
出自 青少年追求卓越
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Chapter 57


Helaman recounts the taking of Antiparah and the surrender and later the defense of Cumeni—His Ammonite striplings fight valiantly; all are wounded, but none are slain—Gid reports the slaying and the escape of the Lamanite prisoners. About 63 B.C.

1 事情是這樣的,我收到拉曼王艾摩龍的信,信上說如果我願意交出我們擄獲的戰俘,他願意把安提帕勒城交給我們。

1 And now it came to pass that I received an epistle from Ammoron, the king, stating that if I would deliver up those prisoners of war whom we had taken that he would deliver up the city of Antiparah unto us.

2 但是我派人送信給拉曼王,告訴他我們確信我們的兵力足可拿下安提帕勒城;我們認為,交出戰俘換那城市是不智之舉,我們只願交換戰俘。

2 But I sent an epistle unto the king, that we were sure our forces were sufficient to take the city of Antiparah by our force; and by delivering up the prisoners for that city we should suppose ourselves unwise, and that we would only deliver up our prisoners on exchange.

3 艾摩龍拒絕我信上的要求,因為他不願交換戰俘;於是我們開始準備攻打安提帕勒城。

3 And Ammoron refused mine epistle, for he would not exchange prisoners; therefore we began to make preparations to go against the city of Antiparah.

4 然而安提帕勒城的居民均已離開,逃往他們所佔領的其他城市,並鞏固那些城市;安提帕勒城於是落入我們手中。

4 But the people of Antiparah did leave the city, and fled to their other cities, which they had possession of, to fortify them; and thus the city of Antiparah fell into our hands.

5 法官統治的第二十八年就這樣結束了。

5 And thus ended the twenty and eighth year of the reign of the judges.

6 事情是這樣的,第二十九年初,我們獲得一批來自柴雷罕拉地和鄰近地區的補給和兵援,為數六千人,此外,還有六十位艾蒙人的兒子來加入他們的弟兄,也就是我那兩千人的小隊。現在看啊,我們實力強大了,是的,而且還得到了很多補給。

6 And it came to pass that in the commencement of the twenty and ninth year, we received a supply of provisions, and also an addition to our army, from the land of Zarahemla, and from the land round about, to the number of six thousand men, besides sixty of the asons of the Ammonites who had come to join their brethren, my little band of two thousand. And now behold, we were strong, yea, and we had also plenty of provisions brought unto us.

7 事情是這樣的,我們希望和駐守寇米拿城的軍隊作戰。

7 And it came to pass that it was our desire to wage a battle with the army which was placed to protect the city aCumeni.

8 現在看啊,我會讓你知道,我們很快就達成了願望;是的,我們在他們獲得補給前不久,派強大的部隊,即強大部隊中的一支,趁夜包圍寇米拿城。

8 And now behold, I will show unto you that we soon accomplished our desire; yea, with our strong force, or with a part of our strong force, we did surround, by night, the city Cumeni, a little before they were to receive a supply of provisions.

9 事情是這樣的,我們在該城四周紮營多夜;但我們都倚劍而眠,並派哨兵守夜,以免拉曼人在夜間突襲我們、殺害我們;他們試過多次,但每次都流血而退。

9 And it came to pass that we did camp round about the city for many nights; but we did sleep upon our swords, and keep guards, that the Lamanites could not come upon us by night and slay us, which they attempted many times; but as many times as they attempted this their blood was spilt.

10 他們的補給終於運達,正要在晚上進城去。想不到我們不是拉曼人,而是尼腓人,因此,我們捉住他們,截下他們的補給。

10 At length their provisions did arrive, and they were about to enter the city by night. And we, instead of being Lamanites, were Nephites; therefore, we did take them and their provisions.

11 儘管拉曼人的物資這樣被截斷,他們仍決心守城;因此,我們認為必須把那些補給送到猶大城去,並且把我們的戰俘送到柴雷罕拉地去。

11 And notwithstanding the Lamanites being cut off from their support after this manner, they were still determined to maintain the city; therefore it became expedient that we should take those provisions and send them to aJudea, and our prisoners to the land of Zarahemla.

12 事情是這樣的,不出幾天,拉曼人開始失去所有獲救的希望,只好將該城交到我們手中;我們就這樣達成取得寇米拿城的計畫。

12 And it came to pass that not many days had passed away before the Lamanites began to lose all hopes of succor; therefore they yielded up the city unto our hands; and thus we had accomplished our designs in obtaining the city Cumeni.

13 但是事情是這樣的,我們的戰俘眾多,儘管我們人多,還是要用所有的兵力看守他們,或處死他們。

13 But it came to pass that our prisoners were so numerous that, notwithstanding the enormity of our numbers, we were obliged to employ all our force to keep them, or to put them to death.

14 因為看啊,他們會大批逃走,用石頭、棍棒或任何可以拿到手的東西作戰,所以在他們投降成為戰俘後,我們殺了他們兩千多人。

14 For behold, they would break out in great numbers, and would fight with stones, and with clubs, or whatsoever thing they could get into their hands, insomuch that we did slay upwards of two thousand of them after they had surrendered themselves prisoners of war.

15 因此我們必須結束他們的生命,或者手執刀劍,把他們押到柴雷罕拉地;還有我們的補給,儘管有從拉曼人那裡得到的,也只夠我們自己的人食用而已。

15 Therefore it became expedient for us, that we should put an end to their lives, or guard them, sword in hand, down to the land of Zarahemla; and also our provisions were not any more than sufficient for our own people, notwithstanding that which we had taken from the Lamanites.

16 在那種危急的情況下,有關這些戰俘的決定就成了非常重要的事;雖然如此,我們還是決定把他們送下柴雷罕拉地去;因此,我們挑選了一些人,派他們負責押解戰俘下柴雷罕拉地去。

16 And now, in those critical circumstances, it became a very serious matter to determine concerning these prisoners of war; nevertheless, we did resolve to send them down to the land of Zarahemla; therefore we selected a part of our men, and gave them charge over our prisoners to go down to the land of Zarahemla.

17 事情是這樣的,第二天他們就回來了。現在看啊,我們並未詢問他們有關戰俘的情形。因為看啊,拉曼人來攻擊我們,他們剛好趕回來救了我們,使我們不致落入敵人手中,因為看啊,艾摩龍送了一批補給和一大隊士兵去支援他們。

17 But it came to pass that on the morrow they did return. And now behold, we did not ainquire of them concerning the prisoners; for behold, the Lamanites were upon us, and they returned in season to save us from falling into their hands. For behold, Ammoron had sent to their support a new supply of provisions and also a numerous army of men.

18 事情是這樣的,那些我們派去押解戰俘的人回來得正是時候,就在他們要打敗我們的時候阻止了他們。

18 And it came to pass that those men whom we sent with the prisoners did arrive in season to check them, as they were about to overpower us.

19 但是看啊,我那兩千零六十人的小隊,作起戰來奮不顧身;是的,他們在拉曼人面前堅定不移,並殺死了所有與他們對抗的人。

19 But behold, my little band of two thousand and sixty fought most desperately; yea, they were firm before the Lamanites, and did aadminister death unto all those who opposed them.

20 正當我們其餘部隊要在拉曼人面前退卻時,看啊,那兩千零六十人卻堅定不懼。

20 And as the remainder of our army were about to give way before the Lamanites, behold, those two thousand and sixty were firm and undaunted.

21 是的,他們確實服從並執行每一道命令;是的,而且事情都照著他們的信心成就;我還記得他們告訴過我他們的母親所教導的話。

21 Yea, and they did aobey and observe to perform every word of command with exactness; yea, and even according to their faith it was done unto them; and I did remember the words which they said unto me that their bmothers had taught them.

22 現在看啊,這次大勝利要歸功於我的這些兒子和那些被選出來押解戰俘的人,因為打敗拉曼人的就是他們;因此拉曼人被趕回了曼泰城。

22 And now behold, it was these my sons, and those men who had been selected to convey the prisoners, to whom we owe this great victory; for it was they who did beat the Lamanites; therefore they were driven back to the city of Manti.

23 我們保住了我們的寇米拿城;我們雖然沒有全死在劍下,但也損失慘重。

23 And we retained our city Cumeni, and were not all destroyed by the sword; nevertheless, we had suffered great loss.

24 事情是這樣的,拉曼人逃走後,我立刻下令將負傷的士兵從死人中抬出來,並派人為他們裹傷。

24 And it came to pass that after the Lamanites had fled, I immediately gave orders that my men who had been wounded should be taken from among the dead, and caused that their wounds should be dressed.

25 事情是這樣的,我的兩千零六十個人當中,有兩百人因失血而昏倒;然而,令我們十分訝異,也令全軍高興的是,由於神的良善,他們竟無一人陣亡;但他們也沒有一人不是負傷累累。

25 And it came to pass that there were two hundred, out of my two thousand and sixty, who had fainted because of the loss of blood; nevertheless, according to the goodness of God, and to our great astonishment, and also the joy of our whole army, there was anot one soul of them who did perish; yea, and neither was there one soul among them who had not received many wounds.

26 他們得以保全令我們全軍訝異,是的,我們有一千名弟兄戰死,而他們竟保全了性命。我們理當歸功於神的奇妙力量,因為他們對受教導要相信的事有極大的信心──相信有一位公正的神,不懷疑的人必被祂奇妙的力量所保全。

26 And now, their apreservation was astonishing to our whole army, yea, that they should be spared while there was a thousand of our brethren who were slain. And we do justly ascribe it to the miraculous bpower of God, because of their exceeding cfaith in that which they had been taught to believe—that there was a just God, and whosoever did not doubt, that they should be preserved by his marvelous power.

27 這就是我所說的這些人的信心;他們年輕,意志堅定,不斷信賴神。

27 Now this was the afaith of these of whom I have spoken; they are young, and their minds are bfirm, and they do put their trust in God continually.

28 事情是這樣的,我們這樣照顧傷患,埋葬我們的死者和許多拉曼人的死者後,看啊,我們便詢問基特有關和他們一同出發下到柴雷罕拉地去的戰俘的情形。

28 And now it came to pass that after we had thus taken care of our wounded men, and had buried our dead and also the dead of the Lamanites, who were many, behold, we did inquire of Gid concerning the aprisoners whom they had started to go down to the land of Zarahemla with.

29 基特是奉命押解他們下到那地去的隊伍的總隊長。

29 Now Gid was the chief captain over the band who was appointed to guard them down to the land.

30 以下便是基特告訴我的話:看啊,我們和戰俘出發下去柴雷罕拉地,而事情是這樣的,我們遇見我軍派去監視拉曼軍營的探子。

30 And now, these are the words which Gid said unto me: Behold, we did start to go down to the land of Zarahemla with our prisoners. And it came to pass that we did meet the spies of our armies, who had been sent out to watch the camp of the Lamanites.

31 他們向我們喊道:看啊,拉曼軍正向寇米拿城進軍;看啊,他們要攻擊我們的人民,是的,要消滅他們。

31 And they cried unto us, saying—Behold, the armies of the Lamanites are marching towards the city of Cumeni; and behold, they will fall upon them, yea, and will destroy our people.

32 事情是這樣的,我們的戰俘聽到他們這樣喊叫,就鼓起勇氣,起來反叛我們。

32 And it came to pass that our prisoners did hear their cries, which caused them to take courage; and they did rise up in rebellion against us.

33 事情是這樣的,因為他們反叛,我們就拿起劍來擊打他們。事情是這樣的,他們集體向我們的劍衝來,大部分的人都被殺死了,其餘的人則突圍脫逃。

33 And it came to pass because of their rebellion we did cause that our swords should come upon them. And it came to pass that they did in a body run upon our swords, in the which, the greater number of them were slain; and the remainder of them broke through and fled from us.

34 看啊,他們逃走後,我們追趕不上,便加速趕向寇米拿城;看啊,我們及時趕到,協助我們的弟兄守護該城。

34 And behold, when they had fled and we could not overtake them, we took our march with speed towards the city Cumeni; and behold, we did arrive in time that we might assist our brethren in preserving the city.

35 看啊,我們再次從敵人手中獲救。我們神的名是應當稱頌的,因為看啊,祂拯救了我們,是的,為我們做了這偉大的事。

35 And behold, we are again delivered out of the hands of our enemies. And blessed is the name of our God; for behold, it is he that has delivered us; yea, that has done this great thing for us.

36 事情是這樣的,我,希拉曼,聽了基特的這番話,心中非常快樂,因為神的良善保全了我們,使我們不致全部滅亡;是的,而我確信,那些被殺者的靈魂,已進入他們神的安息。

36 Now it came to pass that when I, Helaman, had heard these words of Gid, I was filled with exceeding joy because of the goodness of God in preserving us, that we might not all perish; yea, and I trust that the souls of them who have been slain haveaentered into the rest of their God.
