
出自 青少年追求卓越
前往: 導覽搜尋




Chapter 5


Nephi and Lehi devote themselves to preaching—Their names invite them to pattern their lives after their forebears—Christ redeems those who repent—Nephi and Lehi make many converts and are imprisoned, and fire encircles them—A cloud of darkness overshadows three hundred people—The earth shakes, and a voice commands men to repent—Nephi and Lehi converse with angels, and the multitude is encircled by fire. About 30 B.C.

1 事情是這樣的,在這同一年,看啊,尼腓將審判席交給一位名叫西卓倫的人。

1 And it came to pass that in this same year, behold, aNephibdelivered up the judgment-seat to a man whose name wascCezoram.

2 他們的法律和政府都由民意來建立,因選擇邪惡的人比選擇良善的人還多,所以毀滅時機已成熟了,因為法律已敗壞了。

2 For as their laws and their governments were established by the avoice of the people, and they who bchose evil were cmorenumerous than they who chose good, therefore they weredripening for destruction, for the laws had become corrupted.

3 是的,還不止此,他們是一群倔強的人,法律和公義都不能管束他們,他們只有毀滅一途。

3 Yea, and this was not all; they were a astiffnecked people, insomuch that they could not be governed by the law nor justice, save it were to their destruction.

4 事情是這樣的,尼腓已因他們的罪行感到沮喪;於是他放棄審判席,決定以餘生來宣講神的話,他的弟弟李海也用餘生來宣講神的話;

4 And it came to pass that Nephi had become weary because of their iniquity; and he yielded up the judgment-seat, and took it upon him to preach the word of God all the remainder of his days, and his brother Lehi also, all the remainder of his days;

5 因為他們記得父親希拉曼對他們說的話。這些就是他說的話:

5 For they remembered the words which their afather Helaman spake unto them. And these are the words which he spake:

6 看啊,我兒,我希望你們要記得遵守神的誡命,也希望你們向人民傳達這些話。看啊,我用我們最早從耶路撒冷地出來的祖先的名字為你們命名,我這樣做,是要你們想到自己的名字時,也想到他們;你們想到他們時,也想到他們所做的事;你們想到他們所做的事時,就會知道為何所講和所寫的都說他們所做的事都是好事

6 Behold, my sons, I desire that ye should remember to keep the commandments of God; and I would that ye should declare unto the people these words. Behold, I have given unto you the names of our first aparents who came out of the land of Jerusalem; and this I have done that when you remember your names ye may remember them; and when ye remember them ye may remember their works; and when ye remember their works ye may know how that it is said, and also written, that they were bgood.

7 所以,我兒,我希望你們也做好的事,使別人說到、寫到你們時,也能像說到、寫到他們一樣。

7 Therefore, my sons, I would that ye should do that which is good, that it may be said of you, and also written, even as it has been said and written of them.

8 我兒,看啊,我對你們另有一些期望,就是你們不要為了自誇而做這些事,卻要為了替自己在天上積存一筆永恆而不消失的財寶,而做這些事;是的,如此你們可獲得永生的寶貴恩賜,而我們有理由認為這恩賜已賜給了我們的祖先。

8 And now my sons, behold I have somewhat more to desire of you, which desire is, that ye may not do these things that ye may boast, but that ye may do these things to lay up for yourselves aatreasure in heaven, yea, which is eternal, and which fadeth not away; yea, that ye may have that bprecious gift of eternal life, which we have reason to suppose hath been given to our fathers.

9 記住!我兒,記住便雅憫王對他人民說過的;是的,記住,除了藉著將要來臨的耶穌基督的贖罪之血,沒有任何道路或方法,世人能藉以得救。是的,記住,祂要來救贖世界

9 O remember, remember, my sons, the awords which king Benjamin spake unto his people; yea, remember that there is no other way nor means whereby man can be saved, only through the batoning blood of Jesus Christ, who shall come; yea, remember that he cometh to credeem the dworld.

10 也要記住艾繆萊克在艾蒙乃哈城對齊愛治樂講的;他告訴他,主必來救贖祂的人民,但祂決不在他們的罪惡中救贖他們,而是要拯救他們脫離他們的罪惡。

10 And remember also the words which Amulek spake unto Zeezrom, ain the city of Ammonihah; for he said unto him that the Lord surely should come to redeem his people, but that he should not come to redeem them in their sins, but to redeem them from their sins.

11 祂從父那裡獲得權能,以救贖悔改之人脫離罪惡,因此,祂派遣天使宣布悔改條件的信息。悔改能帶來救贖主的力量,使他們的靈魂獲得救恩。

11 And he hath power given unto him from the Father to redeem them from their sins because of repentance; therefore he hathasent his angels to declare the tidings of the conditions of repentance, which bringeth unto the power of the Redeemer, unto the salvation of their souls.

12 我兒,記住啊!記住!你們要在神的兒子基督,我們救贖主這塊磐石上建立根基,這樣,當魔鬼颳起他的強風,是的,在旋風中射出他的箭,是的,當他所有的冰雹和強烈風暴打在你們身上時,都沒有力量控制你們,將你們拉進那悲慘與無盡災禍的深淵中,因為你們建立於其上的磐石是穩固的根基,只要人建立在這根基上,就不會倒塌。

12 And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon thearock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your bfoundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty cstorm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.

13 事情是這樣的,這些便是希拉曼教導他兒子的話;是的,他教導他們許多沒有記錄下來的事,以及許多記錄下來的事。

13 And it came to pass that these were the words which Helamanataught to his sons; yea, he did teach them many things which are not written, and also many things which are written.

14 他們都記住他的話,因此都遵守神的誡命,從滿地富城開始,去教導所有的尼腓人神的話。

14 And they did remember his words; and therefore they went forth, keeping the commandments of God, to teach the word of God among all the people of Nephi, beginning at the city Bountiful;

15 從那裡到基特城,從基特城到繆萊克城;

15 And from thenceforth to the city of Gid; and from the city of Gid to the city of Mulek;

16 他們從這城到那城,到南部地方的每個尼腓人那裡去,又從那裡進入柴雷罕拉地,到拉曼人那裡。

16 And even from one city to another, until they had gone forthaamong all the people of Nephi who were in the land southward; and from thence into the land of Zarahemla, among the Lamanites.

17 事情是這樣的,他們以極大的力量傳道,使許多從尼腓人那裡出來的叛離者羞愧,於是他們出來認罪,接受悔改的洗禮,並立即返回尼腓人那裡,盡力補償過去加諸於他們的傷害。

17 And it came to pass that they did apreach with great bpower, insomuch that they did confound many of those cdissenters who had gone over from the Nephites, insomuch that they came forth and did confess their sins and were baptized unto repentance, and immediately returned to the Nephites to endeavor to repair unto them the wrongs which they had done.

18 事情是這樣的,尼腓和李海用如此大的力量和權柄向拉曼人傳道,因為他們獲賜力量和權柄,使他們能講話,而該講的話也賜給了他們──

18 And it came to pass that Nephi and Lehi did preach unto the Lamanites with such great power and authority, for they had power and authority given unto them that they might aspeak, and they also had what they should speak given unto them—

19 因此,他們講的話令拉曼人大為驚奇,而信服不已,以致有八千位住在柴雷罕拉地及鄰近地區的拉曼人接受悔改的洗禮,並認清來自他們祖先的傳統是邪惡的。

19 Therefore they did speak unto the great astonishment of the Lamanites, to the convincing them, insomuch that there were eight thousand of the Lamanites who were in the land of Zarahemla and round about abaptized unto repentance, and were convinced of the bwickedness of the ctraditions of their fathers.

20 事情是這樣的,尼腓和李海從那裡繼續前往尼腓地。

20 And it came to pass that Nephi and Lehi did proceed from thence to go to the aland of Nephi.

21 事情是這樣的,他們被一支拉曼軍隊逮捕,關進監牢;是的,就是艾蒙和他的弟兄被林海的僕人監禁的同一所監牢。

21 And it came to pass that they were taken by an army of the Lamanites and cast into aprison; yea, even in that same prison in which Ammon and his brethren were cast by the servants of Limhi.

22 他們被關進監牢好幾天沒有食物,看啊,他們到監牢裡來,要把他們押出去處死。

22 And after they had been cast into prison many days without food, behold, they went forth into the prison to take them that they might slay them.

23 事情是這樣的,尼腓和李海像是被圍住,以致拉曼人不敢動手抓他們,怕被燒到。然而,尼腓和李海並沒有被燒到;他們像是站在火當中,卻沒有被燒到。

23 And it came to pass that Nephi and Lehi were encircled aboutaas if by bfire, even insomuch that they durst not lay their hands upon them for fear lest they should be burned. Nevertheless, Nephi and Lehi were not burned; and they were as standing in the midst of fire and were not burned.

24 他們看到自己被火柱包圍,卻沒有被燒到,心中勇氣大增。

24 And when they saw that they were encircled about with aapillar of fire, and that it burned them not, their hearts did take courage.

25 因為他們看見拉曼人不敢動手抓他們,也不敢靠近他們,只是站著,好像嚇呆了。

25 For they saw that the Lamanites durst not lay their hands upon them; neither durst they come near unto them, but stood as if they were struck dumb with amazement.

26 事情是這樣的,尼腓和李海站前來,開始對他們講話,說:不要害怕,因為看啊,這件奇妙的事,是神向你們顯示的,這事是要向你們顯明你們不能動手殺害我們。

26 And it came to pass that Nephi and Lehi did stand forth and began to speak unto them, saying: aFear not, for behold, it is God that has shown unto you this marvelous thing, in the which is shown unto you that ye cannot lay your hands on us to slay us.

27 看啊,他們一說完這些話,地就震動得非常厲害,監獄的牆壁搖晃得好像要倒塌在地,但是看啊,卻未倒下。看啊,在監獄裡的人,是拉曼人和叛離的尼腓人。

27 And behold, when they had said these words, the earth shook exceedingly, and the walls of the prison did shake as if they were about to tumble to the earth; but behold, they did not fall. And behold, they that were in the prison were Lamanites and Nephites who were dissenters.

28 事情是這樣的,他們被一片烏雲籠罩著,一種可怕而肅穆的恐懼感臨到他們。

28 And it came to pass that they were overshadowed with a cloud of adarkness, and an awful solemn fear came upon them.

29 事情是這樣的,有一個聲音好像從烏雲的上方傳來,說:你們要悔改,你們要悔改,不要再企圖殺害我的僕人,他們是我派來向你們宣布佳音的。

29 And it came to pass that there came a avoice as if it were above the cloud of darkness, saying: Repent ye, repent ye, and seek no more to destroy my bservants whom I have sent unto you to declare good tidings.

30 事情是這樣的,他們聽到這聲音,發覺既不是雷鳴的聲音,也不是很大的喧鬧聲,但是看啊,那是十分柔和微小的聲音,好像是耳語,卻又深透人的靈魂──

30 And it came to pass when they heard this avoice, and beheld that it was not a voice of thunder, neither was it a voice of a great tumultuous noise, but behold, it was a bstill voice of perfect mildness, as if it had been a whisper, and it did pierce even to the very soul—

31 儘管那聲音柔和無比,看啊,地卻震動得非常厲害,監獄的牆壁又搖晃起來,好像就要倒塌在地;看啊,那籠罩他們的烏雲仍未消散──

31 And notwithstanding the mildness of the voice, behold the earth shook exceedingly, and the walls of the prison trembled again, as if it were about to tumble to the earth; and behold the cloud of darkness, which had overshadowed them, did not disperse—

32 看啊,那聲音又來了,說:你們要悔改,你們要悔改,因為天國近了;不要再企圖殺害我的僕人。事情是這樣的,大地又震動了,牆壁又搖晃了。

32 And behold the voice came again, saying: aRepent ye, repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand; and seek no more to destroy my servants. And it came to pass that the earth shook again, and the walls trembled.

33 第三次那聲音又來了,向他們講了世人說不出來的奇妙的話;牆壁又搖晃了,大地震動得好像要裂開。

33 And also again the third time the voice came, and did speak unto them marvelous words which acannot be uttered by man; and the walls did tremble again, and the earth shook as if it were about to divide asunder.

34 事情是這樣的,拉曼人無法逃跑,因為烏雲籠罩著他們;是的,他們也動彈不得,因為恐懼臨到了他們。

34 And it came to pass that the Lamanites could not flee because of the cloud of darkness which did overshadow them; yea, and also they were immovable because of the fear which did come upon them.

35 其中有位出身尼腓人的,曾屬於神的教會,但又叛離了教會。

35 Now there was one among them who was a Nephite by birth, who had once belonged to the church of God but had dissented from them.

36 事情是這樣的,那人轉身,看啊,他從烏雲中看見尼腓和李海的臉;看啊,他們的臉像天使的臉一般,散發出十分明亮的光輝。他見他們舉目望天,他們的樣子好像是在對一位他們看著的人物講話或高聲說話。

36 And it came to pass that he turned him about, and behold, he saw through the cloud of darkness the faces of Nephi and Lehi; and behold, they did ashine exceedingly, even as the faces of angels. And he beheld that they did lift their eyes to heaven; and they were in the attitude as if talking or lifting their voices to some being whom they beheld.

37 事情是這樣的,這人向群眾呼喊,叫他們轉身觀看。看啊,他們獲賜力量,轉過來觀看,看到尼腓和李海的臉。

37 And it came to pass that this man did cry unto the multitude, that they might turn and look. And behold, there was power given unto them that they did turn and look; and they did behold the faces of Nephi and Lehi.

38 他們對那人說:看啊,這一切是怎麼回事?這些人和誰說話?

38 And they said unto the man: Behold, what do all these things mean, and who is it with whom these men do converse?

39 那人名叫亞米拿達。亞米拿達對他們說:他們和神的天使說話。

39 Now the man’s name was Aminadab. And Aminadab said unto them: They do converse with the angels of God.

40 事情是這樣的,拉曼人對他說:我們該怎麼做,才能使烏雲離開,不再籠罩我們?

40 And it came to pass that the Lamanites said unto him: aWhatshall we do, that this cloud of darkness may be removed from overshadowing us?

41 亞米拿達對他們說:你們必須悔改,並向那聲音呼求,直到你們對基督有信心,也就是阿爾瑪、艾繆萊克和齊愛治樂曾教導你們認識的那位基督;你們這樣做,烏雲必離開,不再籠罩你們。

41 And Aminadab said unto them: You must arepent, and cry unto the voice, even until ye shall have bfaith in Christ, who was taught unto you by Alma, and cAmulek, and Zeezrom; and when ye shall do this, the cloud of darkness shall be removed from overshadowing you.

42 事情是這樣的,他們就開始向那震撼大地的聲音呼求;是的,他們一直呼求,直到烏雲消散。

42 And it came to pass that they all did begin to cry unto the voice of him who had shaken the earth; yea, they did cry even until the cloud of darkness was dispersed.

43 事情是這樣的,他們舉目向四周望去,見烏雲消散,不再籠罩他們,看啊,他們見到他們每個人都被火柱環繞著。

43 And it came to pass that when they cast their eyes about, and saw that the cloud of darkness was dispersed from overshadowing them, behold, they saw that they were aencircledabout, yea every soul, by a pillar of fire.

44 尼腓和李海在他們當中;是的,他們被環繞著;是的,他們好像在一片熊熊烈火之中,但火並未傷害他們,也未燒著監獄的牆壁,他們充滿了說不出來的和十足榮耀的喜樂

44 And aNephi and bLehi were in the midst of them; yea, they were encircled about; yea, they were as if in the midst of a flaming fire, yet it did harm them not, neither did it take hold upon the walls of the prison; and they were filled with that cjoywhich is unspeakable and full of glory.

45 看啊,神的神聖之靈從天而降,進入他們心中,他們好像充滿了火,並能說出奇妙的話。

45 And behold, the aHoly Spirit of God did come down from heaven, and did enter into their hearts, and they were filled as if with fire, and they could bspeak forth marvelous words.

46 事情是這樣的,有一個聲音臨到他們,是的,一個悅耳的聲音,好像耳語一樣,說:

46 And it came to pass that there came a voice unto them, yea, a pleasant voice, as if it were a whisper, saying:

47 平安,願你們平安,因為你們對我的至愛者有信心,祂從世界奠基時就已經存在了。

47 aPeace, peace be unto you, because of your faith in my Well Beloved, who was from the foundation of the world.

48 他們聽到這聲音,便往上看,似乎要看這聲音從哪裡來;看啊,他們看見開了,天使自天而降,施助他們。

48 And now, when they heard this they cast up their eyes as if to behold from whence the voice came; and behold, they saw theaheavens open; and angels came down out of heaven and ministered unto them.

49 約有三百人見到並聽到這些事;他們奉命到各處去,不要驚奇,也不要疑惑。

49 And there were about three hundred souls who saw and heard these things; and they were bidden to go forth and marvel not, neither should they doubt.

50 事情是這樣的,他們到處教導人民,在所有鄰近地區宣講他們所聽到和看到的一切事情,使得大部分的拉曼人因他們獲得的有力證據而相信了。

50 And it came to pass that they did go forth, and did minister unto the people, declaring throughout all the regions round about all the things which they had heard and seen, insomuch that the more part of the Lamanites were aconvinced of them, because of the greatness of the evidences which they had received.


51 And as many as were aconvinced did lay down their weapons of war, and also their hatred and the tradition of their fathers.

52 事情是這樣的,他們把尼腓人的土地交還給他們。

52 And it came to pass that they did ayield up unto the Nephites the lands of their possession.
