測試/come follow me 2020 23.txt

出自 青少年追求卓越
前往: 導覽搜尋

1Jesus Christ Will Come to Redeem His People


2Studying the scriptures invites revelation. So as you read Alma 8–12, record the impressions of the Spirit as He teaches you from the messages of Alma and Amulek.


3Record Your Impressions


4God’s work will not fail. But our efforts to help with His work sometimes seem to fail—at least, we may not immediately see the outcomes we hope for. At times we might feel a little like Alma when he preached the gospel in Ammonihah—rejected, spit on, and cast out. Yet when an angel instructed him to go back and try again, Alma courageously “returned speedily” (Alma 8:18), and God prepared the way before him. Not only did He provide Alma food to eat and a place to stay, but He also prepared Amulek, who became a fellow laborer, a fierce defender of the gospel, and a faithful friend. When we face setbacks and disappointments as we serve in the Lord’s kingdom, we can remember how God supported and led Alma, and we can trust that God will support and lead us too, even in difficult circumstances.


5Alma 8


6My efforts to share the gospel may require persistence and patience.


7Even though someone may reject your testimony of the gospel, that doesn’t mean you should lose hope—after all, the Lord won’t give up on that person, and He will guide you in how to act. In Alma’s case, an angel commanded him to return to Ammonihah to preach the gospel even though the people there had already violently rejected him (see Alma 8:14–16). What do you learn from Alma’s example of sharing the gospel despite challenges and opposition? Which verses in Alma 8 increase your desire to share the gospel?


8See also 3 Nephi 18:30–32; Jeffrey R. Holland, “The Cost—and Blessings—of Discipleship,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2014, 6–9.

8亦見尼腓三書18:30-32;傑佛瑞·賀倫,「門徒身分的代價和祝福」,2014年5月, 利阿賀拿,第6-9頁。

9Alma 9:18–25; 10:16–23


10God judges His children according to the light and knowledge they have.


11When reading about the way the Nephites in Ammonihah treated the Lord’s servants, it is easy to forget that they were once a gospel-living and “highly favored people of the Lord” (Alma 9:20). In fact, part of Alma’s message to the people in Ammonihah was that because they had hardened their hearts despite being so richly blessed, their state was worse than that of the Lamanites, who sinned mostly in ignorance. What does this contrast teach us about how God judges His children?


12As you read about the great blessings God gave the people of Nephi (see especially Alma 9:19–23), ponder the great blessings He has given you. What are you doing to stay true to these blessings? What changes do you feel you need to make?


13See also Doctrine and Covenants 82:3.


14Alma 11–12


15God’s plan is a plan of redemption.


16Book of Mormon prophets used a variety of names to describe God’s plan for His children, like the plan of salvation or the plan of happiness. In Alma 11–12, Alma and Amulek referred to it as the plan of redemption. As you read these chapters, ponder why the word “redemption” is used to describe the plan. You could also write a short summary of what Alma and Amulek taught about the following aspects of the plan.


17The Fall:


18The Redeemer:










23Notice the effect Amulek’s words had on the people (see Alma 11:46). Why do you think these principles had such a powerful influence? How have they influenced your life?


24See also D. Todd Christofferson, “The Resurrection of Jesus Christ,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2014, 111–14.

24亦見 陶德·克理斯多,「耶穌基督的復活」,2014年5月,利阿賀拿,第111-114頁。

25Alma 12:8–18


26If I will not harden my heart, I can receive more of the word of God.


27Some people may wonder why Heavenly Father doesn’t make everything known to us. In Alma 12:9–14, Alma explained one possible reason God’s mysteries are sometimes withheld from us. These questions could help you ponder what he taught:


28What does it mean to harden our hearts? Do you ever notice this tendency in yourself?


29Why might the Lord withhold His word from those who have hardened their hearts?


30How have you experienced the promise of receiving a “greater portion of the word”? (Alma 12:10). What was that experience like?


31What can you do to ensure that God’s word is “found in [you]”? (Alma 12:13). If you had God’s word in you, what effect would it have on your “words,” “works,” and “thoughts”? (Alma 12:14).


32For an example of these principles, compare Amulek to the other people of Ammonihah. How does Amulek’s experience (see especially Alma 10:1–11) illustrate what Alma taught in these verses?


33As you read the scriptures with your family, the Spirit can help you know what principles to emphasize and discuss in order to meet the needs of your family. Here are some ideas.


34Alma 8:10–18


35What can we learn from Alma about obeying the Lord “speedily” (verse 18) even when it might be difficult? To reinforce this principle with small children, you could play a game where you give instructions for a task and see how quickly family members accomplish it. For instance, you might see who could quickly fold a piece of clothing.


36Alma 10:1–12


37What can we learn from Amulek’s experience in these verses? What effect did his testimony have on those listening? Invite your family members to make a plan to do one thing this week based on what they learned from Amulek’s example.


38Alma 10:22–23


39What do we learn from these verses about the influence a group of righteous people can have in a wicked city?


40Alma 11:34–37


41What is the difference between Jesus Christ saving us in our sins and from our sins? (see Helaman 5:10; see also 1 John 1:9–10). To illustrate what Amulek taught, you might share the story at the beginning of Elder Allen D. Haynie’s message “Remembering in Whom We Have Trusted” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 121–23). How does Jesus Christ save us from our sins?

41耶穌基督拯救處在罪惡中的我們,和拯救我們脫離罪惡,兩者有何不同?(見希拉曼書5:10;約翰一書1:9-10)。為了說明艾繆萊克的教導,你可以分享艾倫·海尼長老的演講「要記住我們信賴的是誰」,(2015年11月,利阿賀拿, 第121-123頁)。耶穌基督如何救我們脫離罪惡?

42For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.


43Improving Personal Study


44Study the words of latter-day prophets and apostles. Read what latter-day prophets and apostles have taught about the truths you find in the scriptures. For instance, you could identify a topic in Alma 8–12 and look for that topic in the most recent general conference (see Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 21).


45Illustration of Alma eating with Amulek by Dan Burr


46No Related Content


47No footnotes, personal notes, or other related content available.
