
出自 青少年追求卓越
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Chapter 39:Nephi Receives Great Power
  1. Nephi walked toward his home, thinking about what the Lord had shown him and about the wickedness of the Nephites. He was sad because of their wickedness.
  2. The Lord spoke to Nephi and praised him for being obedient and working so hard to teach the gospel.
  3. Nephi was given the power to do anything. The Lord knew he would use this power righteously.
  4. The Lord told Nephi to warn the Nephites that if they did not repent, they would be destroyed. Nephi went immediately to warn the people.
  5. The Nephites did not believe Nephi. They tried to throw him into prison, but the power of God protected him.
  6. Nephi declared the word of God to all the Nephites.
  7. But the people became even more wicked and began fighting each other.
  8. Nephi prayed for a famine, hoping that a lack of food would humble the Nephites and help them repent.
  9. The famine came. There was no rain, so the ground dried up and crops could not grow. The people stopped fighting.
  10. The Nephites were hungry, and many of them died. Those who lived began to remember the Lord and what Nephi had taught them.
  11. The people repented of their sins and then begged their judges to ask Nephi to end the famine. The judges went to Nephi.
  12. When Nephi saw that the people had become humble and had repented, he asked the Lord to end the famine.
  13. The Lord answered Nephi’s prayer, and it began to rain. Soon the crops were growing again. The people glorified God and knew that Nephi was a great prophet.
  14. Most of the Nephites joined the Church. They became rich, and their cities grew. There was peace in the land.
  15. Then some Nephites who had earlier joined the Lamanites attacked the Nephites.
  16. The Nephites tried to defeat their enemies, who had become Gadianton robbers, but could not because they themselves had become wicked again.
  17. When the Nephites were righteous, the Lord blessed them. When they were proud and forgot the Lord, he gave them problems to help them remember him.

  1. 尼腓一邊走回家,一邊想著主顯現給他看的事,也一邊想著尼腓人的邪惡。他為他們邪惡而感到難過。
  2. 主對尼腓說話,讚美他很服從,而且一直很努力地教導福音。
  3. 尼腓獲得力量,能做一切好事,因為主知道他會正義地運用這種力量。
  4. 主警告尼腓要去警告尼腓人:他們如果不悔改,就會被毀滅。尼腓立刻就去警告人民。
  5. 尼腓人不相信尼腓。他們想把他關進監獄裡,但神的力量保護著他。
  6. 尼腓向所有的尼腓人宣講神的話。
  7. 但是尼腓人變得更邪惡了,他們開始互相爭吵、打鬥。
  8. 尼腓祈求發生一次饑荒,希望食物缺乏會讓尼腓人變得謙卑,好幫助他們悔改。
  9. 饑荒來了,也沒有下雨,土地乾裂,穀類無法生長。人們於是停止爭吵、打鬥。
  10. 尼腓人非常饑餓,許多人都死了。還活著的人開始想起了主和尼腓曾經教導過他們的事。
  11. 人們悔改了他們的罪,他們懇請法官去請求尼腓停止饑荒,法官於是去找尼腓。
  12. 當尼腓看見人們變得謙卑,也悔改了,就祈求主停止饑荒。
  13. 主回答了尼腓禱告,天開始下雨,作物很快又開始生長。人們讚美神,也明白尼腓是一位偉大的先知。
  14. 大部分的尼腓人都加入了教會。他們變得富有,城市也繁榮了起來,各地都享有和平。
  15. 有一些早先加入拉曼人的尼腓人,這時來攻打尼腓人。
  16. 尼腓人想要消滅那些成為甘大安敦盜匪的敵人,但因為他們自己又再度變得邪惡而失敗了。
  17. 當尼腓人正義時,主便祝福他們;當他們變得驕傲忘記主時,主就讓他們遇到困難,好使他們記起祂。


Chapter 39:Nephi Receives Great Power

第 1 格
Nephi walked toward his home, thinking about what the Lord had shown him and about the wickedness of the Nephites.
He was sad because of their wickedness.

第 2 格
The Lord spoke to Nephi and praised him for being obedient and working so hard to teach the gospel.

第 3 格
Nephi was given the power to do anything.
The Lord knew he would use this power righteously.

第 4 格
The Lord told Nephi to warn the Nephites that if they did not repent, they would be destroyed.
Nephi went immediately to warn the people.

第 5 格
The Nephites did not believe Nephi.
They tried to throw him into prison, but the power of God protected him.

第 6 格
Nephi declared the word of God to all the Nephites.

第 7 格
But the people became even more wicked and began fighting each other.

第 8 格
Nephi prayed for a famine, hoping that a lack of food would humble the Nephites and help them repent.

第 9 格
The famine came. There was no rain, so the ground dried up and crops could not grow.
The people stopped fighting.

第 10 格
The Nephites were hungry, and many of them died.
Those who lived began to remember the Lord and what Nephi had taught them.

第 11 格
The people repented of their sins and then begged their judges to ask Nephi to end the famine.
The judges went to Nephi.

第 12 格
When Nephi saw that the people had become humble and had repented, he asked the Lord to end the famine.

第 13 格
The Lord answered Nephi’s prayer, and it began to rain.
Soon the crops were growing again.
The people glorified God and knew that Nephi was a great prophet.

第 14 格
Most of the Nephites joined the Church.
They became rich, and their cities grew.
There was peace in the land.

第 15 格
Then some Nephites who had earlier joined the Lamanites attacked the Nephites.

第 16 格
The Nephites tried to defeat their enemies, who had become Gadianton robbers, but could not because they themselves had become wicked again.

第 17 格
When the Nephites were righteous, the Lord blessed them.
When they were proud and forgot the Lord, he gave them problems to help them remember him.




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