
出自 青少年追求卓越
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Section 66

一八三一年十月二十五日,在俄亥俄,橘郡,透過先知約瑟 • 斯密給予的啟示〔教會史,1:219–221〕。當時為一個重要大會的第一天。先知在本啟示的序言中寫到:「在威廉 • 麥勒林請求下,我求問主而蒙得以下啟示」〔教會史,1:220〕。

Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Orange, Ohio, 25 October 1831 (see History of the Church, 1:219–21). This was the first day of an important conference. In prefacing this revelation, the Prophet wrote, “At the request of William E. McLellin, I inquired of the Lord, and received the following” (History of the Church, 1:220).


1–4, The everlasting covenant is the fulness of the gospel; 5–8, Elders are to preach, testify, and reason with the people; 9–13, Faithful ministerial service ensures an inheritance of eternal life.

1 看啊,主對我僕人威廉 • 麥勒林這樣說──你有福了,只要你離開了罪惡,接受我的真理,主,你的救贖主,世界的救主,即所有相信我名的人的救主說。

1 Behold, thus saith the Lord unto my servant aWilliam E. McLellin—Blessed are you, inasmuch as you have bturned away from your iniquities, and have received my truths, saith the Lord your Redeemer, the cSavior of the world, even of as many as believe on my name.

2 我實在告訴你,你有福了,因為你接受我的約,即我圓滿的福音,那是傳給人類兒女的,使他們能得著生命,並成為那將在末世顯示的榮耀的領受者,正如古代先知和使徒所寫的那樣。

2 Verily I say unto you, blessed are you for receiving mineaeverlasting covenant, even the fulness of my gospel, sent forth unto the children of men, that they might have blife and be madecpartakers of the dglories which are to be revealed in the last days, as it was written by the prophets and apostles in days of old.

3 我實在告訴你,我僕人威廉,你是潔淨的,但並不完全潔淨;因此,要悔改我眼中不喜悅的事,主說,主會向你顯明那些事。

3 Verily I say unto you, my servant William, that you are clean, but not aall; repent, therefore, of those things which are not pleasing in my sight, saith the Lord, for the Lord will bshow them unto you.

4 現在,實在的,我,主,要向你顯明我對你的期望,或說,我對你的旨意。

4 And now, verily, I, the Lord, will show unto you what I awillconcerning you, or what is my will concerning you.

5 看啊,我實在告訴你,我的旨意是要你一地一地、一城一城去傳播我的福音,是的,在福音還沒有傳到的地區中傳福音。

5 Behold, verily I say unto you, that it is my will that you shouldaproclaim my gospel from land to land, and from bcity to city, yea, in those regions round about where it has not been proclaimed.

6 不要在此地停留多日;還不要到錫安地去;但是你能送多少,就送多少;否則,不要顧念你的財產。

6 Tarry not many days in this place; go anot up unto the land of Zion as yet; but inasmuch as you can bsend, send; otherwise, think not of thy property.

7 東部各地去,在每個地方,向每個人作見證,並在他們會堂裡與人論理。

7 aGo unto the eastern lands, bear btestimony in every place, unto every people and in their csynagogues, reasoning with the people.

8 我僕人撒母耳 • 斯密要跟你去,不要離棄他,要給他你的指示;忠信者在任何地方都會成為堅強;我,主,會與你們同行。

8 Let my servant Samuel H. Smith go with you, and forsake him not, and give him thine instructions; and he that is afaithful shall be made bstrong in every place; and I, the Lord, will go with you.

9 你們按在病人頭上,他們就會康復。在我,主,差遣你們之前,不要回來。在苦難中要忍耐。祈求,你們就得到;叩門,就給你們開門。

9 Lay your ahands upon the bsick, and they shall crecover. Return not till I, the Lord, shall send you. Be patient in affliction. dAsk, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

10 設法不被拖累。要拋棄一切不義。不可姦淫──這是曾困擾你的誘惑。

10 Seek not to be acumbered. Forsake all bunrighteousness. Commit not cadultery—a temptation with which thou hast been troubled.


11 aKeep these sayings, for they are true and bfaithful; and thou shalt cmagnify thine office, and push many people to dZion withesongs of everlasting joy upon their heads.


12 aContinue in these things even unto the end, and you shall have a bcrown of eternal life at the right hand of my Father, who is full of cgrace and truth.

13 實在的,主,你的,你的救贖主,即耶穌基督這樣說。阿們。

13 Verily, thus saith the Lord your aGod, your Redeemer, even Jesus Christ. Amen.