中英對照/總會大會/2018上/The Heart of a Prophet

出自 青少年追求卓越
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The Heart of a Prophet
By Elder Gary E. Stevenson
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
We can rejoice that the Lord’s prophet is in place and that the Lord’s work is being done in the way that He has divinely prescribed.


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1 I have fervently prayed that the Holy Ghost will be with each of us today on this heavenly occasion.

1 我一直在熱烈祈求,在今天這個神聖的場合中,聖靈會和我們每個人同在。

2 What we have collectively witnessed has been most impressive as the 17th prophet of this dispensation has been sustained in solemn assembly.

2 我們剛才共同見證了一個最深刻人心的事件,也就是本福音期第17任先知在莊嚴集會中接受支持。

3 As I sought guidance to know the topic the Lord would have me address today, my mind was directed to a recent conversation with the newly called First Presidency.

3 我在尋求指引,想知道主希望我今天討論哪個主題時,我想到了和新召喚的總會會長團最近的一次對話。

4 In this discussion, one of the counselors shared words to this effect: “I deeply hope that the membership of the Church can comprehend the magnitude of what has taken place with the calling of our new prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, and the significance and sacredness of the solemn assembly that will take place at general conference.”

4 其中一位諮理在討論中說了一些話,大意是這樣的:「我殷切期望教會全體成員能了解召喚新任先知,羅素·納爾遜會長,是多麼重大的事件,也希望他們了解總會大會上要進行的莊嚴集會是何其重要神聖。」

5 He further observed, “It has been 10 years, and many, especially the youth of the Church, do not remember or have not experienced this before.”

5 他又說:「〔離上次莊嚴集會〕已經10年了,有很多人,特別是教會的青少年,已經忘記或是沒有參加過這樣的集會。」

6 This caused me to reflect on experiences I have had.

6 這讓我回想起自己的一些經驗。

7 The first prophet I remember is President David O. McKay.

7 我記得的第一位先知是大衛奧·麥基會長。

8 I was 14 years old when he passed away.

8 他在我14歲的時候去世。

9 I remember a sense of loss that accompanied his passing, the tears in my mother’s eyes, and the sorrow felt by our whole family.

9 我記得隨著他過世而來的那股失落感,我母親眼中的淚水,以及我們全家人感受到的憂傷。

10 I remember how the words “Please bless President David O. McKay” fell out of my lips so naturally in my prayers that if I wasn’t mindful, even following his passing, I would find myself using those same words.

10 我記得要在祈禱時說出「請祝福大衛奧·麥基會長」是一件多麼自然的事,因此要是我一不留神,即使在他過世後,我發現自己還會說出那些同樣的話。

11 I  wondered if my heart and mind would transition to the same feeling and conviction for the prophets succeeding him.

11 我不知道自己在心思意念上,是不是可以把相同的感覺和確信,轉換到繼任他的先知身上。

12 But almost like parents who love each of their children, I found a love for, connection with, and testimony of President Joseph Fielding Smith, who followed President McKay, and for each prophet thereafter: Harold B. Lee, Spencer W. Kimball, Ezra Taft Benson, Howard W. Hunter, Gordon B. Hinckley, Thomas S. Monson, and today President Russell M. Nelson.

12 不過,就像父母愛他們的每個孩子一樣,我發現自己也能愛大衛奧·麥基會長之後的約瑟·斐亭·斯密會長,而且能了解他,對他有見證。我對之後的每一位先知也都如此:海樂·李、賓塞·甘、泰福·彭蓀、豪惠·洪德、戈登·興格萊、多馬·孟蓀,以及今日的羅素·納爾遜會長。

13 I  fully sustained each prophet with uplifted hand—and uplifted heart.

13 我全力舉起我的手,帶著雀躍的心,支持每一位先知。

14 As each of our beloved prophets has passed on, it is only natural to feel a sense of sorrow and loss.

14 每一位我們鍾愛的先知去世之後,我們很自然地會感到難過和失落。

15 But our sadness is tempered by the joy and hope that come as we experience one of the great blessings of the Restoration: the calling and sustaining of a living prophet on the earth.

15 但是,當我們體驗到復興福音最偉大的一項祝福時,隨之而來的喜樂和希望,就會減緩我們的憂傷,那就是召喚和支持在世上活著的先知。

16 To that end, I will speak to this divine process as observed over the past 90 days.

16 因此,我要談談這項在過去90天來所進行的神聖程序。

17 I will describe it in four segments: first, the passing of our prophet and the dissolution of the First Presidency; second, the period of time awaiting the reorganization of the new First Presidency; third, the calling of the new prophet; and fourth, the sustaining of the new prophet and First Presidency in solemn assembly.

17 我要分成四個部分來討論:第一,我們的先知過世和總會會長團解散;第二,等待新任總會會長團改組的這段時間;第三,召喚新任先知;以及第四,在莊嚴集會中支持新任先知和總會會長團。

The Passing of a Prophet

18 On January 2, 2018, our dear prophet Thomas S. Monson passed to the other side of the veil.

18 在2018年1月2日,親愛的先知多馬·孟蓀過世,到了幔子另一邊。

19 He will forever have a place in our hearts.

19 我們會在心中永遠緬懷他。

20 President Henry B. Eyring offered sentiments at President Monson’s passing which succinctly describe our feelings: “The hallmark of his life, like the Savior’s, will be his individual concern in reaching out to the poor, the sick—even all individuals—worldwide.”

20 亨利·艾寧會長在孟蓀會長過世時抒發的感想,正是我們的感覺:「他這一生的標誌,像救主一樣,就是他個人對窮困者和病人的關懷協助,他觸及了所有的人、全世界的人。」

21 President Spencer W. Kimball explained:“As one star sinks behind the horizon, another comes into the picture, and death spawns life.

21 賓塞·甘會長解釋說:「當一顆星辰隱沒地平線下,另外一顆星辰就會升起;死亡帶來生命。

22 “The work of the Lord is endless.

22 「主的事工是無窮盡的。

23 Even when a powerful leader dies, not for a single instant is the Church without leadership, thanks to the kind Providence who gave his kingdom continuity and perpetuity.

23 即便一位有力的領袖過世了,這教會也不會有任何一刻沒有領袖,這都要感謝仁慈的神讓祂的國度能永遠持續。

24 As it already has happened … before in this dispensation, a people reverently close a grave, dry their tears, and turn their faces to the future.”

24 正如在本福音期以前……就已經發生過的,人們虔敬地關上墓穴,擦乾眼淚,轉頭面向未來。」

The Apostolic Interregnum

25 The period of time between the death of a prophet and the reorganization of the First Presidency is referred to as an “apostolic interregnum.”

25 先知去世到總會會長團改組之間的這段時間,稱為「使徒監管期」。

26 During this period, the Quorum of the Twelve, under the leadership of the quorum president, jointly holds the keys to administer the leadership of the Church.

26 在這個期間,十二使徒定額組在定額組會長的帶領下,共同持有主理教會領導權的權鑰。

27 President Joseph F. Smith taught, “There is always a head in the Church, and if the Presidency of the Church are removed by death or other cause, then the next head of the Church is the Twelve Apostles, until a presidency is again organized.”

27 約瑟F. ·斯密會長教導:「本教會永遠都有一個頭。如果總會會長團因為死亡或其他原因而不復存在,則下一個頭即為十二使徒,直到……再次組成新的會長團為止。」

28 The most recent interregnum period began when President Monson passed away on January 2 and ended 12 days later on Sunday, January 14.

28 最近一次的使徒監管期從2018年1月2日孟蓀會長去世開始,並在12天後的2018年1月14日星期日結束。

29 On that Sabbath morning, the Quorum of the Twelve met in the upper room of the Salt Lake Temple in a spirit of fasting and prayer, under the presiding direction of President Russell M. Nelson, the senior Apostle and President of the Quorum of the Twelve.

29 那個安息日早晨,十二使徒定額組在鹽湖聖殿的上層房間裡,在資深使徒暨十二使徒定額組會長羅素·納爾遜會長的主領指導下,以禁食和祈禱的精神開會。

Calling of a New Prophet

30 In this sacred and memorable meeting, following a well-established precedent in unity and unanimity, the Brethren were seated by seniority in a semicircle of 13 chairs and raised their hands first to sustain the organization of a First Presidency and then to sustain President Russell Marion Nelson as President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

30 在這個神聖且值得紀念的會議中,總會弟兄們按照資歷依序坐在圍成半圓形的13張椅子上,按照由來已久的先例,團結地在一致同意下,先舉手支持總會會長團的改組,接著支持羅素·納爾遜會長為耶穌基督後期聖徒教會總會會長。

31 This sustaining was followed by the Quorum of the Twelve gathering in a circle and placing hands upon the head of President Nelson to ordain and set him apart, with the next most-senior Apostle acting as voice.

31 支持結束後,十二使徒定額組圍成圓圈,將手放在納爾遜會長頭上,由第二資深的使徒發聲,按立並按手選派他。

32 President Nelson then named his counselors, President Dallin Harris Oaks, President Henry Bennion Eyring, with President Oaks as the President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and President Melvin Russell Ballard as the Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

32 納爾遜會長接著任命他的諮理,達林·鄔克司會長、亨利·艾寧會長,並任命鄔克司會長為十二使徒定額組會長,羅素·培勒會長為十二使徒定額組代理會長。

33 Following similar sustaining votes, each of these Brethren was set apart to his respective office by President Nelson.

33 經過同樣的支持表決後,上述的每一位總會弟兄就由納爾遜會長按手選派他們到各自的職位。

34 This was a deeply sacred experience, with an outpouring of the Spirit.

34 這是聖靈澆灌的深刻神聖經驗。

35 I offer to you my absolute witness that the will of the Lord, for which we fervently prayed, was powerfully manifest in the activities and events of that day.

35 我要向各位提出我不容置疑的見證:我們熱切祈求獲知主的旨意,而那旨意確實在當天進行的事務中,已經有力地彰顯出來。

36 With the ordination of President Nelson and the reorganization of the First Presidency, the apostolic interregnum ended, and the newly constituted First Presidency began to operate without, remarkably, even one second of interruption in governing the Lord’s kingdom on the earth.

36 納爾遜會長接受按立,總會會長團也改組之後,使徒監管期便結束了。令人驚訝的是,新組成的總會會長團立刻開始運作,主在世上國度的管理工作,分秒都沒有中斷。

Solemn Assembly

37 This morning, this divine process is culminated in accordance with scriptural mandate outlined in the Doctrine and Covenants: “For all things must be done in order, and by common consent in the church, by the prayer of faith,” and “three Presiding High Priests, … upheld by the confidence, faith, and prayer of the church, form a quorum of the Presidency of the Church.”

37 今天早上,依照經文中的命令,這個神聖程序進行到最後的高峰,就如教義和聖約所列的:「因為所有的事都必須藉信心的禱告,並在教會成員一致同意下,按秩序完成」,而「三位主領大祭司,……在教會成員的信任、信心和祈禱支持下,組成總會會長團定額組」。

38 Elder David B. Haight described a previous occurrence of what we participated in today:“We are witnesses to and participants in a most sacred occasion—a solemn assembly to act upon heavenly things.

38 今日我們所參與的事務,先前也發生過,大衛·海長老曾描述道:「今天我們目睹並參與了一場最神聖的集會,這是一場執行天上事物的莊嚴集會。

39 As in olden times, there has been much fasting and prayer offered by the Saints throughout the world that they may receive an outpouring of the Spirit of the Lord, which is so much in evidence … on this occasion this morning.

39 如同往日一樣,世界各地的許多聖徒都獻出了禁食和祈禱,以使主的靈能傾注於他們,這在今天早上的這場大會中豐豐富富地應驗了。

40 “A solemn assembly, as the name implies, denotes a sacred, sober, and reverent occasion when the Saints assemble under the direction of the First Presidency.”

40 「顧名思義,莊嚴集會是聖徒在總會會長團的指導下舉行的神聖、嚴肅且虔敬的集會。」

41 Brothers and sisters, we can rejoice—even shout, “Hosanna!”

41 弟兄姊妹們,我們可以歡欣,甚至可以呼喊「和散那」!

42 —that the Lord’s mouthpiece, a prophet of God, is in place and that the Lord is pleased that His work is being done in the way that He has divinely prescribed.

42 因為主的代言人、神的先知,已經就位,而主很喜悅祂的事工正以祂所制定的神聖方式進行。

President Russell M. Nelson

43 This divinely ordained process leads to another divinely called prophet.

43 這個由神制定的程序,產生了神所召喚的另一位先知。

44 Just as President Monson was one of the grandest inhabitants to grace this earth, so is President Nelson.

44 過去的孟蓀會長是生活在世上最偉大的人物之一,現今的納爾遜會長也是。

45 He has been profoundly prepared and specifically tutored by the Lord to lead us at this time.

45 他已經接受了主的萬全準備和特別訓練,要在這時刻領導我們。

46 It is a great blessing to now have dear President Russell M. Nelson as our loving and devoted prophet—the 17th President of the Church in this final dispensation.

46 現在有親愛的羅素·納爾遜會長做我們的先知,他充滿愛心、忠誠奉獻,在這最後的福音期擔任教會第17任總會會長,這是多麼大的祝福。

47 President Nelson is truly a remarkable man.

47 納爾遜會長確實不同凡響。

48 I had the privilege of serving in the Quorum of the Twelve with him as my quorum president for just over two years.

48 短短兩年多來,我有幸能在十二使徒定額組與他共事,並由他擔任我的定額組會長。

49 I have traveled with him and marvel at his energy, as one must move quickly to keep up with his pace!

49 我曾經和他一起旅行,他的充沛精力讓我很驚訝。一個人必須加快腳步,才跟得上他的步伐!

50 In total he has visited 133 countries in his lifetime.

50 他一生中拜訪了總共133個國家。

51 His outreach is to all, young and old.

51 他的服務觸及每個人,不分老少。

52 He seems to know everyone and is particularly gifted at remembering names.

52 他似乎認識每個人,而且特別有記名字的天賦。

53  All who know him feel that they are his favorite.

53 認識他的人都覺得自己是他最喜歡的人。

54 And so it is with each of us—because of his genuine love and concern for everyone.

54 而我們每個人也有同感,因為他對所有人的愛與關懷都如此真誠。

55 My primary association with President Nelson has been in ecclesiastical roles, yet I have also become familiar with the professional life that President Nelson led before he was called as a General Authority.

55 我和納爾遜會長主要是因為聖職職責才有交集,但我也逐漸了解他在被召喚為總會持有權柄人員之前的專業生活。

56 As many of you know, President Nelson was a world-renowned heart surgeon and, early in his medical career, a pioneer developer of the heart-lung machine.

56 很多人應該知道,納爾遜會長是一位舉世著名的心臟外科醫師,在他醫療生涯的早期,也創新開發了人工心肺機。

57 He was on the research team that supported the first open-heart operation on a human being, in 1951, using a heart-lung bypass.

57 納爾遜會長所屬的研究團隊,支援了1951年首次以心肺機對人類進行的開心手術。

58 President Nelson performed a heart operation on President Spencer W. Kimball not long before President Kimball became the prophet.

58 他在賓塞·甘會長成為先知不久前,曾為甘會長執行心臟手術。

59 Interestingly, as President Nelson’s call to the Twelve 34 years ago ended a professional medical career of strengthening and repairing hearts, it began a ministry as an Apostle devoted to strengthening and repairing hearts of countless tens of thousands around the world, each having been lifted and healed by his words and acts of wisdom, service, and love.

59 有趣的是,納爾遜會長在34年前蒙召擔任十二使徒時,雖然結束了強化和修復心臟的專業醫療生涯,但他卻開始以使徒的身份施助,致力強化和修復世界各地成千上萬人的心,使他們因為他的話語和睿智、服務、愛心之舉,獲得提升和治癒。

A Christlike Heart

60 When I envision a Christlike heart in daily practice, I see President Nelson.

60 要說誰在日常生活中展現基督般的心,我想到的就是納爾遜會長。

61 I have not met anyone who exemplifies this trait at a higher level than he does.

61 我所認識的人當中,沒有人比他更能發揮這項特質。

62 It has been a remarkable tutelage for me to be in the position to observe firsthand the manifestations of the Christlike heart of President Nelson.

62 對我來說,能夠因職位之便而親身觀察納爾遜會長所展現的基督般的心,是個難能可貴的學習。

63 Within weeks of my call to the Twelve in October 2015, I had the opportunity to get an up-close glimpse of the past professional life of President Nelson.

63 2015年10月,就在我蒙召到十二使徒定額組的幾週後,我有機會親身了解納爾遜會長過去的職業生涯。

64 I was invited to attend an event where he was honored as a pioneer of heart surgery.

64 我當時受邀參加他獲譽為心臟外科手術先驅的活動。

65 When I entered the venue, I was astonished to see the large number of professionals there to honor and recognize the work that President Nelson had done many years before as a medical doctor and surgeon.

65 當我進入會場時,我很驚訝看到有如此多的專業人士到場向納爾遜會長致意,並表揚他多年前身為醫學博士和外科醫師的成就。

66 That evening numerous professionals stood and expressed their respect and admiration for President Nelson’s outstanding contribution to his medical specialty.

66 那天晚上有許多專業人士站起來,對納爾遜會長在醫學專科上的傑出貢獻,表達他們的敬意和景仰。

67 As impressive as each of the presenters was in describing President Nelson’s various accomplishments, I was even more spellbound by a conversation I struck up with a man seated next to me.

67 每位頒獎人描述納爾遜會長的各項成就時,雖然都令人印象深刻,但是更令我深感興趣的,卻是我和鄰座男士的對話。

68 He did not know who I was, but he knew President Nelson as Dr.  Nelson, director of the thoracic surgery residency program at a medical school in 1955.

68 他不認識我,但是他認識1955年時的納爾遜會長,也就是當時擔任醫學院的胸腔外科住院醫師訓練計畫負責人的納爾遜醫師。

69 This man was President Nelson’s former student.

69 這位男士是納爾遜會長以前的學生。

70 He shared many memories.

70 他分享了許多過去的回憶。

71 Most interesting was his description of President Nelson’s teaching style, which, he said, brought with it a large measure of notoriety.

71 最有趣的就是他對納爾遜會長的教學方式的描述據,他所說,納爾遜會長的教學方式很出名。

72 He explained that much of the teaching of heart surgery residents was conducted in the operating room.

72 他解釋道,心臟外科住院醫師接受的教學,大部分都是在手術室裡進行。

73 There, residents observed and performed surgery under faculty supervision, as a laboratory classroom.

73 住院醫師會在主治醫師的監督下進行觀察或手術;就像是在實驗室一樣。

74 He shared that the operating room environment under certain faculty surgeons was chaotic, competitive, pressure filled, and even ego driven.

74 他說,某些外科主治醫師監督的手術室環境很混亂,充滿競爭和壓力,甚至講求自私自利。

75 This man described it as a difficult environment, sometimes even demeaning.

75 這位男士將手術室形容成虎穴,有時還會讓人尊嚴盡失。

76 As a result, resident surgeons even felt their careers were often on the line.

76 因此,外科住院醫師甚至常常會覺得自己的事業不保。

77 He then explained the unique environment found in President Nelson’s operating room.

77 他接著說明,納爾遜會長的手術室非常獨特。

78 It was peaceful, calm, and dignified.

78 既祥和、平靜,又讓人有尊嚴。

79 Residents were treated with deep respect.

79 住院醫師都十分地受到尊重。

80 However, following the demonstration of a procedure, Dr. Nelson expected the highest standard of performance from each of the residents.

80 不過,在示範了一個程序之後,納爾遜醫師會期望每位住院醫師都有最高標準的表現。

81 This man further described how the best patient outcomes and the best surgeons came out of Dr.  Nelson’s operating room.

81 這位男士進一步解釋說,術後結果最好的病人和最好的外科醫師,都是出自納爾遜醫師的手術室。

82 This is no surprise to me at all.

82 我一點都不驚訝。

83 This is what I have observed firsthand and been truly blessed by in the Quorum of the Twelve.

83 這正是我在十二使徒定額組中親身觀察到,並因此真正蒙福的。

84 I feel like I have been, in a sense, one of his “residents in training.”

84 我覺得自己在某種意義上來說,就是他「訓練的住院醫師」。

85 President Nelson has an exceptional way of teaching others and offering correction in a positive, respectful, and uplifting manner.

85 納爾遜會長以非凡的方式教導他人,並用正面、尊重、激勵的方式來提供指正。

86 He is the embodiment of a Christlike heart and an example to us all.

86 他具體展現出基督般的心,是我們全體的模範。

87 From him we learn that in any circumstance we find ourselves, our conduct and hearts can be in accordance with the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

87 我們從他身上學到,不論處在什麼狀況,我們都能讓自己的行為和心思符合耶穌基督福音的原則。

88 We now have the great blessing to sustain our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson.

88 我們現在何其有福,能夠支持我們的先知,羅素·納爾遜會長。

89 Throughout his life, he has magnified his numerous roles as student, father, professor, husband, doctor, priesthood leader, grandfather, and Apostle.

89 他畢生都在光大許多不同的職責,包括學生、父親、教授、丈夫、醫師、聖職領袖、祖父和使徒。

90 He fulfilled these roles then—and continues to do so—with the heart of a prophet.

90 他履行了那些職責,接下來也繼續帶著一顆先知的心這麼做。

91 Brothers and sisters, what we have witnessed and participated in today, a solemn assembly, leads to my witness that President Russell M. Nelson is the Lord’s living mouthpiece for all humankind.

91 弟兄姊妹們,今天我們所見證和參與的莊嚴集會,讓我見證到羅素·納爾遜會長是主活著的代言人,對全人類說話。

92 I also add my testimony of God the Father, of Jesus Christ, and of His role as our Savior and Redeemer.

92 我也要加上我對父神和耶穌基督的見證,並作證耶穌基督身為救主和救贖主的角色。

93 In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

93 奉耶穌基督的名,阿們。


單字 次數 級別
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January 3 大考中心1級
may 1 大考中心1級
October 1 大考中心1級
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surgeon 2 大考中心4級
surgeons 3 大考中心4級
surgery 4 大考中心4級
surprise 1 大考中心1級
sustain 3 大考中心5級
sustained 2 大考中心5級
sustaining 4 大考中心5級
Taft 1 人名與地名
take 1 大考中心1級
taken 1 大考中心1級
taught 1 大考中心1級
teaching 3 大考中心1級
team 1 大考中心2級
tears 2 大考中心2級
tempered 1 大考6級以上
Temple 1 大考中心2級
tens 1 大考中心1級
testimony 2 教會用字
than 1 大考中心1級
thanks 1 大考中心1級
that 24 大考中心1級
the 164 大考中心1級
their 6 大考中心1級
then 5 大考中心1級
There 4 大考中心1級
thereafter 1 大考中心6級
these 2 大考中心1級
they 2 大考中心1級
things 2 大考中心1級
third 1 大考中心1級
this 26 大考中心1級
Thomas 2 人名與地名
thoracic 1 大考6級以上
those 1 大考中心1級
thousands 1 大考中心1級
three 1 大考中心1級
throughout 2 大考中心2級
time 3 大考中心1級
times 1 大考中心1級
to 45 大考中心1級
today 5 大考中心1級
topic 1 大考中心2級
total 1 大考中心1級
training 1 大考中心1級
trait 1 大考中心6級
transition 1 大考中心6級
traveled 1 大考中心2級
treated 1 大考中心2級
truly 2 大考中心4級
turn 1 大考中心1級
tutelage 1 大考6級以上
tutored 1 大考中心3級
Twelve 11 大考中心1級
two 1 大考中心1級
unanimity 1 大考6級以上
under 5 大考中心1級
unique 1 大考中心4級
unity 1 大考中心3級
until 1 大考中心1級
up 3 大考中心1級
upheld 1 大考6級以上
uplifted 2 大考6級以上
uplifting 1 大考6級以上
upon 2 大考中心2級
upper 1 大考中心2級
us 4 大考中心1級
using 2 大考中心1級
various 1 大考中心3級
veil 1 大考中心5級
venue 1 大考6級以上
visited 1 大考中心1級
voice 1 大考中心1級
votes 1 大考中心2級
was 21 大考中心1級
way 2 大考中心1級
we 10 大考中心1級
weeks 1 大考中心1級
well 1 大考中心1級
were 3 大考中心1級
What 5 大考中心1級
when 6 大考中心1級
where 1 大考中心1級
which 4 大考中心1級
who 6 大考中心1級
whole 1 大考中心1級
will 7 大考中心1級
wisdom 1 大考中心3級
with 21 大考中心1級
Within 1 大考中心2級
without 2 大考中心2級
witness 2 大考中心4級
witnessed 2 大考中心4級
witnesses 1 大考中心4級
wondered 1 大考中心2級
words 4 大考中心1級
work 3 大考中心1級
world 3 大考中心1級
worldwide 1 大考6級以上
would 3 大考中心1級
years 5 大考中心1級
yet 1 大考中心1級
you 2 大考中心1級
young 1 大考中心1級
youth 1 大考中心2級
