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Section 18

一八二九年六月,於紐約,菲也特,給先知約瑟 • 斯密、奧利佛 • 考德里和大衛 • 惠特茂的啟示〔教會史,1:60–64〕。亞倫聖職授予後,也應許給予麥基洗德聖職(見第十三篇前言)。為答覆對這方面知識的懇求,主給予本啟示。

Revelation to Joseph Smith the Prophet, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer, given at Fayette, New York, June 1829 (seeHistory of the Church, 1:60–64). When the Aaronic Priesthood was conferred, the bestowal of the Melchizedek Priesthood was promised (see the heading to section 13). In response to supplication for knowledge on the matter, the Lord gave this revelation.

1–5,經文指示如何建立教會;6–8,世界正在罪惡中成熟;9–16,靈魂的價值是大的;17–25,世人必須承受基督的名,才能獲得救恩;26–36,啟示十二使徒的召喚和使命;37–39,奧利佛 • 考德里和大衛 • 惠特茂要找出十二使徒;40–47,世人必須悔改、受洗、遵守誡命,才能獲得救恩。

1–5, Scriptures show how to build up the Church; 6–8, The world is ripening in iniquity; 9–16, The worth of souls is great; 17–25, To gain salvation, men must take upon themselves the name of Christ; 26–36, The calling and mission of the Twelve are revealed; 37–39, Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer are to search out the Twelve; 40–47, To gain salvation, men must repent, be baptized, and keep the commandments.

1 現在,看啊,我的僕人奧利佛 • 考德里,因為你求問我,想知道這事,所以我把這些話告訴你:

1 Now, behold, because of the thing which you, my servant Oliver Cowdery, have desired to know of me, I give unto you these words:

2 看啊,我多次藉我的靈向你顯明你抄寫的事是的,因此你知道那些事是真的。

2 Behold, I have amanifested unto you, by my Spirit in many instances, that the bthings which you have written are ctrue; wherefore you know that they are true.

3 如果你知道那些事是真的,看啊,我給你一條誡命,你要信靠寫的事;

3 And if you know that they are true, behold, I give unto you a commandment, that you arely upon the things which arebwritten;

4 因為其中記載了關於我教會、我福音以及我磐石的基礎的一切事。  

4 For in them are all things awritten concerning the foundation of my church, my gospel, and my brock.

5 因此,如果你將我的教會建立在我的福音和磐石的基礎上,地獄的門必不能勝過你。

5 Wherefore, if you shall build up my achurch, upon the foundation of my gospel and my brock, the cgates of hell shall not prevail against you.

6 看啊,世界正在罪惡中成熟,必須喚醒人類兒女悔改,不論外邦人或以色列家族。

6 Behold, the aworld is bripening in iniquity; and it must needs be that the children of men are stirred up unto repentance, both the cGentiles and also the house of Israel.

7 因此,既然你已由我僕人小約瑟 • 斯密,依照我給他的命令親手為你施洗,他已完成我命令他的事。

7 Wherefore, as thou hast been abaptized by the hands of my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., according to that which I have commanded him, he hath fulfilled the thing which I commanded him.

8 現在,不要驚奇我為了自己的目的召喚他,我知道這目的;所以,如果他勤勉遵守我的誡命,他必蒙得永生的祝福;他的名字是約瑟

8 And now, marvel not that I have acalled him unto mine own purpose, which purpose is known in me; wherefore, if he shall bebdiligent in keeping my commandments he shall be cblessed unto eternal life; and his name is dJoseph.

9 現在,奧利佛 • 考德里,我用誡命的方式對你,也對大衛 • 惠特茂說;因為,看啊,我命令各地的人悔改,而我對你們說的,如同我對我的使徒保羅說的一樣,因為你們蒙得的召喚和他蒙得的召喚是一樣的。

9 And now, Oliver Cowdery, I speak unto you, and also unto David Whitmer, by the way of commandment; for, behold, Iacommand all men everywhere to repent, and I speak unto you, even as unto Paul mine bapostle, for you are called even with that same calling with which he was called.

10 記住,在神眼中,靈魂價值是大的;  

10 Remember the aworth of bsouls is great in the sight of God;

11 因為看啊,主,你們的救贖主,忍受了肉身的死亡;因此,祂忍受了全人類的痛苦,讓全人類可以悔改而歸向祂。

11 For, behold, the Lord your aRedeemer suffered bdeath in the flesh; wherefore he csuffered the dpain of all men, that all men might repent and ecome unto him.

12 而且祂已從死裡復活,使祂能帶領全人類在悔改的條件下歸向祂。

12 And he hath arisen again from the dead, that he might bring all men unto him, on conditions of brepentance.

13 對悔改的靈魂,祂的快樂是多麼大呀!

13 And how great is his ajoy in the bsoul that crepenteth!

14 所以,你們蒙召呼籲這人民悔改。

14 Wherefore, you are called to acry repentance unto this people.

15 假如你們辛勤終生,呼籲這人民悔改,即使只帶領一個靈魂歸向我,你們同他在我父國度中的快樂該是多麼大呀!

15 And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one asoul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!

16 假如你們帶領一個靈魂歸向我,進入父的國度,你們就那麼快樂,那麼,如果你們帶領很多靈魂歸向我,你們的快樂將是多麼大呀!

16 And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the akingdom of my Father, how great will be your bjoy if you should bring many csouls unto me!

17 看啊,你們有我的福音在你們面前,還有我的磐石和我的救恩

17 Behold, you have my gospel before you, and my rock, and myasalvation.

18 奉我的祈求父,憑信心相信你們會得到,你們就會有聖靈,聖靈會向人類兒女顯示一切他們需要的事。

18 aAsk the Father in my bname, in faith believing that you shall receive, and you shall have the Holy Ghost, which manifesteth all things which are cexpedient unto the children of men.

19 如果你們沒有信心希望仁愛,你們什麼事都做不成。

19 And if you have not afaith, bhope, and ccharity, you can do nothing.

20 除了魔鬼的教會,勿與任何教會相爭

20 aContend against no church, save it be the bchurch of the devil.

21 承受基督的名,嚴肅宣講真理。

21 Take upon you the aname of Christ, and bspeak the truth incsoberness.

22 凡悔改、奉我耶穌基督的名受洗持守到底的,必然得救。

22 And as many as repent and are abaptized in my name, which is Jesus Christ, and bendure to the end, the same shall be saved.

23 看啊,耶穌基督是父所給的,祂沒有給別的名,人可藉以得救;

23 Behold, Jesus Christ is the aname which is given of the Father, and there is none other name given whereby man can bebsaved;

24 因此,全人類都必須承受父所給的名,因為在末日他們都要用這名來被稱呼;

24 Wherefore, all men must take upon them the aname which is given of the Father, for in that name shall they be called at the last day;

25 因此,如果他們不知道他們要被稱呼的,在父的國度中,就沒有他們的地方。

25 Wherefore, if they aknow not the bname by which they are called, they cannot have place in the ckingdom of my Father.

26 現在,看啊,還有其他人被召喚來向外邦人和猶太人宣講我的福音;

26 And now, behold, there are others who are acalled to declare my gospel, both unto bGentile and unto Jew;

27 是的,有十二位;這十二人將是我的門徒,他們將承受我的名;這十二人是全心全意渴望承受我的人。

27 Yea, even twelve; and the aTwelve shall be my disciples, and they shall take upon them my name; and the Twelve are they who shall desire to take upon them my bname with full purpose of heart.

28 如果他們全心全意渴望承受我的名,他們就蒙召喚往普天下去,傳福音萬民聽。

28 And if they desire to take upon them my name with full purpose of heart, they are called to go into all the aworld to preach my bgospel unto cevery creature.

29 他們就是由我按立,依照記載,奉我的名去施洗的人;

29 And they are they who are ordained of me to abaptize in my name, according to that which is written;

30 那記載就在你們面前;因此,你們一定要依照記載的話去執行。

30 And you have that which is written before you; wherefore, you must perform it aaccording to the words which are bwritten.

31 現在我對你們這十二人說話──看啊,我對你們的恩典是充分的;你們必須正直地行走在我面前,不要犯罪。

31 And now I speak unto you, the aTwelve—Behold, my grace is sufficient for you; you must walk uprightly before me and sin not.

32 並且,看啊,你們就是由我按立來按立祭司和教師的人;要按照你們身上的聖靈的力量,並按照神給世人的召喚和恩賜,宣講我的福音;

32 And, behold, you are they who are ordained of me to aordainbpriests and teachers; to declare my gospel, caccording to the power of the Holy Ghost which is in you, and according to thedcallings and gifts of God unto men;

33 我,耶穌基督,你們的主和你們的神,說這話。

33 And I, Jesus Christ, your Lord and your God, have spoken it.

34 這些不是眾人的,也不是某人的,而是我的;因此,你們要見證這些話是我的,不是某人的;

34 These awords are not of men nor of man, but of me; wherefore, you shall testify they are of me and not of man;

35 因為是我的聲音對你們說這些話;這些話是我的靈給你們的,你們可以藉我的能力讀給彼此聽;若不藉我的能力,你們就得不到這些話;

35 For it is my avoice which speaketh them unto you; for they are given by my Spirit unto you, and by my power you can read them one to another; and save it were by my power you could not have them;

36 因此,你們可以見證,你們聽過我的聲音,知道我的話。

36 Wherefore, you can atestify that you have bheard my voice, and know my words.

37 現在,看啊,我吩咐你,奧利佛 • 考德里,也吩咐大衛 • 惠特茂,去找出這十二位有我所說的那種渴望的人。

37 And now, behold, I give unto you, Oliver Cowdery, and also unto David Whitmer, that you shall search out the Twelve, who shall have the desires of which I have spoken;

38 你們從他們的渴望和行為,就可認出他們來。

38 And by their adesires and their bworks you shall know them.

39 你們找到他們時,就把這些事物給他們看。  

39 And when you have found them you shall show these things unto them.

40 你們要俯伏,並奉我的名崇拜父。

40 And you shall fall down and aworship the Father in mybname.

41 你們一定要對世人宣講,說:你們必須悔改,奉耶穌基督的名受洗;

41 And you must preach unto the world, saying: You mustarepent and be baptized, in the name of Jesus Christ;

42 因為全人類都必須悔改和受洗,不只是男人,還有女人和到達負責年齡的小孩。

42 For all men must repent and be baptized, and not only men, but women, and achildren who have arrived at the years ofbaccountability.

43 現在,你們已得到這些,就必須凡事遵守我的誡命

43 And now, after that you have received this, you must keep myacommandments in all things;

44 我要藉你們的手在人類兒女中做奇妙的事工,許多人認清自己的罪,使他們前來悔改而歸向我父的國度。

44 And by your hands I will work a amarvelous work among the children of men, unto the bconvincing of many of their sins, that they may come unto repentance, and that they may come unto the kingdom of my Father.

45 因此,我給你們的祝福超乎一切。

45 Wherefore, the blessings which I give unto you are aabove all things.

46 你們得到這些後,若遵守我的誡命,就不能在我父的國度中得救。

46 And after that you have received this, if you akeep not my commandments you cannot be saved in the kingdom of my Father.

47 看啊,我,耶穌基督,你們的主和你們的神,你們的救贖主,藉著我靈的力量說這話。阿們。

47 Behold, I, Jesus Christ, your Lord and your God, and youraRedeemer, by the bpower of my Spirit have spoken it. Amen.