"中英對照/福音原則/第34章" 修訂間的差異

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於 2017年5月14日 (日) 23:10 的最新修訂

Developing Our Talents

We All Have Different Talents and Abilities


We all have special gifts, talents, and abilities given to us by our Heavenly Father.

我們出生時,就帶著這些恩賜、才幹和能力而來(見本書第2 章)。

When we were born, we brought these gifts, talents, and abilities with us (see chapter 2 in this book) .


The prophet Moses was a great leader, but he needed Aaron, his brother, to help as a spokesman (see Exodus 4:14–16).


Some of us are leaders like Moses or good speakers like Aaron.


Some of us can sing well or play an instrument.


Others of us may be good in sports or able to work well with our hands.


Other talents we might have are understanding others, patience, cheerfulness, or the ability to teach others .

● 你曾如何因別人的才幹而獲益?

• How have you benefited from the talents of others ?

We Should Use and Improve Our Talents

● 我們要如何培養我們的才幹?

• How can we develop our talents ?


We have a responsibility to develop the talents we have been given .


Sometimes we think we do not have many talents or that other people have been blessed with more abilities than we possess .


Sometimes we do not use our talents because we are afraid that we might fail or be criticized by others.


We should not hide our talents .

We should use them.


Then others can see our good works and glorify our Heavenly Father (see Matthew 5:16) .


There are certain things we must do to develop our talents.


First, we must discover our talents.


We should evaluate ourselves to find our strengths and abilities.


Our family and friends can help us do this .


We should also ask our Heavenly Father to help us learn about our talents .


Second, we must be willing to spend the time and effort to develop the talent we are seeking .


Third, we must have faith that our Heavenly Father will help us, and we must have faith in ourselves .


Fourth, we must learn the skills necessary for us to develop our talents.


We might do this by taking a class, asking a friend to teach us, or reading a book .


Fifth, we must practice using our talent.


Every talent takes effort and work to develop.


The mastery of a talent must be earned .


Sixth, we must share our talent with others.


It is by our using our talents that they grow (see Matthew 25:29) .


All of these steps are easier if we pray and seek the Lord’s help.


He wants us to develop our talents, and He will help us .

We Can Develop Our Talents in Spite of Our Weaknesses

● 儘管我們有缺點,但我們還是可以用哪些方法來培養我們的才幹?

• How can we develop our talents in spite of our weaknesses ?


Because we are mortal and fallen, we have weaknesses.


With the Lord’s help, our weakness and fallen nature can be overcome (see Ether 12:27, 37).


Beethoven composed his greatest music after he was deaf.


Enoch overcame his slowness of speech to become a powerful teacher (see Moses 6:26–47) .


Some great athletes have had to overcome handicaps before they have succeeded in developing their talents.

雪麗.麥恩( Shelly Mann)就是這樣的一個例子。

Shelly Mann was such an example .


“At the age of five she had polio.

... Her parents took her daily to a swimming pool where they hoped the water would help hold her arms up as she tried to use them again.


When she could lift her arm out of the water with her own power, she cried for joy.


Then her goal was to swim the width of the pool, then the length, then several lengths.

她日復一日,不斷努力和練習,終於贏得一面〔奧運〕蝶式金牌──這是所有泳式中最難的一種」(Marvin J. Ashton, inConference Report, Apr. 1975, 127; or Ensign, May 1975, 86)。

She kept on trying, swimming, enduring, day after day after day, until she won the [Olympic] gold medal for the butterfly stroke— one of the most difficult of all swimming strokes” (Marvin J. Ashton, in Conference Report, Apr. 1975, 127; or Ensign, May 1975, 86) .


Heber J. Grant overcame many of his weaknesses and turned them into talents.

他的座右銘是:「持之以恆就能化難為易;不是事情的本質改變了,而是我們的能力增強了」(總會會長的教訓:禧伯.郭,第35 頁)。

He had as a motto these words: “That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do; not that the nature of the thing is changed, but that our power to do is increased” (in Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Heber J. Grant [2002], 35) .

The Lord Will Bless Us If We Use Our Talents Wisely

約瑟F..斯密會長說過:「神的每位兒女都得到一些才幹,每個人都要為有沒有明智運用這些才幹負完全的責任」(GospelDoctrine, 5th ed. [1939], 370)。

President Joseph F. Smith said, “Every son and every daughter of God has received some talent, and each will be held to strict account for the use or misuse to which it is put” (Gospel Doctrine, 5 th ed. [1939], 370).


A talent is one kind of stewardship (responsibility in the kingdom of God).


The parable of the talents tells us that when we serve well in our stewardship, we will be given greater responsibilities.


If we do not serve well, our stewardship will eventually be taken from us. (See Matthew 25:14–30.)


We are also told in the scriptures that we will be judged according to our works (see Matthew 16:27).


By developing and using our talents for other people, we perform good works .


The Lord is pleased when we use our talents wisely.


He will bless us if we use our talents to benefit other people and to build up His kingdom here on earth.


Some of the blessings we gain are joy and love from serving our brothers and sisters here on earth.


We also learn self-control.


All these things are necessary if we are going to be worthy to live with our Heavenly Father again .

● 有哪些人的例子說明才幹會因為明智地運用而被擴大?

• What are some examples of people whose talents have been magnified because they used them wisely?


(Consider people you know or people in the scriptures or Church history.)


For teachers: One way to show class members that you care about them individually is to call them by name.


Learn their names.


When new class members attend the class, introduce them to the others .

Additional Scriptures

● 聖經雅各書1:17(恩賜是神所賜的)
• James 1:17 (gifts come from God)
● 教約46:8-11;提摩太前書4:14(要尋求並培養恩賜)
• D&C 46:8–11; 1 Timothy 4:14 (seek and develop gifts)
● 哥林多後書12:9(軟弱的會被造成堅強)
• 2 Corinthians 12:9 (weak things made strong)
● 啟示錄20:13;尼腓一書15:33;教約19:3(按照我們的行為受審判)
• Revelation 20:13; 1 Nephi 15:33; D&C 19:3 (judged by our works)
● 希伯來書13:21(展現好行為)
• Hebrews 13:21 (show good works)