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於 2019年4月21日 (日) 04:15 由 蕭昶欣 (對話 | 貢獻) 所做的修訂 (已建立頁面,內容為 "<div class='headline'>April 29–May 5</div> <div class='headline'>4月29-5月5日。</div> <div class='section'>John 7–10</div> <div class='section'>約翰福音...")
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April 29–May 5
John 7–10
“I Am the Good Shepherd”

1As you read John 7–10, you may receive impressions from the Holy Ghost about the doctrinal principles in these chapters.

2Recording your impressions can help you make a plan to act on them.


3Although Jesus Christ came to bring “peace [and] good will toward men” (Luke 2:14), there was “a division among the people because of him” (John 7:43).

4People who witnessed the same events came to very different conclusions about who Jesus was.

5Some concluded, “He is a good man,” while others said, “He deceiveth the people” (John 7:12).

6When He healed a blind man on the Sabbath, some insisted, “This man is not of God, because he keepeth not the sabbath day,” while others asked, “How can a man that is a sinner do such miracles?” (John 9:16).

7Yet despite all the confusion, those who searched for truth recognized the power in His words, for “never man spake like this man” (John 7:46).

8When the Jews asked Jesus to “tell us plainly” whether he was the Christ, He revealed a principle that can help us distinguish truth from error: “My sheep hear my voice,” He said, “and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27).

Ideas for Personal Scripture Study
John 7:14–17
As I live the truths taught by Jesus Christ, I will come to know they are true.

9The Jews marveled that Jesus knew so much since He was not learned (see verse 15)—at least, not in ways they were familiar with.

10In Jesus’s response, He taught a different way of knowing truth that is available to everyone, regardless of education or background.

11According to John 7:14–17, how can you come to know that the doctrine Jesus taught is true?

12How has this process helped you develop your testimony of the gospel?

John 8:2–11
The Savior’s mercy is available to all.

13When speaking about the Savior’s interaction with the woman taken in adultery, Elder Dale G. Renlund said:

14“Surely, the Savior did not condone adultery.

15But He also did not condemn the woman.

16He encouraged her to reform her life.

17She was motivated to change because of His compassion and mercy.

18The Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible attests to her resultant discipleship: ‘And the woman glorified God from that hour, and believed on his name’ [see John 8:11, footnote c]” (“Our Good Shepherd,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 30).

19When have you felt like the woman, receiving mercy instead of condemnation from the Savior?

20When have you been like the scribes and Pharisees, accusing or judging others even when you are not without sin? (see John 8:7).

21What else can you learn from the way the Savior interacted with the scribes and Pharisees and the woman caught in adultery?

22What do you learn about the Savior’s forgiveness as you read these verses?

John 8:58–59
Why were the Jews offended when Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I am”?

23“I am” is the term Jehovah used to identify Himself to Moses, as recorded in Exodus 3:14.

24So when Jesus said, “I am,” He identified Himself as Jehovah, the God of the Old Testament.

25The Jews considered this blasphemy, and under the law of Moses, the penalty was death by stoning.

John 9
Through our challenges, God can manifest Himself in our lives.

26Because negative consequences often follow sin, we may view some of our misfortunes as the results of wrongdoing.

27However, when the Savior’s disciples assumed that a man was born blind because he or his parents had sinned, Jesus corrected them.

28How do the Savior’s words in John 9:3 change your perspective about your challenges and the challenges of others?

29As you read John 9, ponder how the “works of God [were] made manifest” (John 9:3).

30How have they been made manifest as you have faced challenges?

31It is also interesting to note that the disciples’ question in John 9:2 revealed that they believed in the premortal existence, a doctrine that was lost to Christianity during the Great Apostasy but restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith (see D&C 93:29; Moses 4:1–4; Abraham 3:22–26).

John 10:16
Who are the “other sheep” the Savior referred to in John 10:16?

32When the Savior visited the Americas after His Resurrection, He explained who His other sheep are (see 3 Nephi 15:21–16:5).

Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Family Home Evening

33As you read the scriptures with your family, the Spirit can help you know what principles to emphasize and discuss in order to meet the needs of your family.

34Here are some suggestions:

John 7:24

35How can you help your family understand Jesus’s teaching in John 7:24?

36One way is to go outside and get one family member dirty.

37What might strangers think of this family member by looking at his or her outward appearance?

38List some of the good qualities this family member has that can’t be seen by just looking at him or her (see also 1 Samuel 16:7).

John 8:31–36

39How do we sometimes become a servant to sin?

40What truths taught by Jesus can make us free?

41Jesus Healing the Blind, by Carl Heinrich Bloch

John 9

42How could you help your family visualize the account of Jesus healing the blind man in John 9?

43You could act out the story together or show the video “Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind” (LDS.org).

44Pause the story occasionally so that family members can read the corresponding verses from John 9.

45Invite them to note any lessons they learn from the account, such as what it means to become converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

John 10:1–18, 27–29

46To involve family members in learning from the parable of the Good Shepherd, ask each of them to draw a picture of one of the following: a thief, a door, a shepherd, a hireling (a hired worker), a wolf, and a sheep.

47Invite them to read John 10:1–18, 27–29, and then discuss as a family what the Savior taught about the things they drew.

48For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.

Improving Personal Study

49Look for inspiring words and phrases.

50As you read, the Spirit may bring certain words or phrases to your attention that inspire and motivate you or seem to be written just for you.

51Consider making note of any words or phrases that inspire you in John 7–10.