"中英對照/來跟從我/6月17-23日" 修訂間的差異

出自 青少年追求卓越
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行 1: 行 1:
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FszDdnbbY1-OV-DaQl7QQSRnyLE7Cu_w-BlaW2Cy3vc/ 6月17-23日 語意分析]
<div class='headline'>June 17–23</div>
<div class='headline'>June 17–23</div>
<div class='headline'>6月17-23日</div>
<div class='headline'>6月17-23日</div>
行 7: 行 5:
<div class='section'>“It Is Finished”</div>
<div class='section'>“It Is Finished”</div>
<div class='section'>「成了」</div>
<div class='section'>「成了」</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/6月17-23日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/411523860/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):June 17-23(01-02)
* [https://quizlet.com/411783961/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):June 17-23(01-08)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FszDdnbbY1-OV-DaQl7QQSRnyLE7Cu_w-BlaW2Cy3vc/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:June 17–23
* [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/24?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML June 17–23 (0:14起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>1</span>Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; and John 19 include descriptions of the final hours of the Savior’s mortal life.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>1</span>Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; and John 19 include descriptions of the final hours of the Savior’s mortal life.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>1</span>馬太福音第27章、馬可福音第15章、路加福音第23章,以及約翰福音第19章描述了救主塵世生命的最後時刻。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>1</span>馬太福音第27章、馬可福音第15章、路加福音第23章,以及約翰福音第19章描述了救主塵世生命的最後時刻。</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>2</span>Seek to feel His love for you as you study about His sacrifice and death.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>2</span>Seek to feel His love for you as you study about His sacrifice and death.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>2</span>研讀祂犧牲和死亡的相關事蹟時,要努力去感受祂對你的愛。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>2</span>研讀祂犧牲和死亡的相關事蹟時,要努力去感受祂對你的愛。</p>
<div class='section'>RECORD YOUR IMPRESSIONS</div>
<div class='section'>RECORD YOUR IMPRESSIONS</div>
<div class='section'>記錄心得感想</div>
<div class='section'>記錄心得感想</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/6月17-23日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/411524119/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):June 17-23(03-08)
* [https://quizlet.com/411783961/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):June 17-23(01-08)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FszDdnbbY1-OV-DaQl7QQSRnyLE7Cu_w-BlaW2Cy3vc/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:June 17–23
* [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/24?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML June 17–23 (0:31起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>3</span>In every word and deed, Jesus Christ exemplified pure love—what the Apostle Paul called charity (see 1 Corinthians 13).</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>3</span>In every word and deed, Jesus Christ exemplified pure love—what the Apostle Paul called charity (see 1 Corinthians 13).</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>3</span>耶穌基督的一言一行都具體展現純正的愛——也就是使徒保羅所說的仁愛(見哥林多前書第13章)。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>3</span>耶穌基督的一言一行都具體展現純正的愛——也就是使徒保羅所說的仁愛(見哥林多前書第13章)。</p>
行 25: 行 40:
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>8</span>In His final moments on earth, Jesus was doing what He had done throughout His mortal ministry—teaching us by showing us. Indeed, charity is “the pure love of Christ” (Moroni 7:47).</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>8</span>In His final moments on earth, Jesus was doing what He had done throughout His mortal ministry—teaching us by showing us. Indeed, charity is “the pure love of Christ” (Moroni 7:47).</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>8</span>耶穌在世上的最後時刻所做的,正是祂在塵世傳道中自始至終所做的事——也就是透過身教來教導我們。的確,仁愛就是「基督純正的愛」(摩羅乃書7:47)。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>8</span>耶穌在世上的最後時刻所做的,正是祂在塵世傳道中自始至終所做的事——也就是透過身教來教導我們。的確,仁愛就是「基督純正的愛」(摩羅乃書7:47)。</p>
<div class='section'>Ideas for Personal Scripture Study</div>
<div class='section'>Ideas for Personal Scripture Study</div>
<div class='section'>個人經文研讀的建議</div>
<div class='section'>個人經文研讀的建議</div>
行 31: 行 48:
<div class='section'>Jesus Christ’s willingness to suffer shows His love for the Father and for all of us.</div>
<div class='section'>Jesus Christ’s willingness to suffer shows His love for the Father and for all of us.</div>
<div class='section'>耶穌基督甘願受苦,顯示祂對天父和對我們所有人的愛。</div>
<div class='section'>耶穌基督甘願受苦,顯示祂對天父和對我們所有人的愛。</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/6月17-23日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/411524440/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):June 17-23(09-20)
* [https://quizlet.com/411784026/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):June 17-23(09-20)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FszDdnbbY1-OV-DaQl7QQSRnyLE7Cu_w-BlaW2Cy3vc/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:June 17–23
* [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/24?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML June 17–23 (1:59起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>9</span>Although the Savior had power to call down “legions of angels” (Matthew 26:53), He voluntarily chose to endure unjust trials, cruel mocking, and unimaginable physical pain.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>9</span>Although the Savior had power to call down “legions of angels” (Matthew 26:53), He voluntarily chose to endure unjust trials, cruel mocking, and unimaginable physical pain.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>9</span>雖然救主有能力召喚好幾營的「天使」(馬太福音26:53),卻寧願承受不公平的審訊、殘酷的嘲弄,和肉體上無法想像的痛苦。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>9</span>雖然救主有能力召喚好幾營的「天使」(馬太福音26:53),卻寧願承受不公平的審訊、殘酷的嘲弄,和肉體上無法想像的痛苦。</p>
行 38: 行 62:
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>11</span>尼腓作證說:「那是由於祂對人類兒女的慈愛和恆久忍耐」(尼腓一書19:9)。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>11</span>尼腓作證說:「那是由於祂對人類兒女的慈愛和恆久忍耐」(尼腓一書19:9)。</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>12</span>You might begin your study of the Savior’s final hours by reading 1 Nephi 19:9.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>12</span>You might begin your study of the Savior’s final hours by reading 1 Nephi 19:9.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>12</span>你可以從尼腓一書19:9開始研讀救主的最後時刻,關於尼腓提到耶穌所忍受的每一件事,</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>12</span>你可以從尼腓一書19:9開始研讀救主的最後時刻。</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>13</span>Where in Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; and John 19 do you find examples of each thing that Nephi said Jesus would suffer?</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>13</span>Where in Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; and John 19 do you find examples of each thing that Nephi said Jesus would suffer?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>13</span>你可以在馬太福音第27章、馬可福音第15章、路加福音第23章,以及約翰福音第19章當中找到例子嗎?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>13</span>關於尼腓提到耶穌所忍受的每一件事,你可以在馬太福音第27章、馬可福音第15章、路加福音第23章,以及約翰福音第19章當中找到例子嗎?</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>14</span>“[They] judge him to be a thing of naught”</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>14</span>“[They] judge him to be a thing of naught”</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>14</span>「他們必視祂為無物」</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>14</span>「他們必視祂為無物」</p>
行 55: 行 79:
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>20</span>See also “Jesus Is Condemned before Pilate” and “Jesus Is Scourged and Crucified” (videos, LDS.org).</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>20</span>See also “Jesus Is Condemned before Pilate” and “Jesus Is Scourged and Crucified” (videos, LDS.org).</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>20</span>亦見「耶穌在彼拉多面前被定罪」和「耶穌被鞭打,釘在十字架上」(影片,LDS.org)。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>20</span>亦見「耶穌在彼拉多面前被定罪」和「耶穌被鞭打,釘在十字架上」(影片,LDS.org)。</p>
<div class='section'>Matthew 27:27–49, 54; Mark 15:16–32; Luke 23:11, 35–39; John 19:1–5</div>
<div class='section'>Matthew 27:27–49, 54; Mark 15:16–32; Luke 23:11, 35–39; John 19:1–5</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音27:27-49,54;馬可福音15:16-32;路加福音23:11,35-39;約翰福音19:1-5</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音27:27-49,54;馬可福音15:16-32;路加福音23:11,35-39;約翰福音19:1-5</div>
<div class='section'>Mocking of God’s truth should not weaken my faith.</div>
<div class='section'>Mocking of God’s truth should not weaken my faith.</div>
<div class='section'>我的信心不應因神的真理受到嘲弄而軟弱。</div>
<div class='section'>我的信心不應因神的真理受到嘲弄而軟弱。</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/6月17-23日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/411524552/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):June 17-23(21-25)
* [https://quizlet.com/411784058/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):June 17-23(21-25)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FszDdnbbY1-OV-DaQl7QQSRnyLE7Cu_w-BlaW2Cy3vc/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:June 17–23
* [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/24?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML June 17–23 (3:46起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>21</span>While Jesus had endured mocking throughout His ministry, it grew more intense during His scourging and Crucifixion.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>21</span>While Jesus had endured mocking throughout His ministry, it grew more intense during His scourging and Crucifixion.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>21</span>耶穌在傳道期間一直都在忍受嘲弄,這樣的嘲弄在祂被鞭打和釘十字架的過程中,變得更加劇烈。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>21</span>耶穌在傳道期間一直都在忍受嘲弄,這樣的嘲弄在祂被鞭打和釘十字架的過程中,變得更加劇烈。</p>
行 69: 行 102:
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>25</span>What impresses you about the centurion’s words in Matthew 27:54?</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>25</span>What impresses you about the centurion’s words in Matthew 27:54?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>25</span>在馬太福音27:54中,百夫長的話哪裡讓你印象深刻?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>25</span>在馬太福音27:54中,百夫長的話哪裡讓你印象深刻?</p>
<div class='section'>Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34</div>
<div class='section'>Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音27:46;馬可福音15:34</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音27:46;馬可福音15:34</div>
<div class='section'>Did Heavenly Father forsake Jesus on the cross?</div>
<div class='section'>Did Heavenly Father forsake Jesus on the cross?</div>
<div class='section'>天父離棄了十字架上的耶穌嗎?</div>
<div class='section'>天父離棄了十字架上的耶穌嗎?</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/6月17-23日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/411524633/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):June 17-23(26-28)
* [https://quizlet.com/411784088/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):June 17-23(26-28)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FszDdnbbY1-OV-DaQl7QQSRnyLE7Cu_w-BlaW2Cy3vc/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:June 17–23
* [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/24?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML June 17–23 (4:30起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>26</span>Elder Jeffrey R. Holland offered the following insight: “I testify … that a perfect Father did not forsake His Son in that hour. …</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>26</span>Elder Jeffrey R. Holland offered the following insight: “I testify … that a perfect Father did not forsake His Son in that hour. …</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>26</span>傑佛瑞·賀倫長老提出了以下見解:「我……見證,……完全的父在那個時刻並沒有離棄祂的兒子。……</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>26</span>傑佛瑞·賀倫長老提出了以下見解:「我……見證,……完全的父在那個時刻並沒有離棄祂的兒子。……</p>
行 79: 行 121:
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>28</span>For [the Savior’s] Atonement to be infinite and eternal, He had to feel what it was like to die not only physically but spiritually, to sense what it was like to have the divine Spirit withdraw, leaving one feeling totally, abjectly, hopelessly alone” (“None Were with Him,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2009, 87–88).</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>28</span>For [the Savior’s] Atonement to be infinite and eternal, He had to feel what it was like to die not only physically but spiritually, to sense what it was like to have the divine Spirit withdraw, leaving one feeling totally, abjectly, hopelessly alone” (“None Were with Him,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2009, 87–88).</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>28</span>由於〔救主的〕贖罪是無限而永恆的,因此祂必須體驗屬世上和屬靈上的死亡是什麼滋味,去感受當聖靈遠離一個人、令人感到完全孤單、悲慘和絕望時是什麼滋味」(「無一人與祂同在」,2009年5月,利阿賀拿,第87-88頁)。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>28</span>由於〔救主的〕贖罪是無限而永恆的,因此祂必須體驗屬世上和屬靈上的死亡是什麼滋味,去感受當聖靈遠離一個人、令人感到完全孤單、悲慘和絕望時是什麼滋味」(「無一人與祂同在」,2009年5月,利阿賀拿,第87-88頁)。</p>
<div class='section'>Luke 23:34</div>
<div class='section'>Luke 23:34</div>
<div class='section'>路加福音23:34</div>
<div class='section'>路加福音23:34</div>
<div class='section'>The Savior is our example of forgiveness.</div>
<div class='section'>The Savior is our example of forgiveness.</div>
<div class='section'>救主是我們寬恕的典範。</div>
<div class='section'>救主是我們寬恕的典範。</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/6月17-23日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/411524816/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):June 17-23(29-33)
* [https://quizlet.com/411784125/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):June 17-23(29-36)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FszDdnbbY1-OV-DaQl7QQSRnyLE7Cu_w-BlaW2Cy3vc/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:June 17–23
* [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/24?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML June 17–23 (5:30起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>29</span>How do you feel when you read the Savior’s words in Luke 23:34? (see the insight provided by the Joseph Smith Translation in footnote c).</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>29</span>How do you feel when you read the Savior’s words in Luke 23:34? (see the insight provided by the Joseph Smith Translation in footnote c).</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>29</span>你讀到救主在路加福音23:34的話語時,感覺如何?(中文此段無翻譯。)</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>29</span>你讀到救主在路加福音23:34的話語時,感覺如何?(中文此段無翻譯。)</p>
行 93: 行 144:
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>33</span>How can this verse help you if you have trouble forgiving someone?</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>33</span>How can this verse help you if you have trouble forgiving someone?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>33</span>如果你難以寬恕某人,這節經文能如何幫助你?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>33</span>如果你難以寬恕某人,這節經文能如何幫助你?</p>
<div class='section'>Luke 23:39–43</div>
<div class='section'>Luke 23:39–43</div>
<div class='section'>路加福音23:39-43</div>
<div class='section'>路加福音23:39-43</div>
<div class='section'>What is the meaning of “paradise” in the Savior’s statement to the thief?</div>
<div class='section'>What is the meaning of “paradise” in the Savior’s statement to the thief?</div>
<div class='section'>在救主給那位盜賊的話裡,其中「樂園」是什麼意思?</div>
<div class='section'>在救主給那位盜賊的話裡,其中「樂園」是什麼意思?</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/6月17-23日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/411524877/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):June 17-23(34-36)
* [https://quizlet.com/411784125/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):June 17-23(29-36)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FszDdnbbY1-OV-DaQl7QQSRnyLE7Cu_w-BlaW2Cy3vc/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:June 17–23
* [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/24?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML June 17–23 (6:18起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>34</span>In the scriptures, the word paradise usually means “a place of peace and happiness in the postmortal spirit world”—a place reserved for the righteous.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>34</span>In the scriptures, the word paradise usually means “a place of peace and happiness in the postmortal spirit world”—a place reserved for the righteous.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>34</span>在經文中,樂園一詞通常代表「來生靈的世界中一處平安和幸福之地」——保留給義人的地方。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>34</span>在經文中,樂園一詞通常代表「來生靈的世界中一處平安和幸福之地」——保留給義人的地方。</p>
行 103: 行 163:
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>36</span>In the spirit world, the thief would hear the gospel preached.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>36</span>In the spirit world, the thief would hear the gospel preached.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>36</span>盜賊會在靈的世界聽到福音的傳播。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>36</span>盜賊會在靈的世界聽到福音的傳播。</p>
<div class='section'>Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Family Home Evening</div>
<div class='section'>Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Family Home Evening</div>
<div class='section'>家庭經文研讀和家人家庭晚會的建議</div>
<div class='section'>家庭經文研讀和家人家庭晚會的建議</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/6月17-23日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/411524965/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):June 17-23(37-38)
* [https://quizlet.com/411784189/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):June 17-23(37-45)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FszDdnbbY1-OV-DaQl7QQSRnyLE7Cu_w-BlaW2Cy3vc/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:June 17–23
* [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/24?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML June 17–23 (7:01起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>37</span>As you read the scriptures with your family, the Spirit can help you know what principles to emphasize and discuss in order to meet the needs of your family.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>37</span>As you read the scriptures with your family, the Spirit can help you know what principles to emphasize and discuss in order to meet the needs of your family.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>37</span>你和家人一起閱讀經文時,聖靈會幫助你知道該強調並討論哪些原則,以符合家庭的需求。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>37</span>你和家人一起閱讀經文時,聖靈會幫助你知道該強調並討論哪些原則,以符合家庭的需求。</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>38</span>Here are some suggestions:</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>38</span>Here are some suggestions:</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>38</span>以下是一些建議:</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>38</span>以下是一些建議:</p>
<div class='section'>Matthew 27:3–10</div>
<div class='section'>Matthew 27:3–10</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音27:3-10</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音27:3-10</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/6月17-23日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/411525037/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):June 17-23(39-41)
* [https://quizlet.com/411784189/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):June 17-23(37-45)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FszDdnbbY1-OV-DaQl7QQSRnyLE7Cu_w-BlaW2Cy3vc/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:June 17–23
* [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/24?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML June 17–23 (7:17起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>39</span>Even though Judas knew Jesus personally, he “turned away from [Jesus], and was offended because of his words” (Joseph Smith Translation, Mark 14:31 [in Mark 14:10, footnote a]).</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>39</span>Even though Judas knew Jesus personally, he “turned away from [Jesus], and was offended because of his words” (Joseph Smith Translation, Mark 14:31 [in Mark 14:10, footnote a]).</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>39</span>即使猶大親自認識耶穌本人,「他背棄〔耶穌〕,並因祂的話而被冒犯」(英文版約瑟·斯密譯本,馬可福音14:31)。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>39</span>即使猶大親自認識耶穌本人,「他背棄〔耶穌〕,並因祂的話而被冒犯」(英文版約瑟·斯密譯本,馬可福音14:31)。</p>
行 117: 行 195:
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>41</span>How can we stay true to Jesus Christ?</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>41</span>How can we stay true to Jesus Christ?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>41</span>我們如何能忠於耶穌基督?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>41</span>我們如何能忠於耶穌基督?</p>
<div class='section'>Matthew 27:11–26; Mark 15:1–15; Luke 23:12–24; John 19:1–16</div>
<div class='section'>Matthew 27:11–26; Mark 15:1–15; Luke 23:12–24; John 19:1–16</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音27:11-26;馬可福音15:1-15;路加福音23:12-24;約翰福音19:1-16</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音27:11-26;馬可福音15:1-15;路加福音23:12-24;約翰福音19:1-16</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/6月17-23日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/411525148/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):June 17-23(42-45)
* [https://quizlet.com/411784189/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):June 17-23(37-45)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FszDdnbbY1-OV-DaQl7QQSRnyLE7Cu_w-BlaW2Cy3vc/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:June 17–23
* [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/24?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML June 17–23 (7:57起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>42</span>Why did Pilate deliver Jesus to be crucified, even though he knew Jesus was innocent?</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>42</span>Why did Pilate deliver Jesus to be crucified, even though he knew Jesus was innocent?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>42</span>彼拉多明知耶穌是無罪的,為什麼還是將耶穌交給人釘十字架?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>42</span>彼拉多明知耶穌是無罪的,為什麼還是將耶穌交給人釘十字架?</p>
行 127: 行 214:
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>45</span>“And he bearing his cross went forth into … Golgotha” (John 19:17).</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>45</span>“And he bearing his cross went forth into … Golgotha” (John 19:17).</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>45</span>「耶穌背著自己的十字架出來,到……各各他」(約翰福音19:17)。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>45</span>「耶穌背著自己的十字架出來,到……各各他」(約翰福音19:17)。</p>
<div class='section'>Matthew 27:46; Luke 23:34, 43, 46; John 19:26–28, 30</div>
<div class='section'>Matthew 27:46; Luke 23:34, 43, 46; John 19:26–28, 30</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音27:46;路加福音23:34,43,46;約翰福音19:26-28,30</div>
<div class='section'>馬太福音27:46;路加福音23:34,43,46;約翰福音19:26-28,30</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/6月17-23日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/411525278/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):June 17-23(46)
* [https://quizlet.com/411784228/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):June 17-23(46-53)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FszDdnbbY1-OV-DaQl7QQSRnyLE7Cu_w-BlaW2Cy3vc/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:June 17–23
* [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/24?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML June 17–23 (8:32起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>46</span>Perhaps you could assign one or more of the statements the Savior made on the cross, found in these verses, to each family member and ask them to share what they learn about the Savior and His mission.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>46</span>Perhaps you could assign one or more of the statements the Savior made on the cross, found in these verses, to each family member and ask them to share what they learn about the Savior and His mission.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>46</span>這幾節經文中有救主在十字架上所說的話,你可以將一段或多段話指派給每個家人,請他們分享對救主和祂的使命有何學習。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>46</span>這幾節經文中有救主在十字架上所說的話,你可以將一段或多段話指派給每個家人,請他們分享對救主和祂的使命有何學習。</p>
<div class='section'>Mark 15:39</div>
<div class='section'>Mark 15:39</div>
<div class='section'>馬可福音15:39</div>
<div class='section'>馬可福音15:39</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/6月17-23日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/411525352/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):June 17-23(47)
* [https://quizlet.com/411784228/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):June 17-23(46-53)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FszDdnbbY1-OV-DaQl7QQSRnyLE7Cu_w-BlaW2Cy3vc/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:June 17–23
* [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/24?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML June 17–23 (8:48起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>47</span>How has reading about the Crucifixion strengthened our testimonies that Jesus is the “Son of God”?</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>47</span>How has reading about the Crucifixion strengthened our testimonies that Jesus is the “Son of God”?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>47</span>閱讀耶穌被釘十字架的相關事蹟,如何增強我們對祂是「神的兒子」的見證?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>47</span>閱讀耶穌被釘十字架的相關事蹟,如何增強我們對祂是「神的兒子」的見證?</p>
<div class='section'>John 19:25–27</div>
<div class='section'>John 19:25–27</div>
<div class='section'>約翰福音19:25-27</div>
<div class='section'>約翰福音19:25-27</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/6月17-23日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/411525448/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):June 17-23(48-49)
* [https://quizlet.com/411784228/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):June 17-23(46-53)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FszDdnbbY1-OV-DaQl7QQSRnyLE7Cu_w-BlaW2Cy3vc/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:June 17–23
* [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/24?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML June 17–23 (9:01起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>48</span>What do we learn from these verses about how we should love and support family members?</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>48</span>What do we learn from these verses about how we should love and support family members?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>48</span>關於應該要如何愛家人、支持家人,我們從這幾節經文學到什麼?</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>48</span>關於應該要如何愛家人、支持家人,我們從這幾節經文學到什麼?</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>49</span>For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>49</span>For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>49</span>欲了解更多教導兒童的建議,請見來跟從我——供初級會使用的本週大綱。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>49</span>欲了解更多教導兒童的建議,請見來跟從我——供初級會使用的本週大綱。</p>
<div class='section'>Improving Our Teaching</div>
<div class='section'>Improving Our Teaching</div>
<div class='section'>改進教導</div>
<div class='section'>改進教導</div>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/6月17-23日 《回本頁之頁首]
* [https://quizlet.com/411525518/ 語意克漏字] Quizlet CFM(S):June 17-23(50-53)
* [https://quizlet.com/411784228/ 單字閃卡] Quizlet  CFM(單字):June 17-23(46-53)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FszDdnbbY1-OV-DaQl7QQSRnyLE7Cu_w-BlaW2Cy3vc/ 單句語意分析,英中對照] Google Docs CFM:June 17–23
* [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2019/24?lang=eng 線上聆聽] HTML June 17–23 (9:11起)
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>50</span>Emulate the Savior’s life.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>50</span>Emulate the Savior’s life.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>50</span>效法救主的生活。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>50</span>效法救主的生活。</p>
行 151: 行 274:
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>53</span>The more diligently you strive to live like Jesus Christ, the more you will be able to teach like Him” (Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 13).</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>53</span>The more diligently you strive to live like Jesus Christ, the more you will be able to teach like Him” (Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 13).</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>53</span>你越勤奮努力,過像耶穌基督般的生活,你教導的成效就越能像祂的一樣」(以救主的方式教導,第13頁)。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>53</span>你越勤奮努力,過像耶穌基督般的生活,你教導的成效就越能像祂的一樣」(以救主的方式教導,第13頁)。</p>
* [http://www.limingyu2007.com/index.php?title=中英對照/來跟從我/6月17-23日 《回本頁之頁首]
* 單句
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於 2019年6月16日 (日) 11:42 的最新修訂

June 17–23
Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19
“It Is Finished”


1Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; and John 19 include descriptions of the final hours of the Savior’s mortal life.


2Seek to feel His love for you as you study about His sacrifice and death.




3In every word and deed, Jesus Christ exemplified pure love—what the Apostle Paul called charity (see 1 Corinthians 13).


4At no time was this more evident than during the final hours of the Savior’s mortal life.


5His dignified silence in the face of false accusations demonstrated that He “is not easily provoked” (1 Corinthians 13:5).


6His willingness to submit to scourging, mocking, and crucifixion—while restraining His power to end His torments—showed that He “suffereth long” and “beareth all things” (1 Corinthians 13:4, 7).


7His compassion toward His mother and His mercy toward His crucifiers—even during His own incomparable suffering—revealed that He “seeketh not [His] own” (1 Corinthians 13:5).


8In His final moments on earth, Jesus was doing what He had done throughout His mortal ministry—teaching us by showing us. Indeed, charity is “the pure love of Christ” (Moroni 7:47).



Ideas for Personal Scripture Study
Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19
Jesus Christ’s willingness to suffer shows His love for the Father and for all of us.

9Although the Savior had power to call down “legions of angels” (Matthew 26:53), He voluntarily chose to endure unjust trials, cruel mocking, and unimaginable physical pain.


10Why did He do it?


11“Because of his loving kindness,” Nephi testified, “and his long-suffering towards the children of men” (1 Nephi 19:9).


12You might begin your study of the Savior’s final hours by reading 1 Nephi 19:9.


13Where in Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; and John 19 do you find examples of each thing that Nephi said Jesus would suffer?


14“[They] judge him to be a thing of naught”


15“They scourge him”


16“They smite him”


17“They spit upon him”


18Which passages help you feel the “loving kindness” of Heavenly Father and Jesus toward you?


19Which of the attributes demonstrated by the Savior are you inspired to develop more fully?


20See also “Jesus Is Condemned before Pilate” and “Jesus Is Scourged and Crucified” (videos, LDS.org).



Matthew 27:27–49, 54; Mark 15:16–32; Luke 23:11, 35–39; John 19:1–5
Mocking of God’s truth should not weaken my faith.

21While Jesus had endured mocking throughout His ministry, it grew more intense during His scourging and Crucifixion.


22But this mocking could not change the truth: Jesus is the Son of God.


23As you read about the humiliation Jesus endured, think about the opposition and mocking His work faces today.


24What insights do you gain about enduring opposition?


25What impresses you about the centurion’s words in Matthew 27:54?



Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34
Did Heavenly Father forsake Jesus on the cross?

26Elder Jeffrey R. Holland offered the following insight: “I testify … that a perfect Father did not forsake His Son in that hour. …


27Nevertheless, that the supreme sacrifice of His Son might be as complete as it was voluntary and solitary, the Father briefly withdrew from Jesus the comfort of His Spirit, the support of His personal presence. …


28For [the Savior’s] Atonement to be infinite and eternal, He had to feel what it was like to die not only physically but spiritually, to sense what it was like to have the divine Spirit withdraw, leaving one feeling totally, abjectly, hopelessly alone” (“None Were with Him,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2009, 87–88).



Luke 23:34
The Savior is our example of forgiveness.

29How do you feel when you read the Savior’s words in Luke 23:34? (see the insight provided by the Joseph Smith Translation in footnote c).


30Referring to the Savior’s words, President Henry B. Eyring taught: “We must forgive and bear no malice toward those who offend us.


31The Savior set the example from the cross. …


32We do not know the hearts of those who offend us” (“That We May Be One,” Ensign, May 1998, 68).


33How can this verse help you if you have trouble forgiving someone?



Luke 23:39–43
What is the meaning of “paradise” in the Savior’s statement to the thief?

34In the scriptures, the word paradise usually means “a place of peace and happiness in the postmortal spirit world”—a place reserved for the righteous.


35The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that the word paradise in Luke 23:43 “is a mistranslation; the Lord actually said that the thief would be with Him in the world of spirits” (True to the Faith, 111; see also Joseph Smith, Journal, June 11, 1843, josephsmithpapers.org).

35先知約瑟·斯密教導,路加福音23:43的樂園一詞,「這翻譯是錯誤的;主其實是說,那名盜賊將與祂一同在靈的世界裡」(忠於信仰,第175頁;see also Joseph Smith, Journal, June 11, 1843,josephsmithpapers.org)。

36In the spirit world, the thief would hear the gospel preached.



Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Family Home Evening

37As you read the scriptures with your family, the Spirit can help you know what principles to emphasize and discuss in order to meet the needs of your family.


38Here are some suggestions:



Matthew 27:3–10

39Even though Judas knew Jesus personally, he “turned away from [Jesus], and was offended because of his words” (Joseph Smith Translation, Mark 14:31 [in Mark 14:10, footnote a]).


40What might cause people who seem to have strong testimonies to turn away from the Savior?


41How can we stay true to Jesus Christ?



Matthew 27:11–26; Mark 15:1–15; Luke 23:12–24; John 19:1–16

42Why did Pilate deliver Jesus to be crucified, even though he knew Jesus was innocent?


43What lessons do we learn from Pilate’s experience about standing up for what we know is right?


44It might be helpful for your family to role-play scenarios that allow them to practice standing up for what is right.


45“And he bearing his cross went forth into … Golgotha” (John 19:17).



Matthew 27:46; Luke 23:34, 43, 46; John 19:26–28, 30

46Perhaps you could assign one or more of the statements the Savior made on the cross, found in these verses, to each family member and ask them to share what they learn about the Savior and His mission.



Mark 15:39

47How has reading about the Crucifixion strengthened our testimonies that Jesus is the “Son of God”?



John 19:25–27

48What do we learn from these verses about how we should love and support family members?


49For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.



Improving Our Teaching

50Emulate the Savior’s life.


51“It is helpful to study the ways the Savior taught—the methods He used and the things He said.


52But the Savior’s power to teach and lift others came from … the kind of person He was.


53The more diligently you strive to live like Jesus Christ, the more you will be able to teach like Him” (Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 13).

