中英對照/總會大會/2018上/Prepare to Meet God

出自 青少年追求卓越
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Prepare to Meet God
By Elder Quentin L. Cook
of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Pursuing divinely appointed responsibilities in righteousness, unity, and equality will prepare us to meet God.


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大考中心1級 284 45%
大考中心2級 97 15%
大考中心3級 63 10%
大考中心4級 53 8%
大考中心5級 27 4%
大考中心6級 34 5%
大考6級以上 46 7%
教會用字 33 5%
總計 637 100%
人名與地名 21 不列入統計



1 Eliza R. Snow, speaking of the Kirtland Temple dedication (which she attended), said: “The ceremonies of that dedication may be rehearsed, but no mortal language can describe the heavenly manifestations of that memorable day.

1 伊莉莎·舒談到(她出席)嘉德蘭聖殿奉獻典禮的情形,說:「聖殿的奉獻儀式也許可以在事後重述,但是在那難忘的一天,天使顯現的情景是無法用人類的語言形容的。

2 Angels appeared to some, while a sense of divine presence was realized by all present, and each heart was filled with joy inexpressible and full of glory.”

2 天使只向某些人顯現,但所有在場的人都感覺到神聖人物的蒞臨,每個人的心中都有說不出來、滿有榮光的大喜樂。」

3 The divine manifestations that occurred in the Kirtland Temple were foundational to the purpose of the restored Church of Jesus Christ to bring to pass the salvation and exaltation of our Heavenly Father’s children.

3 那次發生在嘉德蘭聖殿裡的神聖顯現是在奠定基礎,以達成耶穌基督復興的教會之目的,即促成天父兒女的救恩和超升。

4  As we prepare to meet God, we can know what our divinely appointed responsibilities are by reviewing the sacred keys restored in the Kirtland Temple.

4 我們在準備迎見神的時候,可以藉著回顧在嘉德蘭聖殿復興的神聖權鑰,來知道神指派了我們哪些責任。

5 In the dedicatory prayer, the Prophet Joseph Smith humbly petitioned the Lord “to accept of this house … which thou didst command us to build.”

5 先知約瑟·斯密在那次的奉獻祈禱文中,謙卑地懇求主「接受您命令我們……建造的這所家宅」。

6 One week later, on Easter Sunday, the Lord appeared in a magnificent vision and accepted His temple.

6 一星期後,在復活節主日,主在莊嚴的異象中顯現,接受了祂的聖殿。

7 This occurred on April 3, 1836, almost exactly 182 years ago from this Easter Sunday.

7 這件事發生在1836年4月3日,距離今天這個復活節主日,幾乎正好182年。

8 It was also the Passover season—one of those rare times when Easter and Passover overlap.

8 那天也是逾越節期間——是極少數幾次復活節和逾越節交疊的時候。

9 After the vision closed, three ancient prophets, Moses, Elias, and Elijah, appeared and committed keys which were essential to accomplish the Lord’s purpose for His restored Church in this dispensation.

9 在那個異象結束後,摩西、以利亞和以來加這三位古代先知出現,交托了不可或缺的權鑰,以便在這福音期達成主復興的教會之目的。

10 That purpose has been simply, but eloquently, defined as gathering Israel, sealing them as families, and preparing the world for the Lord’s Second Coming.

10 這項目的已被清楚、明白地界定,就是要聚集以色列、把他們的家庭印證在一起,並準備世人迎接主的第二次來臨。

11 For both Elijah and Moses to appear was a “striking parallel … [with] Jewish tradition, according to which Moses and Elijah would arrive together at the ‘end of time.

11 因為以來加和摩西一起出現,「『顯然就符合』猶太傳統所說的,摩西和以來加會在『世界末了』時一起來到」。

12 ’” In our doctrine, this appearance accomplished the foundational restoration of certain keys “given … for the last days and for the last time, in the which is the dispensation of the fulness of times.”

12 在我們的教義中,此一顯現完成了復興某些權鑰的基礎工作,「在末世,也是最後一次〔賜予這些權鑰〕……,這期間就是圓滿時代的福音期」。

13 The Kirtland Temple, both in location and size, was relatively obscure.

13 嘉德蘭聖殿,無論其地點或規模,都相當不起眼。

14 But in terms of its enormous significance to mankind, it was eternity-shaping.

14 但是它對人類極為重要,具有永恆的影響。

15  Ancient prophets restored priesthood keys for the eternal saving ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

15 古代先知為了耶穌基督福音的永恆救恩教儀,而復興了聖職權鑰。

16 This resulted in overwhelming joy for faithful members.

16 這為忠信的成員帶來了極大的喜樂。

17 These keys provide the “power from on high” for divinely appointed responsibilities that constitute the primary purpose of the Church.

17 這些權鑰為神所指派的責任提供了「來自高天的能力」,而無論那時或現在,這些責任都是教會的主要目的。

18 On that wonderful Easter day in the Kirtland Temple, three keys were restored:

18 在嘉德蘭聖殿那個美好的復活主日,有三項權鑰復興了:

19 First, Moses appeared and committed the keys of the gathering of Israel from the four parts of the earth, which is missionary work.

19 首先,摩西顯現,交托從大地四方聚集以色列的權鑰;也就是傳道事工。

20 Second, Elias appeared and committed the keys of the dispensation of the gospel of Abraham, which includes the restoration of the Abrahamic covenant.

20 其次,以利亞顯現,交托了亞伯拉罕福音期的權鑰,包括復興亞伯拉罕的聖約。

21  President Russell M. Nelson has taught that the purpose of the covenant keys is to prepare members for the kingdom of God.

21 羅素·納爾遜會長教導說,這些聖約權鑰的目的,就是使教會成員為神的國度作好準備。

22 He said, “We know who we are and [we know] what God expects of us.”

22 他說:「我們……明白自己的真正身份,〔我們也明白〕神對我們的期望。」

23 Third, Elijah appeared and committed the keys of the sealing power in this dispensation, which is family history work and temple ordinances enabling salvation for the living and the dead.

23 第三,以來加顯現,交托這福音期印證能力的權鑰,也就是家譜事工和使活人與死者能獲得救恩的聖殿教儀。

24 There are, under the direction of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, three executive councils at Church headquarters that oversee these divinely appointed responsibilities based on the keys that were restored in the Kirtland Temple.

24 在總會會長團及十二使徒定額組的指導下,教會總部有三個執行議會,根據在嘉德蘭聖殿復興的這些權鑰,負責督導神所指派的這些責任。

25 They are the Missionary Executive Council, the Priesthood and Family Executive Council, and the Temple and Family History Executive Council.

25 這三個議會是:傳道執行議會、聖職和家庭執行議會,以及聖殿和家譜執行議會。

26 First, with respect to Moses’s restoration of the keys for the gathering of Israel, today almost 70,000 missionaries are spread across the earth preaching His gospel to gather His elect.

26 首先,針對摩西所復興的聚集以色列的權鑰,今日在世界各地有將近70,000名傳教士在宣講祂的福音,聚集祂的選民。

27 This is the commencement of the fulfillment of the great and marvelous work Nephi foresaw among both the Gentiles and the house of Israel.

27 這就開始實現了尼腓所預見的,在外邦人和以色列家族中的偉大而奇妙的事工。

28 Nephi saw our time when the Saints of God would be upon all the face of the earth, but their numbers would be small because of wickedness.

28 尼腓看到我們的時代,神的聖徒分布在整個地面,但由於罪惡,他們的人數很少。

29 However, he foresaw that they would be “armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory.”

29 然而,他也預先看到他們「在極大的榮耀中,以正義,並以神的大能武裝起來」。

30  When viewed across the brief history of the restored Church, the missionary effort has been most remarkable.

30 回顧這復興的教會的簡短歷史,傳道方面的努力一直都不同凡響。

31 We are seeing the fulfillment of Nephi’s vision.

31 我們看到尼腓的異象正在應驗。

32 Though our numbers are relatively few, we will continue our effort and outreach to those who will respond to the Savior’s message.

32 雖然我們的人數不多,但是我們會繼續努力,幫助那些對救主的信息有所回應的人。

33 Second, Elias appeared and committed the dispensation of the gospel of Abraham, declaring that in us and our seed all generations after us should be blessed.

33 其次,以利亞顯現,交托亞伯拉罕的福音期,宣告我們之後的各個世代都要因我們和我們的後裔蒙福。

34 In this conference, significant guidance has been presented to assist in perfecting the Saints and preparing them for the kingdom of God.

34 在這次大會期間,宣布了許多重要的指引,來協助成全聖徒,幫助他們為神的國做好準備。

35  The announcement in the priesthood session with respect to elders and high priests quorums will unleash priesthood power and authority.

35 在聖職大會上有關長老和大祭司定額組的宣布事項,將使聖職的能力和權柄全然釋放。

36 Home and visiting teaching, now “ministering,” as taught so eloquently in this session, will prepare Latter-day Saints to meet God.

36 家庭教導和探訪教導,即現在所稱的「施助」,已在這場大會被清楚地教導,將幫助後期聖徒準備好迎見神。

37 Third, Elijah committed the sealing keys of this dispensation.

37 第三,以來加交托了本福音期的印證權鑰。

38 For those of us alive at this time, the increase in temples and family history work is phenomenal.

38 對我們這些活在這時代的人來說,聖殿數量的增加和家譜事工的成長都是前所未有的。

39 This pace will continue and accelerate until the Second Coming of the Savior, lest the whole earth “be utterly wasted at his coming.”

39 這樣的步調會一直持續,而且會越來越快,直到救主第二次來臨,以免整個大地「在祂來臨時完全荒廢」。

40 Family history work, heaven-blessed by technology, has dramatically increased in the past few years.

40 家譜事工在上天的祝福下,藉著科技的協助,在過去幾年中大幅成長。

41 We would be unwise to become complacent about this divinely appointed responsibility and expect that Aunt Jane or some other committed relative will take care of it.

41 對於神所指派的這項責任,我們絕不可不智地沾沾自喜,期待某個伯母阿姨或熱心的親戚會扛下這責任。

42 Let me share President Joseph Fielding Smith’s jarring comments: “None is exempt from this great obligation.

42 容我分享約瑟·斐亭·斯密會長直言不諱的這段話:「在這項偉大的責任上,沒有人會被豁免。

43 It is required of the apostle as well as the humblest elder [or sister].

43 無論是使徒,或是職位最低的長老〔或姊妹〕,都有這責任。

44 Place, or distinction, or long service in the Church … will not entitle one to disregard the salvation of one’s dead.”

44 無論在教會中擔任什麼職位、享有什麼盛名,或服務多久的時間……都不會使人有權利去忽略自己已逝祖先的救恩。」

45 We now have temples across the world and the resources of the patron assistance fund to help those in need who are far from a temple.

45 現在我們在世界各地都有聖殿,也有與會者援助基金這些資源,來幫助離聖殿遙遠,且有需求的人。

46 As individuals, we would do well to evaluate our effort in pursuing missionary work, temple and family history work, and preparations to meet God.

46 我們每個人都應該評估自己在從事傳道事工、聖殿和家譜事工,以及在準備迎見神方面做得如何。

47 With respect to righteousness, this life is the time for all of us to prepare to meet God.

47 關於正義,今生是我們每個人為迎見神而作準備的時期。

48  The Book of Mormon provides multiple examples of the tragic consequences when individuals or groups fail to keep the commandments of God.

48 摩爾門經提供了許多例子,談到個人或群體不遵守神的誡命的悲慘後果。

49 During my lifetime, worldly issues and concerns have moved from one extreme to another—from frivolous and trivial pursuits to serious immorality.

49 在我的一生中,世俗的議題和世人所關切的事已經從一種極端轉變到另一種極端——從講究不重要的枝微末節,轉變成嚴重的敗德行為。

50 It is commendable that nonconsensual immorality has been exposed and denounced.

50 值得讚揚的是,有些並非當事人雙方皆同意的敗德行為已被揭發並受到譴責。

51  Such nonconsensual immorality is against the laws of God and of society.

51 這類並非當事人雙方皆同意的敗德行為,違反了神的律法和社會上的法律。

52 Those who understand God’s plan should also oppose consensual immorality, which is also a sin.

52 了解神計畫的人也應當反對當事人雙方皆同意的敗德行為,因為那樣的行為也屬於一種罪。

53 The family proclamation to the world warns “that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse spouse or offspring [or, for that matter, anyone else] … will one day stand accountable before God.”

53 致全世界文告提出警告:「違反貞潔聖約、虐待配偶兒女〔或其他人〕……的人,有一天要在神前為此負責。」

54 As we look around, we see the devastation of wickedness and addiction at every turn.

54 環顧四周,罪惡和習癮所造成的災難隨處可見。

55 If, as individuals, we are really concerned about the Savior’s ultimate judgment of us, we should seek repentance.

55 如果我們個人真的在乎救主最後的審判,就應當努力悔改。

56 I am afraid many people no longer feel accountable to God and do not turn to the scriptures or the prophets for guidance.

56 我很擔心許多人不再覺得需要對神負責,也不尋求經文或先知的指引。

57 If we, as a society, would contemplate the consequences of sin, there would be massive public opposition to pornography and the objectification of women.

57 如果我們整個社會能想想罪惡的後果,就會大規模地公開反對色情和物化女性。

58  As Alma told his son Corianton in the Book of Mormon, “Wickedness never was happiness.”

58 正如摩爾門經中阿爾瑪告訴他兒子柯林安頓的,「邪惡絕非幸福」。

59 In regard to unity, the Savior declared, “If ye are not one ye are not mine.”

59 關於合一,救主說:「你們若不合一就不是我的。」

60  We know that the spirit of contention is of the devil.

60 我們知道,紛爭之靈是屬於魔鬼的。

61 In our day, the scriptural imperative for unity is largely ignored, and for many people the emphasis is on tribalism, often based on status, gender, race, and wealth.

61 在我們的時代,經文中所指示的合一普遍受到忽略,許多人所強調的部落主義,往往是根據地位、性別、種族和財富來作區分。

62 In many countries, if not most, people are deeply divided about how to live.

62 在許多國家(如果不是大多數國家),人們對於要怎樣過生活,有很大的分歧。

63 In the Lord’s Church, the only culture we adhere to and teach is the culture of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

63 在主的教會中,我們所堅守和教導的唯一文化,就是耶穌基督福音的文化。

64 The unity we seek is to be unified with the Savior and His teachings.

64 我們所追求的合一,是要與救主及祂的教導合一。

65 As we look at the primary purposes of the Church, they are all based on equality before the Lord and following the culture of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

65 我們看看教會的主要目標,所根據的都是在主面前一律平等,和遵循耶穌基督福音的文化。

66 With respect to missionary work, the principal qualifications for baptism are humbling oneself before God and coming forth with a broken heart and contrite spirit.

66 關於傳道事工,受洗的主要資格是要在神面前謙抑自己,並帶著破碎的心和痛悔的靈前來。

67  Education, wealth, race, or national origin are not even considered.

67 教育程度、財富、種族或國籍都不予考量。

68 In addition, missionaries humbly serve where called.

68 此外,傳教士謙卑地在蒙召喚的地方服務。

69 They do not attempt to serve based on worldly standards of status or preparation for future careers.

69 他們並不是根據屬世的地位標準,或將來的職業準備去服務。

70 They serve with all their heart, might, mind, and strength wherever they are assigned.

70 他們在受指派的任何地方,盡心、盡能、盡意、盡力去服務。

71 They do not choose their missionary companions, and they seek diligently to develop Christlike attributes, which are at the heart of the culture of Jesus Christ.

71 他們不選擇傳教同伴,並勤奮地努力培養基督般的品格,而基督般的品格正是耶穌基督文化的核心。

72 The scriptures give guidance for our most important relationships.

72 經文為我們最重要的人際關係提供了指引。

73 The Savior taught that the first commandment was to “love the Lord thy God.”

73 救主教導,最大的誡命是要「愛主你的神」,

74 And the second is to “love thy neighbour as thyself.”

74 其次是要「愛人如己」。

75 The Savior additionally explained that everyone is our neighbor.

75 救主進一步解釋說,每個人都是我們的鄰人。

76  The Book of Mormon makes it clear that there must be no -ites, tribes, or classes.

76 摩爾門經清楚說明,不可有任何什麼什麼人、任何部族或階級。

77  We must be united and equal before God.

77 我們必須在神前團結合一、平等相待。

78 Sacred ordinances and divine responsibilities are built upon this premise.

78 神聖的教儀和神所賦予的責任都是以此為前提。

79 I would expect that your own experiences in the temple would be similar to mine.

79 我希望你們在聖殿的個人經驗會和我的經驗很類似。

80 When I would leave my workaday world in San Francisco and arrive at the Oakland Temple, I would experience an overwhelming feeling of love and peace.

80 每次當我離開舊金山的上班族世界,抵達奧克蘭聖殿時,都會感受到一股巨大的愛與平安的感覺。

81 A major part of that was sensing I was closer to God and His purposes.

81 其中最主要的部分,是感受到自己更接近神和祂的目的。

82 The saving ordinances were my primary focus, but a significant part of those beautiful feelings was the equality and unity that permeate the temple.

82 接受救恩的教儀是我主要的重點,但那些美好的感受,主要出自聖殿裡所瀰漫的平等與合一。

83 Everyone is dressed in white clothing.

83 每個人都穿上白衣服。

84 There is no evidence of wealth, rank, or educational attainment;

84 沒有任何證據顯示出財富、階級或教育上的成就;

85 we are all brothers and sisters humbling ourselves before God.

85 我們都是在神面前謙抑自己的弟兄姊妹。

86 In the sacred sealing room, the eternal marriage ordinance is the same for everyone.

86 在神聖的印證室裡,每個人所接受的永恆婚姻教儀都是一樣的。

87 I love the fact that the couple from the humblest background and the couple from the wealthiest background have exactly the same experience.

87 我很喜愛的一件事是,無論是經濟拮据的新人,或家境富裕的新人,都有完全相同的經驗。

88 They wear the same type of robes and make the same covenants across the same altar.

88 他們穿上相同款式的袍子,在同樣的祭壇前,訂立相同的聖約。

89 They also receive the same eternal priesthood blessings.

89 他們也接受同樣的永恆聖職祝福。

90 This is accomplished in a beautiful temple built by the tithes of the Saints as the sacred house of the Lord.

90 這是在用聖徒的什一奉獻建造的美麗聖殿,即主的神聖屋宇中完成的。

91 Fulfilling divinely appointed responsibilities, based on righteousness, unity, and equality before the Lord, brings personal happiness and peace in this world and prepares us for eternal life in the world to come.

91 我們若根據在主前的正義、合一及平等,來履行神所指派的責任,就會帶來個人幸福和世界和平,並幫助我們準備好在來生獲得永生。

92  It prepares us to meet God.

92 這會幫助我們準備好迎見神。

93 We pray that each of you, regardless of your current circumstances, will counsel with your bishop and be worthy of a temple recommend.

93 我們祈求你們每個人,無論現況如何,都會去找你的主教商議,並配稱持有聖殿推薦書。

94 We are grateful that many more members are preparing to go to the temple.

94 我們很感謝有越來越多的成員正在準備去聖殿。

95 There has been a significant increase in the number of worthy adult temple recommend holders for many years.

95 多年來,配稱持有聖殿推薦書的成人數量大幅增加。

96 Limited-use recommends for worthy youth have increased dramatically over the last two years.

96 過去兩年來,配稱持有限制用途之推薦書的青少年人數也大為增加。

97 Clearly the faithful core membership of the Church has never been stronger.

97 顯然地,本教會忠信的核心成員的人數從未如此之多。

98 In conclusion, please be assured that senior Church leaders who preside over the divinely appointed purposes of the Church receive divine assistance.

98 結束時,容我向各位保證,主領本教會神所指定的目的的資深教會領袖,都獲得神的協助。

99 This guidance comes from the Spirit and sometimes directly from the Savior.

99 這樣的指引來自聖靈,有時候直接來自救主。

100 Both kinds of spiritual guidance are given.

100 神給予這兩種屬靈的指引。

101 I am grateful to have received such assistance.

101 我很感激能獲得這樣的協助。

102 But guidance is given in the Lord’s time, line upon line and precept upon precept, when “an omniscient Lord deliberately chooses to school us.”

102 但這些指引是按照主的時間,以律上加律、令上加令的方式,在「全知的主特意選擇教導我們的時候」賜予的。

103  Guidance for the Church as a whole comes only to His prophet.

103 給這整個教會的指示只會臨到祂的先知。

104 We have all had the privilege of sustaining President Russell M. Nelson as our prophet and President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in this conference.

104 我們都有幸能在這次大會中,支持羅素·納爾遜會長為我們的先知,以及耶穌基督後期聖徒教會的總會會長。

105 The Twelve, as a group and individually, had a significant spiritual experience when we laid our hands on President Nelson’s head and President Dallin H. Oaks, acting as voice, ordained him and set him apart as President of the Church.

105 我們十二使徒中的每個人一起按手在羅素·納爾遜會長頭上,由達林·鄔克司會長主按,按立並按手選派他為本教會總會會長時,都獲得無與倫比的靈性經驗。

106 I testify that he was foreordained and has been prepared his entire life to be the Lord’s prophet for our day.

106 我見證他是蒙預立的,並在一生中接受準備,在我們這時代成為主的先知。

107 In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

107 奉耶穌基督的名,阿們。


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trivial 1 大考中心6級
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Twelve 2 大考中心1級
two 1 大考中心1級
type 1 大考中心2級
ultimate 1 大考中心6級
under 1 大考中心1級
understand 1 大考中心1級
unified 1 大考中心6級
united 1 大考中心3級
unity 5 大考中心3級
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until 1 大考中心1級
unwise 1 大考6級以上
upon 4 大考中心2級
us 10 大考中心1級
use 1 大考中心1級
utterly 1 大考中心5級
viewed 1 大考中心1級
violate 1 大考中心4級
vision 3 大考中心3級
visiting 1 大考中心1級
voice 1 大考中心1級
warns 1 大考中心3級
was 12 大考中心1級
wasted 1 大考中心1級
we 25 大考中心1級
wealth 3 大考中心3級
wealthiest 1 大考中心3級
wear 1 大考中心1級
week 1 大考中心1級
well 2 大考中心1級
were 5 大考中心1級
what 2 大考中心1級
when 7 大考中心1級
where 1 大考中心1級
wherever 1 大考中心2級
which 10 大考中心1級
while 1 大考中心1級
white 1 大考中心1級
who 7 大考中心1級
whole 2 大考中心1級
wickedness 3 大考6級以上
will 9 大考中心1級
with 12 大考中心1級
women 1 大考中心1級
wonderful 1 大考中心2級
work 8 大考中心1級
workaday 1 大考6級以上
world 6 大考中心1級
worldly 2 大考6級以上
worthy 3 大考中心5級
would 12 大考中心1級
ye 2 教會用字
years 4 大考中心1級
you 1 大考中心1級
your 3 大考中心1級
youth 1 大考中心2級
