
出自 青少年追求卓越
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Section 70

一八三一年十一月十二日,在俄亥俄,嘉德蘭,透過先知約瑟 • 斯密給予的啟示〔教會史,1:235–237〕。先知寫的歷史提到,從十一月一日到十二日之間,前後舉行了四場特別大會。最後一場聚會,討論誡命書,即後來被稱為教義和聖約的極大的重要性;先知說這部書是「末世本教會的基礎,對世界有益,顯明我們救主國度奧祕的權鑰已再度交託給世人」〔教會史,1:235〕。

Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio, 12 November 1831 (see History of the Church, 1:235–37). The history written by the Prophet states that four special conferences were held from the 1st to the 12th of November, inclusive. In the last of these assemblies, the great importance of the Book of Commandments, later called the Doctrine and Covenants, was considered; and the Prophet refers to it as being “the foundation of the Church in these last days, and a benefit to the world, showing that the keys of the mysteries of the kingdom of our Savior are again entrusted to man” (History of the Church, 1:235).


1–5, Stewards are appointed to publish the revelations; 6–13, Those who labor in spiritual things are worthy of their hire; 14–18, The Saints should be equal in temporal things.

1 看啊,並聽著,你們錫安的居民和我遠方教會的全體人民啊,聽主的話,聽我用誡命的方式給我僕人小約瑟 • 斯密、還有我僕人馬丁 • 哈里斯、還有我僕人奧利佛 • 考德里、還有我僕人約翰 • 惠特茂、還有我僕人西德尼 • 雷格登,還有我僕人威廉 • 斐普的話。

1 Behold, and hearken, O ye inhabitants of Zion, and all ye people of my church who are afar off, and ahear the word of the Lord which I give unto my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and also unto my servant Martin Harris, and also unto my servant Oliver Cowdery, and also unto my servant John Whitmer, and also unto my servant Sidney Rigdon, and also unto my servant bWilliam W. Phelps, by the way of commandment unto them.

2 因為我給他們一條誡命,所以要聽著並聆聽,因為主對他們這樣說──

2 For I give unto them a commandment; wherefore hearken and hear, for thus saith the Lord unto them—

3 我,主,已指定他們,並按立他們當管家,管理我已給他們和今後將給他們的啟示和誡命;

3 I, the Lord, have appointed them, and ordained them to beastewards over the revelations and commandments which I have given unto them, and which I shall hereafter give unto them;

4 在審判日,我會要他們提出這管家職務的報告。

4 And an account of this astewardship will I require of them in the day of judgment.

5 因此,我已指定他們,他們在神教會中的事務,就是管理啟示和誡命,以及相關的事務,是的,其中的收益。

5 Wherefore, I have appointed unto them, and this is their business in the church of God, to amanage them and the concerns thereof, yea, the benefits thereof.

6 因此,我給他們一條誡命,他們不可以把這些東西給教會,也不可以給世人;

6 Wherefore, a commandment I give unto them, that they shall not give these things unto the church, neither unto the aworld;

7 然而,如果在他們的必需和需要方面,只要他們收到多於所需的,多的部分就應當送進我的倉庫

7 Nevertheless, inasmuch as they areceive more than is needful for their necessities and their wants, it shall be given into mybstorehouse;

8 而且,那收益應聖化給錫安居民及其後代,只要他們依照國度的律法成為繼承人

8 And the abenefits shall be consecrated unto the inhabitants of Zion, and unto their generations, inasmuch as they become bheirsaccording to the laws of the kingdom.

9 看啊,這就是主對每個人的管家職務的要求,正如我,主,已經指定或今後將指定任何人的那樣。

9 Behold, this is what the Lord requires of every man in hisastewardship, even as I, the Lord, have appointed or shall hereafter appoint unto any man.

10 看啊,凡屬活神教會的人,無人能豁免於這律法;

10 And behold, none are exempt from this alaw who belong to the church of the living God;

11 是的,主教不能豁免,管理主的倉庫的代理人也不能豁免,被指定管家職務,管理屬世事物的人也不能豁免。

11 Yea, neither the bishop, neither the aagent who keepeth the Lord’s storehouse, neither he who is appointed in a stewardship over btemporal things.

12 凡被指定主理屬靈事務的人,得他的報酬,正如被指定管家職務,主理屬世事務的人那樣;

12 He who is appointed to administer spiritual things, the same is aworthy of his hire, even as those who are appointed to a stewardship to administer in temporal things;

13 是的,甚至更豐盛,那豐盛透過靈的顯示以倍數加給他們。

13 Yea, even more abundantly, which abundance is multiplied unto them through the amanifestations of the Spirit.

14 然而,你們在屬世事物上應當平等,而且不能勉強,否則靈的豐盛的顯示將被留住。

14 Nevertheless, in your temporal things you shall be aequal, and this not grudgingly, otherwise the abundance of the manifestations of the Spirit shall be bwithheld.

15 現在,我將這誡命給我的僕人,是為了他們活著的時候的益處,為了顯示我加在他們頭上的祝福,為了酬賞他們的勤奮,也為了他們的安全;

15 Now, this commandment I give unto my servants for theirabenefit while they remain, for a manifestation of my blessings upon their heads, and for a breward of their cdiligence and for their security;

16 為了食物和衣服,為了繼承產業,為了房屋和土地,無論我,主,將他們安置在什麼環境,無論我,主,派他們去什麼地方。

16 For food and for araiment; for an inheritance; for houses and for lands, in whatsoever circumstances I, the Lord, shall place them, and whithersoever I, the Lord, shall send them.

17 因為他們在許多事上都很忠信,並且做得很好,因為他們沒有犯罪。

17 For they have been faithful over amany things, and have done well inasmuch as they have not sinned.

18 看啊,我,主,是慈悲的,會祝福他們,他們將享有這些事物的快樂。正如這樣。阿們。

18 Behold, I, the Lord, am amerciful and will bless them, and they shall enter into the joy of these things. Even so. Amen.