中英對照/總會大會/2018上/Small and Simple Things

出自 青少年追求卓越
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Small and Simple Things
By President Dallin H. Oaks
First Counselor in the First Presidency
We need to be reminded that in total and over a significant period of time, seemingly small things bring to pass great things.


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1 My dear brothers and sisters, like you, I have been profoundly touched and edified and inspired by the messages and music and the feelings of this time together.

1 親愛的弟兄姊妹,我和各位一樣,深深受到各方面的感動與啟發,在聚會這段時間聽到的信息也好,音樂也好,所得到的感受也好。

2 I’m sure I speak for you in expressing thanks to our brothers and sisters who, as instruments in the hands of the Lord, have given us the strengthening effect of this time together.

2 我相信各位和我一樣,感謝這些弟兄姊妹作為神手中的工具,讓我們可以在聚會這段時間獲得鞏固。

3 I am grateful to speak to this audience on Easter Sunday.

3 我感謝能在復活節的星期天對各位演講。

4 Today we join other Christians in celebrating the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

4 今天,我們和其他的基督徒一同慶祝主耶穌基督的復活。

5 For members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the literal Resurrection of Jesus Christ is a pillar of our faith.

5 對耶穌基督後期聖徒教會的成員而言,耶穌基督確實已復活,那是我們信仰的一根支柱。

6 Because we believe the accounts in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon about the literal Resurrection of Jesus Christ, we also believe the numerous scriptural teachings that a similar resurrection will come to all mortals who have ever lived upon this earth.

6 我們相信聖經及摩爾門經兩者有關耶穌基督確實復活的紀錄,因此,我們也相信經文中關於所有曾在世的人必照樣復活的種種教導。

7 That resurrection gives us what the Apostle Peter called “a lively hope”.

7 復活給了我們使徒彼得所說的「活潑的盼望」。

8 That lively hope is our conviction that death is not the conclusion of our identity but merely a necessary step in our Heavenly Father’s merciful plan for the salvation of His children.

8 我們堅信那「活潑的盼望」,確信死亡並非個人存在的終了,而不過是天父為祂兒女的救恩所制定的慈悲計畫中一個必經的步驟。

9 That plan calls for a transition from mortality to immortality.

9 在這項計畫中,人必須從必死轉變成不死。

10 Central to that transition is the sunset of death and the glorious morning made possible by the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior that we celebrate on this Easter Sunday.

10 那種轉變的核心,就是我們在這復活節的星期天所慶祝的主和救主的復活,它使死亡的落日結束,讓榮耀的早晨來臨。

11 In a great hymn whose words were written by Eliza R. Snow, we sing:How great, how glorious, how completeRedemption’s grand design,Where justice, love, and mercy meetIn harmony divine!

11 我們在伊莉莎·舒作詞的這首美妙聖詩中這樣唱著:救恩計畫,救贖世人,偉大,榮耀,公正,何等完全,何等寬仁,神聖、和諧、永恆。

12 In furtherance of that divine design and harmony, we assemble in meetings, including this conference, to teach and encourage one another.

12 為了達到那樣的神聖目的與和諧,我們在各種聚會包括這次的大會中聚集,彼此教導、彼此鼓勵。

13 This morning I have felt to use as my text Alma’s teaching to his son Helaman,

13 今天早上,我覺得要用阿爾瑪給他兒子希拉曼的教導,作為我演講的主題。

14 recorded in the Book of Mormon: “By small and simple things are great things brought to pass” ().

14 摩爾門經中這樣記載:「藉著微小而簡單的事能成就偉大的事」。

15 We are taught many small and simple things in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

15 我們在耶穌基督的福音中學到許多微小而簡單的事。

16 We need to be reminded that in total and over a significant period of time, these seemingly small things bring to pass great things.

16 我們需要記住,在一段長時間之後,這些看似微小的事會成就偉大的事。

17 There have been many talks on this subject by General Authorities and by other respected teachers.

17 許多總會持有權柄人員和其他受人敬重的教師,都曾針對這個主題發表演講,

18 The subject is so important that I feel to speak of it again.

18 這個主題相當重要,因此我想要再講一次。

19 I was reminded of the power of small and simple things over time by something I saw on a morning walk.

19 我在一天早上散步時見到的情景,讓我想起微小而簡單的事持續一段時間後所發揮的力量。

20 Here is the picture I took.

20 這張是我拍的照片。

21 The thick and strong concrete sidewalk is cracking.

21 厚實堅固的水泥人行道裂開了,

22 Is this the result of some large and powerful thrust?

22 這是某種強大的力量所造成的嗎?

23 No, this cracking is caused by the slow, small growth of one of the roots reaching out from the adjoining tree.

23 不是的,這道裂縫是由附近的一棵樹,向外緩慢、微幅生長的一條樹根所造成的。

24 Here is a similar example I saw on another street.

24 這裡還有我在另一條街上看到的類似的例子。

25 The thrusting power that cracked these heavy concrete sidewalks was too small to measure on a daily or even a monthly basis, but its effect over time was incredibly powerful.

25 這個導致厚重的水泥人行道裂開的力道,微小到無法以天或月為單位來計算,但一段時間之後所造成的影響力卻是無比的巨大。

26 So is the powerful effect over time of the small and simple things we are taught in the scriptures and by living prophets.

26 我們從經文和活著的先知學到的微小而簡單的事,也會在一段時間之後產生強大的影響力。

27 Consider the scripture study we’ve been taught to incorporate into our daily lives.

27 想想我們已經學到要融入日常生活中的經文研讀。

28 Or consider the personal prayers and the kneeling family prayers that are regular practices for faithful Latter-day Saints.

28 想想忠信的後期聖徒常常進行的個人祈禱,以及全家跪下來作的家庭祈禱。

29 Consider attendance at seminary for youth or institute classes for young adults.

29 或是想想青少年參加的福音進修班,或是年輕成人參加的福音研究所課程。

30 Though each of these practices may seem to be small and simple, over time they result in powerful spiritual uplift and growth.

30 儘管這每一件事似乎都微小而簡單,但一段時間之後,會產生多麼強大的靈性提升和成長。

31 This occurs because each of these small and simple things invites the companionship of the Holy Ghost, the Testifier who enlightens us and guides us into truth, as President Eyring has explained.

31 那是因為就像艾寧會長所說明的,這每一件微小而簡單的事都邀請聖靈為伴,祂為這些事情作見證,祂啟發我們,引導我們走向真理。

32 Another source of spiritual uplift and growth is an ongoing practice of repenting, even of seemingly small transgressions.

32 另一個靈性提升和成長的來源是持續不斷的悔改,甚至在看來極小的違誡上也是如此。

33 Our own inspired self-evaluations can help us see how we have fallen short and how we can do better.

33 受靈啟發後進行的自我評估,可以幫助我們看到我們如何地不足,以及能如何改進。

34 Such repentance should precede our weekly partaking of the sacrament.

34 這樣的悔改應該在我們每週領受聖餐前進行。

35 Some subjects to consider in this process of repentance are suggested in the hymn “Have I Done Any Good?”

35 建議各位在這個悔改過程中,思考在「我可曾行善?」這首聖詩中可找到的其他主題:

36 Have I done any good in the world today?

36 今日我可曾在世界上行善?

37 Have I helped anyone in need?

37 可曾幫助困苦的人?

38 Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad?

38 可曾鼓舞憂者,使人感覺歡愉?

39 If not, I have failed indeed.

39 若未為此乃我失敗。

40 Has anyone’s burden been lighter todayBecause I was willing to share?

40 可有人因我願為他分憂,感覺今日負擔減輕?

41 Have the sick and the weary been helped on their way?

41 病患與勞苦之人,可有人扶持?

42 When they needed my help was I there?

42 需要我時,我願幫忙?

43 Surely these are small things, but surely they are good examples of what Alma taught his son Helaman: “And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes;

43 這些確實是微小的事情,但也確實彰顯了阿爾瑪給他兒子希拉曼的教導,他說:「主神藉著方法行事,以成就其偉大而永恆的目的;

44 and by very small means the Lord … bringeth about the salvation of many souls” .

44 主以極微小的方法……並促成許多靈魂的救恩」。

45 President Steven C. Wheelwright gave an audience at Brigham Young University–Hawaii this inspired description of Alma’s teaching: “Alma confirms for his son that indeed the pattern the Lord follows when we exercise faith in Him and follow His counsel in small and simple things is that He blesses us with small daily miracles, and over time, with marvelous works.”

45 史蒂文·惠賴校長針對阿爾瑪的教導,向楊百翰大學夏威夷分校的聽眾,作了極具啟發性的闡述,他說:「阿爾瑪向他的兒子如此證實:當我們運用對主的信心,並在微小而簡單的事上聽從祂的忠告時,主的模式確實會隨之而來,就是祂會祝福我們每天獲得微小的奇蹟,並在一段時間之後,成就非凡的事。」

46 President Howard W. Hunter taught that “frequently it is the commonplace tasks … that have the greatest positive effect on the lives of others, as compared with the things that the world so often relates to greatness.”

46 豪惠·洪德會長教導:「與世人所謂的偉大成就相比……平凡無奇的工作往往最能對別人的生活產生重大的影響。」

47 A persuasive secular teaching of this same principle comes from former Senator Dan Coats of Indiana, who wrote: “The only preparation for that one profound decision which can change a life, or even a nation, is those hundreds and thousands of half-conscious, self-defining, seemingly insignificant decisions made in private.”

47 前印第安納州參議員丹·科茨作了一項非宗教的有力教導,他曾針對同樣的這個原則寫道:「一次重大的決定足以改變某人的一生,甚至一個國家,而我們在事前所能作的唯一準備,是在私底下作出的成千上百次看似無關緊要的決定,這些決定出於直覺,並反映我們的特質。」

48 Those “seemingly insignificant” private decisions include how we use our time, what we view on television and the internet, what we read, the art and music with which we surround ourselves at work and at home, what we seek for entertainment, and how we apply our commitment to be honest and truthful.

48 這些私底下「看似無關緊要的」決定包括我們如何運用我們的時間,在電視和網路上觀看的內容,閱讀什麼刊物,在工作和居家環境接觸什麼樣的藝術和音樂,從事何種娛樂,以及在誠實和真誠方面如何履行我們的承諾。

49 Another seemingly small and simple thing is being civil and cheerful in our personal interactions.

49 另一件看似微小而簡單的事,就是我們與人來往時,是否彬彬有禮、樂觀開朗。

50 None of these desirable small and simple things will lift us to great things unless they are practiced consistently and continuously.

50 這些值得做到的微小而簡單的事,除非我們一直不斷地去做,否則無法幫助我們成就偉大的事。

51 President Brigham Young was reported as saying: “Our lives are made up of little, simple circumstances that amount to a great deal when they are brought together, and sum up the whole life of the man or woman.”

51 據報導,百翰·楊會長曾說:「我們的生活是由微小、簡單的各種情境所組成,集結起來變成舉足輕重的大事,構成男人或女人的一生。」

52 We are surrounded by media influences and cultural deteriorations that will carry us downstream in our values if we are not continually resisting.

52 我們周圍充斥著媒體的影響力和墮落的文化,如果我們不持續抵抗,我們的價值觀也會隨之下滑。

53 To move upstream toward our eternal goal, we must constantly keep paddling.

53 若要往永恆的目標力爭上游,我們必須不斷地划動雙槳。

54 It helps if we are part of a team that is paddling together, like a rowing crew in action.

54 如果我們有一起划槳的隊友,那會很有幫助,就像一起划槳的賽艇選手一樣。

55 To extend that example even further, the cultural currents are so strong that if we ever stop paddling, we will be carried downstream toward a destination we do not seek but which becomes inevitable if we do not constantly try to move forward.

55 我要進一步闡述這個例子:文化的水流非常湍急,只要我們稍一停止划槳,就會被沖到下游去,把我們帶到我們不想去的地方,而如果我們不持續力爭上游,就免不了會發生這樣的事。

56 After reciting a seemingly small event that had great consequences, Nephi wrote, “And thus we see that by small means the Lord can bring about great things”).

56 尼腓在談到一件看似微小的事造就極大的成果後,他寫道:「由此可知,主能藉著微小的方法,促成偉大的事情」。

57 The Old Testament includes a memorable example of this.

57 關於這一點,舊約有個令人難忘的例子。

58 There we read how the Israelites were plagued by fiery serpents.

58 我們讀到,以色列人飽受火蛇侵襲。

59 Many people died from their bites.

59 許多人被火蛇咬死。

60 When Moses prayed for relief, he was inspired to make “a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole.”

60 摩西祈求擺脫這個痛苦時得到靈感,製造「一條銅蛇,掛在杆子上」。

61 Then, “if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived” .

61 然後,「凡被蛇咬的,一望這銅蛇就活了」。

62 Such a small thing for such a miraculous result!

62 如此微小的事卻換來如此奇蹟般的結果!

63 Yet, as Nephi explained when he taught this example to those who were rebelling against the Lord, even when the Lord had prepared a simple way by which they could be healed, “because of the simpleness of the way, or the easiness of it, there were many who perished” .

63 然而,如同尼腓在教導這些反叛主的人這個例子時所說的,即使主已預備了一種簡單的方法讓他們得醫治,但「由於這個方法簡單,或由於這方法容易,有許多人滅亡了」。

64 That example and that teaching remind us that the simplicity of the way or the easiness of the commanded task cannot mean that it is unimportant to achieve our righteous desire.

64 那個例子和那項教導提醒了我們,儘管方法很簡單或任務很容易,但並不表示那對達成我們正義的渴望是不重要的。

65 Similarly, even small acts of disobedience or minor failures to follow righteous practices can draw us down toward an outcome we have been warned to avoid.

65 同樣的,即使是微小的不服從行為或是稍微不正義的舉止,都能使我們嚐到我們一直受到警告要避免的後果。

66 The Word of Wisdom provides an example of this.

66 智慧語就是其中一個例子。

67 Likely the effect on the body of one cigarette or one drink of alcohol or one dose of another drug cannot be measured.

67 一根菸、一杯酒或一劑毒品對身體造成的影響,很可能是測量不出來的,

68 But over time, the effect is powerful and may be irreversible.

68 但是時間一久,其影響力十分巨大,而且可能無法挽回。

69 Remember the cracking of the sidewalk by the gradual small expansions of the root of the tree.

69 要記住,樹根持續微小地生長,導致人行道裂開。

70 One thing is certain, the terrible consequences of partaking of anything that can become addictive, like drugs that attack our bodies or pornographic material that degrades our thoughts, is totally avoidable if we never partake for the first time—even once.

70 有件事是可以確定的,只要我們永遠不要開始沾染,一次也不要嘗試任何能上癮的東西,如危害我們身體的毒品或玷污我們思想的色情資訊,我們就可以完全避免這些事導致的嚴重後果。

71 Many years ago, President M. Russell Ballard described to a general conference audience “how small and simple things can be negative and destructive to a person’s salvation.”

71 多年以前,羅素·培勒會長在一場總會大會上向會眾這樣描述:「微小而簡單的事對人的救恩也可能會產生消極的、破壞性的結果。」

72 He taught: “Like weak fibers that form a yarn, then a strand, and finally a rope, these small things combined together can become too strong to be broken.

72 他教導說:「就像細小的纖維能編成線,線編成細繩,細繩編成粗繩一樣,這些微小的事也會變得牢不可破。

73 We must ever be aware of the power that the small and simple things can have in building spirituality,” he said.

73 我們必須永遠注意這些微小的事在培養靈性方面所產生的力量,

74 “At the same time, we must be aware that Satan will use small and simple things to lead us into despair and misery.”

74 也必須知道撒但會用微小而簡單的事引導我們走向悲慘和絕望。」

75 President Wheelwright gave a similar caution to his BYU–Hawaii audience: “It is in failing to do the small and simple things that faith wavers, miracles cease, and progress towards the Lord and His kingdom is first put on hold and then begins to unravel as seeking after the kingdom of God is replaced with more temporal pursuits and worldly ambitions.”

75 惠賴校長對楊百翰大學夏威夷分校的聽眾發出類似的警告:「沒做到那些微小而簡單的事,一開始是導致信心動搖、奇蹟停止,以及在主及其國度中的進步停頓,然後情況開始惡化,越來越多的屬世追求和世俗慾望取代了對神國的尋求。」

76 To protect against the cumulative negative effects that are destructive to our spiritual progress, we need to follow the spiritual pattern of small and simple things.

76 若要保護自己,不讓日積月累的負面影響力破壞了我們的靈性發展,就要遵行那微小而簡單的事的靈性模式。

77 Elder David A. Bednar described this principle in a BYU Women’s Conference: “We can learn much about the nature and importance of this spiritual pattern from the technique of … dripping water onto the soil at very low rates,” in contrast to flooding or spraying large quantities of water where it may not be needed.

77 大衛·貝納長老在楊百翰大學婦女大會上說明這項原則:「將水緩慢滴在土壤上的……這種技術,能讓我們學到許多關於這個靈性模式的本質和重要性」,那與不必要地注入或噴灑大量的水,恰好形成對比。

78 He explained: “The steady drips of water sink deep into the ground and provide a high moisture level in the soil wherein plants can flourish.

78 他解釋道:「持續的水滴會深深地滲入地下,為土壤提供高濕度,讓植物蓬勃生長。

79 In like manner, if you and I are focused and frequent in receiving consistent drops of spiritual nourishment, then gospel roots can sink deep into our soul, can become firmly established and grounded, and can produce extraordinary and delicious fruit.”

79 同樣的,如果你、我都更專心、頻繁地持續接受一點一滴的靈性養分,那麼,福音的根就能深植我們的靈魂,牢牢地紮根在地上,結出非比尋常的美味果子。」

80 Continuing, he said, “The spiritual pattern of small and simple things bringing forth great things produces firmness and steadfastness, deepening devotion, and more complete conversion to the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel.”

80 他接著說:「簡單而微小的事成就偉大的事的這個靈性模式,能產生決心和堅定不移、更深的信念,以及更完全信服主耶穌基督的福音。」

81 The Prophet Joseph Smith taught this principle in words now included in the Doctrine and Covenants: “Let no man count them as small things;

81 先知約瑟·斯密也教導了這項原則,他的話在今日的教義和聖約中這樣寫道:「任何人都不要以為這些是小事情;

82 for there is much … pertaining to the saints, which depends upon these things”.

82 因為……許多與聖徒有關的事,都要靠這些事」。

83 In connection with the earliest attempts to establish the Church in Missouri, the Lord counseled patience for “all things must come to pass in their time” .

83 聖徒最早在密蘇里州幾度嘗試建立教會時,主勸告他們要有耐心,因為「萬事都會在適當的時候發生」。

84 Then He gave this great teaching: “Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work.

84 接著,祂給予這項偉大的教導:「因此,不要厭倦行善,因為你們正在奠定重大事工的基礎。

85 And out of small things proceedeth that which is great”.

85 重大的事都源自微小的事」。

86 I believe we all desire to follow President Russell M. Nelson’s challenge to press forward “on the covenant path.”

86 我相信我們都想要服膺羅素·納爾遜會長提出的挑戰,「在聖約道路上」努力前進。

87  Our commitment to do so is strengthened by consistently following the “small things” we are taught by the gospel of Jesus Christ and the leaders of His Church.

87 只要持續不斷遵從耶穌基督的福音和祂教會的領袖教導我們的「小事」,就能使我們努力前進的承諾更加穩固。

88 I testify of Him and invoke His blessings on all who seek to keep on His covenant path, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

88 我要為主作見證,並呼求祂的祝福臨到每一位努力留在祂聖約道路上的人,奉耶穌基督的名,阿們。


單字 次數 級別
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Sunday 2 大考中心1級
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totally 1 大考中心1級
touched 1 大考中心1級
toward 3 大考中心1級
towards 1 大考中心1級
transgressions 1 教會用字
transition 2 大考中心6級
tree 2 大考中心1級
truth 1 大考中心2級
truthful 1 大考中心3級
try 1 大考中心1級
unimportant 1 大考6級以上
University 1 大考中心4級
unless 1 大考中心3級
unravel 1 大考6級以上
up 3 大考中心1級
uplift 2 大考6級以上
upon 3 大考中心2級
upstream 1 大考6級以上
us 11 大考中心1級
use 3 大考中心1級
values 1 大考中心2級
very 2 大考中心1級
view 1 大考中心1級
walk 1 大考中心1級
warned 1 大考中心3級
was 7 大考中心1級
water 3 大考中心1級
wavers 1 大考6級以上
way 4 大考中心1級
we 37 大考中心1級
weak 1 大考中心1級
weary 2 大考中心5級
weekly 1 大考中心4級
well 1 大考中心1級
were 4 大考中心1級
what 5 大考中心1級
Wheelwright 2 人名與地名
When 7 大考中心1級
Where 2 大考中心1級
Wherefore 1 教會用字
wherein 1 大考6級以上
which 6 大考中心1級
who 7 大考中心1級
whole 1 大考中心1級
whose 1 大考中心1級
will 5 大考中心1級
willing 1 大考中心1級
Wisdom 1 大考中心3級
with 6 大考中心1級
woman 1 大考中心1級
Women 1 大考中心1級
Word 1 大考中心1級
words 2 大考中心1級
work 3 大考中心1級
works 1 大考中心1級
world 2 大考中心1級
worldly 1 大考6級以上
written 1 大考中心1級
wrote 2 大考中心1級
yarn 1 大考中心5級
ye 1 教會用字
years 1 大考中心1級
Yet 1 大考中心1級
you 3 大考中心1級
young 3 大考中心1級
youth 1 大考中心2級
