"中英對照/來跟從我/5月13-19日" 修訂間的差異

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行 6: 行 6:
<div class='section'>「還缺少什麼呢?」</div>
<div class='section'>「還缺少什麼呢?」</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/5月13-19日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/5月13-19日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):
* [https://quizlet.com/400315742/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):May 13-19(01-02)
* [單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):
* [https://quizlet.com/400960144/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):May 13-19(01-08)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1puiU7qjTT6H1R_3vWljVpmIymfe9SvPSNA8_M8krJ78/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:May 13–19
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1puiU7qjTT6H1R_3vWljVpmIymfe9SvPSNA8_M8krJ78/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:May 13–19
* [https://www.lds.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/19?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML May 13–19 (0:00起)
* [https://www.lds.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/19?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML May 13–19 (0:11起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>1</span>Read and ponder Matthew 19–20; Mark 10; and Luke 18, paying attention to the promptings you receive.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>1</span>Read and ponder Matthew 19–20; Mark 10; and Luke 18, paying attention to the promptings you receive.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>1</span>閱讀並沉思馬太福音第19~20章、馬可福音第10章,以及路加福音第18章時,留意你所接受到的聖靈提示。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>1</span>閱讀並沉思馬太福音第19~20章、馬可福音第10章,以及路加福音第18章時,留意你所接受到的聖靈提示。</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>2</span>Make note of those promptings, and determine how you will act on them.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>2</span>Make note of those promptings, and determine how you will act on them.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>2</span>將這些提示寫下來,然後決定要如何採取行動。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>2</span>將這些提示寫下來,然後決定要如何採取行動。</p>
<div class='section'>RECORD YOUR IMPRESSIONS</div>
<div class='section'>RECORD YOUR IMPRESSIONS</div>
<div class='section'>記錄心得感想</div>
<div class='section'>記錄心得感想</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/5月13-19日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/400316216/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):May 13-19(03-08)
* [https://quizlet.com/400960144/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):May 13-19(01-08)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1puiU7qjTT6H1R_3vWljVpmIymfe9SvPSNA8_M8krJ78/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:May 13–19
* [https://www.lds.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/19?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML May 13–19 (0:25起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>3</span>If you had the opportunity to ask the Savior a question, what would it be?</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>3</span>If you had the opportunity to ask the Savior a question, what would it be?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>3</span>如果你有機會問救主一個問題,你會問什麼?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>3</span>如果你有機會問救主一個問題,你會問什麼?</p>
行 31: 行 38:
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>8</span>Whatever the Lord asks us to do, acting on His answer will always require that we trust Him more than our own righteousness (see Luke 18:9–14) and that we “receive the kingdom of God as a little child” (Luke 18:17; see also 3 Nephi 9:22).</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>8</span>Whatever the Lord asks us to do, acting on His answer will always require that we trust Him more than our own righteousness (see Luke 18:9–14) and that we “receive the kingdom of God as a little child” (Luke 18:17; see also 3 Nephi 9:22).</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>8</span>無論主要求我們做什麼,若要按照祂的答覆採取行動,光是為人正義是不夠的,我們還需要更加信賴祂(見路加福音18:9-14),並要「〔像小孩子一樣〕承受天國」(路加福音18:17;亦見尼腓三書9:22)。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>8</span>無論主要求我們做什麼,若要按照祂的答覆採取行動,光是為人正義是不夠的,我們還需要更加信賴祂(見路加福音18:9-14),並要「〔像小孩子一樣〕承受天國」(路加福音18:17;亦見尼腓三書9:22)。</p>
<div class='section'>Ideas for Personal Scripture Study</div>
<div class='section'>Ideas for Personal Scripture Study</div>
<div class='section'>個人經文研讀的建議</div>
<div class='section'>個人經文研讀的建議</div>
行 37: 行 46:
<div class='section'>Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God.</div>
<div class='section'>Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God.</div>
<div class='section'>一男一女之間的婚姻是神所制定的。</div>
<div class='section'>一男一女之間的婚姻是神所制定的。</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/5月13-19日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/400316617/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):May 13-19(09-15)
* [https://quizlet.com/400960416/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):May 13-19(09-15)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1puiU7qjTT6H1R_3vWljVpmIymfe9SvPSNA8_M8krJ78/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:May 13–19
* [https://www.lds.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/19?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML May 13–19 (1:46起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>9</span>This interchange between the Savior and the Pharisees is one of the few recorded instances in which the Savior taught specifically about marriage.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>9</span>This interchange between the Savior and the Pharisees is one of the few recorded instances in which the Savior taught specifically about marriage.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>9</span>救主和法利賽人之間的這段對話,是救主特別針對婚姻主題教導的少數幾個記載。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>9</span>救主和法利賽人之間的這段對話,是救主特別針對婚姻主題教導的少數幾個記載。</p>
行 51: 行 66:
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>15</span>For a helpful depiction of how to have a respectful conversation with them, see the video “Everyday Example: When Beliefs Are Questioned” (LDS.org).</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>15</span>For a helpful depiction of how to have a respectful conversation with them, see the video “Everyday Example: When Beliefs Are Questioned” (LDS.org).</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>15</span>(文章沒翻譯)</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>15</span>(文章沒翻譯)</p>
<div class='section'>Matthew 19:3–9; Mark 10:2–12</div>
<div class='section'>Matthew 19:3–9; Mark 10:2–12</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音19:3-9;馬可福音10:2-12</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音19:3-9;馬可福音10:2-12</div>
<div class='section'>Did Jesus teach that divorce is never acceptable or that divorced people should not remarry?</div>
<div class='section'>Did Jesus teach that divorce is never acceptable or that divorced people should not remarry?</div>
<div class='section'>耶穌是否教導離婚是絕對無法接受的,還是離婚的人不該再婚?</div>
<div class='section'>耶穌是否教導離婚是絕對無法接受的,還是離婚的人不該再婚?</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/5月13-19日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/400317066/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):May 13-19(16-20)
* [https://quizlet.com/400960601/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):May 13-19(16-20)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1puiU7qjTT6H1R_3vWljVpmIymfe9SvPSNA8_M8krJ78/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:May 13–19
* [https://www.lds.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/19?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML May 13–19 (2:54起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>16</span>In an address on divorce, Elder Dallin H. Oaks taught that Heavenly Father intends for the marriage relationship to be eternal.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>16</span>In an address on divorce, Elder Dallin H. Oaks taught that Heavenly Father intends for the marriage relationship to be eternal.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>16</span>達林·鄔克司長老在一篇關於離婚的演講中教導,天父設立了婚姻,並希望這段關係能持續到永恆。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>16</span>達林·鄔克司長老在一篇關於離婚的演講中教導,天父設立了婚姻,並希望這段關係能持續到永恆。</p>
行 65: 行 88:
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>20</span>See also “Divorce,” Gospel Topics, topics.lds.org.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>20</span>See also “Divorce,” Gospel Topics, topics.lds.org.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>20</span>亦見「離婚」,福音主題,topics.lds.org。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>20</span>亦見「離婚」,福音主題,topics.lds.org。</p>
<div class='section'>Matthew 19:16–22; Mark 10:17–22; Luke 18:18–23</div>
<div class='section'>Matthew 19:16–22; Mark 10:17–22; Luke 18:18–23</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音19:16-22;馬可福音10:17-22;路加福音18:18-23</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音19:16-22;馬可福音10:17-22;路加福音18:18-23</div>
<div class='section'>If I ask the Lord, He will teach me what I need to do to inherit eternal life.</div>
<div class='section'>If I ask the Lord, He will teach me what I need to do to inherit eternal life.</div>
<div class='section'>只要我求問主,祂會教導我該做什麼事才能繼承永生。</div>
<div class='section'>只要我求問主,祂會教導我該做什麼事才能繼承永生。</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/5月13-19日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/400317693/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):May 13-19(21-26)
* [https://quizlet.com/400960915/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):May 13-19(21-26)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1puiU7qjTT6H1R_3vWljVpmIymfe9SvPSNA8_M8krJ78/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:May 13–19
* [https://www.lds.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/19?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML May 13–19 (4:06起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>21</span>The account of the rich young man can give pause even to the faithful, lifelong disciple.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>21</span>The account of the rich young man can give pause even to the faithful, lifelong disciple.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>21</span>即使一生忠信的門徒,都可以停下來好好思考這段年輕財主的記載。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>21</span>即使一生忠信的門徒,都可以停下來好好思考這段年輕財主的記載。</p>
行 81: 行 112:
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>26</span>See also Larry R. Lawrence, “What Lack I Yet?” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 33–35; S. Mark Palmer, “Then Jesus Beholding Him Loved Him,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 114–16.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>26</span>See also Larry R. Lawrence, “What Lack I Yet?” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 33–35; S. Mark Palmer, “Then Jesus Beholding Him Loved Him,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 114–16.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>26</span>亦見賴瑞·勞倫斯,「我還缺少什麼呢?」2015年11月,利阿賀拿,第33-35頁;馬可·帕爾默「耶穌看著他,就愛他」,2017年5月,利阿賀拿,第114-116頁。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>26</span>亦見賴瑞·勞倫斯,「我還缺少什麼呢?」2015年11月,利阿賀拿,第33-35頁;馬可·帕爾默「耶穌看著他,就愛他」,2017年5月,利阿賀拿,第114-116頁。</p>
<div class='section'>Matthew 20:1–16</div>
<div class='section'>Matthew 20:1–16</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音20:1-16</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音20:1-16</div>
<div class='section'>Everyone can receive the blessing of eternal life, no matter when they accept the gospel.</div>
<div class='section'>Everyone can receive the blessing of eternal life, no matter when they accept the gospel.</div>
<div class='section'>無論何時接受福音,每個人都可獲得永生的祝福。</div>
<div class='section'>無論何時接受福音,每個人都可獲得永生的祝福。</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/5月13-19日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/400318086/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):May 13-19(27-30)
* [https://quizlet.com/400961080/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):May 13-19(27-30)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1puiU7qjTT6H1R_3vWljVpmIymfe9SvPSNA8_M8krJ78/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:May 13–19
* [https://www.lds.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/19?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML May 13–19 (5:17起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>27</span>Can you relate to the experience of any of the laborers in the vineyard?</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>27</span>Can you relate to the experience of any of the laborers in the vineyard?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>27</span>你是否有任何與葡萄園裡的工人相關的經驗?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>27</span>你是否有任何與葡萄園裡的工人相關的經驗?</p>
行 93: 行 132:
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>30</span>What additional promptings does the Spirit give to you?</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>30</span>What additional promptings does the Spirit give to you?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>30</span>聖靈還給你哪些其他的提示?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>30</span>聖靈還給你哪些其他的提示?</p>
<div class='section'>Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Family Home Evening</div>
<div class='section'>Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Family Home Evening</div>
<div class='section'>家庭經文研讀和家人家庭晚會的建議</div>
<div class='section'>家庭經文研讀和家人家庭晚會的建議</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/5月13-19日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/400318440/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):May 13-19(31-32)
* [https://quizlet.com/400961267/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):May 13-19(31-37)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1puiU7qjTT6H1R_3vWljVpmIymfe9SvPSNA8_M8krJ78/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:May 13–19
* [https://www.lds.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/19?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML May 13–19 (5:45起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>31</span>As you read the scriptures with your family, the Spirit can help you know what principles to emphasize and discuss in order to meet the needs of your family.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>31</span>As you read the scriptures with your family, the Spirit can help you know what principles to emphasize and discuss in order to meet the needs of your family.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>31</span>你和家人一起閱讀經文時,聖靈會幫助你知道該強調並討論哪些原則,以符合家庭的需求。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>31</span>你和家人一起閱讀經文時,聖靈會幫助你知道該強調並討論哪些原則,以符合家庭的需求。</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>32</span>Here are some suggestions:</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>32</span>Here are some suggestions:</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>32</span>以下是一些建議:</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>32</span>以下是一些建議:</p>
<div class='section'>Matthew 19:1–9; Mark 10:1–12</div>
<div class='section'>Matthew 19:1–9; Mark 10:1–12</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音19:1-9;馬可福音10:1-12</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音19:1-9;馬可福音10:1-12</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/5月13-19日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/400318820/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):May 13-19(33-35)
* [https://quizlet.com/400961267/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):May 13-19(31-37)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1puiU7qjTT6H1R_3vWljVpmIymfe9SvPSNA8_M8krJ78/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:May 13–19
* [https://www.lds.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/19?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML May 13–19 (6:03起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>33</span>Would your family benefit from discussing God’s teachings about marriage and family?</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>33</span>Would your family benefit from discussing God’s teachings about marriage and family?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>33</span>一起討論神對婚姻與家庭的教導,是否能讓你的家人從中受益?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>33</span>一起討論神對婚姻與家庭的教導,是否能讓你的家人從中受益?</p>
行 107: 行 162:
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>35</span>How do the teachings in the proclamation help clear up confusion and falsehoods in the world’s messages regarding marriage and families?</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>35</span>How do the teachings in the proclamation help clear up confusion and falsehoods in the world’s messages regarding marriage and families?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>35</span>這篇文告中的教導,將如何有助於澄清,世上對婚姻與家庭一些令人困惑的錯誤信息?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>35</span>這篇文告中的教導,將如何有助於澄清,世上對婚姻與家庭一些令人困惑的錯誤信息?</p>
<div class='section'>Mark 10:23–27</div>
<div class='section'>Mark 10:23–27</div>
<div class='section'>馬可福音10:23-27</div>
<div class='section'>馬可福音10:23-27</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/5月13-19日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/400319290/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):May 13-19(36-37)
* [https://quizlet.com/400961267/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):May 13-19(31-37)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1puiU7qjTT6H1R_3vWljVpmIymfe9SvPSNA8_M8krJ78/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:May 13–19
* [https://www.lds.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/19?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML May 13–19 (6:28起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>36</span>What is the difference between having riches and trusting in riches? (see Mark 10:23–24).</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>36</span>What is the difference between having riches and trusting in riches? (see Mark 10:23–24).</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>36</span>有錢財和倚靠錢財之間有何不同?(見馬可福音10:23-24。)</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>36</span>有錢財和倚靠錢財之間有何不同?(見馬可福音10:23-24。)</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>37</span>As you read verse 27, you may want to point out the Joseph Smith Translation: “With men that trust in riches, it is impossible; but not impossible with men who trust in God and leave all for my sake, for with such all these things are possible” (in Mark 10:27, footnote a).</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>37</span>As you read verse 27, you may want to point out the Joseph Smith Translation: “With men that trust in riches, it is impossible; but not impossible with men who trust in God and leave all for my sake, for with such all these things are possible” (in Mark 10:27, footnote a).</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>37</span>閱讀第27節時,你可以指出英文版約瑟·斯密譯本的翻譯是:「對於倚靠錢財的人,是不能,但對那倚靠神,且為我而捨棄一切的人,則不然,因為對這樣的人,這些事是能做到的。」</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>37</span>閱讀第27節時,你可以指出英文版約瑟·斯密譯本的翻譯是:「對於倚靠錢財的人,是不能,但對那倚靠神,且為我而捨棄一切的人,則不然,因為對這樣的人,這些事是能做到的。」</p>
<div class='section'>Matthew 20:1–16</div>
<div class='section'>Matthew 20:1–16</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音20:1-16</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音20:1-16</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/5月13-19日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/400319647/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):May 13-19(38-40)
* [https://quizlet.com/400961439/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):May 13-19(38-40)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1puiU7qjTT6H1R_3vWljVpmIymfe9SvPSNA8_M8krJ78/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:May 13–19
* [https://www.lds.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/19?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML May 13–19 (7:04起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>38</span>To illustrate the principles in Matthew 20:1–16, you might set up a simple competition, such as a short race, and promise that the winner will get a prize.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>38</span>To illustrate the principles in Matthew 20:1–16, you might set up a simple competition, such as a short race, and promise that the winner will get a prize.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>38</span>為了說明馬太福音20:1-16中的原則,你可以舉行像是短跑的簡單競賽,答應獲勝的人可以得到獎品。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>38</span>為了說明馬太福音20:1-16中的原則,你可以舉行像是短跑的簡單競賽,答應獲勝的人可以得到獎品。</p>
行 121: 行 192:
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>40</span>What does this teach us about who receives the blessings of eternal life in Heavenly Father’s plan?</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>40</span>What does this teach us about who receives the blessings of eternal life in Heavenly Father’s plan?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>40</span>關於誰可以在天父的計畫中獲得永生的祝福,這個例子教導了我們什麼?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>40</span>關於誰可以在天父的計畫中獲得永生的祝福,這個例子教導了我們什麼?</p>
<div class='section'>Matthew 20:25–27; Mark 10:42–45</div>
<div class='section'>Matthew 20:25–27; Mark 10:42–45</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音20:25-27;馬可福音10:42-45</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音20:25-27;馬可福音10:42-45</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/5月13-19日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/400320063/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):May 13-19(41-43)
* [https://quizlet.com/400961670/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):May 13-19(41-48)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1puiU7qjTT6H1R_3vWljVpmIymfe9SvPSNA8_M8krJ78/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:May 13–19
* [https://www.lds.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/19?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML May 13–19 (7:40起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>41</span>What is the meaning of the phrase “whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant”? (Matthew 20:27).</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>41</span>What is the meaning of the phrase “whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant”? (Matthew 20:27).</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>41</span>「誰願為首,就必作你們的僕人」(馬太福音20:27),這句話是什麼意思?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>41</span>「誰願為首,就必作你們的僕人」(馬太福音20:27),這句話是什麼意思?</p>
行 129: 行 208:
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>43</span>How can we follow His example in our family, our ward or branch, and our neighborhood?</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>43</span>How can we follow His example in our family, our ward or branch, and our neighborhood?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>43</span>我們能如何在家中、支會或分會中,及社區中效法祂的榜樣?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>43</span>我們能如何在家中、支會或分會中,及社區中效法祂的榜樣?</p>
<div class='section'>Luke 18:1–14</div>
<div class='section'>Luke 18:1–14</div>
<div class='section'>路加福音18:1-14</div>
<div class='section'>路加福音18:1-14</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/5月13-19日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/400320642/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):May 13-19(44-45)
* [https://quizlet.com/400961670/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):May 13-19(41-48)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1puiU7qjTT6H1R_3vWljVpmIymfe9SvPSNA8_M8krJ78/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:May 13–19
* [https://www.lds.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/19?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML May 13–19 (8:03起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>44</span>What do we learn about prayer from the two parables in these verses?</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>44</span>What do we learn about prayer from the two parables in these verses?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>44</span>從這幾節經文中的兩則比喻,我們學到哪些關於禱告的事?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>44</span>從這幾節經文中的兩則比喻,我們學到哪些關於禱告的事?</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>45</span>For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>45</span>For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>45</span>欲了解更多教導兒童的建議,請見來跟從我——供初級會使用的本週大綱。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>45</span>欲了解更多教導兒童的建議,請見來跟從我——供初級會使用的本週大綱。</p>
<div class='section'>Improving Personal Study</div>
<div class='section'>Improving Personal Study</div>
<div class='section'>改進個人研讀</div>
<div class='section'>改進個人研讀</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/5月13-19日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/400321025/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):May 13-19(46-48)
* [https://quizlet.com/400961670/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):May 13-19(41-48)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1puiU7qjTT6H1R_3vWljVpmIymfe9SvPSNA8_M8krJ78/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:May 13–19
* [https://www.lds.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/19?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML May 13–19 (8:10起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>46</span>Find a time that works for you.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>46</span>Find a time that works for you.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>46</span>找出對你有效的一段時間。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>46</span>找出對你有效的一段時間。</p>
行 148: 行 243:
* 單句
* 單句
** [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1puiU7qjTT6H1R_3vWljVpmIymfe9SvPSNA8_M8krJ78/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:May 13–19
** [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1puiU7qjTT6H1R_3vWljVpmIymfe9SvPSNA8_M8krJ78/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:May 13–19
** [語意克漏字] CFM(S):Quizlet 文件夾
** [https://quizlet.com/XiaoCX/folders/cfmsmay-13-19/ 語意克漏字] CFM(S):May 13-19 Quizlet 文件夾
** [單字表] Google Sheet CFM:五月份單字表
** [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VUECBAqP6XrN7M4yefKIf41Q7loiNMiYGR4PWvOSuW8/edit#gid=296168463 單字表] Google Sheet CFM:五月份單字表
** [單字閃卡]CFM(單字):Quizlet 文件夾
** [https://quizlet.com/XiaoCX/folders/cfmmay-13-19/ 單字閃卡]CFM(單字):May 13-19 Quizlet 文件夾
** [https://www.lds.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/19?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML May 13–19 (0:00起)
** [https://www.lds.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/19?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML May 13–19 (0:00起)

於 2019年5月12日 (日) 14:06 的最新修訂

May 13–19
Matthew 19–20; Mark 10; Luke 18
“What Lack I Yet?”


1Read and ponder Matthew 19–20; Mark 10; and Luke 18, paying attention to the promptings you receive.


2Make note of those promptings, and determine how you will act on them.




3If you had the opportunity to ask the Savior a question, what would it be?


4When a certain rich young man met the Savior for the first time, he asked, “What good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” (Matthew 19:16).


5The Savior’s response showed both appreciation for the good things the young man had already done and loving encouragement to do more.


6When we ponder the possibility of eternal life, we may similarly wonder if there’s more we should be doing.


7When we ask, in our own way, “What lack I yet?” (Matthew 19:20), the Lord can give us answers that are just as personal as His response to the rich young man.


8Whatever the Lord asks us to do, acting on His answer will always require that we trust Him more than our own righteousness (see Luke 18:9–14) and that we “receive the kingdom of God as a little child” (Luke 18:17; see also 3 Nephi 9:22).



Ideas for Personal Scripture Study
Matthew 19:1–9; Mark 10:1–12
Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God.

9This interchange between the Savior and the Pharisees is one of the few recorded instances in which the Savior taught specifically about marriage.


10After reading Matthew 19:1–9 and Mark 10:1–12, make a list of several statements that you feel summarize the Lord’s views on marriage.


11Then study “Marriage” in Gospel Topics, topics.lds.org, and add more statements to your list as you discover them.


12How does your knowledge of the Father’s plan of salvation help you understand why marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God?


13Eternal marriage is part of God’s plan.


14You may know people who disagree with or oppose the Lord’s standards regarding marriage.


15For a helpful depiction of how to have a respectful conversation with them, see the video “Everyday Example: When Beliefs Are Questioned” (LDS.org).



Matthew 19:3–9; Mark 10:2–12
Did Jesus teach that divorce is never acceptable or that divorced people should not remarry?

16In an address on divorce, Elder Dallin H. Oaks taught that Heavenly Father intends for the marriage relationship to be eternal.


17However, God also understands that “because of the hardness of [our] hearts” (Matthew 19:8), including the poor choices and selfishness of one or both spouses, divorce is sometimes necessary.


18Elder Oaks explained that the Lord “permits divorced persons to marry again without the stain of immorality specified in the higher law.


19Unless a divorced member has committed serious transgressions, he or she can become eligible for a temple recommend under the same worthiness standards that apply to other members” (“Divorce,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2007, 70).


20See also “Divorce,” Gospel Topics, topics.lds.org.



Matthew 19:16–22; Mark 10:17–22; Luke 18:18–23
If I ask the Lord, He will teach me what I need to do to inherit eternal life.

21The account of the rich young man can give pause even to the faithful, lifelong disciple.


22As you read Mark 10:17–22, what evidence do you find of the young man’s faithfulness and sincerity?


23Like the rich young man, we are all imperfect and incomplete, so as disciples we must ask, “What lack I yet?”—and we should ask it throughout our lives.


24Notice that the answer is given out of love from the One who beholds us for who we truly are (see Mark 10:21).


25What can you do to prepare to ask the Lord what you lack—and to accept His answer?


26See also Larry R. Lawrence, “What Lack I Yet?” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 33–35; S. Mark Palmer, “Then Jesus Beholding Him Loved Him,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 114–16.



Matthew 20:1–16
Everyone can receive the blessing of eternal life, no matter when they accept the gospel.

27Can you relate to the experience of any of the laborers in the vineyard?


28What lessons do you find for yourself in this passage?


29Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s message “The Laborers in the Vineyard” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2012, 31–33) might help you see new ways to apply this parable.


30What additional promptings does the Spirit give to you?



Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Family Home Evening

31As you read the scriptures with your family, the Spirit can help you know what principles to emphasize and discuss in order to meet the needs of your family.


32Here are some suggestions:



Matthew 19:1–9; Mark 10:1–12

33Would your family benefit from discussing God’s teachings about marriage and family?


34If so, you could read “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 129).


35How do the teachings in the proclamation help clear up confusion and falsehoods in the world’s messages regarding marriage and families?



Mark 10:23–27

36What is the difference between having riches and trusting in riches? (see Mark 10:23–24).


37As you read verse 27, you may want to point out the Joseph Smith Translation: “With men that trust in riches, it is impossible; but not impossible with men who trust in God and leave all for my sake, for with such all these things are possible” (in Mark 10:27, footnote a).



Matthew 20:1–16

38To illustrate the principles in Matthew 20:1–16, you might set up a simple competition, such as a short race, and promise that the winner will get a prize.


39After everyone has completed the competition, award everyone the same prize, starting with the person who finished last and ending with the person who finished first.


40What does this teach us about who receives the blessings of eternal life in Heavenly Father’s plan?



Matthew 20:25–27; Mark 10:42–45

41What is the meaning of the phrase “whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant”? (Matthew 20:27).


42How did Jesus Christ exemplify this principle?


43How can we follow His example in our family, our ward or branch, and our neighborhood?



Luke 18:1–14

44What do we learn about prayer from the two parables in these verses?


45For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.



Improving Personal Study

46Find a time that works for you.


47It is often easiest to learn when you can study the scriptures without being interrupted.


48Find a time that works for you, and do your best to consistently study at that time each day.

