
出自 青少年追求卓越
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Section 30

一八三○年九月,在紐約,菲也特,為期三天的教友大會後,在教會的長老離開前,在菲也特,透過先知約瑟 • 斯密給予大衛 • 惠特茂、小彼得 • 惠特茂和約翰 • 惠特茂的啟示〔教會史,1:115–116〕。原先這資料分三篇啟示刊出,在一八三五年版的教義和聖約中才由先知合併為一篇。

Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to David Whitmer, Peter Whitmer, Jr., and John Whitmer, at Fayette, New York, September 1830, following the three-day conference at Fayette, but before the elders of the Church had separated (seeHistory of the Church, 1:115–16). Originally this material was published as three revelations; it was combined into one section by the Prophet for the 1835 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants.

1–4,大衛 • 惠特茂因未勤奮服務而受責備;5–8,小彼得 • 惠特茂要陪同奧利佛 • 考德里向拉曼人傳教;9–11,約翰 • 惠特茂蒙召喚宣講福音。

1–4, David Whitmer is chastened for failure to serve diligently; 5–8, Peter Whitmer, Jr., is to accompany Oliver Cowdery on a mission to the Lamanites; 9–11, John Whitmer is called to preach the gospel.

1 看啊,大衛,我告訴你,你世人,而沒有像你應該做的那樣信賴我,來獲得力量。

1 Behold, I say unto you, David, that you have afeared man and have not brelied on me for strength as you ought.

2 你的心注重世上的事多過注重我,你的造物主的事,也多過注重你被召喚的事工;你沒有注意我的靈和你的領袖,卻聽信那些我沒有吩咐過的人。

2 But your mind has been on the things of the aearth more than on the things of me, your Maker, and the ministry whereunto you have been called; and you have not given heed unto my bSpirit, and to those who were set over you, but have been persuaded by those whom I have not commanded.

3 因此,你落得要為自己來求問我,並沉思你接受到的事。

3 Wherefore, you are left to inquire for yourself at my hand, andaponder upon the things which you have received.

4 你要住在你父親家裡,直到我給你進一步的誡命。你要在教會中、在世人面前,以及在附近地區做好你的事工。阿們。

4 And your home shall be at your afather’s house, until I give unto you further commandments. And you shall attend to thebministry in the church, and before the world, and in the regions round about. Amen.

5 看啊,彼得,我告訴你,你要和你的弟兄奧利佛同;因為時候到了,我認為你應當開口宣講我的福音;所以,不要害怕,只要注意你弟兄將告訴你的話和勸告。

5 Behold, I say unto you, Peter, that you shall take your ajourneywith your brother Oliver; for the btime has come that it is expedient in me that you shall open your mouth to declare my gospel; therefore, fear not, but give cheed unto the words and advice of your brother, which he shall give you.

6 你要與他共患難,為了他和你的解救,要不斷在祈禱和信心中將你的心轉向我;因為我已給他能力,在拉曼人中建立我的教會

6 And be you afflicted in all his aafflictions, ever blifting up your heart unto me in prayer and faith, for his and your cdeliverance; for I have given unto him power to dbuild up my echurch among the fLamanites;

7 在教會事務上,除了他的弟兄小約瑟 • 斯密外,我沒有指派任何人在教會中他的顧問。

7 And none have I appointed to be his counselor aover him in the church, concerning church matters, except it is his brother, Joseph Smith, Jun.

8 因此,要注意這些事並勤勉遵守我的誡命,你必蒙永生的祝福。阿們。

8 Wherefore, give heed unto these things and be diligent in keeping my commandments, and you shall be blessed unto eternal life. Amen.

9 看啊,我的僕人約翰,我告訴你,從現在起,你要用號角般的聲音傳播我的福音。

9 Behold, I say unto you, my servant John, that thou shalt commence from this time forth to aproclaim my gospel, as with the bvoice of a trump.

10 你要在你弟兄菲力普 • 博如家和他家的附近工作,是的,在任何有人聽到你的地方工作,直到我命令你離開為止。

10 And your labor shall be at your brother Philip Burroughs’, and in that region round about, yea, wherever you can be heard, until I command you to go from hence.

11 從今以後,你全部的工作都要在錫安,用你的整個靈魂去做;是的,你要不斷為我的事工開口,不要世人能做什麼,因為我你同在。阿們。

11 And your whole labor shall be in Zion, with all your soul, from henceforth; yea, you shall ever open your mouth in my cause, notafearing what bman can do, for I am cwith you. Amen.