
出自 青少年追求卓越
< 經文故事‎ | 摩爾門經的故事
於 2017年5月13日 (六) 09:15 由 Limingyu2007 (對話 | 貢獻) 所做的修訂 (已匯入 1 筆修訂:從 compose.referata.com 匯出後匯入本站)
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  • Many years after Jesus Christ visited the Nephites, a small group of people left the Church and called themselves Lamanites.
  • 耶穌基督拜訪尼腓人許多年後,有一群人開了教會,並自稱為拉曼人。


  • Eventually almost all the people became wicked, both Nephites and Lamanites.
  • 最後幾乎所有的人,不論是尼腓人或拉曼人都變得很邪惡。


  • A righteous man, Ammaron, had the sacred records. The Holy Ghost told him to hide them so they would be safe.
  • 有一個正義的人的人名叫阿摩龍,擁有神聖的紀錄。聖靈叫他把記錄藏起來,這樣才能保護紀錄的安全。


  • Ammaron told Mormon, a 10-year-old boy, where the records were hidden. Ammaron knew he could trust Mormon.
  • 阿摩龍告訴十歲大的摩爾門藏紀錄的地方,阿摩龍知道他可以信任摩爾門。


  • When he was 24, Mormon was to get the plates of Nephi and write on them about his people.
  • 摩爾門24歲時取出尼腓片,並且將他人民的事寫在上面。


  • When Mormon was 11, a war started between the Nephites and Lamanites. The Nephites won, and there was peace again.
  • 摩爾門11歲的時候,尼腓人和拉曼人之間發生了一場戰爭。尼腓人贏了,所以再度有了和平。


  • But the Nephites were so wicked that the Lord took away the three disciples, which ended the miracles and healings. The Holy Ghost no longer guided the people.
  • 但由於尼腓人太邪惡,所以主帶走了三位門徒,因此再也沒有奇蹟和醫治病人的事了,聖靈也不再指引人們。


  • When Mormon was 15, Jesus Christ visited him. Mormon learned more about the Savior and his goodness.
  • 摩爾門15歲時,耶穌基督來拜訪他。摩爾門對救主和祂的仁慈了解得更多了。


  • Mormon wanted to preach to the people, but Jesus told him not to because the people were too wicked. Their hearts were set against God.
  • 摩爾門想要向人民傳道,但是耶穌告訴他不要這麼做,因為人們太邪惡了,他們的心反抗著神。


  • Soon another war began. Mormon was large and strong, and the Nephites chose him to lead their army.
  • 另一場戰爭很快的爆發了。摩爾門長得很高大、強壯,所以尼腓人選派他領導他們的軍隊。


  • The Nephites fought the Lamanites for many years. Mormon tried to encourage his people to fight for their families and homes.
  • 尼腓人和拉曼人打了好幾年的仗,摩爾門鼓勵他的人民為家人和家園而戰。


  • The Nephites had become so wicked, though, that the Lord would not help them.
  • 但是尼腓人實在太邪惡了,主不願意幫助他們。


  • Mormon told the Nephites they would be spared only if they repented and were baptized. But the people refused.
  • 摩爾門告訴尼腓人,除非他們悔改並受洗,否則就不能保住性命,但是人們拒絕了。


  • They bragged about their strength, saying they would kill all the Lamanites. Because of the Nephites’ wickedness, Mormon refused to lead them any longer.
  • 他們誇耀自己的力量,並且說自己一定能夠殺死所有的拉曼人。由於尼腓人實在太邪惡了,摩爾門不願意領導他們。


  • The Lamanites began defeating the Nephites in every battle. Mormon decided to lead the Nephite armies again.
  • 拉曼人開始在每一場戰爭中擊敗了尼腓人。摩爾門決定再次率領尼腓人的軍隊。


  • He knew the wicked Nephites would not win the war. They did not repent or pray for the help they needed.
  • 他知道邪惡的尼腓人打不贏這場戰爭。他們既不悔改,也不向神祈禱請求幫助。


  • Mormon took all the records from the hill where Ammaron had hidden them and wrote to the people who would one day read the record.
  • 摩爾門在阿摩龍埋藏紀錄的山丘上把所有的紀錄都拿了出來,並且寫下一些話給將來會讀到這些記錄的人。


  • He wanted everyone, including the Jews, to know about Jesus Christ, to repent and be baptized, and to live the

gospel and be blessed.

  • 他希望每一個人(包括猶太人)都能認識耶穌基督、悔改並接受洗禮,並且生活在福音中、蒙受祝福。


  • The Spirit inspired Mormon to put the small plates of Nephi, which contained the prophecies of Christ’s coming,

with the plates of Mormon.

  • 聖靈指示摩爾門把尼腓小片和摩爾門片放在一起。尼腓小片包含了有關基督來臨的預言。


  • Mormon led the Nephites to the land of Cumorah, where they got ready to fight the Lamanites again.
  • 摩爾門把尼腓人帶到克謨拉地,準備再次和拉曼人作戰。


  • Mormon was getting old. He knew this would be the last battle. He did not want the Lamanites to find the sacred

records and destroy them.

  • 摩爾門已經老了,他知道這將是最後的一場戰爭。他不希望拉曼人找到神聖的紀錄後把紀錄破壞。


  • So he gave the plates of Mormon to his son, Moroni, and hid the rest of the plates in the Hill Cumorah.
  • 所以他把摩爾門片交給兒子摩羅乃,並把其餘的頁片藏在克謨拉山。


  • The Lamanites attacked and killed all but 24 Nephites. Mormon had been wounded.
  • 拉曼人發動攻擊,殺死了大部份的尼腓人,只有24個人活下來。摩爾門自己也受傷了。


  • Mormon was sad that so many Nephites had died, but he knew they had died because they had rejected Jesus.
  • 摩爾門很難過有那麼多尼腓人死了,他知道他們是因為拒絕了耶穌才會死的。


  • Mormon had tried to teach the Nephites the truth. He had told them how important it was to have faith in Jesus Christ.
  • 摩爾門曾試著教導尼腓人真理,也曾經告訴他們對耶穌基督有信心事多麼的重要。


  • He had tried to teach them to have hope through Jesus Christ’s Atonement and to have charity, which is the pure love of Christ.
  • 他教導他們要藉著耶穌基督的贖罪充滿希望,也教導他們要有仁愛的心,而仁愛就是基督純正的愛。


  • And Mormon had written letters to his son, Moroni, who had also taught the gospel to the Nephites.
  • 摩爾門寫了很多信給他的兒子摩羅乃;摩羅乃也向尼腓人傳講福音。


  • Mormon wrote about the terrible wickedness of the Nephites. He told Moroni to stay faithful in Jesus Christ.
  • 摩爾門寫下了尼腓人非常邪惡的行為,並告訴摩羅乃要忠於耶穌基督。


  • The Lamanites killed Mormon and all the Nephites but Moroni, who finished writing the records.
  • 拉曼人殺死了摩爾門和所有的尼腓人,只留下摩羅乃一個人;他完成了寫記錄的工作。