中英對照/總會大會/2018上/Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives

出自 青少年追求卓越
前往: 導覽搜尋
Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives
By President Russell M. Nelson
In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.


大考中心六級以內用字 88%,大考中心六級以外用字 8%,教會用字 4%。

大考中心1級 264 49%
大考中心2級 83 15%
大考中心3級 54 10%
大考中心4級 40 7%
大考中心5級 19 4%
大考中心6級 16 3%
大考6級以上 42 8%
教會用字 22 4%
總計 540 100%
人名與地名 17 不列入統計



1 What a glorious privilege it has been to celebrate Easter with you on this Sunday of general conference!

1 能在這星期日的總會大會與各位一起慶祝復活節,是何等榮幸啊!

2 Nothing could be more fitting than to commemorate the most important event that ever occurred on this earth by worshipping the most important being who ever walked this earth.

2 若要紀念這世上所發生的最重要事件,崇拜這世上最重要的人物是最適合不過的了。

3 In this, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we worship Him who commenced His infinite Atonement in the Garden of Gethsemane.

3 在這耶穌基督後期聖徒教會裡,我們崇拜在客西馬尼園展開無限贖罪的那一位。

4 He was willing to suffer for the sins and weaknesses of each of us, which suffering caused Him “to bleed at every pore.”

4 祂願意為每個人的罪和軟弱承受痛苦,這痛苦使祂「每個毛孔都流血」。

5  He was crucified on Calvary’s cross and rose the third day as the first resurrected being of our Heavenly Father’s children.

5 祂被釘死在髑髏地的十字架上,第三天復活,成為天父兒女當中第一位復活的人物。

6 I love Him and testify that He lives!

6 我愛祂,並見證祂活著!

7 It is He who leads and guides His Church.

7 是祂帶領、引導祂的教會。

8 Without our Redeemer’s infinite Atonement, not one of us would have hope of ever returning to our Heavenly Father.

8 若沒有我們救贖主的無限贖罪,就沒有人能對回到天父身邊懷抱任何希望。

9 Without His Resurrection, death would be the end.

9 沒有祂的復活,死亡就成為終點。

10 Our Savior’s Atonement made eternal life a possibility and immortality a reality for all.

10 我們救主的贖罪讓所有人有機會獲得永生,讓不死得以成真。

11 It is because of His transcendent mission and the peace He grants His followers that my wife, Wendy, and I felt comfort late on January 2, 2018, when we were awakened by a phone call telling us that President Thomas S. Monson had stepped through the veil.

11 由於祂超凡的使命,以及祂賜給信徒的平安,2018年1月2日晚上,我的妻子溫蒂和我從睡夢中被電話叫醒,得知多馬·孟蓀會長已到了幔子另一邊時,我們都感受到安慰。

12 How we miss President Monson!

12 我們多麼想念孟蓀會長啊!

13 We honor his life and his legacy.

13 我們尊崇他的一生和傳承。

14 A spiritual giant, he left an indelible imprint upon all who knew him and upon the Church that he loved.

14 他是位靈性的巨人,在所有認識他的人身上以及他所愛的教會留下了不可磨滅的印記。

15 On Sunday, January 14, 2018, in the upper room of the Salt Lake Temple, the First Presidency was reorganized in the simple yet sacred pattern established by the Lord.

15 2018年1月14日星期日,在鹽湖聖殿樓上的房間,我們以主制定的簡單卻神聖的模式,重組了總會會長團。

16 Then, at yesterday morning’s solemn assembly, members of the Church throughout the world raised their hands to confirm the earlier action taken by the Apostles.

16 接著在昨天早上的莊嚴集會上,全世界的教會成員舉起他們的手,證實使徒早先採取的這項行動。

17 I am humbly grateful for your sustaining support.

17 我謙卑感謝你們舉手支持。

18 I am also grateful for those upon whose shoulders I stand.

18 我也感謝那些讓我站在他們肩膀上的人。

19 It has been my privilege to serve in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for 34 years and to know personally 10 of the 16 previous Presidents of the Church.

19 我有幸在十二使徒定額組服務34年,並且熟識之前16位總會會長當中的10位。

20 I learned much from each of them.

20 我從每一位身上獲益良多。

21 I also owe much to my forebears.

21 我也非常感謝我的祖先。

22 All eight of my great-grandparents were converts to the Church in Europe.

22 我的八位曾祖父母都是在歐洲歸信教會的。

23 Each of these stalwart souls sacrificed everything to come to Zion.

23 這些堅定的靈魂犧牲一切來到錫安。

24 During subsequent generations, however, not all my ancestors remained so committed.

24 然而,在後來的世代中,不是所有的祖先都如此忠誠。

25 As a result, I was not raised in a gospel-centered home.

25 因此,我不是在以福音為中心的家庭長大的。

26 I adored my parents.

26 我愛我的父母。

27 They meant the world to me and taught me crucial lessons.

27 他們就是我的世界,也教導我許多重要的事。

28 I cannot thank them enough for the happy homelife they created for me and my siblings.

28 他們為我和我的兄弟姊妹創造了快樂的家庭生活,對此我感激不盡。

29 And yet, even as a boy, I knew I was missing something.

29 不過,即使是在很小的時候,我就知道自己缺少了什麼。

30 One day I jumped on the streetcar and went to an LDS bookstore to find a book about the Church.

30 有一天,我跳上電車,去到一間後期聖徒的書店,找到一本關於教會的書。

31 I loved learning about the gospel.

31 我喜愛學習福音。

32 As I came to understand the Word of Wisdom, I wanted my parents to live that law.

32 我開始了解智慧語後,便希望父母遵行那項律法。

33 So, one day when I was very young, I went to our basement and smashed on the concrete floor every bottle of liquor!

33 於是,有一天,那時我年紀還小,我到家裡的地下室,把所有的酒都砸在水泥地板上。

34 I expected my father to punish me, but he never said a word.

34 我料想父親會責罰我,但他一句話也沒說。

35 As I matured and began to understand the magnificence of Heavenly Father’s plan,

35 我成年後,開始了解天父的計畫何其宏偉,

36 I often said to myself, “I don’t want one more Christmas present! I just want to be sealed to my parents.”

36 我時常對自己說:「我不要什麼聖誕禮物,只想跟父母印證在一起。」

37 That longed-for event did not happen until my parents were past 80, and then it did happen.

37 這件嚮往已久的事到我父母過了80歲的時候,真的實現了。

38 I cannot fully express the joy that I felt that day, and each day I feel that joy of their sealing and my being sealed to them.

38 我無法全然表達那天我所感受到的喜悅,他們印證了,我也被印證給他們,我每天都為此而喜悅。

39 In 1945, while I was in medical school, I married Dantzel White in the Salt Lake Temple.

39 1945年,我就讀醫學院的時候,與丹柔·懷特在鹽湖聖殿結婚。

40 She and I were blessed with nine splendid daughters and one precious son.

40 我們蒙福育有九個美好的女兒和一個寶貴的兒子。

41 Today our ever-growing family is one of the greatest joys of my life.

41 今天,我們日益成長的家庭是我生命中最大的喜悅之一。

42 In 2005, after nearly 60 years of marriage, my dear Dantzel was unexpectedly called home.

42 2005年,在我們結婚將近60年之際,我心愛的丹柔意外蒙召返回天家。

43 For a season, my grief was almost immobilizing.

43 有一段時間,我悲傷得幾乎無法正常生活和工作,

44 But the message of Easter and the promise of resurrection sustained me.

44 但復活節的信息和復活的應許支撐我度過那段日子。

45 Then the Lord brought Wendy Watson to my side.

45 後來,主將溫蒂·華生帶到我身邊。

46 We were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple on April 6, 2005.

46 我們於2006年4月6日在鹽湖聖殿印證。

47 How I love her!

47 我非常愛她!

48 She is an extraordinary woman—a great blessing to me, to our family, and to the entire Church.

48 她是一位非凡的女人——對我、對我們家庭、對整個教會,都是極大的祝福。

49 Each of these blessings has come as a result of seeking and heeding the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

49 這每一項祝福的到來,都是因為尋求、聽從聖靈的提示。

50 Said President Lorenzo Snow, “This is the grand privilege of every Latter-day Saint …

50 朗卓·舒會長說:「這是每位後期聖徒的至高特權。

51 that it is our right to have the manifestations of the Spirit every day of our lives.”

51 ……我們有權利在每天的生活中獲得聖靈的顯示。」

52 One of the things the Spirit has repeatedly impressed upon my mind since my new calling as President of the Church is how willing the Lord is to reveal His mind and will.

52 自從我有了總會會長的新召喚後,聖靈一直在我心中留下一個深刻的印象,就是主非常願意啟示祂的心意和旨意。

53 The privilege of receiving revelation is one of the greatest gifts of God to His children.

53 接受啟示的特權是神賜予祂兒女最偉大的恩賜之一。

54 Through the manifestations of the Holy Ghost, the Lord will assist us in all our righteous pursuits.

54 透過聖靈的顯示,主會在我們追求一切正義的事情上給予協助。

55 I remember in an operating room, I have stood over a patient—unsure how to perform an unprecedented procedure—and experienced the Holy Ghost diagramming the technique in my mind.

55 我記得在手術室裡,我站在病人旁邊——不確定要如何執行一項史無前例的手術——體驗到聖靈在我腦海裡圖解說明這項技術。

56 To strengthen my proposal to Wendy, I said to her, “I know about revelation and how to receive it.”

56 我向溫蒂求婚時,為了更具說服力,我對她說:「我知道什麼是啟示,也知道如何獲得啟示。」

57 To her credit—and, as I have come to learn, typical of her—she had already sought and received her own revelation about us, which gave her the courage to say yes.

57 幸好是她——就我所知,她就是這個樣子——她已為我們的事尋求獲得個人的啟示,這讓她有勇氣開口答應。

58 As a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, I prayed daily for revelation and gave thanks to the Lord every time He spoke to my heart and mind.

58 擔任十二使徒的時候,我每天祈禱尋求啟示,每次主對我的心思意念說話時,我都感謝祂。

59 Imagine the miracle of it!

59 想像一下這樣的奇蹟!

60 Whatever our Church calling, we can pray to our Heavenly Father and receive guidance and direction, be warned about dangers and distractions, and be enabled to accomplish things we simply could not do on our own.

60 無論我們的教會召喚是什麼,都可以向天父祈求獲得指引和指示,在危險和使人分心的事情上受到警告,並有能力完成我們無法獨力完成的事。

61 If we will truly receive the Holy Ghost and learn to discern and understand His promptings, we will be guided in matters large and small.

61 如果我們真的接受到聖靈,學會分辨並理解祂的提示,我們就會在大大小小的事情上受到指引。

62 When I recently faced the daunting task of choosing two counselors, I wondered how I could possibly choose just two from twelve men whom I love and respect.

62 近來我面臨選擇兩位諮理的嚴峻任務,我懷疑自己怎麼可能從我所愛且尊敬的十二位弟兄中,僅僅選擇兩位來擔任諮理。

63 Because I know that good inspiration is based upon good information, I prayerfully met one-on-one with each Apostle.

63 由於我知道好的靈感要以良好的資訊為基礎,於是我透過祈禱,與每一位使徒單獨會面。

64  I then sequestered myself in a private room in the temple and sought the Lord’s will.

64 然後我自己隱退到聖殿一個私密的房間裡,尋求主的旨意。

65 I testify that the Lord instructed me to select President Dallin H. Oaks and President Henry B. Eyring to serve as my counselors in the First Presidency.

65 我見證,主指示我選擇達林·鄔克司會長和亨利·艾寧會長在總會會長團擔任我的諮理。

66 In like manner, I testify that the Lord inspired the call of Elder Gerrit W. Gong and Elder Ulisses Soares to be ordained as His Apostles.

66 同樣地,我見證,主賜予靈感來召喚江文漢長老和尤理西斯·蘇瑞長老,按立他們為使徒。

67 I and we welcome them to this unique brotherhood of service.

67 歡迎他們加入這獨一無二的弟兄團體一起服務。

68 When we convene as a Council of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, our meeting rooms become rooms of revelation.

68 當我們總會會長團及十二使徒定額組議會集合在一起開會時,我們的會議室就成了啟示之室。

69 The Spirit is palpably present.

69 聖靈明顯在場。

70 As we wrestle with complex matters, a thrilling process unfolds as each Apostle freely expresses his thoughts and point of view.

70 我們為複雜的問題絞盡腦汁時,每位使徒都會暢所欲言地表達自己的想法和觀點,展開一個令人興奮的過程。

71 Though we may differ in our initial perspectives, the love we feel for each other is constant.

71 雖然我們最初的看法不盡相同,但對彼此的愛是不變的。

72 Our unity helps us to discern the Lord’s will for His Church.

72 我們的合一使我們能分辨主對祂教會的旨意。

73 In our meetings, the majority never rules!

73 在我們的會議中,向來不是採用多數決!

74 We listen prayerfully to one another and talk with each other until we are united.

74 我們透過祈禱仔細聆聽彼此,互相交談,直到我們變得一致。

75 Then when we have reached complete accord, the unifying influence of the Holy Ghost is spine-tingling!

75 當我們達到完全一致後,聖靈合一的影響力就會讓人激動不已!

76 We experience what the Prophet Joseph Smith knew when he taught, “By union of feeling we obtain power with God.”

76 我們體驗到先知約瑟·斯密所知道的,他教導:「我們若能感情融洽,就能獲得神的力量。」

77  No member of the First Presidency or Quorum of the Twelve would ever leave decisions for the Lord’s Church to his own best judgment!

77 總會會長團和十二使徒定額組沒有一位成員,會根據自己最好的判斷來為主的教會作決定!

78 Brothers and sisters, how can we become the men and women—the Christlike servants—the Lord needs us to be?

78 弟兄姊妹,我們要如何成為主需要我們成為的男人和女人,也就是基督般的僕人呢?

79 How can we find answers to questions that perplex us?

79 我們要如何為困擾著我們的問題找到答案?

80 If Joseph Smith’s transcendent experience in the Sacred Grove teaches us anything, it is that the heavens are open and that God speaks to His children.

80 如果約瑟·斯密在聖林裡的非凡經驗能教導我們什麼,那就是諸天開啟,神對祂的兒女說話。

81 The Prophet Joseph Smith set a pattern for us to follow in resolving our questions.

81 先知約瑟·斯密為我們設立了解決問題的模式,供我們遵循。

82 Drawn to the promise of James that if we lack wisdom we may ask of God, 

82 雅各應許,如果我們缺乏智慧,可以求問神;

83 the boy Joseph took his question directly to Heavenly Father.

83 這項應許吸引了男孩約瑟,於是約瑟直接向天父求問。

84 He sought personal revelation, and his seeking opened this last dispensation.

84 他尋求個人啟示,而他的尋求開啟了這最後的福音期。

85 In like manner, what will your seeking open for you?

85 同樣地,你會尋求為你開啟什麼呢?

86 What wisdom do you lack?

86 你缺乏什麼樣的智慧呢?

87 What do you feel an urgent need to know or understand?

87 你感覺迫切需要知道或了解什麼呢?

88 Follow the example of the Prophet Joseph.

88 跟從先知約瑟的榜樣。

89 Find a quiet place where you can regularly go.

89 找個你可以經常去的安靜地方。

90 Humble yourself before God.

90 在神前謙抑自己。

91 Pour out your heart to your Heavenly Father.

91 向天父傾注你的心。

92 Turn to Him for answers and for comfort.

92 轉向祂尋求答案和安慰。

93 Pray in the name of Jesus Christ about your concerns, your fears, your weaknesses—yes, the very longings of your heart.

93 奉耶穌基督的名祈禱,傾訴你的擔憂、害怕、軟弱——當然,還有你內心深切的渴望。

94 And then listen!

94 然後傾聽!

95 Write the thoughts that come to your mind.

95 把你腦海浮現的想法寫下來。

96 Record your feelings and follow through with actions that you are prompted to take.

96 記錄你的感受,然後根據你受到的提示採取行動。

97 As you repeat this process day after day, month after month, year after year, you will “grow into the principle of revelation.”

97 當你每天、每月、每年不斷重覆這個過程,你就會「逐漸了解啟示的原則」。

98 Does God really want to speak to you?

98 神真的想要對你說話嗎?

99 Yes!

99 是的!

100 “As well might man stretch forth his puny arm to stop the Missouri river in its decreed course … as to hinder the Almighty from pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints.”

100 「要阻止全能者從天上傾下知識到後期聖徒頭上,就好比人伸出他弱小的手臂,想使密蘇里河在既定的河道上停住……一樣。

101 You don’t have to wonder about what is true.

101 」你不必懷疑什麼是真實的。

102  You do not have to wonder whom you can safely trust.

102 你不必懷疑誰可以讓你安心信任。

103 Through personal revelation, you can receive your own witness that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Joseph Smith is a prophet, and that this is the Lord’s Church.

103 透過個人的啟示,你可以獲得自己的見證,知道摩爾門經是神的話,約瑟·斯密是先知,這是主的教會。

104 Regardless of what others may say or do, no one can ever take away a witness borne to your heart and mind about what is true.

104 對於什麼是真實的,不管別人說什麼或做什麼,沒有人能奪取你心中和意念中的見證。

105 I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that “if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.”

105 我呼籲各位,擴展你目前的靈性能力以獲得個人的啟示,因為主已應許:「你若〔尋求〕,就必獲得啟示上加啟示、知識上加知識,使你能知道奧祕及令人平安的事——帶來喜樂及帶來永生的事。」

106 Oh, there is so much more that your Father in Heaven wants you to know.

106 還有好多事情是天上的父希望你知道的。

107 As Elder Neal A. Maxwell taught, “To those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, it is clear that the Father and the Son are giving away the secrets of the universe!”

107 如尼爾·麥士維長老所教導的:「對於那些有眼可見、有耳可聽的人,父與子顯然在透露宇宙的奧祕!」

108 Nothing opens the heavens quite like the combination of increased purity, exact obedience, earnest seeking, daily feasting on the words of Christ in the Book of Mormon, and regular time committed to temple and family history work.

108 若要開啟諸天,最好的方法就是做到以下的事:更加純潔、確實服從、熱切尋求、每日從摩爾門經裡飽享基督的話,還要經常去聖殿、做家譜事工。

109 To be sure, there may be times when you feel as though the heavens are closed.

109 當然,有許多時候你還是會感覺諸天是緊閉的。

110 But I promise that as you continue to be obedient, expressing gratitude for every blessing the Lord gives you, and as you patiently honor the Lord’s timetable, you will be given the knowledge and understanding you seek.

110 但我應許,只要你繼續服從,對主賜給你的每項祝福表達感謝,並且耐心接受主的時間表,你就會獲得所尋求的知識和理解力。

111 Every blessing the Lord has for you—even miracles—will follow.

111 主賜給你的每項祝福——甚至奇蹟——將隨之而來。

112 That is what personal revelation will do for you.

112 這就是個人啟示對你的用處。

113 I am optimistic about the future.

113 我對於未來非常樂觀。

114 It will be filled with opportunities for each of us to progress, contribute, and take the gospel to every corner of the earth.

114 我們每個人滿是機會可以進步、貢獻、將福音帶到世界每個角落。

115 But I am also not naive about the days ahead.

115 但對於未來的日子,我也不是那麼天真無知。

116 We live in a world that is complex and increasingly contentious.

116 我們生活在一個複雜、越來越有爭議的世界裡。

117 The constant availability of social media and a 24-hour news cycle bombard us with relentless messages.

117 隨時都可使用的社群媒體和24小時循環播放的新聞,用連續不斷的信息轟炸我們。

118 If we are to have any hope of sifting through the myriad of voices and the philosophies of men that attack truth, we must learn to receive revelation.

118 如果我們還希望篩選無數的聲音和攻擊真理的世人哲學,就必須學習接受啟示。

119 Our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, will perform some of His mightiest works between now and when He comes again.

119 我們的救主和救贖主耶穌基督,將從現在到祂再次來臨這段期間,執行一些極其偉大的事工。

120 We will see miraculous indications that God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, preside over this Church in majesty and glory.

120 我們會看到奇妙的跡象顯示,父神和祂的兒子耶穌基督將在威嚴和榮耀中主領這教會。

121 But in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.

121 但在未來的日子,如果沒有聖靈持續的指引、指示和安慰的影響力,我們不可能在靈性上存活。

122 My beloved brothers and sisters, I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation.

122 親愛的弟兄姊妹,我懇請各位增強獲得啟示的靈性能力。

123 Let this Easter Sunday be a defining moment in your life.

123 讓這個復活節主日成為你們人生的關鍵時刻。

124 Choose to do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear the voice of the Spirit more frequently and more clearly.

124 選擇從事必要的屬靈工作來享有聖靈的恩賜,並且更常、更清楚地聽到靈的聲音。

125 With Moroni, I exhort you on this Easter Sabbath to “come unto Christ, and lay hold upon every good gift,” beginning with the gift of the Holy Ghost, which gift can and will change your life.

125 我要像摩羅乃那樣,在此復活節安息日勸勉各位要「歸向基督,接受每一項好的恩賜」,就從聖靈的恩賜開始,這恩賜將能改變你的一生。

126 We are followers of Jesus Christ.

126 我們是耶穌基督的信徒。

127 The most important truth the Holy Ghost will ever witness to you is that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.

127 聖靈將永遠向你見證的最重要真理是,耶穌是基督,是活神的兒子。

128 He lives!

128 祂活著!

129 He is our Advocate with the Father, our Exemplar, and our Redeemer.

129 祂是我們與父的代辯者,我們的典範,我們的救贖主。

130 On this Easter Sunday, we commemorate His atoning sacrifice, His literal Resurrection, and His divinity.

130 在此復活節主日,我們紀念祂的贖罪犧牲,祂的復活和神性。

131 This is His Church, restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith.

131 這是祂的教會,透過先知約瑟·斯密而復興。

132 I so testify, with my expression of love for each of you, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

132 我這樣見證,並表達我對各位的愛,奉耶穌基督的聖名,阿們。


單字 次數 級別
January 2 大考中心1級
April 1 大考中心1級
Sunday 4 大考中心1級
may 4 大考中心1級
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sins 1 大考中心3級
sisters 2 大考中心1級
small 1 大考中心1級
smashed 1 大考中心5級
Smith 5 人名與地名
Snow 1 大考中心1級
so 4 大考中心1級
Soares 1 人名與地名
social 1 大考中心2級
solemn 1 大考中心5級
some 1 大考中心1級
something 1 大考中心1級
son 4 大考中心1級
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souls 1 大考中心1級
speak 1 大考中心1級
speaks 1 大考中心1級
spine 1 大考中心5級
Spirit 4 大考中心2級
spiritual 4 大考中心4級
spiritually 1 大考中心4級
splendid 1 大考中心4級
spoke 1 大考中心1級
stalwart 1 大考6級以上
stand 1 大考中心1級
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stood 1 大考中心1級
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take 3 大考中心1級
taken 1 大考中心1級
talk 1 大考中心1級
task 1 大考中心2級
taught 3 大考中心1級
teaches 1 大考中心1級
technique 1 大考中心3級
telling 1 大考中心1級
Temple 5 大考中心2級
testify 4 大考6級以上
than 1 大考中心1級
thank 1 大考中心1級
thanks 1 大考中心1級
that 35 大考中心1級
the 143 大考中心1級
their 2 大考中心1級
them 4 大考中心1級
Then 6 大考中心1級
there 2 大考中心1級
these 2 大考中心1級
They 2 大考中心1級
things 3 大考中心1級
third 1 大考中心1級
this 14 大考中心1級
Thomas 1 人名與地名
those 2 大考中心1級
thou 3 教會用字
Though 2 大考中心1級
thoughts 2 大考中心1級
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through 6 大考中心2級
throughout 1 大考中心2級
time 2 大考中心1級
times 1 大考中心1級
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tingling 1 大考6級以上
to 89 大考中心1級
Today 1 大考中心1級
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transcendent 2 大考6級以上
truly 1 大考中心4級
trust 1 大考中心2級
truth 2 大考中心2級
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two 2 大考中心1級
typical 1 大考中心3級
Ulisses 1 人名與地名
understand 4 大考中心1級
understanding 1 大考中心1級
unexpectedly 1 大考6級以上
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until 2 大考中心1級
unto 1 教會用字
upon 9 大考中心2級
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urge 1 大考中心4級
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us 12 大考中心1級
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voice 1 大考中心1級
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want 3 大考中心1級
wanted 1 大考中心1級
wants 1 大考中心1級
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was 9 大考中心1級
Watson 1 人名與地名
we 29 大考中心1級
weaknesses 2 大考中心4級
welcome 1 大考中心1級
well 1 大考中心1級
Wendy 3 人名與地名
went 2 大考中心1級
were 5 大考中心1級
What 9 大考中心1級
Whatever 1 大考中心2級
when 8 大考中心1級
where 1 大考中心1級
which 5 大考中心1級
while 1 大考中心1級
White 1 大考中心1級
who 5 大考中心1級
whom 2 大考中心1級
whose 1 大考中心1級
wife 1 大考中心1級
will 17 大考中心1級
willing 2 大考中心1級
Wisdom 3 大考中心3級
with 14 大考中心1級
Without 3 大考中心2級
witness 3 大考中心4級
woman 1 大考中心1級
women 1 大考中心1級
wonder 2 大考中心2級
wondered 1 大考中心2級
Word 3 大考中心1級
words 1 大考中心1級
work 2 大考中心1級
works 1 大考中心1級
world 3 大考中心1級
worship 1 大考中心5級
worshipping 1 大考中心5級
would 3 大考中心1級
wrestle 1 大考中心6級
Write 1 大考中心1級
year 2 大考中心1級
years 2 大考中心1級
yes 3 大考中心1級
yesterday 1 大考中心1級
yet 2 大考中心1級
you 27 大考中心1級
young 1 大考中心1級
your 17 大考中心1級
yourself 1 大考中心1級
Zion 1 教會用字
TRUE 2 大考中心1級
