apparel; and because he speaketh aflattering words unto you, and he saith that all is well, then ye will not find fault with him.

29 你們這既邪惡又頑固的一代,你們這頑硬倔強的人民啊,你們以為主會容忍你們多久呢?是的,你們要讓自己任憑愚蠢盲目的嚮導帶領多久呢?是的,你們要選擇黑暗,而不選擇光明多久呢?

29 O ye wicked and ye perverse generation; ye hardened and yeastiffnecked people, how long will ye suppose that the Lord will suffer you? Yea, how long will ye suffer yourselves to be led bybfoolish and cblind guides? Yea, how long will ye dchoosedarkness rather than elight?

30 是的,看啊,主對你們的怒氣已燃起;看啊,祂已因你們的罪惡詛罰了這地。

30 Yea, behold, the anger of the Lord is already kindled against you; behold, he hath cursed the land because of your iniquity.

31 看啊,時候要到,祂要詛罰你們的財富,財富會變得滑溜,讓你們抓不住;在貧困的日子裡,你們也留不住財富。

31 And behold, the time cometh that he curseth your riches, that they become aslippery, that ye cannot hold them; and in the days of your poverty ye cannot retain them.

32 在貧困的日子裡,你們必呼求主;但你們呼求也枉然,因為你們的荒蕪已臨頭,你們的毀滅已確定;萬軍之主說,屆時你們必哭泣哀號。屆時你們必悲歎,說:

32 And in the days of your poverty ye shall cry unto the Lord; and in vain shall ye cry, for your desolation is already come upon you, and your destruction is made sure; and then shall ye weep and howl in that day, saith the Lord of Hosts. And then shall ye lament, and say:

33 要是悔改,不殺害先知,不石頭擲打他們,不驅逐他們就好了!是的,那日你們必說:我們要是在主我們的神賜我們財富的日子裡記得祂就好了,那樣財富也不會變得滑溜,我們也不會失去它了;因為看啊,我們的財富都離開我們了。

33 O athat I had repented, and had not killed the prophets, andbstoned them, and cast them out. Yea, in that day ye shall say: O that we had remembered the Lord our God in the day that he gave us our riches, and then they would not have become slippery that we should lose them; for behold, our riches are gone from us.

34 看啊,我們放在這裡的工具,第二天就不見了;看啊,我們的刀劍也在我們搜尋來作戰的日子被拿走了。

34 Behold, we lay a tool here and on the morrow it is gone; and behold, our swords are taken from us in the day we have sought them for battle.

35 是的,我們藏好的財寶,也因這地所受的詛罰而從我們這裡溜走了。

35 Yea, we have hid up our atreasures and they have slipped away from us, because of the curse of the land.

36 我們要是在主的話臨到我們那一天悔改就好了,因為看啊,這地已遭詛罰,所有的東西都變得滑溜,我們都抓不住。

36 O that we had repented in the day that the word of the Lord came unto us; for behold the land is cursed, and all things are become slippery, and we cannot hold them.

37 看啊,魔鬼已將我們包圍了,是的,那企圖毀滅我們靈魂的魔鬼的使者已將我們團團圍住。看啊,我們罪大惡極。主啊,您不能平息對我們的怒氣嗎?這就是你們在那些日子裡要說的話。

37 Behold, we are surrounded by ademons, yea, we are encircled about by the angels of him who hath sought to destroy our souls. Behold, our iniquities are great. O Lord, canst thou not turn away thine anger from us? And this shall be your language in those days.

38 但是看啊,你們驗證的日子已經過了;你們已經把你們救恩的日子拖延到永遠太遲的地步,你們的毀滅已確定;是的,因為你們一生所有的日子都在追求得不到的事物;你們以作惡追求幸福,這樣的事與我們偉大而永恆的首領正義的本質相反。

38 But behold, your adays of probation are past; ye havebprocrastinated the day of your salvation until it is everlastingly too late, and your destruction is made sure; yea, for ye have sought all the days of your lives for that which ye could not obtain; and ye have sought for chappiness in doing iniquity, which thing is dcontrary to the nature of that righteousness which is in our great and Eternal Head.

39 這地方的人民啊,但願你們聽我的話,我祈求主平息對你們的怒氣,祈求你們能悔改而得救。

39 O ye people of the land, that ye would hear my words! And I pray that the anger of the Lord be turned away from you, and that ye would repent and be saved.
