中英對照/總會大會/2018上/Family History and Temple Work: Sealing and Healing

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Family History and Temple Work: Sealing and Healing
By Elder Dale G. Renlund
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
When we gather our family histories and go to the temple on behalf of our ancestors, God fulfills promised blessings simultaneously on both sides of the veil.


大考中心六級以內用字 90%,大考中心六級以外用字 7%,教會用字 3%。

大考中心1級 312 51%
大考中心2級 86 14%
大考中心3級 61 10%
大考中心4級 47 8%
大考中心5級 27 4%
大考中心6級 22 4%
大考6級以上 40 7%
教會用字 20 3%
總計 615 100%
人名與地名 17 不列入統計



1 Family relationships can be some of the most rewarding yet challenging experiences we encounter.

1 家庭關係可能是我們遇到的最有價值但最具挑戰性的經歷。

2 Many of us have faced a fracture of some sort within our families.

2 我們許多人都曾與家人有過意見不同的時候。

3 Such a fracture developed between two heroes of the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ in these latter days.

3 耶穌基督的教會在近代復興的時期,有兩位英雄人物之間就曾有過這種感覺。

4 Parley and Orson Pratt were brothers, early converts, and ordained Apostles.

4 帕雷和奧申·普瑞特這對兄弟是早期的歸信者,也蒙按立為使徒。

5 Each faced a trial of faith but came through with an unshakable testimony.

5 他們各自面臨信心的考驗,一路上卻憑著不可動搖的見證挺過去。

6 Both sacrificed and contributed greatly for the cause of truth.

6 兩人都為了真理的偉業作出極大的犧牲和貢獻。

7 During the Nauvoo era, their relationship became strained, culminating in a heated, public confrontation in 1846. A deep and prolonged rift developed.

7 在納府時期,他們的關係緊張且越演越烈,終於在1846年公然對峙,兩人的關係產生了一道既深且長的裂痕。

8 Parley initially wrote to Orson to resolve the rift, but Orson did not reply.

8 帕雷最初寫信給奧申,希望修復他們之間的嫌隙,但奧申沒有回信。

9 Parley gave up, feeling that correspondence was over forever, unless initiated by Orson.

9 帕雷放棄了,相信他們永遠不可能再聯繫,除非奧申先寫信給他。

10 Several years later, in March 1853, Orson learned about a project to publish a book on the descendants of William Pratt, the brothers’ earliest American ancestor.

10 幾年後,在1853年3月,奧申得知有一本關於威廉·普瑞特後代的書籍要出版,威廉·普瑞特是他們兩兄弟最早的美洲祖先。

11 Orson began to weep “like a little child” as he glimpsed this treasure trove of family history.

11 奧申看到這本珍貴的家譜收藏時,開始哭得「像個小孩」。

12 His heart melted, and he determined to repair the breach with his brother.

12 他的心軟化了,並決定要修復他與哥哥之間的裂痕。

13 Orson wrote to Parley, “Now my dear brother, there are none among all the descendants of our Ancestor, Lieut[enant] William Pratt, who have so deep an interest in searching out his descendants as ourselves.”

13 奧申寫信給帕雷說:「我親愛的哥哥,在我們祖先威廉·普瑞特中尉的所有後代裡,沒有一個比我們更熱切於搜集他後代的資料。」

14 Orson was one of the first to understand that Latter-day Saints have an obligation to research and compile family histories so that we can perform vicarious ordinances for our ancestors.

14 奧申是最早體會到後期聖徒有義務研究和編製家譜的人之一,這樣我們才能為祖先執行替代教儀。

15 His letter continued: “We know that the God of our fathers has had a hand in all this.

15 他的信接著說:「我們知道,我們祖先的神曾引領這一切。

16 … I will beg pardon for having been so backward in writing to you.

16 ……請原諒我拖這麼久才寫信給你。

17 … I hope you will forgive me.”

17 ……我希望你會寬恕我。」

18  Despite their unshakable testimonies, their love for their ancestors was the catalyst to heal a rift, mend a hurt, and seek and extend forgiveness.

18 暫且不提他們不可動搖的見證,他們對祖先的愛是消弭分歧、修補創傷、尋求和展現寬恕的催化劑。

19 When God directs us to do one thing, He often has many purposes in mind.

19 神指示我們去做一件事時,祂心中通常有許多目的。

20 Family history and temple work is not only for the dead but blesses the living as well.

20 家譜和聖殿事工並非只是為了已逝者,也是為了祝福活著的人。

21 For Orson and Parley, it turned their hearts to each other.

21 對奧申和帕雷而言,這讓他們的心轉向彼此。

22 Family history and temple work provided the power to heal that which needed healing.

22 家譜和聖殿事工提供力量,治愈了兩人之間需要被治癒的部分。

23 As Church members, we do have a divinely appointed responsibility to seek out our ancestors and compile family histories.

23 身為教會成員,我們確實有神所指派的責任,要找出自己的祖先並編撰家譜。

24 This is far more than an encouraged hobby, because the ordinances of salvation are necessary for all of God’s children.

24 這絕不僅是一個鼓勵我們去培養的嗜好,因為救恩的教儀對神所有的兒女都是必要的。

25  We are to identify our own ancestors who died without receiving the ordinances of salvation.

25 我們要找出那些還沒接受救恩教儀就死去的祖先。

26 We can perform the ordinances vicariously in temples, and our ancestors may choose to accept the ordinances.

26 我們可以在聖殿執行替代教儀,而我們的祖先也可以選擇是否接受這些教儀。

27  We are also encouraged to help ward and stake members with their family names.

27 我們也鼓勵幫助支會和支聯會成員準備他們的家庭名字。

28 It is breathtakingly amazing that, through family history and temple work, we can help to redeem the dead.

28 令人驚嘆不已的是,我們可以透過家譜和聖殿事工協助救贖死者。

29 But as we participate in family history and temple work today, we also lay claim to “healing” blessings promised by prophets and apostles.

29 我們參與今日的家譜和聖殿事工時,也有權獲得先知和使徒所應許的「醫治」的祝福。

30  These blessings are also breathtakingly amazing because of their scope, specificity, and consequence in mortality.

30 這些祝福的涵蓋範圍、特性和在今生的結果,也同樣令人嘖嘖稱奇。

31 This long list includes these blessings:

31 這許多的祝福包括:

  • 32 Increased understanding of the Savior and His atoning sacrifice;

  • 32 加增對救主和祂贖罪犧牲的理解;

  • 33 Increased influence of the Holy Ghost to feel strength and direction for our own lives;

  • 33 加增的聖靈影響力,讓我們在生活中感受到鞏固和指引;

  • 34 Increased faith, so that conversion to the Savior becomes deep and abiding;

  • 34 加增的信心,讓我們對救主的歸信更深刻持久;

  • 35 Increased ability and motivation to learn and repent because of an understanding of who we are, where we come from, and a clearer vision of where we are going;

  • 35 加增的能力和動力,讓我們學習和悔改,了解自己的身份、來自何處,以及更清楚見到我們要去哪裏;

  • 36 Increased refining, sanctifying, and moderating influences in our hearts;

  • 36 加增的影響力,來淬鍊、聖化和調節我們內心;

  • 37 Increased joy through an increased ability to feel the love of the Lord;

  • 37 加增的喜樂,因為更有能力感受主的愛;

  • 38 Increased family blessings, no matter our current, past, or future family situation or how imperfect our family tree may be;

  • 38 加增的家庭祝福,無論我們目前、過去或未來的家庭情況如何,或者我們的家譜樹有多麼不完美;

  • 39 Increased love and appreciation for ancestors and living relatives, so we no longer feel alone;

  • 39 加增對祖先和在世親人的愛與感激,我們會因此不再感到孤單;

  • 40 Increased power to discern that which needs healing and thus, with the Lord’s help, serve others;

  • 40 加增的辨識能力,看出誰需要醫治,並且因此能在主的幫助下為其他人服務;

  • 41 Increased protection from temptations and the intensifying influence of the adversary; and

  • 41 加增的保護,抵禦誘惑和敵人日漸猖狂的勢力;以及

  • 42 Increased assistance to mend troubled, broken, or anxious hearts and make the wounded whole.

  • 42 加增的援助,來修補憂愁、破碎或焦慮的心,和治癒傷者。

43 If you have prayed for any of these blessings, participate in family history and temple work.

43 如果你曾祈求這其中的任何祝福,請參與家譜和聖殿事工。

44 As you do so, your prayers will be answered.

44 當你這麼做時,你的祈禱就會得到答覆。

45 When ordinances are performed on behalf of the deceased, God’s children on earth are healed.

45 在代替死者執行教儀的時候,神在地面上的兒女便得到醫治。

46 No wonder President Russell M. Nelson, in his first message as President of the Church, declared, “Your worship in the temple and your service there for your ancestors will bless you with increased personal revelation and peace and will fortify your commitment to stay on the covenant path.”

46 因此,羅素·納爾遜會長在他的第一篇總會會長信息中說:「各位在聖殿的崇拜以及為祖先所作的服務會造福你,讓你獲得更多的個人啟示及平安,也會加強你的決心,留在這條聖約道路上。」

47 An earlier prophet also foresaw blessings for both the living and the dead.

47 之前的一位先知也預見了活著的人和已逝者的祝福。

48  A heavenly messenger showed Ezekiel a vision of a temple with water gushing out of it.

48 一位天上的使者讓以西結在異象中看到一座聖殿有水從中湧出。

49 Ezekiel was told:“These waters issue out … and go down into the desert, and go into the [dead] sea … , [and] the waters shall be healed.

49 以西結得知:「這水……必下到亞拉巴,直到〔死〕海。……,使水變甜。

50 “And it shall come to pass, that every thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live: … for they shall be healed;

50 「這河水所到之處,凡滋生的動物都必生活,……海水也變甜了。

51 and every thing shall live whither the river cometh.”

51 這河水所到之處,百物都必生活。」

52 Two characteristics of the water are noteworthy.

52 值得注意的是這河水的兩個特徵。

53 First, though the small stream had no tributaries, it grew into a mighty river, becoming wider and deeper the farther it flowed.

53 首先,雖然這條小河沒有支流,卻逐漸發展成一條大河,越流越寬闊,越流越深。

54 Something similar happens with the blessings that flow from the temple as individuals are sealed as families.

54 個人與家人印證在一起時,聖殿所帶來的祝福也有類似的情形。

55 Meaningful growth occurs going backward and forward through the generations as sealing ordinances weld families together.

55 當印證教儀將家庭焊接在一起,有意義的增長就會世代傳承。

56 Second, the river renewed everything that it touched.

56 其次,這條河所到之處,萬物復甦。

57 The blessings of the temple likewise have a stunning capacity to heal.

57 聖殿的祝福也同樣具有驚人的醫治能力。

58 Temple blessings can heal hearts and lives and families.

58 聖殿祝福可以醫治心靈、生命和家庭。

59 Let me illustrate.

59 請容我舉例說明。

60 In 1999 a young man named Todd collapsed from a ruptured blood vessel in his brain.

60 1999年,一位名叫陶德的年輕人因腦血管破裂而癱倒。

61 Although Todd and his family were members of the Church, their activity had been sporadic, and none had experienced the blessings of the temple.

61 雖然陶德和他的家人都是教會成員,但他們不怎麼活躍,也沒有人體驗過聖殿的祝福。

62 On the last night of Todd’s life, his mother, Betty, sat at his bedside stroking his hand and said, “Todd, if you really do have to go, I promise I’ll see to it that your temple work gets done.”

62 在陶德生命的最後一晚,他的母親貝蒂在病榻旁輕撫著他的手,說:「陶德,如果你真的必須離開,我保證,我會完成你的聖殿教儀。」

63 The next morning, Todd was declared brain dead.

63 第二天早上,陶德被宣告腦死。

64 Surgeons transplanted Todd’s heart into my patient, a remarkable individual named Rod.

64 外科醫生將陶德的心臟移植到我的患者身上,他的名字叫羅得,是一位相當優秀的人。

65 A few months after the transplant, Rod learned the identity of his heart donor’s family and began to correspond with them.

65 移植手術後幾個月,羅得知道了心臟捐贈者的家庭,便開始與他們通信。

66 About two years later, Todd’s mother, Betty, invited Rod to be present when she went to the temple for the first time.

66 大約兩年後,陶德的母親貝蒂第一次去聖殿時,邀請羅得參加。

67 Rod and Betty first met in person in the celestial room of the St. George Utah Temple.

67 羅得和貝蒂第一次見面是在猶他州聖喬治聖殿的高榮室。

68 Sometime thereafter, Todd’s father— Betty’s husband— died.

68 後來陶德的父親,也就是貝蒂的丈夫過世了。

69 A couple of years later, Betty invited Rod to vicariously represent her deceased son in receiving his temple ordinances.

69 幾年後,貝蒂邀請羅得代理她已故的兒子接受聖殿教儀。

70 Rod gratefully did so, and the proxy work culminated in a sealing room in the St. George Utah Temple.

70 羅得心懷感激地這麼做了,替代的事工最後進展到猶他州聖喬治聖殿的印證室。

71 Betty was sealed to her deceased husband, kneeling across the altar from her grandson who served as proxy.

71 貝蒂被印證給已故的丈夫,而擔任代理人的外孫就跪在祭壇的另一邊。

72 Then, with tears streaming down her cheeks, she beckoned for Rod to join them at the altar.

72 然後,她淚流滿面地向羅得招手,要他加入祭壇邊的他們。

73 Rod knelt beside them, acting as proxy for her son, Todd, whose heart was still beating inside Rod’s chest.

73 羅得跪在他們旁邊,代理她的兒子陶德,而陶德的心臟仍還在羅得的胸膛裡跳動。

74 Rod’s heart donor, Todd, was then sealed to his parents for all eternity.

74 然後羅得的心臟捐贈者陶德,與他的父母永遠印證在一起。

75 Todd’s mother had kept the promise she made to her dying son years before.

75 陶德的母親信守了她幾年前對臨終兒子的承諾。

76 But the story does not end there.

76 但故事並沒有就此結束。

77 Fifteen years after his heart transplant, Rod became engaged to be married and asked me to perform the sealing in the Provo Utah Temple.

77 心臟移植15年後,羅得訂婚了,準備在猶他州普柔浮聖殿結婚,他邀請我執行印證的教儀。

78 On the wedding day, I met with Rod and his marvelous bride, Kim, in a room adjacent to the sealing room, where their families and closest friends were waiting.

78 婚禮那天,我在印證室隔壁的一個房間裡會見了羅得和他美麗的新娘金恩,他們的家人和最好的朋友都在那裡等候。

79 After briefly visiting with Rod and Kim, I asked if they had any questions.

79 我與羅得和金恩短暫交談之後,問他們是否有任何疑問。

80 Rod said, “Yes.

80 羅得說:「有。

81 My donor family is here and would love to meet you.”

81 我捐贈者的家人來了,他們很想見你。」

82 I was caught off guard and asked, “You mean they’re here? Right now?”

82 我吃驚地問道:「你是說他們在這裡?現在?」

83 Rod replied, “Yes.”

83 羅得回答說:「是的。」

84 I stepped around the corner and called the family out of the sealing room.

84 我走到拐角處,把那些家人從印證室招呼出來。

85 Betty, her daughter, and her son-in-law joined us.

85 貝蒂、她的女兒和女婿加入了我們。

86 Rod greeted Betty with a hug, thanked her for coming, and then introduced me to her.

86 羅得擁抱貝蒂,迎接她,感謝她的到來,然後把我介紹給她。

87 Rod said, “Betty, this is Elder Renlund.

87 羅得說:「貝蒂,這是瑞隆長老。

88 He was the doctor who took care of your son’s heart for so many years.”

88 他是這麼多年來照顧你兒子心臟的醫生。」

89 She crossed the room and embraced me.

89 她穿過房間,擁抱了我。

90 And for the next several minutes, there were hugs and tears of joy all around.

90 在接下來的幾分鐘裡,房間裡的每個人相互擁抱,洋溢著喜悅的淚水。

91 After we regained our composure, we moved into the sealing room, where Rod and Kim were sealed for time and all eternity.

91 等我們恢復平靜後,便移步到印證室,羅得和金恩在那裡印證為今世和全永恆的夫妻。

92 Rod, Kim, Betty, and I can testify that heaven was very close, that there were others with us that day who had previously passed through the veil of mortality.

92 羅得、金恩、貝蒂和我可以證明天堂就近在咫尺,那天還有其他人和我們一起,就是那些已經穿越死亡幔子的人。

93 God, in His infinite capacity, seals and heals individuals and families despite tragedy, loss, and hardship.

93 儘管有悲劇、失落和艱難,神以祂無限的能力印證和醫治個人和家庭。

94 We sometimes compare the feelings we experience in temples as having caught a glimpse of heaven.

94 我們有時候會把在聖殿中體驗到的感受比作天堂一瞥。

95  That day in the Provo Utah Temple, this statement by C. S. Lewis resonated with me: “[Mortals] say of some temporal suffering, ‘No future bliss can make up for it,’ not knowing that Heaven, once attained, will work backwards and turn even that agony into a glory.

95 那天在猶他州普柔浮聖殿,C.S. 路易斯的這句話引起我的共鳴:「〔凡人〕認為『未來的幸福無法彌補』俗世的苦難,豈不知一旦觸及天堂,就會逆轉,甚至將痛苦變成榮耀。

96 … The Blessed will say, ‘We have never lived anywhere except in Heaven.’”

96 ……那蒙福的人會說:『除了天堂,我們沒有住過別的地方。』」

97 God will strengthen, help, and uphold us;

97 神必堅固、幫助和扶持我們;

98  and He will sanctify to us our deepest distress.

98 祂必聖化我們最深切的痛苦。

99  When we gather our family histories and go to the temple on behalf of our ancestors, God fulfills many of these promised blessings simultaneously on both sides of the veil.

99 當我們搜集自己的家譜並代表我們的祖先進入聖殿時,神會同時在幔子兩邊實現其中多項應許的祝福。

100 Similarly, we are blessed when we help others in our wards and stakes do the same.

100 同樣地,當我們幫助支會和支聯會中的其他人也這樣做的時候,我們也會受到祝福。

101 Members who do not live close to a temple also receive these blessings by participating in family history work, collecting the names of their ancestors for temple ordinances to be performed.

101 不住在聖殿附近的成員藉著參與家譜事工,收集自己祖先的名字以執行聖殿教儀,也可以獲得這些祝福。

102 President Russell M. Nelson, however, cautioned: “We can be inspired all day long about temple and family history experiences others have had.

102 然而,羅素·納爾遜會長告誡說:「我們可以一整天從別人在聖殿和家譜方面的經驗中得到鼓舞,

103 But we must do something to actually experience the joy ourselves.”

103 但是,我們必須實際做一些事,才能親自體會那種喜悅。」

104 He continued, “I invite you to prayerfully consider what kind of sacrifice—preferably a sacrifice of time—you can make [to] do more temple and family history work.”

104 他繼續說道:「我邀請各位要透過祈禱,思考你們今年可以作什麼樣的犧牲,最好是時間上的犧牲,來做更多的家譜和聖殿事工。」

105  As you accept President Nelson’s invitation, you will discover, gather, and connect your family.

105 你一旦接受納爾遜會長的邀請,就會去探索、聚集你的家人,把他們連結起來。

106 Additionally, blessings will flow to you and your family like the river spoken of by Ezekiel.

106 此外,祝福會像以西結所說的那條河那樣,流向你和你的家人。

107 You will find healing for that which needs healing.

107 你會覺得要醫治的地方得到治癒。

108 Orson and Parley Pratt experienced the healing and sealing effects of family history and temple work early in this dispensation.

108 在本福音期的早期,奧申和帕雷 普瑞特體驗到家譜和聖殿事工的醫治作用和印證效力。

109 Betty, her family, and Rod experienced it.

109 貝蒂、她的家人和羅得也體驗過。

110 You can too.

110 你也可以。

111 Through His atoning sacrifice, Jesus Christ offers these blessings to all, both the dead and the living.

111 耶穌基督藉著祂的贖罪犧牲,將這些祝福賜給所有的人,無論是死者還是活人。

112 Because of these blessings, we will find that we, metaphorically, “have never lived anywhere except … Heaven.”

112 由於這些祝福,我們會覺得自己就好像「除了天堂,……沒有住過別的地方。」

113  I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

113 我這樣見證,奉耶穌基督的名,阿們。


單字 次數 級別
March 1 大考中心1級
may 2 大考中心1級
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Yes 2 大考中心1級
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your 9 大考中心1級
