
出自 青少年追求卓越
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Section 51

一八三一年五月,在俄亥俄,湯普生,透過先知約瑟 • 斯密給予的啟示〔教會史,1:173–174〕。此時從東部各州遷來的聖徒們開始抵達俄亥俄,所以,必須作出明確的安排去安頓他們。由於此事特屬主教職務,所以愛德華 • 裴垂治主教尋求這方面的指示,先知就求問主。

Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Thompson, Ohio, May 1831 (see History of the Church, 1:173–74). At this time the Saints migrating from the eastern states began to arrive in Ohio, and it became necessary to make definite arrangements for their settlement. As this undertaking belonged particularly to the bishop’s office, Bishop Edward Partridge sought instruction on the matter, and the Prophet inquired of the Lord.

1–8,愛德華 • 裴垂治被指定管理管家職務和財產;9–12,聖徒為人要誠實,所得要相等;13–15,他們應有主教倉庫,根據主的律法管理財產;16–20,俄亥俄州要成為臨時聚集地。

1–8, Edward Partridge is appointed to regulate stewardships and properties; 9–12, The Saints are to deal honestly and receive alike; 13–15, They are to have a bishop’s storehouse and to organize properties according to the Lord’s law; 16–20, Ohio is to be a temporary gathering place.

1 聽我說,主你們的神說,我要對我僕人愛德華 • 裴垂治說,並給他指示;因為他必須得到有關組織這人民的指示。

1 Hearken unto me, saith the Lord your God, and I will speak unto my servant aEdward Partridge, and give unto him directions; for it must needs be that he receive directions how to organize this people.

2 因為他們必須根據我的律法組織起來,否則,他們必遭剪除。

2 For it must needs be that they be aorganized according to myblaws; if otherwise, they will be cut off.

3 因此,我僕人愛德華 • 裴垂治和他揀選且為我所喜悅的人,要按每個人的家庭、環境、需要和需求,將這人民該得的份指定給他們,人人平等

3 Wherefore, let my servant Edward Partridge, and those whom he has chosen, in whom I am well pleased, appoint unto this people their aportions, every man bequal according to his family, according to his circumstances and his wants and cneeds.

4 我僕人愛德華 • 裴垂治將每個人的份指定給他時,應附上字據,以保障他所得的份,讓他擁有教會中的這份權利和產業,直到他違誡而被教友按教會律法和聖約表決認為不配屬於教會為止。 

4 And let my servant Edward Partridge, when he shall appoint a man his aportion, give unto him a writing that shall secure unto him his portion, that he shall hold it, even this right and this inheritance in the church, until he transgresses and is not accounted worthy by the voice of the church, according to theblaws and ccovenants of the church, to belong to the church.

5 如果他違誡而被認為不配屬於教會,他就不能索回他為我教會的貧困者而獻納給主教的部分;因此,他不能保有所贈予的,只能要求字據上給他的部分。

5 And if he shall transgress and is not accounted worthy to belong to the church, he shall not have power to aclaim that portion which he has consecrated unto the bishop for the poor and needy of my church; therefore, he shall not retain the gift, but shall only have bclaim on that portion that is deeded unto him.

6 這樣,一切都當地法律得到保障。

6 And thus all things shall be made sure, aaccording to the blawsof the land.

7 而且要把屬於這人民的,指定給這人民。

7 And let that which belongs to this people be appointed unto this people.

8 至於這人民多餘的──要為這人民指定一位代理人,按這人民的需要,用這來供應食物和衣服。

8 And the amoney which is left unto this people—let there be anbagent appointed unto this people, to take the cmoney to provide food and raiment, according to the wants of this people.

9 在這人民當中每個人都要為人誠實,人人平等,所得也相等,這樣你們才能像我命令你們的那樣合而為一

9 And let every man deal ahonestly, and be alike among this people, and receive alike, that ye may be bone, even as I have commanded you.

10 而且不要把屬於這人民的,拿去給另一個分會的人。

10 And let that which belongeth to this people not be taken and given unto that of aanother church.

11 因此,如果另一個分會想得到這個分會的錢,將來就要按他們的協議,還給這個分會;

11 Wherefore, if another church would receive money of this church, let them apay unto this church again according as they shall agree;

12 這應透過主教,或由教友表決指定的代理人來完成。

12 And this shall be done through the bishop or the agent, which shall be appointed by the avoice of the church.

13 還有,主教要為這個分會指定一個倉庫;凡這人民所必需以外的一切金錢和食物,都應交由主教手中保管。

13 And again, let the bishop appoint a astorehouse unto this church; and let all things both in money and in meat, which are more than is bneedful for the wants of this people, be kept in the hands of the bishop.

14 由於他忙於處理這些事,他也應為自己和家人的需要保留必需品。

14 And let him also reserve unto ahimself for his own wants, and for the wants of his family, as he shall be employed in doing this business.

15 我就這樣給這人民一項特權,按照我的律法把他們自己組織起來。

15 And thus I grant unto this people a privilege of organizing themselves according to my alaws.

16 我把這塊地聖化給他們一段短時期,直到我,主,為他們預備別的地方,並命令他們前往的時候為止;

16 And I consecrate unto them this land for a alittle season, until I, the Lord, shall provide for them otherwise, and command them to go hence;

17 那時辰和日子沒有告訴他們,因此他們在這地方要有長住的打算,這必變成是對他們有益的。

17 And the hour and the day is not given unto them, wherefore let them act upon this land as for years, and this shall turn unto them for their good.

18 看啊,我僕人愛德華 • 裴垂治要以此為其他地方、各分會的範例

18 Behold, this shall be aan example unto my servant Edward Partridge, in other places, in all churches.

19 凡被斷定是忠信、正直和聰明的管家,將分享他主人的快樂,並繼承永生。

19 And whoso is found a afaithful, a bjust, and a wise cstewardshall enter into the djoy of his Lord, and shall inherit eternal life.

20 我實在告訴你們,我是耶穌基督,在你們想不到的時候,我快就來。正如這樣。阿們。

20 Verily, I say unto you, I am Jesus Christ, who acomethquickly, in an bhour you think not. Even so. Amen.