"經文故事/摩爾門經的故事/第43章" 修訂間的差異

出自 青少年追求卓越
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* [https://quizlet.com/XiaoCX/folders/boms43/ 第43章 單句語意克漏字]
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jh1LuSCpjikgv_Ubo75QqVJOAW-IiAEPMrzNiEX8YG0/ 第43章 單句語意分析]

於 2019年11月16日 (六) 02:02 的最新修訂



Chapter 43:Jesus Christ Appears to the Nephites
  1. Many Nephites gathered at the temple in Bountiful. They were amazed at the great changes in the land.
  2. The people were talking about Jesus Christ and the sign of his death.
  3. While they were talking, they heard a quiet voice from heaven. It made their hearts burn.
  4. At first they did not understand the voice, but when it spoke the third time, they understood it.
  5. The voice was Heavenly Father’s. It introduced Jesus Christ and told the people to listen to him.
  6. Jesus Christ came down from heaven and stood among the people. They were afraid to speak because they did not understand what was happening. They thought Jesus was an angel.
  7. He told them he was Jesus Christ, the one the prophets had said would come.
  8. Jesus told the people to come and feel the marks in his side and in his hands and feet, where he had been nailed to the cross.
  9. Jesus wanted the people to know that he was their God and that he had died for their sins.
  10. One by one the people felt the marks in Jesus’ side, hands, and feet. The people knew he was the Savior.
  11. Then the people praised Jesus and fell at his feet and worshiped him.
  12. Jesus called Nephi and 11 other men to him. He gave them priesthood power and taught them the right way to baptize.
  13. He told the Nephites to believe in him, repent, and keep the commandments. If they did not, they could not enter his kingdom.
  14. He taught the Nephites how to pray to Heavenly Father. He also taught them about fasting and said they would be forgiven if they forgave one another.
  15. After teaching the people many things, Jesus told them to go home and think and pray about what he had said.
  16. The Nephites began to cry. They did not want Jesus to leave yet.
  17. Jesus loved the Nephites. He told them to bring the people who were sick or hurt to him so he could heal them.
  18. Jesus healed these people. Everyone bowed down and worshiped him.

  1. 好多尼腓人都到滿地富聖殿去,他們對於地面上發生了那麼大的變化,都感到很驚訝。
  2. 他們談論著耶穌基督以及祂死亡的徵兆。
  3. 他們正在說的時候,聽見有個輕輕的聲音從天上傳下來;那個聲音讓他們的心裡覺得很溫暖。
  4. 剛開始時,他們聽不懂,直到那聲音了三次時,他們才聽得懂。
  5. 那是天父的聲音,祂向人們介紹耶穌基督,並要大家聽祂說話。
  6. 耶穌基督從天而降,站在人群當中。人們都不敢開口,因為他們不知道到底發生了什麼事,他們以為耶穌是天使。
  7. 他告訴他們,祂就是耶穌基督,就是先知說要來的那位。
  8. 耶穌要人民上前摸一摸祂的身體、手上及腳上被釘在十字架上時所留下的丁痕。
  9. 耶穌要他們知道:祂就是他們的神,祂為他們的罪而死。
  10. 人們一個接著一個地上前去摸耶穌身上、手上及腳上的釘痕。人們知道祂就是救主。
  11. 於是他們高聲讚美耶穌,並跪在祂的腳前敬拜祂。
  12. 耶穌叫尼腓及其他十一個人上前,賜給它們聖職的權力,並教導他們正確的施洗方式。
  13. 祂告訴尼腓人要相信祂、悔改並遵守誡命;如果他們不這麼做,就不能進入祂的國。
  14. 耶穌教導尼腓人如何向天父祈禱,也教導他們關於禁食的事。祂說:如果他們寬恕別人,祂們也會獲得寬恕。
  15. 耶穌教導他們許多事後,要他們回家想一想祂剛才說的話,並為這些話祈禱。
  16. 尼腓人開始流眼淚,因為他們不希望耶穌離開他們。
  17. 耶穌很愛尼腓人,祂叫他們把有病痛的人帶到祂面前,好讓祂醫治他們。
  18. 耶穌醫好了那些病人,所有的人都跪在地上敬拜祂。


Chapter 43:Jesus Christ Appears to the Nephites

第 1 格
Many Nephites gathered at the temple in Bountiful.
They were amazed at the great changes in the land.

第 2 格
The people were talking about Jesus Christ and the sign of his death.

第 3 格
While they were talking, they heard a quiet voice from heaven.
It made their hearts burn.

第 4 格
At first they did not understand the voice, but when it spoke the third time, they understood it.

第 5 格
The voice was Heavenly Father’s.
It introduced Jesus Christ and told the people to listen to him.

第 6 格
Jesus Christ came down from heaven and stood among the people.
They were afraid to speak because they did not understand what was happening.
They thought Jesus was an angel.

第 7 格
He told them he was Jesus Christ, the one the prophets had said would come.

第 8 格
Jesus told the people to come and feel the marks in his side and in his hands and feet, where he had been nailed to the cross.

第 9 格
Jesus wanted the people to know that he was their God and that he had died for their sins.

第 10 格
One by one the people felt the marks in Jesus’ side, hands, and feet.
The people knew he was the Savior.

第 11 格
Then the people praised Jesus and fell at his feet and worshiped him.

第 12 格
Jesus called Nephi and 11 other men to him.
He gave them priesthood power and taught them the right way to baptize.

第 13 格
He told the Nephites to believe in him, repent, and keep the commandments.
If they did not, they could not enter his kingdom.

第 14 格
He taught the Nephites how to pray to Heavenly Father.
He also taught them about fasting and said they would be forgiven if they forgave one another.

第 15 格
After teaching the people many things, Jesus told them to go home and think and pray about what he had said.

第 16 格
The Nephites began to cry.
They did not want Jesus to leave yet.

第 17 格
Jesus loved the Nephites.
He told them to bring the people who were sick or hurt to him so he could heal them.

第 18 格
Jesus healed these people.
Everyone bowed down and worshiped him.




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