"中英對照/總會大會/2019下/The Message, the Meaning, and the Multitude" 修訂間的差異

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<div class='section'>Through the incessant din and drumbeat of our day, may we strive to see Christ at the center of our lives, of our faith, and of our service.</div>
<div class='section'>Through the incessant din and drumbeat of our day, may we strive to see Christ at the center of our lives, of our faith, and of our service.</div>
<div class='section'>在這喧囂吵雜、忙亂緊湊的世上,願我們竭盡所能得以看出,基督是我們個人生活、信仰和服務的核心。</div>
<div class='section'>在這喧囂吵雜、忙亂緊湊的世上,願我們竭盡所能得以看出,基督是我們個人生活、信仰和服務的核心。</div>
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<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>1</span>Brothers and sisters, this is Sammy Ho Ching, seven months old, watching general conference on television in his home last April.</p>
<p class='english'><span class='englishVerse'>1</span>Brothers and sisters, this is Sammy Ho Ching, seven months old, watching general conference on television in his home last April.</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>1</span>弟兄姊妹們,這是七個月大的山米(何青)今年4月在家中觀看總會大會電視轉播的照片。</p>
<p class='chinese'><span class='chineseVerse'>1</span>弟兄姊妹們,這是七個月大的山米(何青)今年4月在家中觀看總會大會電視轉播的照片。</p>

於 2020年3月5日 (四) 13:17 的修訂

The Message, the Meaning, and the Multitude
By Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Through the incessant din and drumbeat of our day, may we strive to see Christ at the center of our lives, of our faith, and of our service.


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1Brothers and sisters, this is Sammy Ho Ching, seven months old, watching general conference on television in his home last April.


2As time approached to sustain President Russell M. Nelson and the other General Authorities, Sammy’s arms were busy holding his bottle.


3So he did the next best thing.


4Sammy gives entirely new meaning to the concept of voting with your feet.


5Welcome to this semiannual conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


6To set the stage for a discussion of the meaning of these twice-a-year gatherings, I invoke this scene from Luke’s New Testament account:


7“It came to pass, that as [Jesus] was come nigh unto Jericho, a certain blind man sat by the way side begging:


8“… Hearing [a] multitude pass by, he asked what it meant.


9“… They told him, that Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.


10“And he cried, saying, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me.”


11Startled at his boldness, the crowd tried to silence the man, but “he cried so much the more,” it says.


12As a result of his persistence, he was brought to Jesus, who heard his faith-filled plea for the restoration of his sight and healed him.


13I am moved by this vivid little vignette every time I read it.


14We can sense the man’s distress.


15We can almost hear him shouting for the Savior’s attention.


16We smile at his refusal to be silenced —indeed, his determination to turn the volume up when everyone else was telling him to turn it down.

16對於他拒絕不出聲,我們莞爾一笑 — —是的,他在眾人要求他降低音量時,反而下定決心要提高音量。

17It is, in and of itself, a sweet story of very determined faith.


18But as with all scripture, the more we read it, the more we find in it.


19One thought that struck me only recently is the good sense this man had in having spiritually sensitive people around him.


20The entire significance of this story hinges on a handful of anonymous women and men who, when asked by their colleague, “What does this commotion mean?” had the vision, if you will, to identify Christ as the reason for the clamor; He was Meaning Personified.


21There is a lesson in this little exchange for all of us.


22In matters of faith and conviction, it helps to direct your inquiry toward those who actually have some!


23“Can the blind lead the blind?” Jesus once asked.


24“[If so,] shall they not both fall into the ditch?”


25Such a quest for faith and conviction is our purpose in these conferences, and by joining with us today, you will realize that this search is a broadly shared endeavor.


26Look around you.


27Here on these grounds you see families of all sizes coming from every direction.


28Old friends embrace in joyful reunion, a marvelous choir is warming up, and protestors shout from their favorite soapbox.


29Missionaries of an earlier day look for former companions, while recently returned missionaries look for entirely new companions (if you know what I mean!).


30And photos?


31Heaven help us!


32With cell phones in every hand, we have morphed from “every member a missionary” to “every member a photographer.”


33In the midst of all of this delightful commotion, one could justifiably ask, “What does it all mean?”


34As in our New Testament story, those blessed with sight will recognize that, in spite of everything else this conference tradition may offer us, it will mean little or nothing unless we find Jesus at the center of it all.


35To grasp the vision we are seeking, the healing that He promises, the significance we somehow know is here, we must cut through the commotion —joyful as it is —and fix our attention on Him.

35若要獲得我們所尋求的洞察力,和祂所應許的醫治奇蹟,以及我們或多或少都知道的這場聚會的重要性,我們就必須穿越喧囂 — —不論那喧囂是多麼令人感到愉快 — —並且將我們的注意力集中在祂身上。

36The prayer of every speaker, the hope of all who sing, the reverence of every guest —all are dedicated to inviting the Spirit of Him whose Church this is —the living Christ, the Lamb of God, the Prince of Peace.

36每位演講者的懇切祈禱,唱詩班成員的衷心盼望,以及每位來賓所表現的虔敬 — —所有這一切都是為了邀來祂的靈,即活著的基督、神的羔羊、和平之君;而這是祂的教會。

37But we don’t have to be in a conference center to find Him.


38When a child reads the Book of Mormon for the first time and is enamored with Abinadi’s courage or the march of 2,000 stripling warriors, we can gently add that Jesus is the omnipresent central figure in this marvelous chronicle, standing like a colossus over virtually every page of it and providing the link to all of the other faith-promoting figures in it.


39Likewise, when a friend is learning about our faith, she or he can be a bit overwhelmed by some of the unique elements and unfamiliar vocabulary of our religious practice —dietary restrictions, self-reliance supplies, pioneer treks, digitized family trees, with an untold number of stake centers where some have undoubtedly expected to be served a fine charbroiled sirloin, medium-rare.

39同樣的,新朋友在認識我們的信仰的過程中,可能會對一些獨特的事物和陌生的宗教用語感到不知所措 — —例如飲食方面的限制、自立的物資、先驅者之旅、電子版的家譜樹,還有發音與「牛排中心」相似的支聯會中心,肯定曾經讓人誤以為會在那裡吃到上好的五分熟沙朗牛排!

40So, as our new friends experience a multitude of new sights and sounds, we must point past the hustle and bustle and concentrate them on the meaning of it all, on the beating heart of the eternal gospel —the love of Heavenly Parents, the atoning gift of a divine Son, the comforting guidance of the Holy Ghost, the latter-day restoration of all these truths and so much more.

40當我們的新朋友體驗到這些新奇的景象和詞彙時,我們務必要向他們指出,這些喧囂擾嚷背後的意義,亦即這永恆福音的核心 — —也就是天上父母的愛、神子的贖罪恩賜、聖靈撫慰人心的指引,以及後期時代所有這些真理的復興等許許多多 — —才是他們應當專注的事。

41When one goes to the holy temple for the first time, he or she may be somewhat awestruck by that experience.


42Our job is to ensure that the sacred symbols and revealed rituals, the ceremonial clothing and visual presentations, never distract from but rather point toward the Savior, whom we are there to worship.


43The temple is His house, and He should be uppermost in our minds and hearts —the majestic doctrine of Christ pervading our very being just as it pervades the temple ordinances —from the time we read the inscription over the front door to the very last moment we spend in the building.

43聖殿是主的屋宇,我們的心思意念都應當專注在祂的身上 — —讓基督宏偉的教義彌漫我們的身心,正如同它貫串聖殿所有的教儀一樣 — —這樣的專注,應當從我們看到刻在聖殿大門上方的那些字開始,直到我們離開聖殿前的最後一刻。

44Amid all the wonder we encounter, we are to see, above all else, the meaning of Jesus in the temple.


45Consider the swirl of bold initiatives and new announcements in the Church in these recent months.


46As we minister to one another, or refine our Sabbath experience, or embrace a new program for children and youth, we will miss the real reason for these revelatory adjustments if we see them as disparate, unrelated elements rather than as an interrelated effort to help us build more firmly on the Rock of our Salvation.


47Surely, surely, this is what President Russell M. Nelson intends in having us use the revealed name of the Church.


48If Jesus —His name, His doctrine, His example, His divinity —can be at the center of our worship, we will be reinforcing the great truth Alma once taught: “There be many things to come; [but] behold, there is one thing which is of more importance than they all — … the Redeemer [who] liveth and cometh among his people.”

48如果耶穌 — —祂的名字、教義、典範和神性 — —成為我們一切崇拜的核心,我們就會更深刻了解阿爾瑪所教導的這項偉大真理:「很多事會發生;〔但是〕看啊,有一件事比其他所有的都重要,……〔即那位將〕要降世,來到祂人民之中〔的救贖主〕。」

49One concluding thought: Joseph Smith’s 19th-century frontier environment was aflame with competing crowds of Christian witnesses.


50But in the tumult they created, these exuberant revivalists were, ironically, obscuring the very Savior young Joseph so earnestly sought.


51Battling what he called “darkness and confusion,” he retreated to the solitude of a grove of trees where he saw and heard a more glorious witness of the Savior’s centrality to the gospel than anything we have mentioned here this morning.


52With a gift of sight unimagined and unanticipated, Joseph beheld in vision his Heavenly Father, the great God of the universe, and Jesus Christ, His perfect Only Begotten Son.


53Then the Father set the example we have been applauding this morning: He pointed to Jesus, saying: “This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”

53接著,天父樹立的典範,正是我們今天早晨所稱頌的:祂指著耶穌說 — —「這是我的愛子。聽祂說!」

54No greater expression of Jesus’s divine identity, His primacy in the plan of salvation, and His standing in the eyes of God could ever exceed that short seven-word declaration.


55Commotion and confusion?


56Crowds and contention?


57There is plenty of all that in our world.


58Indeed, skeptics and the faithful still contend over this vision and virtually all else I have referred to today.


59In case you may be striving to see more clearly and to find meaning in the midst of a multitude of opinions, I point you toward that same Jesus and bear apostolic witness of Joseph Smith’s experience, coming as it did some 1,800 years after our blind friend received his sight on the ancient Jericho Road.


60I testify with these two and a host of others down through time that surely the most thrilling sight and sound in life is that of Jesus not only passing by but His coming to us, stopping beside us, and making His abode with us.


61Sisters and brothers, through the incessant din and drumbeat of our day, may we strive to see Christ at the center of our lives, of our faith, and of our service.


62That is where true meaning lies.


63And if some days our vision is limited or our confidence has waned or our belief is being tested and refined —as surely it will be —may we then cry out the louder, “Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.”

63在未來的某些日子,如果我們能夠明白的事情有限,我們的自信心低落,或我們的信仰受到考驗或試鍊 — —這些事都必然會發生 — —願我們那時會更大聲地呼喊:「大衛的子孫耶穌啊,可憐我吧!」

64I promise with apostolic fervor and prophetic conviction that He will hear you and will say, soon or late, “Receive thy sight: thy faith hath saved thee.”


65Welcome to general conference.


66In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
