中英對照/總會大會/2018上/Christ the Lord Is Risen Today

出自 青少年追求卓越
前往: 導覽搜尋
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
By Elder Gerrit W. Gong
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
This is Easter Sunday. I reverently witness and solemnly testify of the living Christ—He who “died, was buried, and rose again the third day.”


大考中心六級以內用字 87%,大考中心六級以外用字 5%,教會用字 8%。

大考中心1級 159 57%
大考中心2級 28 10%
大考中心3級 19 7%
大考中心4級 15 5%
大考中心5級 15 5%
大考中心6級 4 1%
大考6級以上 15 5%
教會用字 22 8%
總計 277 100%
人名與地名 5 不列入統計



1 Dear brothers and sisters, when our sons were very young, I told them bedtime stories about beagle puppies and hummed bedtime hymns, including “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today.”

1 親愛的弟兄姊妹,在我幾個兒子年紀很小的時候,我會講有關小獵犬的床邊故事給他們聽,哼著睡前聖詩,像是「基督我主今復生」。

2  Sometimes I playfully changed the words: Now it’s time to go to sleep—hallelujah.

2 有時候我會開玩笑地把歌詞改為:「睡覺的時候到了,哈利路亞!」

3 Usually our sons fell asleep quickly;

3 我的兒子通常很快就睡著了;

4 or at least they knew if I thought they were asleep, I would stop singing.

4 或是至少他們知道如果我認為他們睡了,我就不會再唱了。

5 Words—at least my words—cannot express the overwhelming feelings

5 這些不勝負荷的感受,是言語——至少是我自己的話語——所無法表達的。 (為使英文與中文句子能正確對照,因而本句與下句的中文譯文,是對調過的,以配合英文原文子句的順序。)

6 since President Russell M. Nelson lovingly took my hands in his, my dear Susan at my side, and extended this sacred call from the Lord that took my breath away and has left me weeping many times these past days.

6 自從羅素·納爾遜會長慈愛地握住我的雙手,向我發出這項來自主的神聖召喚,那時我心愛的蘇珊陪在我身旁,這項召喚令我驚訝不已,也讓我在過去這幾天多次流下眼淚。

7 This Easter Sabbath, I joyfully sing, “Alleluia.”

7 在這復活節主日,我要歡唱:「哈利路亞。」

8 The song of our risen Savior’s redeeming love celebrates the harmony of covenants (that connect us to God and to each other) and the Atonement of Jesus Christ (that helps us put off the natural man and woman and yield to the enticings of the Holy Spirit).

8 這首關於復活的救主救贖之愛的歌曲,讚頌各項聖約所帶來的融洽(使我們與神,與彼此都連結起來)以及耶穌基督的贖罪(幫助我們脫離自然人,順服神聖之靈的勸導)。

9 Together, our covenants and our Savior’s Atonement enable and ennoble.

9 我們所立的聖約和救主的贖罪兩者結合在一起,會增添我們的能力,使我們變得高貴。

10 Together, they help us hold on and let go.

10 它們一起幫助我們堅持下去,也幫助我們放下。

11 Together, they sweeten, preserve, sanctify, redeem.

11 它們一起讓我們變得更甜美、得以保全、被聖化和獲得救贖。

12 Said the Prophet Joseph Smith: “It may seem to some to be a very bold doctrine that we talk of—a power which records or binds on earth and binds in heaven.

12 先知約瑟·斯密說:「我們談的,對某些人而言,似乎是非常大膽的教義——一種能在地上記錄或結合也能在天上結合的能力,

13 Nevertheless, in all ages of the world, whenever the Lord has given a dispensation of the priesthood to any man by actual revelation, or any set of men, this power has always been given.”

13 然而,在這世界的各時代,每當主藉實際的啟示把聖職的福音期給任何人或任何一群人時,也總是會給這能力。」

14 And so it is today.

14 今日也是如此。

15 Sacred covenants and ordinances, not available anywhere else, are received in 159 holy houses of the Lord in 43 countries.

15 在43個國家中有159座主的神聖屋宇,可以接受神聖聖約和教儀,那是其他任何地方所無法獲得的。

16 Promised blessings come through restored priesthood keys, doctrine, and authority, reflecting our faith, obedience, and the promises of His Holy Spirit to us in our generations, in time and eternity.

16 神所應許的祝福,透過復興的聖職權鑰、教義和權柄、活出我們的信仰、服從,以及祂神聖之靈的應許,在今生和永恆中臨到我們的世世代代。

17 Dear brothers and sisters in every nation, kindred, and tongue, across our worldwide Church, thank you for your living faith, hope, and charity in every footstep.

17 在各族、各方、各國、遍布在這世界性教會的親愛弟兄姊妹們,感謝你們在跨出每一步時奉行信心、希望和仁愛的生活。

18 Thank you for becoming a gathering fulness of restored gospel testimony and experience.

18 感謝各位的參與,這是一場充滿對復興福音的見證與體驗的聚會。

19 Dear brothers and sisters, we belong to each other.

19 親愛的弟兄姊妹,我們屬於彼此。

20 We can be “knit together in unity and in love” in all things and in all places.

20 在所有的事上和所有地方,我們都可以在合一和愛中交織在一起。

21  As the Lord Jesus Christ invites each of us, wherever we are, whatever our circumstances, please “come and see.”

21 主耶穌基督邀請我們每個人,不論我們在何處,不論我們的環境如何,請「來看」。

22 This day I humbly pledge all the energies and faculties of my soul, whatever they be or may become, to my Savior, to my dear Susan and our family, to my Brethren, and to each of you, my beloved brothers and sisters.

22 今天我謙卑地矢志要將我所有的心力,獻給救主、我心愛的妻子蘇珊和我們的家庭、總會弟兄,以及你們每一位我心愛的弟兄姊妹,不論現在或未來如何亦然。

23 Everything worthy and eternal is centered in the living reality of God, our loving Eternal Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, and His Atonement, witnessed by the Holy Ghost.

23 任何有價值及永恆的事物,都是以永恆慈愛的父神和祂的兒子耶穌基督,以及祂的贖罪這些不變的事實為核心,聖靈為這些事作證。

24  This is Easter Sunday.

24 今天是復活節主日。

25 I reverently witness and solemnly testify of the living Christ—He who “died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven.”

25 我虔敬地作證並鄭重見證基督活著——祂「曾經死亡、被埋葬,並在第三天復活和升天」。

26  He is Alpha and Omega—with us in the beginning, He is with us to the end.

26 祂是阿拉法和俄梅戛——祂在太初時與我們同在,祂會與我們同在一直到最後。

27 I testify of latter-day prophets, from the Prophet Joseph Smith to our dear President Russell M. Nelson, whom we joyfully sustain.

27 我要為後期時代的先知作見證,從先知約瑟·斯密到我們親愛的羅素·納爾遜會長,我們滿心歡喜地支持他。

28 As our Primary children sing, “Follow the prophet; he knows the way.”

28 正如初級會兒童所唱的:「來跟隨先知,前途光明。」

29  I witness that, as prophesied in the holy scriptures, including in the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, “the Lord’s kingdom [is] once again established on the earth, preparatory to the Second Coming of the Messiah.”

29 我要見證,如同神聖經文——包括耶穌基督的另一部約書摩爾門經——所預言的,主的國度已再度在世上建立,為彌賽亞的第二次來臨作準備。

30  In the holy and sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

30 奉耶穌基督的神聖聖名,阿們。


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your 1 大考中心1級
