
出自 青少年追求卓越
於 2017年5月11日 (四) 03:08 由 蕭昶欣 (對話) 所做的修訂
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1. Marriage and Family

1. 婚姻與家庭

2. Doctrinal Mastery New Testament Teacher Material, 2016

2. 精通教義新約教師教材, 2016

3. Note: The following doctrinal mastery activities could be done over the course of several class sessions or in a single class session.

3. 註:以下精通教義活動可用幾堂課或只用一堂課完成。

4. Understanding the Doctrine (25–30 minutes)

4. 了解教義(25-30分鐘)

5. Segment 1 (10 minutes)

5. 學習段落1(10分鐘)

6. Write 1 Corinthians 11:11 on the board.

6. 將哥林多前書11:11寫在白板上。

7. Point out that this is a doctrinal mastery passage, and invite students to locate it in their scriptures and mark it in a distinct way so they can find it easily.

7. 指出這是一段精通教義章節,請學生從自己的經文中找出這段經文出處,然後把它以特別的方式劃記下來,方便日後查看。

8. Explain that this passage helps us understand the doctrinal topic of Marriage and Family.

8. 說明這段經文有助於我們了解婚姻與家庭這項教義主題。

9. Explain that in a letter to members of the Church in Corinth (in modern-day Greece) the Apostle Paul taught about marriage.

9. 說明使徒保羅在寫給哥林多(即今日希臘)教會成員的一封書信中教導關於婚姻的事。

10. Invite a student to read 1 Corinthians 11:11 aloud.

10. 請一位學生讀出哥林多前書11:11。

11. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what Paul taught about the relationship between a husband and a wife.

11. 請全班跟著一起看,找出保羅對夫妻關係做了哪些教導。

12. Explain that “in the Lord” refers to Heavenly Father’s gospel plan, which enables us to receive eternal life and become like Him.

12. 說明「主的安排」是指天父的福音計劃,這計劃能讓我們獲得永生,變得像祂一樣。

13. ·         What does this verse suggest about the need for marriage between a man and a woman?

13. ·         有關男女婚姻的必要性,這段經文暗示了什麼?

14. Ask students to read doctrinal topic 8, “Marriage and Family,” in the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document, looking for statements that help us understand the need for marriage between a man and woman in God’s plan.

14. 請學生閱讀精通教義核心文件中的教義主題8:「婚姻與家庭」,找出哪些陳述有助於我們了解一男一女之間的婚姻在主記劃中的必要性。

15. Invite students to report what they find.

15. 請幾位學生報告他們所發現的事情。

16. Then point out the following truth in that topic: 

16. 然後指出在那主題中的以下真理:

17. Only by entering into and faithfully keeping the covenant of celestial marriage can a man and a woman fulfill their divine, eternal potential. 

17. 只有進入和忠於高榮婚姻的聖約,男女才能發揮自己神聖永恆的潛能。

18. You may want to suggest that students write or note this doctrine in their scriptures next to 1 Corinthians 11:11.

18. 你可以建議學生把這項教義寫在他們的經文哥林多前書11:11旁邊。

19. Segment 2 (5–10 minutes)

19. 學習段落2(5-10分鐘)

20. Write the following doctrine on the board: 

20. 將以下教義寫在白板上:

21. Only by entering into and faithfully keeping the covenant of celestial marriage can a man and a woman fulfill their divine, eternal potential. 

21. 只有進入和忠於高榮婚姻的聖約,男女才能發揮自己神聖永恆的潛能。

22. Ask students to find the doctrinal mastery passage in the New Testament that teaches this doctrine.

22. 請學生找出教導這項教義的新約精通教義章節。

23. Once the students have located 1 Corinthians 11:11, invite a student to read it aloud.

23. 一旦有學生翻到哥林多前書11:11,就請一位學生讀出。

24. Invite a student to come to the front of the classroom.

24. 請一位學生到教室前面來。

25. Then ask the student to hold out both hands.

25. 然後請這位學生伸出雙手。

26. ·         How are your hands similar?

26. ·         這兩隻手哪方面很像?

27. ·         How are they different?

27. ·         哪方面不像?

28. Ask the student to put one hand behind his or her back.

28. 請這位學生把其中一隻手放到背後。

29. Then ask the class the following questions:

29. 然後問全班下列問題:

30. ·         What are activities that might be difficult to do with only one hand?

30. ·         只有一隻手的話,做哪些活動可能會很困難?

31. ·         What are examples of how both hands working together make us stronger?

31. ·         雙手並用力量大的例子有哪些?

32. ·         How might we relate the example of our hands to this doctrinal truth concerning marriage between a man and a woman?

32. ·         手的例子與一男一女之間的婚姻這項教義真理,有何關連?

33. Point out that some individuals do not have the opportunity to enter into the covenant of celestial marriage in this life.

33. 指出有些人並沒有機會在今生進入高榮婚姻的聖約。

34. Invite a student to read aloud the following statement by President Howard W. Hunter:

34. 請一位學生讀出以下豪惠·洪德會長的話:

35. President Howard W. Hunter

35. 豪惠‧洪德會長

36. “No blessing, including that of eternal marriage and an eternal family, will be denied to any worthy individual.

36. 「配稱的人絕不會失去任何祝福,包括永恆婚姻和永恆家庭的祝福。

37. While it may take somewhat longer—perhaps even beyond this mortal life—for some to achieve this blessing, it will not be denied”

37. 對某些人而言,可能需要費時久些(或許需要等到今生結束之後)才能得到,但絕不會失去這些祝福。」

38. (“The Church Is for All People,” Ensign, June 1989, 77).

38. (參閱「萬民的教會」,1990年8月,聖徒之聲,第66-67頁)。

39. ·         Why do you think it is important to understand that in Heavenly Father’s plan, all worthy individuals will eventually have the opportunity to enter into the covenant of celestial marriage and have an eternal family?

39. ·         按照天父的計劃,所有配稱的人最後都會有機會進入高榮婚姻的聖約並享有永恆的家庭,你認為了解這一點為什麼很重要?

40. Segment 3 (10 minutes)

40. 學習段落3(10分鐘)

41. Display or provide each student with a copy of the following statement by Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

41. 出示或複印十二使徒定額組大衛·貝納長老以下的這段話。

42. Invite a student to read it aloud.

42. 請一位學生讀出來。

43. Ask the class to follow along, looking for insights into the doctrine they have been studying regarding marriage between a man and a woman.

43. 請全班跟著一起看,找出使徒對他們正在研讀的這項男女婚姻的教義有何見解。

44. Elder David A. Bednar

44. 大衛‧貝納長老

45. “After the earth was created, Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden.

45. 「在地球被創造後,亞當被安置在伊甸園裡。

46. Importantly, however, God said ‘it was not good that the man should be alone’ (Moses 3:18; see also Genesis 2:18), and Eve became Adam’s wife and helpmeet.

46. 然而,更重要的是,神說:『那人獨居不好』(摩西書3:18;亦見創世紀2:18),所以夏娃成為亞當的妻子和合適的幫手。

47. The unique combination of spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional capacities of both males and females was needed to enact the plan of happiness. …

47. 男性和女性在靈性、肉體、心智和情感上,各種能力的獨特結合是促成這項幸福計劃所不可或缺的。……

48. The man and the woman are intended to learn from, strengthen, bless, and complete each other”

48. 男人和女人是要來互相學習,鞏固和造福對方,以及讓彼此變得完整和成為完全」

49. (“We Believe in Being Chaste,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2013, 41–42).

49. (「我們信要……貞潔」,2013年5月,利阿賀拿,第41-42頁)。

50. ·         How do Elder Bednar’s teachings relate to the truth taught in 1 Corinthians 11:11?

50. ·         貝納長老的教導和哥林多前書11:11教導的真理,有何關連?

51. Invite students to answer one of the following questions in their study journal:

51. 請學生在自己的經文研讀日記中,回答下列其中一個問題:

52. ·         What are some ways that the characteristics and responsibilities of men and women can complement each other in a marriage and a family?

52. ·         男女的特徵和職責可以在婚姻和家庭中的哪些方面互補?

53. ·         What attributes can a husband and wife develop through their covenant marriage that will help them to become more like Heavenly Father?

53. ·         夫妻可以在婚姻聖約中培養哪些品格,幫助彼此變得更像天父?

54. Invite a few students to share their responses with the class.

54. 請幾位學生和全班分享他們的回答。

55. Practice Exercises (45–55 minutes)

55. 實作練習(45-55分鐘)

56. The following activities can help students implement the principles they learned at the beginning of the year in the learning experience on acquiring spiritual knowledge.

56. 以下活動能幫助學生運用在學年初從「獲得屬靈的知識」部分學習到的原則。

57. To help remind students of these principles, it may be helpful to write them on the board:

57. 為了提醒學生這些原則,將之寫在白板上或許會有所幫助:

58. ·         Act in faith.

58. ·         憑信心行動。

59. ·         Examine concepts and questions with an eternal perspective.

59. ·         用永恆的觀點檢視某些觀念和問題。

60. ·         Seek further understanding through divinely appointed sources.

60. ·         經由神所指定的來源尋求進一步了解。

61. These activities can be taught on the same day or on different days, depending on your schedule and the needs of your students.

61. 這些活動可在同一天或不同天教授,完全視你的時間表和學生的需求而定。

62. Exercise 1 (20–25 minutes)

62. 練習1(20-25分鐘)

63. Note: If necessary, adapt the following scenario according to the life experience of your students.

63. 註:如有必要,按照學生的生活經驗,調整以下情境:

64. Invite a student to read the following scenario aloud:

64. 請一位學生讀出以下情境:

65. While pursuing additional education after a mission, you meet and begin to date someone who has a strong testimony of Jesus Christ, treats you with respect, and helps you to become your best self.

65. 你在傳完教後繼續升學,後來認識某個人並開始約會,對方對耶穌基督有堅強的見證,待你很尊重,也幫助你表現出最好的自己。

66. Over time, your love for one another grows, and you begin to talk about marriage.

66. 一段時間後,你們越來越相愛,於是開始討論結婚的事情。

67. However, as you consider getting married, you become worried about the stress and challenge of marriage and having a family while attending school, working, and starting a career.

67. 然而,在考慮結婚時,你開始擔心結婚和養家帶來的壓力和挑戰,因為同時還要面對課業、工作和就業問題。

68. You think to yourself, “Wouldn’t it be easier and better to just wait and postpone marriage and family until I finish school, find a well-paying job, and save sufficient money?”

68. 你告訴自己:「結婚成家的事再緩一緩好了,等到我畢了業,找到一份好工作,存夠了錢,一切會更輕鬆一點,不是嗎?」

69. ·         Why might it be tempting to postpone or avoid marriage in this situation?

69. ·         在這種情況下,為什麼受誘惑想拖延或迴避婚姻大事?

70. ·         What could you do to act in faith as you consider this question and make future plans?

70. ·         你在思考這個問題,規劃未來時,可以憑信心採取哪些行動?

71. ·         How can seeking divine guidance help you to make wise choices regarding education, career planning, marriage, and family?

71. ·         尋求神的幫助如何能幫助你在學業、職業規劃、婚姻與家庭等方面做出明智的選擇?

72. Ask students to consider what they know about the role of marriage and family in the plan of salvation.

72. 請學生沉思他們對婚姻與家庭在救恩計劃中扮演的角色有何了解。

73. ·         How could the doctrine we have been studying in1 Corinthians 11:11 relate to this situation?

73. ·         我們在歌林多前書11:11學習的教義與這情況有何關連?

74. ·         How might you reframe, or restate, this concern in order to consider the issue from an eternal perspective?

74. ·         你可以如何重新表達這份疑慮,從永恆的觀點來思考這個議題?

75. ·         (Possible examples include: What might I be giving up if I wait to get married?

75. ·         (可能的例子包括:如果我慢結婚的話,可能要放棄些什麼?

76. ·         What are the benefits and blessings both now and eternally of making marriage and family a priority in my life?)

76. ·         把婚姻與家庭放在我生活的首位,會在現在和永恆中帶來哪些好處和祝福?

77. Divide the class into groups of three to five students, and give them 5–10 minutes to search the scriptures and, if available, the most recent general conference addresses and other Church resources for additional understanding that could help guide their actions and decisions regarding marriage and family.

77. 把學生分成三到五人的小組,然後給他們5-10分鐘的時間查考經文,如果方便的話,也搜尋最近一期的總會大會講辭和教會其他資源,以對婚姻與家庭有進一步了解,並有助於指引他們的行動和決定。

78. To provide an example, you may want to invite a student to read aloud the following statement by President Thomas S. Monson to men of the Church:

78. 為了舉例說明,你可以請一位學生讀出多馬·孟蓀會長對教會弟兄所說的以下這段話:

79. President Thomas S. Monson

79. 多馬‧孟蓀會長

80. “If you are concerned about providing financially for a wife and family, may I assure you that there is no shame in a couple having to scrimp and save.

80. 「如果你們擔心無法在財務上養活妻子和家庭,請容我向各位保證,省吃儉用、節儉度日的夫妻並不丟臉。

81. It is generally during these challenging times that you will grow closer together as you learn to sacrifice and to make difficult decisions”

81. 通常,在這種拮据生活中學習犧牲,學習作困難的決定,你們夫妻的感情會更好」

82. (“Priesthood Power,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2011, 67).

82. (「聖職能力」,2011年5月,利阿賀拿,第67頁)。

83. Invite students to report what scriptures or sources of additional understanding they found with the class.

83. 請學生跟全班報告他們所發現的經文或可進一步了解的來源。

84. ·         Why do you think it is important to make marriage and family a priority in your life?

84. ·         你認為把婚姻與家庭放在生活中的首位為什麼很重要?

85. ·         What can you do now to prepare yourself to establish an eternal marriage and family?

85. ·         你現在可以做什麼來準備自己建立永恆的婚姻與家庭?

86. Exercise 2 (25–30 minutes)

86. 練習2(25-30分鐘)

87. Read the following scenario aloud:

87. 讀出以下的情景:

88. As you talk with your brother one night, he confides in you that he is struggling with the Church’s teachings regarding same-gender marriage.

88. 有天晚上你和哥哥聊天時,他向你坦承說,自己對教會對於同性婚姻的教導感到很糾結。

89. He says, “It is difficult for me to understand why the Church continues to teach that same-gender marriage is wrong.

89. 他說:「我很難理解為什麼教會繼續教導同性婚姻是錯的。

90. Why deny people the happiness that could come from committed same-gender relationships?”

90. 為什麼要剝奪那些同性關係之人的幸福呢?」

91. Ask students to consider how they would respond in this situation.

91. 請學生沉思他們會如何回應這種情況。

92. ·         What could you do to act in faith as you strive to answer your brother’s questions?

92. ·         在你努力回答哥哥的疑問時,可以憑信心採取哪些行動?

93. ·         What are ways you could help your brother to act in faith?

93. ·         你可以幫哥哥在哪些方面憑信心行動?

94. ·         What doctrine did we learn from our study of1 Corinthians 11:11 that can help us understand the issue of same-gender marriage through the Lord’s perspective?

94. ·         我們從研讀哥林多前書11:11學習到什麼教義,可以幫助我們從主的觀點來了解同性婚姻的議題?

95. ·         What other doctrinal truths can help us see the issue of same-gender marriage with an eternal perspective?

95. ·         還有哪些其他的教義真理能夠幫助我們從永恆的觀點來檢視同性婚姻的議題?

96. *   To help encourage students to look to prophetic teachings for further understanding, distribute copies of the handout “Why Marriage Is Essential,” at the end of this learning experience.

96. *   為鼓勵學生尋求先知的教導來進一步了解這個議題,將放在這項學習經驗最後的文章:「為何一定要有婚姻」,複印成講義發給學生。

97. *   It is taken from “Marriage Is Essential to His Eternal Plan,” by Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

97. *   此文摘自十二使徒定額組大衛·貝納長老的文章:「婚姻是天父永恆計劃中不可或缺的一環」。

98. *   Invite students to read it with a classmate and look for truths about marriage and family that could help them address the issue of same-gender marriage.

98. *   請學生跟一位同學一起讀這份講義,找出有關婚姻與家庭的真理,幫助他們處理同性婚姻議題。

99. ·         How might you use Elder Bednar’s teachings to help your brother look at the issue of same-gender marriage from the perspective of the plan of salvation and gospel of Jesus Christ?

99. ·         你要如何運用貝納長老的教導來幫助你的哥哥從救恩計劃和耶穌基督福音的觀點來檢視同性婚姻的議題?

100. Note: You might consider using a different or more recent talk from a Church leader in place of the one in the handout.

100. 註:你也可以考慮使用教會其他領袖的近期演講或另一篇文章來取代講義的這篇文章。

101. Doctrinal Mastery Review

101. 精通教義複習

102. To help students remember and know how to find the doctrinal mastery passages they have learned this school year, use clues to help them practice quickly locating the passages in their scriptures.

102. 為了幫助學生記住並知道如何找到這學年學習的精通教義章節,請使用提示來幫助他們練習迅速從自己的經文中找到經文出處。

103. Clues could include key words, context statements, doctrine and principles, and application ideas.

103. 可以使用的提示包括關鍵字詞、歷史背景、教義和原則,以及應用建議。

104. Scripture chase activities, in which students race to locate doctrinal mastery passages, can help them actively engage in learning the passages.

104. 在經文追捕的活動中讓學生競相尋找經文出處,可以幫助他們積極參與學習精通教義章節。

105. Scripture chase activities should never result in hurt feelings or offend the Spirit.

105. 進行經文追捕活動時,最後的結果絕不可傷到學生的心或冒犯聖靈。

106. Help students avoid treating their scriptures irreverently or being overly competitive.

106. 幫助學生避免用不虔敬的態度對待自己的經文,或過於競爭。

107. Consider having them compete against a standard rather than each other.

107. 同時考慮請學生競相達成某個標準,而不是彼此競爭。

108. For example, students could race against the teacher, or you could have them race to see if a certain percentage of the class can find a particular passage in a specified amount of time.

108. 比方說,學生可以和教師比賽,或可請他們比看看全班可否有一定的人數能夠在特定的時間內可以找到特定的經文章節。

109. To prepare students to participate in scripture chase activities, consider giving them a few minutes to review the references and key words of doctrinal mastery passages before beginning an activity.

109. 為了準備學生參與經文追捕活動,不妨給他們幾分鐘時間複習精通教義章節的經文出處和關鍵字詞,然後再開始活動。

110. They could do this with a partner, or you could review the passages as a class.

110. 他們可以偕伴進行,你也可以全班一起複習這些經文章節。

111. Why Marriage Is Essential

111. 為何一定要有婚姻

112. Elder David A. Bednar

112. 大衛·貝納長老

113. Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

113. 十二使徒定額組

114. Excerpt from “Marriage Is Essential to His Eternal Plan,” Ensign, June 2006, 82–87; or Liahona, June 2006, 50–55

114. 摘錄自「婚姻是天父永恆計劃中不可或缺的一環」,2006年6月,利阿賀拿,第50-55頁。

115. In “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” the First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles proclaim

115. 總會會長團及十二使徒定額組在「家庭:致全世界文告」中鄭重宣告,

116. “that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children”

116. 「一男一女之間的婚姻是神所制定,而家庭是造物主為祂子女永恆目標所訂計劃的核心。」

117. [“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 129].

117. (「家庭:致全世界文告」,2010年11月,利阿賀拿,第129頁)

118. This keynote sentence of the proclamation teaches us much about the doctrinal significance of marriage and emphasizes the primacy of marriage and family in the Father’s plan.

118. 家庭文告中的此一主旨,教導了我們許多有關婚姻在教義上的重要涵意,並強調了婚姻與家庭在天父的計劃中占有首要地位。

119. Righteous marriage is a commandment and an essential step in the process of creating a loving family relationship that can be perpetuated beyond the grave.

119. 正義合法的婚姻是一項誡命,也是一項必要的步驟,使我們得以營造出一種充滿著愛,且能超越死亡、持續到永恆的家庭關係。

120. Two compelling doctrinal reasons help us to understand why eternal marriage is essential to the Father’s plan.

120. 教義上有兩個很重要的理由有助於我們了解,永恆婚姻為何是天父計劃中不可或缺的一環。

121. Reason 1: The natures of male and female spirits complete and perfect each other, and therefore men and women are intended to progress together toward exaltation.

121. 理由一:男女靈體的特質是相輔相成的,因此,男女要一起進步,邁向超升。

122. The eternal nature and importance of marriage can be fully understood only within the overarching context of the Father’s plan for His children.

122. 唯有在天父為祂兒女所訂的這項超然卓越的計劃中,我們才能充分了解婚姻的永恆本質和重要性。

123. “All human beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and … has a divine nature and destiny”

123. 『全人類,不論男女,都是照著神的形像所造,我們每個人都是天上父母所心愛的靈體兒女,……皆有神聖的特性及目標。』

124. [“The Family: A Proclamation to the World”].

124. 〔「家庭:致全世界文告」〕

125. The great plan of happiness enables the spirit sons and daughters of Heavenly Father to obtain physical bodies, to gain earthly experience, and to progress toward perfection.

125. 這偉大的幸福計劃使得天父的靈體兒女都能得到骨肉身體,獲取塵世經驗,邁向完全。

126. “Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose”

126. 『性別是每個人前生、今生和永恆身份及目的之基本特徵』,

127. [“The Family: A Proclamation to the World”]

127. 〔「家庭:致全世界文告」〕

128. and in large measure defines who we are, why we are here upon the earth, and what we are to do and become.

128. 這番話大致闡明了我們的身份、我們為何來到世上,以及我們應該怎麼做、成為怎樣的人。

129. For divine purposes, male and female spirits are different, distinctive, and complementary.

129. 為了神聖的目的,男女靈體各有不同,各有其獨特之處,且相輔相成。

130. After the earth was created, Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden.

130. 在地球被創造後,亞當被安置在伊甸園裡。

131. Importantly, however, God said it was “not good that the man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18; Moses 3:18), and Eve became Adam’s companion and helpmeet.

131. 然而很重要的是,神說『人獨居不好』(創世記2:18;摩西書3:18),於是夏娃成了亞當的伴侶和幫手。

132. The unique combination of spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional capacities of both males and females were needed to implement the plan of happiness.

132. 男女在靈性、身體、情感,和精神上獨特的結合,是實行幸福計劃時所不可或缺的。

133. Alone, neither the man nor the woman could fulfill the purposes of his or her creation.

133. 男人或女人都無法單獨達成創造的目的。

134. By divine design, men and women are intended to progress together toward perfection and a fulness of glory.

134. 按照神的安排,男女是要一起進步,邁向完全及豐滿榮耀的。

135. Because of their distinctive temperaments and capacities, males and females each bring to a marriage relationship unique perspectives and experiences.

135. 由於男女各有其獨特的性格和能力,因此雙方都能為婚姻關係帶來特有的觀點和經驗。

136. The man and the woman contribute differently but equally to a oneness and a unity that can be achieved in no other way.

136. 男人和女人對於彼此的合一與成為一體所作的貢獻雖各不相同,卻同樣重要,這是無法用其他方法達成的。

137. The man completes and perfects the woman and the woman completes and perfects the man as they learn from and mutually strengthen and bless each other.

137. 一對男女只要互相學習、彼此鞏固,互為對方帶來祝福,則男人會使女人變得完整而完全,女人也會讓男人變得完整而完全。

138. “Neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 11:11; italics added).

138. 『照主的安排,女也不是無男,男也不是無女』(哥林多前書11:11)。

139. Reason 2: By divine design, both a man and a woman are needed to bring children into mortality and to provide the best setting for the rearing and nurturing of children.

139. 理由二:按照神的安排,要有男也有女,才能將子女帶到塵世,才能提供最好的環境來養育子女。

140. The commandment given anciently to Adam and Eve to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force today.

140. 神在古代賜給亞當和夏娃『生養眾多,遍滿地面』的誡命如今仍具效力。

141. “God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife. …

141. 『神已命令只有合法結婚、成為夫妻的男女,才能運用此神聖的生育能力。……

142. The means by which mortal life is created [are] divinely appointed”

142. 這種創造塵世生命的方法是神所制定。』

143. [“The Family: A Proclamation to the World”].

143. 〔「家庭:致全世界文告」〕

144. Thus, marriage between a man and a woman is the authorized channel through which premortal spirits enter mortality.

144. 因此,透過一男一女之間的婚姻把前生靈體帶到世上是經認可的管道。

145. Complete sexual abstinence before marriage and total fidelity within marriage protect the sanctity of this sacred channel.

145. 婚前完全禁絕性行為,並在婚姻中完全忠誠,可保障這條神聖管道的聖潔。

146. A home with a loving and loyal husband and wife is the supreme setting in which children can be reared in love and righteousness and in which the spiritual and physical needs of children can be met.

146. 在一個家庭中,若夫妻皆滿懷愛心、忠貞不二,這個家就是在愛與正義中養育子女之絕佳環境——在這樣的家庭中,子女在靈性與身體上的需要都會得到滿足。

147. Just as the unique characteristics of both males and females contribute to the completeness of a marriage relationship, so those same characteristics are vital to the rearing, nurturing, and teaching of children.

147. 正如男女的不同特徵有助於婚姻關係的完整無缺,同樣這特徵對於養育、教導子女也很重要。

148. “Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity”

148. 『孩子有權利在婚約下出生,並由完全忠貞、奉行婚姻誓約的父母養育。』

149. [“The Family: A Proclamation to the World”].

149. 〔「家庭:致全世界文告」〕