
出自 青少年追求卓越
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Section 93

一八三三年五月六日,在俄亥俄,嘉德蘭,透過先知約瑟 • 斯密給予的啟示〔教會史,1:343–346〕。

Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio, 6 May 1833 (see History of the Church, 1:343–46).


1–5, All who are faithful will see the Lord; 6–18, John bore record that the Son of God went from grace to grace until he received a fulness of the glory of the Father; 19–20, Faithful men, going from grace to grace, will also receive of his fulness; 21–22, Those who are begotten through Christ are the Church of the Firstborn; 23–28, Christ received a fulness of all truth, and man by obedience may do likewise; 29–32, Man was in the beginning with God; 33–35, The elements are eternal, and man may receive a fulness of joy in the Resurrection; 36–37, The glory of God is intelligence; 38–40, Children are innocent before God because of the redemption of Christ; 41–53, The leading brethren are commanded to set their families in order.

1 主實在這樣說:事情將是這樣,每個離棄他的罪,歸向我、呼求我的名、服從我的聲音、遵守我的誡命的靈魂,將見到我的,並知道我存在;

1 Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall come to pass that every soul who aforsaketh his bsins and cometh unto me, and ccalleth on my name, and dobeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall esee my fface and gknow that I am;

2 知道我是真,照亮每個來到世上的人;

2 And that I am the true alight that lighteth every man that cometh into the world;

3 也知道在父裡面,父在我裡面,父與我原為一──

3 And that I am ain the Father, and the Father in me, and the Father and I are one—

4 是父,因為祂將祂的完全我;是子,因為我曾在世上,以肉身為會幕,住在世人之子當中。

4 The Father abecause he bgave me of his fulness, and the Son because I was in the world and made cflesh my dtabernacle, and dwelt among the sons of men.

5 我曾在世上,接受我父所給的,祂的事工曾明白顯示。

5 I was in the world and received of my Father, and the aworks of him were plainly manifest.

6 約翰看見並為我完全的榮耀作見證,約翰全部的紀錄將在以後透露。

6 And aJohn saw and bore record of the fulness of my bglory, and the fulness of cJohn’s record is hereafter to be revealed.

7 他作見證說:我看過祂的榮耀,祂在太初、有世界之前就已存在;

7 And he bore record, saying: I saw his glory, that he was in theabeginning, before the world was;

8 所以,太初有,祂就是道,是救恩的使者──

8 Therefore, in the beginning the aWord was, for he was the Word, even the messenger of salvation—

9 是世界的救贖主;是真理之靈,曾來到世上,因為世界是祂造的,世人的生命和世人的光都在祂裡面。

9 The alight and the Redeemer of the world; the Spirit of truth, who came into the world, because the world was made by him, and in him was the life of men and the light of men.

10 諸世界是祂的;世人是祂造的;萬物是藉祂、經祂、由祂造的。

10 The worlds were amade by him; men were made by him; all things were made by him, and through him, and of him.

11 我,約翰,作見證,我看到祂的榮耀,是父獨生子的榮耀,充滿恩典與真理,即真理之靈,曾來臨並住在肉身中,住在我們當中。

11 And I, John, abear record that I beheld his bglory, as the glory of the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth, even the Spirit of truth, which came and dwelt in the flesh, and dwelt among us.

12 我,約翰,看到祂起初沒有獲得完全,而是獲得恩典加恩典;

12 And I, John, saw that he received not of the afulness at the first, but received bgrace for grace;

13 祂起初沒有獲得完全,而是繼續從恩典到恩典,直到祂獲得完全;

13 And he received not of the fulness at first, but continued fromagrace to grace, until he received a fulness;

14 於是祂被稱為神的兒子,因為祂起初沒有獲得完全。

14 And thus he was called the aSon of God, because he received not of the fulness at the first.

15 我,約翰,作見證,看啊,諸天開了,聖靈鴿子的形狀降在祂身上,並停留在祂身上;從天上有聲音說:這是我的愛子

15 And I, aJohn, bear record, and lo, the heavens were opened, and the Holy Ghost descended upon him in the form of a dove, and sat upon him, and there came a voice out of heaven saying: This is my bbeloved Son.

16 我,約翰,作見證祂獲得了父完全的榮耀;

16 And I, John, bear record that he received a fulness of the glory of the Father;

17 祂也獲得了天上和地上所有能力的榮耀與祂同在,因為祂住在父裡面。

17 And he received aall bpower, both in heaven and on earth, and the glory of the Father was with him, for he dwelt in him.

18 事情將是這樣,你們若忠信,就必獲得約翰全部的紀錄。

18 And it shall come to pass, that if you are faithful you shall receive the afulness of the record of John.

19 我告訴你們這些話,好讓你們了解並知道如何崇拜,並知道該崇拜什麼,好讓你們能奉我的名歸向父,而在適當的時候,獲得祂的完全。

19 I give unto you these sayings that you may understand and know how to worship, and aknow what you worship, that you may come unto the Father in my name, and in due time receive of his fulness.

20 因為你們若遵守我的誡命,就必獲得父的完全,在我裡面得榮耀,就像我在父裡面一樣;所以,我告訴你們,你們將獲得恩典加恩典。

20 For if you keep my acommandments you shall receive of hisbfulness, and be cglorified in me as I am in the Father; therefore, I say unto you, you shall receive dgrace for grace.

21 現在,我實在告訴你們,我在太初與父同在,我是長子

21 And now, verily I say unto you, I was in the abeginning with the Father, and am the bFirstborn;

22 凡從我而生的人,都是同樣榮耀領受者,是長子的教會。

22 And all those who are begotten through me are apartakers of the bglory of the same, and are the cchurch of the Firstborn.

23 你們在太初也父同在;那是靈,是真理之靈;

23 Ye were also in the beginning with the Father; that which isaSpirit, even the Spirit of truth;

24 真理就是對事物的現在、過去與未來的知識

24 And atruth is bknowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come;

25 凡比這或少的,就是屬於那邪惡者的靈,他從太初就是說謊者

25 And whatsoever is amore or less than this is the spirit of that wicked one who was a bliar from the beginning.

26 真理之靈是屬神的。我就是真理之靈,約翰為我作見證,說:祂獲得了完全的真理,是的,所有的真理;

26 The Spirit of atruth is of God. I am the Spirit of truth, and John bore record of me, saying: He breceived a fulness of truth, yea, even of all truth;

27 任何人都無法獲得完全,除非他遵守祂的誡命。

27 And no man receiveth a afulness unless he keepeth his commandments.


28 He that akeepeth his commandments receiveth btruth andclight, until he is glorified in truth and dknoweth all things.

29 人在太初也與神同在。智能或真理之光,不是創造或製造出來的,確實也是不可能的。

29 Man was also in the abeginning with God. bIntelligence, or theclight of dtruth, was not ecreated or made, neither indeed can be.

30 所有的真理在神安置的範圍內都是獨立的,都自由行動;所有的智能也一樣;否則就沒有存在。

30 All truth is independent in that asphere in which God has placed it, to bact for itself, as all intelligence also; otherwise there is no existence.

31 看啊,人類的選擇權就在此,人類的罪罰也在此;因為那從太初以來就存在的已明白地顯示給他們,而他們卻不接受光。

31 Behold, here is the aagency of man, and here is the condemnation of man; because that which was from the beginning is bplainly manifest unto them, and they receive not the light.

32 人的靈若不接受,那人就處在罪罰之下。

32 And every man whose spirit receiveth not the alight is under condemnation.

33 因為人是元素是永恆的,靈和元素不可分開地結合著,獲得完全的快樂;

33 For man is aspirit. The elements are beternal, and cspirit and element, inseparably connected, receive a fulness of joy;

34 一旦分開了,人就不能獲得完全的快樂

34 And when aseparated, man cannot receive a fulness of joy.

35 元素是神的會幕;是的,人是神的會幕,是的殿;凡被玷污的殿,神必毀壞那殿。

35 The aelements are the btabernacle of God; yea, man is the tabernacle of God, even ctemples; and whatsoever temple isddefiled, God shall destroy that temple.

36 神的榮耀智能,換句話說,是和真理。

36 The aglory of God is bintelligence, or, in other words, clightand truth.

37 光和真理棄絕那邪惡者。

37 Light and truth forsake that aevil one.

38 每個人的靈在太初都是無罪的;神救贖人類脫離了墜落,人類在其嬰孩時期,又在神前成為無罪的。

38 Every aspirit of man was binnocent in the beginning; and God having credeemed man from the dfall, men became again, in their infant state, einnocent before God.

39 那邪惡者來到,藉著世人的不服從,也因為他們父親的傳統,從人類兒女那裡取走光和真理。

39 And that awicked one cometh and btaketh away light and truth, through cdisobedience, from the children of men, and because of the dtradition of their fathers.

40 但是,我已命令你們在光和真理中教養子女

40 But I have commanded you to bring up your achildren inblight and truth.

41 但是,我僕人菲德克 • 威廉,我實在告訴你,你仍處在這罪罰之下;

41 But verily I say unto you, my servant Frederick G. Williams, you have continued under this condemnation;

42 你沒有按照誡命教導子女光和真理;那邪惡者仍有能力控制你,這是你痛苦的原因。

42 You have not ataught your children light and truth, according to the commandments; and that wicked one hath power, as yet, over you, and this is the cause of your baffliction.

43 現在我給你一條誡命──你如果要獲得解救,就必須整頓自己的家,因為你家裡有很多不對的事。

43 And now a commandment I give unto you—if you will be delivered you shall set in aorder your own house, for there are many things that are not right in your house.

44 我實在告訴我僕人西德尼 • 雷格登,他在有些事上沒有遵守有關他子女的誡命;所以,首先要整頓你的家。

44 Verily, I say unto my servant Sidney Rigdon, that in some things he hath not kept the commandments concerning his children; therefore, first set in order thy house.

45 我實在告訴我僕人小約瑟 • 斯密,換句話說,我要稱你們為朋友,因為你們是我的朋友,你們將和我一起擁有繼承產業──

45 Verily, I say unto my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., or in other words, I will call you afriends, for you are my friends, and ye shall have an inheritance with me—

46 我為了世人的緣故,稱你們為僕人,而你們是為了我的緣故,作他們的僕人──

46 I called you aservants for the world’s sake, and ye are their servants for my sake—

47 現在,我實在告訴小約瑟 • 斯密──你沒有遵守誡命,所以必須在主前受斥責

47 And now, verily I say unto Joseph Smith, Jun.—You have not kept the commandments, and must needs stand arebuked before the Lord;

48 你的家人必須悔改並離棄某些事,更加認真注意你的話,否則就會失去他們的地位。

48 Your afamily must needs repent and forsake some things, and give more earnest heed unto your sayings, or be removed out of their place.

49 我對一個人說的就是對所有的人說的;要一直祈禱,以免那邪惡者在你們裡面有力量,而使你們失去你們的地位。

49 What I say unto one I say unto all; apray always lest that wicked one have power in you, and remove you out of your place.

50 我僕人紐奧 • 惠尼,我教會的主教,也必須受懲戒,並整頓他的家庭,務使家人在家裡更加勤奮、關心,一直祈禱,否則就會失去他們的地位

50 My servant Newel K. Whitney also, a bishop of my church, hath need to be achastened, and set in border his family, and see that they are more cdiligent and concerned at home, and pray always, or they shall be removed out of their dplace.

51 現在,我的朋友們,我告訴你們,我僕人西德尼 • 雷格登要趕快啟程,照我將給他的話,宣告主的年和救恩的福音;藉著你們一致的信心的祈禱,我必支持他。

51 Now, I say unto you, my friends, let my servant Sidney Rigdon go on his journey, and make haste, and also proclaim theaacceptable year of the Lord, and the bgospel of salvation, as I shall give him utterance; and by your prayer of faith with one consent I will uphold him.

52 我僕人小約瑟 • 斯密和菲德克 • 威廉也要趕快,那必按照信心的祈禱給他們;只要你們奉行我的話,你們今生來世都不會蒙羞。

52 And let my servants Joseph Smith, Jun., and Frederick G. Williams make haste also, and it shall be given them even according to the prayer of faith; and inasmuch as you keep my sayings you shall not be confounded in this world, nor in the world to come.

53 而且,我實在告訴你們,這是我的旨意,你們要趕快翻譯我的經文,並獲取歷史的知識、各國家、各王國、以及神與人的律法的知識,而這一切都是為了錫安的救恩。阿們。

53 And, verily I say unto you, that it is my will that you shouldahasten to btranslate my scriptures, and to cobtain a dknowledgeof history, and of countries, and of kingdoms, of elaws of God and man, and all this for the salvation of Zion. Amen.