
出自 青少年追求卓越
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Section 23

一八三○年四月,在 紐約, 曼徹斯特,透過先知 約瑟 • 斯密給予 奧利佛 • 考德里、 海侖 • 斯密、 撒母耳 • 斯密、老 約瑟 • 斯密及老 約瑟 • 耐特的啟示〔 教會史,1:80〕。由於前述五人熱切渴望知道各自的職責,先知求問主而獲得本啟示。

Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Manchester, New York, April 1830, to Oliver Cowdery; Hyrum Smith; Samuel H. Smith; Joseph Smith, Sr.; and Joseph Knight, Sr. (see History of the Church, 1:80). As the result of earnest desire on the part of the five persons named to know of their respective duties, the Prophet inquired of the Lord and received this revelation.


1–7, These early disciples are called to preach, exhort, and strengthen the Church.

1 看啊,奧利佛,我對你說幾句話。看啊,你是蒙福的,而且沒被定罪。但是要慎防驕傲,免得入了迷惑

1 Behold, I speak unto you, Oliver, a few words. Behold, thou art blessed, and art under no condemnation. But beware of apride, lest thou shouldst enter into btemptation.

2 讓教友和世人知道你的召喚;你的心將被打開,去宣講真理,從今直到永遠。阿們。

2 Make known thy calling unto the church, and also before theaworld, and thy heart shall be opened to preach the truth from henceforth and forever. Amen.

3 看啊,海侖,我對你說幾句話;你也沒被定罪;你的心已打開,你的舌已鬆開;你的召喚是勸勉和不斷地堅固教友。因此你的職責永遠是對教會的,這是因為你家庭的緣故。阿們。

3 Behold, I speak unto you, Hyrum, a few words; for thou also art under no condemnation, and thy heart is opened, and thy tonguealoosed; and thy calling is to exhortation, and to bstrengthen the church continually. Wherefore thy duty is unto the church forever, and this because of thy family. Amen.

4 看啊,撒母耳,我對你說幾句話;你也沒被定罪,你的召喚是勸勉和堅固教友;你還未被召喚向世人宣講。阿們。

4 Behold, I speak a few words unto you, aSamuel; for thou also art under no condemnation, and thy calling is to exhortation, and to strengthen the church; and thou art not as yet called to preach before the world. Amen.

5 看啊,約瑟,我對你說幾句話;你也沒被定罪,你的召喚也是勸勉和堅固教友;這是你的職責,從今直到永遠。阿們。

5 Behold, I speak a few words unto you, Joseph; for thou also art under no acondemnation, and thy calling also is to exhortation, and to strengthen the church; and this is thy duty from henceforth and forever. Amen.

6 看啊,約瑟 • 耐特,我藉這些話向你顯示,你必須背起你的十字架,你必須在世人面前出聲禱告,也要在暗中禱告,還要在家中、在朋友之間,以及在所有地方禱告。

6 Behold, I manifest unto you, Joseph Knight, by these words, that you must take up your across, in the which you must bpraycvocally before the world as well as in secret, and in your family, and among your friends, and in all places.

7 而且,看啊,你的職責是加入真正的教會,言談中不斷地勸勉,這樣你就能獲得工作者的酬賞。阿們。

7 And, behold, it is your duty to unite with the true achurch, and give your language to exhortation continually, that you may receive the reward of the blaborer. Amen.