中英對照/總會大會/2018上/The Powers of the Priesthood

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The Powers of the Priesthood
By President Dallin H. Oaks
First Counselor in the First Presidency
The magnifying of the holy priesthood you hold is vital to the work of the Lord in your families and in your Church callings.


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大考中心2級 82 16%
大考中心3級 33 6%
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大考6級以上 32 6%
教會用字 24 5%
總計 518 100%
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1 My beloved brethren, we have heard a revelatory announcement from President Russell M. Nelson.

1 親愛的弟兄們,我們都聽到羅素·納爾遜會長宣告了神所啟示的信息。

2 We have heard important elaborations by Elders Christofferson and Rasband and by President Eyring.

2 也聽到克理斯多長老、羅斯本長老和艾寧會長做了許多重要的深入說明。

3 What will yet be said, including more from President Nelson, will elaborate what you, the Lord’s leaders and priesthood holders, will now do in your responsibilities.

3 本場大會接下來的演講,包括納爾遜會長稍後要分享的信息,會進一步闡明你們身為主的領袖及聖職持有人,往後在履行職責時要怎麼做。

4 To help with that, I will review some fundamental principles governing the priesthood you hold.

4 為了協助說明這個主題,我要再次檢視和持有聖職相關的一些基本原則。

I. The Priesthood

5 The Melchizedek Priesthood is the divine authority God has delegated to accomplish His work “to bring to pass the … eternal life of man”.

5 麥基洗德聖職是神所授予的神聖權柄,用以完成祂的事工,即「促成……人的永生」。

6 In 1829, it was conferred upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery by the Savior’s Apostles Peter, James, and John.

6 1829年,救主的使徒彼得、雅各和約翰,將麥基洗德聖職授予約瑟·斯密和奧利佛·考德里。

7 It is sacred and powerful beyond our powers to describe.

7 神的聖職既神聖又強大,遠不是我們所能形容的。

8 The keys of the priesthood are the powers to direct the exercise of priesthood authority.

8 聖職權鑰則是指導聖職權柄如何運作的能力。

9 Thus, when the Apostles conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood upon Joseph and Oliver, they also gave them the keys to direct its exercise.

9 因此,使徒將麥基洗德聖職授予約瑟和奧利佛時,也賜給他們權鑰來指導聖職的運作。

10 But not all priesthood keys were conferred at that time.

10 但在那時候,使徒並沒有授予他們全部的聖職權鑰。

11 The entire keys and knowledge necessary for this “dispensation of the fulness of times”are given “line upon line”.

11 本「圓滿時代的福音期」所需要的所有權鑰和知識,是以「律上加律」的方式賜予的。

12 Additional keys were given in the Kirtland Temple seven years later.

12 七年後,先知在嘉德蘭聖殿獲賜了其他的權鑰。

13 These keys were given to direct priesthood authority in the additional assignments being given at that time, such as baptism for the dead.

13 獲賜這些權鑰,是為了指導聖職權柄去完成當時另外指派給他們的工作,例如代理的死者洗禮。

14 The Melchizedek Priesthood is not a status or a label.

14 麥基洗德聖職不是一種身份或標籤。

15 It is a divine power held in trust to use for the benefit of God’s work for His children.

15 它是托付給持有者的一種神聖能力,用來協助神為祂兒女所籌劃的事工。

16 We should always remember that men who hold the priesthood are not “the priesthood.”

16 我們應該永遠牢記,聖職持有人並不等同於「聖職」。

17 It is not appropriate to refer to “the priesthood and the women.”

17 「聖職弟兄和婦女」這種說法並不適當。

18 We should refer to “the holders of the priesthood and the women.”

18 我們應該說「聖職持有人和婦女」。

II. A Ministry of Service
II. 服務的職責

19 Now let us consider what the Lord Jesus Christ expects from those who hold His priesthood—how we are to bring souls unto Him.

19 現在讓我們想想主耶穌基督對聖職持有人的期望——即我們要如何帶領靈魂歸向祂。

20 President Joseph F. Smith taught: “It has truly been said that the Church is perfectly organized.

20 約瑟F.·斯密會長教導:「的確,我們可以說,敎會是一個完善的組織。

21 The only trouble is that these organizations are not fully alive to the obligations that rest upon them.

21 唯一的困難是,這些組織並未充分了解其責任。

22 When they become thoroughly awakened to the requirements made of them, they will fulfil their duties more faithfully, and the work of the Lord will be all the stronger and more powerful and influential in the world.”

22 他們若能徹底覺醒,認識那要求於他們的事情,就必會更忠信地履行其責任,並且主的事工也會在世界上更加鞏固、更加強大、更具有影響力。」

23 President Smith also cautioned:“The God-given titles of honor … associated with the several offices in and orders of the Holy Priesthood, are not to be used nor considered as are the titles originated by man;

23 斯密會長也警告說:「對於神所賜予,與神聖聖職中一些職位及序位有關的榮銜,……不該以世人所創的頭銜那樣看待或運用。

24 they are not for adornment nor are they expressive of mastership, but rather of appointment to humble service in the work of the one Master whom we profess to serve.

24 這些榮銜不是用來裝飾,也不是主人身份的表徵,而是代表接受委派,在我們自承要事奉的那位夫子的事工上,提供謙遜的服務。

25  …“… We are laboring for the salvation of souls, and we should feel that this is the greatest duty devolving upon us.

25 「……我們為了靈魂的救恩而努力,且應覺得,這是托付給我們的最大責任。

26 Therefore, we should feel willing to sacrifice everything, if need be, for the love of God, the salvation of men, and the triumph of the kingdom of God upon the earth.”

26 因此,我們應覺得樂意在必要時,為了神的愛、為了世人的救恩、為了神的國度在世上的勝利而犠牲一切。」

III. The Offices of the Priesthood
III. 聖職的職位

27 In the Lord’s Church, the offices in the Melchizedek Priesthood have different functions.

27 在主的教會中,麥基洗德聖職的職位各有不同的職責。

28 The Doctrine and Covenants refers to high priests as “standing presidents or servants over different stakes scattered abroad” .

28 在教義和聖約裡,大祭司被稱為「分散在外地的不同的支聯會常駐會長或僕人」。

29 It refers to elders as “standing ministers to [the Lord’s] church” .

29 長老被稱為「〔主〕教會的常駐同工」。

30 Here are other teachings on these separate functions.

30 接下來是有關這兩個不同職位的其他教導。

31 A high priest officiates and administers in spiritual things .

31 大祭司執行及主理屬靈的事務。

32 Also, as President Joseph F. Smith taught, “Inasmuch as he has been ordained a high priest, [he] should feel that he is obliged … to set an example before the old and young worthy of emulation, and to place himself in a position to be a teacher of righteousness, not only by precept but more particularly by example—

32 此外,就像約瑟F.·斯密會長所教導的:「只要他已被按立為大祭司,就應當感到他要……在所有弟兄面前立下值得效法的榜樣,不僅以言教,更要以身教,使自己立於能成為正義教師的位置——

33 giving to the younger ones the benefit of the experience of age, and thus becoming individually a power in the midst of the community in which he dwells.”

33 給予較年輕的人累積多年的經驗,使他們從中獲益,而能各自在他們居住的社區中蔚然成為一種力量。」

34 On the duties of an elder, Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve taught: “An elder is a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ.

34 說到長老的職責,十二使徒定額組的布司·麥康基長老教導:「長老是主耶穌基督所委派的施助者。

35 … He is commissioned to stand in the place and stead of his Master … in ministering to his fellowmen.

35 ……他受委託代表及代替他的主,……施助他的同胞。

36 He is the Lord’s agent.”

36 他是主的代理人。」

37 Elder McConkie criticized the idea that one is “only an elder.”

37 麥康基長老曾指正「不過是一名長老」的這種說法。

38 “Every elder in the Church holds as much priesthood as the President of the Church … ,” he said.

38 他說:「本教會每一位長老都持有與總會會長所持有的同等聖職……。

39 “What is an elder?

39 長老是何等樣人?

40 He is a shepherd, a shepherd serving in the sheepfold of the Good Shepherd.”

40 他是牧羊人,是在好牧人羊圈裡的牧人。」

41 In this important function to minister in the sheepfold of the Good Shepherd, there is no distinction between the offices of high priest and elder in the Melchizedek Priesthood.

41 在好牧人的羊圈中施助是一項重要的職責,在這個職責上,麥基洗德聖職中的大祭司和長老職位,兩者之間沒有任何分別。

42 In the great  of the Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord declares, “High priests after the order of the Melchizedek Priesthood have a right to officiate in their own standing, under the direction of the presidency, in administering spiritual things, and also in the office of an elder [or offices in the Aaronic Priesthood]” (; see also ).

42 在偉大的教義和聖約中,主宣告:「按照麥基洗德聖職體制的大祭司,在會長團指導下,有權利執行他們自己的職務,主理屬靈的事務,也有權利擔任長老……的職位〔或亞倫聖職的職位〕」。

43 The most important principle for all priesthood holders is the principle taught by the Book of Mormon prophet Jacob.

43 對每一位聖職持有人來說,最重要的原則,是摩爾門經中的先知雅各所教導的原則。

44 After he and his brother Joseph were consecrated priests and teachers of the people, he declared, “And we did magnify our office unto the Lord, taking upon us the responsibility, answering the sins of the people upon our own heads if we did not teach them the word of God with all diligence” .

44 在和弟弟約瑟被按立為人民的祭司和教師之後,他宣告:「我們確曾為主光大我們的職務,如果我們沒有盡最大的努力教導他們神的話,我們願意負責,並讓這人民的罪都報應在我們頭上」。

45 Brethren, our responsibilities as holders of the priesthood are serious matters.

45 弟兄們,聖職持有人所擔負的各項責任是輕忽不得的大事。

46 Other organizations can be satisfied with worldly standards of performance in delivering their messages and performing their other functions.

46 別人的組織在傳達他們的信息和履行其餘職責方面,只要達到世俗的績效標準,就可以心滿意足;

47 But we who hold the priesthood of God have the divine power that even governs entrance into the celestial kingdom of God.

47 但持有神的聖職的我們所擁有的神聖能力,甚至還掌理著世人能否進入神的高榮國度。

48 We have the purpose and the responsibility the Lord defined in the revealed preface to the Doctrine and Covenants.

48 主在教義和聖約第一篇的啟示中,揭示了我們所負的目的和責任。

49 We are to proclaim to the world:“That every man might speak in the name of God the Lord, even the Savior of the world;“That faith also might increase in the earth;“That mine everlasting covenant might be established;“That the fulness of my gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world”.

49 我們應當向世人宣告:「使每個人得以奉主,神,即世界救主的名說話;「使信心也得以在世上增加;「使我的永約得以建立;「也使我圓滿的福音得以由弱小的人和單純的人傳遍世界各角落』。

50 To fulfill this divine charge, we must be faithful in “magnifying” our priesthood callings and responsibilities.

50 為了完成這項神聖的責任,我們必須忠信地「光大」我們聖職的召喚和責任。

51 President Harold B. Lee explained what it means to magnify the priesthood: “When one becomes a holder of the priesthood, he becomes an agent of the Lord.

51 海樂·李會長解釋光大聖職的意義,他說:「一旦成為聖職持有人,就是神的代理人。

52 He should think of his calling as though he were on the Lord’s errand.

52 他應認為他的召喚是在做主的差事。

53 That is what it means to magnify the priesthood.”

53 那便是光大聖職的意義。」

54 Therefore, brethren, if the Lord Himself were to ask you to help one of His sons or daughters—which He has done through His servants—would you do it?

54 所以,弟兄們,如果主親自要求你去協助祂的一個兒女——而且祂已經透過祂的僕人提出這項要求——你願意去做嗎?

55 And if you did, would you act as His agent, “on the Lord’s errand,” relying on His promised help?

55 如果你願意,那你會信靠祂應許的援助,來擔任主的代理人,去「做祂的差事」嗎?

56 President Lee had another teaching about magnifying the priesthood: “When you hold a magnifying glass over something it makes that thing look bigger than you could see it with the naked eye; that’s a magnifying glass.

56 李會長還有另一個關於光大聖職的教導:「你拿放大鏡看東西,會讓那個東西看起來比肉眼所見的還大,這就是放大鏡的作用。

57 Now, … if anybody magnifies their priesthood—that is, makes it bigger than they first thought it was and more important than anyone else thought it was—that is the way you magnify your priesthood.”

57 這樣說來……若有人要光大聖職——就要把聖職看得比自己起初以為的更重大,看得比其他人所認定的還重要——這就是光大聖職的方式。」

58 Here is an example of a priesthood holder magnifying his priesthood responsibility.

58 接下來,我要舉一位聖職持有人光大他聖職職責的例子。

59 I heard this from Elder Jeffrey D. Erekson, my companion in a stake conference in Idaho.

59 這個見證是傑佛瑞·依瑞森長老說的,他是我在愛達荷州支聯會大會裡的同伴。

60 As a young married elder, desperately poor and feeling unable to finish his last year of college, Jeffrey decided to drop out and accept an attractive job offer.

60 傑佛瑞當時是個年輕的已婚長老,不但經濟窘迫,而且自覺無法完成大學最後一年的學業,於是他決定輟學,去接受一份待遇優渥的工作。

61 A few days later his elders quorum president came to his home.

61 幾天之後,他的長老定額組會長前來他家拜訪。

62 “Do you understand the significance of the priesthood keys I hold?” the elders quorum president asked.

62 這位長老定額組會長問他:「你了解我所持有的聖職權鑰的重要意義嗎?」

63 When Jeffrey said he did, the president told him that since hearing of his intention to drop out of college, the Lord had tormented him during sleepless nights to give Jeffrey this message: “As your elders quorum president, I counsel you not to drop out of college.

63 傑佛瑞說他了解,這位會長接著告訴他,自從聽說他有意放棄大學學業,他就經常難以入眠,因為主一再吩咐他去告訴傑佛瑞這個信息:「身為你的長老定額組會長,我勸你不要輟學,完成你的學業。

64 That is a message to you from the Lord.”

64 這是主要給你的信息。」

65 Jeffrey stayed in school.

65 傑佛瑞留在學校,完成了他的學業。

66 Years later I met him when he was a successful businessman and heard him tell an audience of priesthood holders, “That [counsel] has made all the difference in my life.”

66 幾年後,我見到他時,他已經是個事業有成的企業家,我聽到他對一群聖職持有人說:「那項〔忠告〕使我的人生全然改觀。」

67 A priesthood holder magnified his priesthood and calling, and that made “all the difference” in the life of another child of God.

67 因為一位聖職持有人光大了他的聖職和召喚,而使神的另一個孩子的人生「全然改觀」。

IV. Priesthood in the Family
IV. 家中的聖職

68 Up to now, I have been speaking of the functions of the priesthood in the Church.

68 到目前為止,我談的都是在教會中的聖職職責。

69 Now I will speak of priesthood in the family.

69 現在我要談談在家中的聖職。

70 I begin with keys.

70 我先從權鑰開始說明。

71 The principle that priesthood authority can be exercised only under the direction of the one who holds the keys for that function is fundamental in the Church but does not apply to the exercise of priesthood authority in the family.

71 在特定職位的權鑰持有人的指導下,才能運用聖職權柄,是教會中一項基本的原則,但並不適用於在家中運作的聖職權柄。

72  A father who holds the priesthood presides in his family by the authority of the priesthood he holds.

72 持有聖職的父親,藉著他所持有的聖職權柄主領家庭。

73 He has no need to have the direction or approval of priesthood keys in order to counsel the members of his family, hold family meetings, give priesthood blessings to his wife and children, or give healing blessings to family members or others.

73 他不必取得聖職權鑰持有人的指示或核准,就能給予家人忠告,舉行家庭會議,給予妻兒聖職祝福,或是給家人或其他人醫治的祝福。

74 If fathers would magnify their priesthood in their own family, it would further the mission of the Church as much as anything else they might do.

74 如果父親能在自己的家中光大他的聖職,就能和他們所做的其他事情一樣,促成教會的使命。

75 Fathers who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood should keep the commandments so they will have the power of the priesthood to give blessings to their family members.

75 持有麥基洗德聖職的父親應當遵守誡命,好讓自己獲得聖職的能力,為家人作各種祝福。

76 Fathers should also cultivate loving family relationships so that family members will want to ask their fathers for blessings.

76 父親也應當營造充滿愛的家庭關係,這樣家人才會想要向父親要求祝福。

77 And parents should encourage more priesthood blessings in the family.

77 父母應當多加鼓勵家庭中的聖職祝福。

78 Fathers, function as “equal partners” of your wives, as the family proclamation teaches.

78 各位父親,你們要作妻子「平等的夥伴」,就像家庭文告中教導的那樣。

79  And, fathers, when you are privileged to exercise the power and influence of your priesthood authority, do so “by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned” .

79 還有,當你有特權來運用聖職權柄的能力和影響力時,務必要「藉著勸說、恆久忍耐、溫和、溫柔,和不虛偽的愛」。

80 That high standard for the exercise of priesthood authority is most important in the family.

80 這項運用聖職權柄的高標準,在家中至關重要。

81 President Harold B. Lee gave this promise just after he became President of the Church: “Never is the power of the priesthood, which you hold, more wonderful than when there is a crisis in your home, a serious illness, or some great decision that has to be made.

81 海樂·李會長成為教會總會會長後,作了這項應許:「在你們家庭遭遇危機、家人患重病、要作重大抉擇……時,你們越能夠感受到所持有的聖職是多麼奇妙。

82 … Vested in the power of the priesthood, which is the power of Almighty God, is the power to perform miracles if the Lord wills it so, but in order for us to use that priesthood, we must be worthy to exercise it.

82 聖職力量,即全能之神的力量,蘊藏了行奇蹟的力量,若這是主的旨意,便可行奇蹟。但是我們若要運用聖職,就必須自我配稱才能運用。

83 A failure to understand this principle is a failure to receive the blessings of holding that great priesthood.”

83 若不瞭解這項原則,便無法獲得持有那項偉大聖職的祝福。」

84 My beloved brethren, the magnifying of the holy priesthood you hold is vital to the work of the Lord in your families and in your Church callings.

84 親愛的弟兄們,在家中和在教會召喚上,光大你所持有的神聖聖職,對主的事工至關重要。

85 I testify of Him whose priesthood it is.

85 我為主作見證,這是祂的聖職。

86 Through His atoning suffering and sacrifice and resurrection, all men and women have the assurance of immortality and the opportunity for eternal life.

86 藉由祂贖罪的痛苦犧牲和復活,所有的男女都有不死的確證以及得到永生的機會。

87 Each of us should be faithful and diligent in doing our part in this great work of God our Eternal Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

87 我們每個人都應當忠信勤奮地,善盡我們在永恆父神這項偉大事工中的本分,奉耶穌基督的名,阿們。


單字 次數 級別
a 28 大考中心1級
Aaronic 1 教會用字
about 1 大考中心1級
abroad 1 大考中心2級
accept 1 大考中心2級
accomplish 1 大考中心4級
act 1 大考中心1級
Additional 2 大考中心3級
administering 1 大考中心6級
administers 1 大考中心6級
adornment 1 大考6級以上
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an 10 大考中心1級
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it 18 大考中心1級
its 1 大考中心1級
Jacob 1 人名與地名
James 1 人名與地名
Jeffrey 5 人名與地名
Jesus 3 教會用字
job 1 大考中心1級
John 1 人名與地名
Joseph 5 人名與地名
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later 3 大考中心1級
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Lord 19 大考中心3級
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man 3 大考中心1級
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Master 2 大考中心1級
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McConkie 2 人名與地名
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Melchizedek 7 教會用字
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men 3 大考中心1級
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messages 1 大考中心2級
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might 5 大考中心1級
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mission 1 大考中心3級
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Mormon 1 教會用字
most 2 大考中心1級
much 2 大考中心1級
must 2 大考中心1級
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naked 1 大考中心2級
name 2 大考中心1級
necessary 1 大考中心2級
need 2 大考中心1級
Nelson 2 人名與地名
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no 2 大考中心1級
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now 5 大考中心1級
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office 2 大考中心1級
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Oliver 2 大考中心5級
on 5 大考中心1級
one 5 大考中心1級
ones 1 大考中心1級
only 4 大考中心1級
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orders 1 大考中心1級
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over 2 大考中心1級
own 3 大考中心1級
parents 1 大考中心1級
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particularly 1 大考中心2級
partners 1 大考中心2級
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people 2 大考中心1級
perfectly 1 大考中心2級
perform 1 大考中心3級
performance 1 大考中心3級
performing 1 大考中心3級
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Peter 1 人名與地名
place 2 大考中心1級
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President 15 大考中心2級
presidents 1 大考中心2級
presides 1 大考中心6級
priest 3 大考中心3級
priesthood 56 教會用字
priests 3 大考中心3級
principle 4 大考中心2級
principles 1 大考中心2級
privileged 1 大考中心4級
proclaim 1 大考6級以上
proclaimed 1 大考6級以上
proclamation 1 大考6級以上
profess 1 大考6級以上
promise 1 大考中心2級
promised 1 大考中心2級
prophet 1 大考中心5級
purpose 1 大考中心1級
Quorum 4 教會用字
Rasband 1 人名與地名
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receive 1 大考中心1級
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relationships 1 大考中心2級
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responsibilities 3 大考中心3級
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rest 1 大考中心1級
resurrection 1 教會用字
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revelatory 1 大考6級以上
review 1 大考中心2級
right 1 大考中心1級
righteousness 1 大考6級以上
Russell 1 人名與地名
sacred 1 大考中心5級
sacrifice 2 大考中心4級
said 4 大考中心1級
salvation 2 大考中心6級
satisfied 1 大考中心2級
Savior 2 教會用字
scattered 1 大考中心3級
school 1 大考中心1級
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serious 2 大考中心2級
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simple 1 大考中心1級
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Smith 4 人名與地名
so 4 大考中心1級
some 2 大考中心1級
something 1 大考中心1級
sons 1 大考中心1級
souls 2 大考中心1級
speak 2 大考中心1級
speaking 1 大考中心1級
spiritual 2 大考中心4級
stake 1 大考中心5級
stakes 1 大考中心5級
stand 1 大考中心1級
standard 1 大考中心2級
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standing 3 大考中心1級
status 1 大考中心4級
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taking 1 大考中心1級
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teach 1 大考中心1級
teacher 1 大考中心1級
teachers 1 大考中心1級
teaches 1 大考中心1級
teaching 1 大考中心1級
teachings 1 大考中心4級
tell 1 大考中心1級
Temple 1 大考中心2級
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than 4 大考中心1級
that 31 大考中心1級
the 176 大考中心1級
their 9 大考中心1級
them 4 大考中心1級
there 2 大考中心1級
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These 3 大考中心1級
they 8 大考中心1級
thing 1 大考中心1級
things 2 大考中心1級
think 1 大考中心1級
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though 1 大考中心1級
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through 2 大考中心2級
Thus 2 大考中心1級
time 2 大考中心1級
times 1 大考中心1級
titles 2 大考中心2級
To 62 大考中心1級
told 1 大考中心1級
tormented 1 大考中心5級
triumph 1 大考中心4級
trouble 1 大考中心1級
truly 1 大考中心4級
trust 1 大考中心2級
Twelve 1 大考中心1級
unable 1 大考6級以上
under 2 大考中心1級
understand 2 大考中心1級
unfeigned 1 大考6級以上
unto 3 教會用字
Up 1 大考中心1級
upon 8 大考中心2級
us 5 大考中心1級
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used 1 大考中心1級
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vital 1 大考中心4級
want 1 大考中心1級
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way 1 大考中心1級
we 16 大考中心1級
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were 6 大考中心1級
What 6 大考中心1級
when 8 大考中心1級
which 4 大考中心1級
who 6 大考中心1級
whom 1 大考中心1級
whose 1 大考中心1級
wife 1 大考中心1級
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wills 1 大考中心1級
with 6 大考中心1級
wives 1 大考中心1級
women 3 大考中心1級
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work 6 大考中心1級
world 4 大考中心1級
worldly 1 大考6級以上
worthy 2 大考中心5級
would 4 大考中心1級
year 1 大考中心1級
years 2 大考中心1級
yet 1 大考中心1級
you 15 大考中心1級
young 2 大考中心1級
younger 1 大考中心1級
your 8 大考中心1級
