
出自 青少年追求卓越
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Section 62

一八三一年八月十三日,在密蘇里,查里頓,密蘇里河岸,透過先知約瑟 • 斯密給予的啟示〔教會史,1:205–206〕。當天,先知等一行人從獨立城往嘉德蘭途中,遇到幾位往錫安地去的長老,在愉快的問候之後,獲得本啟示。

Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, on the bank of the Missouri River at Chariton, Missouri, 13 August 1831 (seeHistory of the Church, 1:205–6). On this day the Prophet and his group, who were on their way from Independence to Kirtland, met several elders who were on their way to the land of Zion, and, after joyful salutations, received this revelation.


1–3, Testimonies are recorded in heaven; 4–9, The elders are to travel and preach according to judgment and as directed by the Spirit.

1 看啊,並聽著,你們這些我教會的長老啊,主你們的神,耶穌基督,你們的中保,那位了解世人弱點,知道如何搭救試探的人,說:

1 Behold, and hearken, O ye elders of my church, saith the Lord your God, even Jesus Christ, your aadvocate, who knoweth the weakness of man and how to bsuccor them who are ctempted.

2 實在的,我的眼睛看著還沒有去錫安地的人;因此你們的任務尚未完成。

2 And verily mine eyes are upon those who have not as yet gone up unto the land of Zion; wherefore your mission is not yet full.

3 然而,你們有福了,因為你們作的見證記錄在天上給天使看;他們為你們快樂,你們的赦了。

3 Nevertheless, ye are ablessed, for the btestimony which ye have borne is crecorded in heaven for the angels to look upon; and they rejoice over you, and your dsins are forgiven you.

4 現在繼續你們的旅程。你們要聚集在錫安地,舉行聚會,歡聚在一起,並向至高者獻上聖餐。

4 And now continue your journey. Assemble yourselves upon the land of aZion; and hold a meeting and rejoice together, and offer absacrament unto the Most High.

5 然後你們就可以回去作見證,是的,按照你們認為好的方式,一起或兩個兩個去,對我都沒關係;只要忠信,並向大地居民或惡人的會眾宣告大喜信息。

5 And then you may return to bear record, yea, even altogether, or atwo by two, as seemeth you good, it mattereth not unto me; only be faithful, and bdeclare glad tidings unto the inhabitants of the earth, or among the ccongregations of the wicked.

6 看啊,我,主,已將你們聚在一起,好使應許實現,好使你們之中忠信的人獲得保全,並在密蘇里地歡聚在一起。我,主,應許忠信的人,我不能說謊

6 Behold, I, the Lord, have brought you together that the promise might be fulfilled, that the faithful among you should be preserved and rejoice together in the land of Missouri. I, the Lord, apromise the faithful and cannot blie.

7 如果你們有人想騎馬、騎騾或乘車,只要他以凡事感謝的心從主手中接受祝福,我,主,願意讓他接受這祝福。

7 I, the Lord, am willing, if any among you adesire to ride upon horses, or upon mules, or in chariots, he shall receive this blessing, if he receive it from the hand of the Lord, with abthankful heart in all things.

8 這些事有待你們按判斷及靈的指示去做。

8 These things remain with you to do according to judgment and the directions of the Spirit.

9 看啊,國度是你們的。看啊,看,我一直忠信的人同在。正如這樣。阿們。

9 Behold, the akingdom is yours. And behold, and lo, I am bwiththe faithful always. Even so. Amen.