中英對照/總會大會/2018上/Inspired Ministering

出自 青少年追求卓越
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Inspired Ministering
By President Henry B. Eyring
Second Counselor in the First Presidency
We receive the Holy Spirit best when we are focused on serving others. That is why we have the priesthood responsibility to serve for the Savior.


大考中心六級以內用字 92%,大考中心六級以外用字 4%,教會用字 4%。

大考中心1級 391 62%
大考中心2級 78 12%
大考中心3級 47 7%
大考中心4級 27 4%
大考中心5級 21 3%
大考中心6級 11 2%
大考6級以上 27 4%
教會用字 26 4%
總計 628 100%
人名與地名 25 不列入統計



1 My beloved brethren, I am grateful for the privilege of speaking to you in this historic general conference.

1 心愛的弟兄們,能在這次具有歷史意義的總會大會中對各位演講,讓我深感榮幸。

2 We have sustained President Russell M. Nelson as the 17th President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

2 我們支持羅素·納爾遜會長為耶穌基督後期聖徒教會的第17任會長。

3 As I have had the blessing of working with him each day, I have felt a confirmation of the Spirit that President Nelson is called of God to lead the Lord’s true Church.

3 由於我蒙福能天天與他共事,我感受到聖靈向我證實納爾遜會長已蒙神召喚,來帶領主真實的教會。

4 It is also my witness that the Lord has called Elder Gerrit W. Gong and Elder Ulisses Soares to serve as members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

4 我也見證主召喚了江文漢長老和尤理西斯·蘇瑞長老,成為十二使徒定額組的成員。

5 I love and sustain them.

5 我愛他們,也支持他們。

6 They will, by their ministry, bless lives across the world and across generations.

6 他們一定能在這個職務上造福世界各地、世世世代的人。

7 This conference is historic for yet another reason.

7 讓這次大會極具歷史意義的,還有另一個原因。

8 President Nelson has announced an inspired step forward in the Lord’s organized plan for His Church.

8 納爾遜會長宣布了一項受靈啟發的措施,來推動主為祂教會所制定的計畫。

9 That plan includes a new structure for priesthood quorums in wards and stakes so that we may better fulfill our priesthood responsibilities.

9 這項計畫談到支會和支聯會聖職定額組的新結構,讓我們能更充分履行我們的聖職責任。

10 Those responsibilities all have to do with our priesthood care of our Father’s children.

10 這些責任都跟我們運用聖職去照顧天父的兒女息息相關。

11 The Lord’s plan for His Saints to provide loving care has taken many forms over the years.

11 這些年來,主用愛照顧祂聖徒的方式有很多種。

12 In the early days of Nauvoo, the Prophet Joseph Smith needed an organized way to care for the flood of largely impoverished converts coming into the city.

12 在納府早期的時候,先知約瑟·斯密必須用一種有組織的方式來照顧大批湧入納府市的窮苦歸信者。

13 Four of my great-grandparents were among them—the Eyrings, Bennions, Romneys, and Smiths.

13 其中包括了我的曾祖父母——艾寧、班寧、羅慕義與斯密等四個家庭。

14 The Prophet organized the care of those Saints by geography.

14 先知按地理位置來組織聖徒的照顧事宜。

15 In Illinois those divisions of the city were called “wards.”

15 在伊利諾州,納府市所劃分的單位被稱為「支會」。

16 As the Saints moved across the plains, their care for each other was organized in “companies.”

16 聖徒橫越大草原時,彼此照顧的方式就是成立「車隊」。

17 One of my paternal great-grandfathers was returning from his mission in what is now Oklahoma when he met a company on the trail.

17 我的曾祖父那時剛從現在的奧克拉荷馬州傳教回來,途中巧遇一個手推車隊。

18 He was so weak with disease that he and his companion were on their backs in a little wagon.

18 那時他生了病,病到只能虛弱地和同伴躺在小篷車上。

19 The leader of the company sent two young women to help whoever might be in that forlorn wagon.

19 手推車隊的領袖派了兩位年輕婦女,去照顧那輛悲涼的篷車裡的人。

20 One of them, a young sister who had been converted in Switzerland, took a look at one of the missionaries and felt compassion.

20 有位在瑞士歸信的年輕姊妹,看了其中一位傳教士一眼,深感同情。

21 He was saved by that company of Saints.

21 這個車隊的聖徒救了他的命。

22 He recovered enough to walk the rest of the way to the Salt Lake Valley with his young rescuer by his side.

22 他康復得差不多的時候,就跟這位年輕的救命恩人並肩走完剩下的路程,直到抵達鹽湖谷。

23 They fell in love and married.

23 他們墜入了愛河,共結連理。

24 He became my great-grandfather Henry Eyring, and she my great-grandmother Maria Bommeli Eyring.

24 這兩人是我的曾祖父亨利·艾寧,和我的曾祖母瑪麗·博梅莉·艾寧。

25 Years later, when people remarked at the great difficulty of moving across a continent, she said, “Oh no, it wasn’t hard.

25 幾年後,當人們提到橫越大陸的重重困難時,曾祖母就說:「喔,一點也不難。

26 While we walked, we talked the whole way about what a miracle it was that we had both found the true gospel of Jesus Christ.

26 我們邊走邊聊,一路談著兩人都找到耶穌基督真實的福音是多大的奇蹟。

27 It was the happiest time I can remember.”

27 這是我記憶中最快樂的時光。」

28 Since then, the Lord has used a variety of ways to help His Saints care for each other.

28 從那時起,主就用了許多方法讓祂的聖徒彼此照顧。

29 Now He has blessed us with strengthened and unified quorums at the ward and stake levels—quorums that work in coordination with all ward organizations.

29 如今,祂祝福我們在支會和支聯會層級都有強化且合一的定額組,也就是可以和支會各組織協調合作的定額組。

30 Municipal wards, companies, and strengthened quorums have all required at least two things to be successful in the Lord’s intent to have His Saints care for each other in the way He cares for them.

30 按地區劃分的支會、車隊及強化的定額組都需要至少做到兩件事,才能成全主的心意,讓聖徒以主關心他們的方式來彼此照顧。

31 They succeed when the Saints feel the love of Christ for each other above their self-interest.

31 當聖徒彼此之間感受到基督的愛,勝過自身的利益時,他們就成功了。

32 The scriptures call it “charity … the pure love of Christ”.

32 經文稱之為「仁愛……基督純正的愛」。

33 And they succeed when the Holy Ghost guides the caregiver to know what the Lord knows is best for the person whom He is trying to help.

33 當照顧者接受到聖靈指引,了解主對於祂想要幫助的人所設想到的最佳做法時,他們就成功了。

34 Time after time in recent weeks, members of the Church have acted in my presence as if somehow they had anticipated what the Lord was going to do, as has been announced here today.

34 最近幾週有好幾次,在我所到之處,我看到教會成員的表現,彷彿已經預期到主所要做的事,正是今天所宣布的事項。

35 Let me give you just two examples.

35 我跟各位講兩個例子就好。

36 One, a simple sacrament meeting talk by a 14-year-old teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood who understands what priesthood holders can accomplish in their service for the Lord.

36 第一個例子,是一位14歲的亞倫聖職教師在聖餐聚會所作的簡單演講。他了解聖職持有人在為主服務時能做到的事。

37 Second, a Melchizedek Priesthood holder who, with the love of Christ, was inspired to serve a family.

37 第二個例子,是一位麥基洗德聖職持有人懷著基督的愛,受靈啟發去為一個家庭服務。

38 First, let me give you the words of the young man speaking to a ward sacrament meeting.

38 首先,我要告訴大家一位男青年在支會聖餐聚會演講時所說的話。

39 I was there.

39 當時我也在場。

40 Try to remember what you were like when you were 14 years old and listen to hear him say more than so young a man could reasonably know:“I have really liked being a member of the teachers quorum in our ward since I turned 14 last year.

40 請各位試著回想自己14歲時的樣子,然後聽聽他講的話,那是超乎年輕孩子所能理解的事:「從我去年滿14歲到現在,真的很高興成為支會裡教師定額組的一份子。

41 A teacher still has all the responsibilities of a deacon plus some new ones.

41 教師身負執事的全部責任,再加上一些新的職責。

42 “Since some of us are teachers, others will be someday, and everyone in the Church is blessed by the priesthood, so it’s important for all of us to know more about the duties of a teacher.

42 「由於我們有些人是教師,有些人有一天會成為教師,同時教會中每個人都因聖職而蒙福,因此深入了解教師的職責對我們大家都很重要。

43 “First of all, Doctrine and Covenants 20:53 says, ‘The teacher’s duty is to watch over the church always, and be with and strengthen them.

43 「首先是教義和聖約20:53說:『教師的職責是一直看顧教會成員,和他們在一起,並堅固他們。』

44 ’“Next, Doctrine and Covenants 20:54–55 says:“‘And see that there is no iniquity in the church, neither hardness with each other, neither lying, backbiting, nor evil speaking;

44 「接下來,教義和聖約20:54-55提到:「『確使教會裡沒有罪惡,沒有冷酷相待,沒有說謊,沒有背後中傷,也沒有邪惡的言談;

45 “‘And see that the church meet together often, and also see that all the members do their duty.

45 「『確使教會成員時常相聚,確使每位成員各盡其職。」

46 ’”The young man continued:“The Lord is telling us it’s our responsibility to not only care for the Church but to also care for the people within the Church the way that Christ would because this is His Church.

46 』這位男青年又說:「主告訴我們,我們不僅有責任看顧教會,也有責任用基督的方式來照顧教會裡的人,因為這是祂的教會。

47 If we are trying to keep the commandments, be kind to each other, be honest, be good friends, and enjoy being together, then we will be able to have the Spirit with us and know what Heavenly Father wants us to do.

47 如果我們努力遵守誡命,和善相待,為人誠實,成為好朋友,享受在一起的時光,那麼我們就能有聖靈與我們同在,知道天父期待我們去做的事。

48 If we don’t, then we can’t fulfill our calling.”

48 如果不這麼做,就無法履行我們的召喚。」

49 He went on to say:“When a teacher chooses to set the right example by being a good home teacher, greeting the members at church, preparing the sacrament, helping at home, and being a peacemaker, he’s choosing to honor his priesthood and fulfill his calling.

49 他繼續說道:「身為教師的人,選擇當個好的家庭教導教師,樹立正義的榜樣,向教會成員問候致意,準備聖餐,幫忙家務,作一個使人和睦的人,就是在選擇光大聖職,履行召喚。

50 “Being a good teacher doesn’t only mean being responsible when we are at church or at Church activities.

50 「一個好的教師不僅要在教會裡或在教會活動中負起責任,

51 The Apostle Paul taught, ‘Be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity’ ().”

51 還要像使徒保羅教導的:『總要在言語、行為、愛心、信心、清潔上,都作信徒的榜樣』。

52 Then the young man said:“No matter where we are or what we are doing, we can be a good example of righteousness at all times and in all places.

52 然後,這位男青年說:「我們不論在哪裡,做什麼事,都可以隨時隨地作個正義的好榜樣。

53 “My dad and I home teach the Browns.

53 「我和父親是布朗家的家庭教導教師。

54  Every time we go over there, I have a great time visiting and getting to know them.

54 每次去的時候,都聊得很開心,跟他們越來越熟識。

55 One thing I really like about the Browns is whenever we go over there, they are all willing to listen and they always have good stories to share.

55 我非常喜歡他們的一點就是,每次我們去的時候,他們都很願意傾聽,總是有美好的故事跟我們分享。

56 “When we know people in the ward well because of home teaching, it makes it easier to do the next duty of a teacher, and that’s greeting the members at church.

56 「我們因為家庭教導而更認識支會裡的人,就更容易做到教師的下一個職責,那就是向教會成員問候致意。

57 Helping people feel welcome and included at church helps all the members of the ward feel loved and prepared to take the sacrament.

57 讓人們在教會裡感覺受到歡迎和有歸屬感,可以幫助支會中的每個成員感受到愛,並準備好領受聖餐。

58 “After greeting members who have come to church, teachers help each Sunday by preparing the sacrament.

58 「每個星期日,教師向來到教會的成員致意後,會幫忙準備聖餐。

59 I really enjoy passing and preparing the sacrament in this ward because everyone is so reverent.

59 我真的很喜歡在支會裡傳遞和準備聖餐,因為每個人都非常虔敬。

60 I always feel the Spirit when I prepare and pass the sacrament.

60 每次我準備和傳遞聖餐時,都感受到聖靈。

61 It’s a real blessing to me that I’m able to do it every Sunday.

61 能夠在每個星期日做這件事,真是一大祝福。

62 “Some service like passing the sacrament is something people see and they thank us for doing it, but other service like preparing the sacrament is usually done without anyone noticing.

62 「像傳遞聖餐這樣的服務,大家都看得到,也會感謝我們,但是像準備聖餐這樣的服務,通常不會有人注意到。

63 It isn’t important if people see us serving;

63 大家是否看到我們的服務並不重要;

64 what’s important is that the Lord knows we have served Him.

64 重要的是,主知道我們在為祂服務。

65 “As teachers, we should always try to strengthen the Church, our friends, and our family by fulfilling our priesthood responsibilities.

65 「我們作教師的人,應該盡到我們的聖職責任,時時鞏固教會成員、我們的朋友和我們的家庭。

66 It’s not always easy, but the Lord gives no commandments to us ‘save he shall prepare a way for [us to] accomplish the thing which he commandeth’.”

66 這向來都不是容易做到的事,但是主絕不命令我們去做任何事,『除非祂為〔我們〕預備道路,來完成祂所命令的事』。」

67 As that young man concluded, I continued to be amazed at his maturity and wisdom.

67 這位男青年結束演講時,我依舊驚嘆於他的成熟與智慧。

68 He summarized by saying, “I know we will become better if we choose to follow [Jesus Christ].”

68 他歸納說:「我知道,只要我們選擇效法〔耶穌基督〕,就會變得更好。」

69 Another story of priesthood service was told a month ago in a ward sacrament meeting.

69 另一個聖職服務的故事,則是一個月前在支會聖餐聚會中聽到的。

70 Again, I was there.

70 我那一次也在場。

71 In this case, the seasoned Melchizedek Priesthood holder didn’t know as he spoke that he was describing exactly what the Lord desires to happen with strengthened priesthood quorums.

71 在這個故事中,這位經驗豐富的聖職持有人在演講時,並不知道他所說的正是主希望強化的聖職定額組中會發生的事。

72 Here is the gist of his account:He and a home teaching companion were assigned to serve seven families.

72 他的內容大概是這樣的:他和家庭教導同伴被指派去看顧七個家庭。

73 Almost all of them did not want visits.

73 但是這些家庭都不希望有人去拜訪。

74 When the home teachers went to their apartments, they refused to answer the door.

74 家庭教導教師去他們公寓時,他們都不願意開門。

75 When they telephoned, they did not get an answer.

75 打電話給他們,無人接聽。

76 When they left a message, the call was not returned.

76 留話,也沒人回電。

77 This senior companion finally resorted to a letter-writing ministry.

77 這位年紀較長的同伴最後決定以寫信的方式來幫助那些家庭。

78 He even began to use bright yellow envelopes in the hope of getting a response.

78 他甚至開始用鮮黃色的信封,希望能得到回覆。

79 One of the seven families was a less-active single sister who had emigrated from Europe.

79 在七個家庭中,有一個較不活躍的單身姊妹,是從歐洲移民過來的,

80 She had two young children.

80 有兩個年幼的孩子。

81 After many attempts to contact her, he received a text message.

81 經過多次聯絡後,他收到一則簡訊。

82 She abruptly informed him that she was too busy to meet with home teachers.

82 這位姊妹直截了當地說她很忙,沒時間見家庭教導教師。

83 She had two jobs and was in the military as well.

83 她有兩個工作,而且還在軍中服役。

84 Her primary job was that of a police officer, and her career goal was to become a detective and then return to her native country and continue her work there.

84 她主要的工作是警察,但她的事業目標是當警探,她回祖國以後想要繼續做她的工作。

85 The home teacher never was able to visit with her in her home.

85 家庭教導教師一直沒能親自到她家去拜訪,

86 He periodically texted her.

86 但是會定期發簡訊給她,

87 Every month he sent a handwritten letter, supplemented with holiday cards for each child.

87 每個月都親手寫信給她,也會給她的每個小孩寄過節的卡片。

88 He received no response.

88 他沒接到任何回覆。

89 But she knew who her home teachers were, how to contact them, and that they would persist in their priesthood service.

89 但是這位姊妹知道家庭教導教師是誰,如何聯絡他們,也知道他們會持續他們的聖職服務。

90 Then one day he received an urgent text from her.

90 後來有一天,他收到這位姊妹發來的緊急簡訊,

91 She desperately needed help.

91 她迫切需要幫助。

92 She did not know who the bishop was, but she did know her home teachers.

92 這位姊妹不認識主教,但她知道家庭教導教師是誰。

93 In a few days, she had to leave the state for a monthlong military training exercise.

93 她在幾天內需要離家到另一個州,參加為期一個月的軍事訓練,

94 She could not take her children with her.

94 但是不能把孩子帶去。

95 Her mother, who was going to care for her children, had just flown to Europe to care for her husband, who had a medical emergency.

95 她的母親原本要來照顧孩子的,卻飛到歐洲去照顧她需要緊急醫療的丈夫。

96 This less-active single sister had enough money to buy a ticket to Europe for her youngest child but not for her 12-year-old son, Eric.

96 這位較不活躍的單身姊妹的錢,只夠給最小的孩子買機票去歐洲,無法再給12歲的兒子艾立克買機票。

97 She asked her home teacher if he could find a good LDS family to take Eric into their home for the next 30 days!

97 她問家庭教導教師能否替艾立克找到一個好的後期聖徒家庭,可以讓他住30天!

98 The home teacher texted back that he would do his best.

98 家庭教導教師回簡訊說他會盡力而為。

99 He then contacted his priesthood leaders.

99 接著他聯絡聖職領袖。

100 The bishop, who was the presiding high priest, gave him approval to approach members of the ward council, including the Relief Society president.

100 主教是主領的大祭司,允許他去問慈助會會長和支會議會的其他成員。

101 The Relief Society president quickly found four good LDS families, with children about Eric’s age, who would take him into their homes for a week at a time.

101 慈助會會長很快就找到四個很好的後期聖徒家庭,他們都有和艾立克年齡相仿的孩子,每週會輪流接他去他們家住。

102 Over the next month, these families fed Eric, found room for him in their already crowded apartments or small homes, took him on their previously planned summer family activities, brought him to church, included him in their family home evenings, and on and on.

102 接下來的那個月,這幾個家庭給艾立克供吃供住,在已經很擁擠的公寓或小房子裡為他挪出空間,帶他一起參加已經規劃好的家庭暑期活動,去教會,參與家人家庭晚會等等。

103 The families with boys Eric’s age included him in their deacons quorum meetings and activities.

103 其中幾個家庭的兒子年紀跟艾立克差不多,就邀他參加執事定額組的聚會和活動。

104 During this 30-day period, Eric was in church every Sunday for the first time in his life.

104 在這30天的期間,是艾立克人生中第一次每個星期天都去教會。

105 After his mother came home from her training, Eric continued to attend church, usually with one of these four volunteer LDS families or others who had befriended him, including his mother’s visiting teachers.

105 他母親受訓回來後,艾立克繼續參加教會聚會,通常是跟這四個自願接待他的後期聖徒家庭去,或是跟其他好朋友去,其中包括了他母親的探訪教師。

106 In time, he was ordained a deacon and began passing the sacrament regularly.

106 最後,他被按立為執事,開始經常傳遞聖餐。

107 Now let us look into Eric’s future.

107 現在,我們來細看艾立克的未來。

108 We will not be surprised if he becomes a leader in the Church in his mother’s home country when his family returns there—all because of Saints who worked together in unity, under the direction of a bishop, to serve out of charity in their hearts and with the power of the Holy Ghost.

108 有朝一日,要是他隨著家人回到母親的祖國,在教會中擔任領袖,我們是一點也不會驚訝的——這一切都是因聖徒們團結合作,在主教的指導下,以發自內心的仁愛並藉著聖靈的力量去服務。

109 We know that charity is essential for us to be saved in the kingdom of God.

109 我們知道,仁愛是在神國中得救不可或缺的條件。

110 Moroni wrote, “Except ye have charity ye can in nowise be saved in the kingdom of God”

110 摩羅乃寫道:「除非你們有仁愛,否則決不能在神國裡得救」

111 We also know that charity is a gift bestowed upon us after all we can do.

111 我們也知道在我們盡力而為後,仁愛是神賜予的一項恩賜。

112 We must “pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that [we] may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ” ().

112 我們必須「全心全力向父祈求,好使〔我們〕滿懷父賜給祂兒子耶穌基督的真正信徒的這種愛」()。

113 It seems to me that we receive the Holy Spirit best when we are focused on serving others.

113 在我看來,當我們專注於為人服務時,最能獲得聖靈。

114 That is why we have the priesthood responsibility to serve for the Savior.

114 這正是我們負有聖職責任去為救主服務的原因。

115 When we are engaged in service to others, we think less about ourselves, and the Holy Ghost can more readily come to us and help us in our lifelong quest to have the gift of charity bestowed upon us.

115 當我們為人服務時,比較不會想到自己,聖靈就會更容易臨到我們,把我們畢生追求的仁愛的恩賜賜給我們。

116 I bear you my witness that the Lord has already begun a great step forward in His plan for us to become even more inspired and charitable in our priesthood ministering service.

116 我向各位見證,主已大幅推動祂的計畫,要讓我們在聖職施助方面的服務更受靈啟發,更寬厚仁慈。

117 I am grateful for His love, which He so generously gives us.

117 我感謝祂慷慨賜予我們的愛。

118 I so testify in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

118 我如此見證,奉耶穌基督的聖名,阿們。


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today 1 大考中心1級
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told 1 大考中心1級
too 1 大考中心1級
took 2 大考中心1級
trail 1 大考中心3級
training 2 大考中心1級
TRUE 3 大考中心1級
Try 2 大考中心1級
trying 2 大考中心1級
turned 1 大考中心1級
Twelve 1 大考中心1級
two 5 大考中心1級
Ulisses 1 人名與地名
under 1 大考中心1級
understands 1 大考中心1級
unified 1 大考中心6級
unity 1 大考中心3級
unto 1 教會用字
upon 3 大考中心2級
urgent 1 大考中心4級
us 18 大考中心1級
use 1 大考中心1級
used 1 大考中心1級
usually 2 大考中心2級
Valley 1 大考中心2級
variety 1 大考中心3級
visit 1 大考中心1級
visiting 2 大考中心1級
visits 1 大考中心1級
volunteer 1 大考中心4級
wagon 2 大考中心3級
walk 1 大考中心1級
walked 1 大考中心1級
want 1 大考中心1級
wants 1 大考中心1級
ward 9 大考中心5級
wards 3 大考中心5級
was 24 大考中心1級
watch 1 大考中心1級
way 6 大考中心1級
ways 1 大考中心1級
We 31 大考中心1級
weak 1 大考中心1級
week 1 大考中心1級
weeks 1 大考中心1級
welcome 1 大考中心1級
well 2 大考中心1級
went 2 大考中心1級
were 7 大考中心1級
what 10 大考中心1級
when 15 大考中心1級
whenever 1 大考中心2級
where 1 大考中心1級
which 3 大考中心1級
While 1 大考中心1級
who 14 大考中心1級
whoever 1 大考中心2級
whole 1 大考中心1級
whom 1 大考中心1級
why 1 大考中心1級
will 5 大考中心1級
willing 1 大考中心1級
wisdom 1 大考中心3級
with 21 大考中心1級
within 1 大考中心2級
without 1 大考中心2級
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working 1 大考中心1級
world 1 大考中心1級
would 4 大考中心1級
writing 1 大考中心1級
wrote 1 大考中心1級
ye 2 教會用字
year 3 大考中心1級
years 3 大考中心1級
yellow 1 大考中心1級
yet 1 大考中心1級
you 6 大考中心1級
young 9 大考中心1級
youngest 1 大考中心1級
