"經文故事/摩爾門經的故事/第1章" 修訂間的差異

出自 青少年追求卓越
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*[http://broadcast2.lds.org/scripture-stories/book-of-mormon/2010-12-01-chapter-1-how-we-got-the-book-of-mormon-64k-eng.mp3 英文語音] [https://www.lds.org/children/videos/scripture-stories/book-of-mormon/1-how-we-got-the-book-of-mormon?&lang=eng 英文影片]
*[http://broadcast2.lds.org/scripture-stories/book-of-mormon/2010-12-01-chapter-1-how-we-got-the-book-of-mormon-64k-eng.mp3 英文語音] [https://www.lds.org/children/videos/scripture-stories/book-of-mormon/1-how-we-got-the-book-of-mormon?&lang=eng 英文影片]
*[http://broadcast2.lds.org/scripture-stories/book-of-mormon/2010-12-01-chapter-1-how-we-got-the-book-of-mormon-64k-cmn.mp3 中文語音][https://www.lds.org/children/videos/scripture-stories/book-of-mormon/1-how-we-got-the-book-of-mormon?&lang=zho 中文影片]
*[http://broadcast2.lds.org/scripture-stories/book-of-mormon/2010-12-01-chapter-1-how-we-got-the-book-of-mormon-64k-cmn.mp3 中文語音][https://www.lds.org/children/videos/scripture-stories/book-of-mormon/1-how-we-got-the-book-of-mormon?&lang=zho 中文影片]
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|+<Font size=5 , color=red>全章英文語音和影片</font>
! Chapter 2: Lehi Warns the People ||英文語音 || 英文影片
#Most of the people living in Jerusalem 600 years before the birth of Christ were wicked. God sent prophets to tell them to repent, but they would not listen.
#Lehi was a prophet. He prayed that the people would repent. While he was praying, a pillar of fire appeared.God told and showed Lehi many things.
#Lehi returned home and had a vision. He saw God surrounded by many angels. The angels were singing and praising God.
#In his vision Lehi was given a book that told what would happen in the future. He read that Jerusalem would be destroyed because the people were wicked.
#Lehi told the people that Jerusalem would be destroyed. He also told of the coming of Jesus. The people were angry and tried to kill Lehi, but the Lord protected him.
||<html5media></html5media> || <html5media>https://www.lds.org/children/videos/scripture-stories/book-of-mormon/1-how-we-got-the-book-of-mormon?&lang=eng</html5media>
*Chapter 1:How We Got the Book of Mormon  
*Chapter 1:How We Got the Book of Mormon  

於 2017年6月15日 (四) 05:59 的修訂






  • 本章是緒言,已於2017年2月13日上線。編輯者蕭昶欣弟兄。
  • 具備中英文語音連結和影音連結。

Chapter 2: Lehi Warns the People 英文語音 英文影片
  1. Most of the people living in Jerusalem 600 years before the birth of Christ were wicked. God sent prophets to tell them to repent, but they would not listen.
  2. Lehi was a prophet. He prayed that the people would repent. While he was praying, a pillar of fire appeared.God told and showed Lehi many things.
  3. Lehi returned home and had a vision. He saw God surrounded by many angels. The angels were singing and praising God.
  4. In his vision Lehi was given a book that told what would happen in the future. He read that Jerusalem would be destroyed because the people were wicked.
  5. Lehi told the people that Jerusalem would be destroyed. He also told of the coming of Jesus. The people were angry and tried to kill Lehi, but the Lord protected him.
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  • Chapter 1:How We Got the Book of Mormon
  • 第一章:我們如何得到摩爾門經


  • When Joseph Smith was 14 years old, many churches were claiming to be true, and he did not know which one to join.
  • 約瑟•斯密14歲的時候,有很多當時的教會都說他們是真實的教會,所以他不知道應該加入哪一個教會才好。


  • One day Joseph read James 1:5 in the Bible: “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God.” Joseph needed to know which church was right, so he decided to ask God.
  • 有一天,約瑟在聖經雅各書第一章第五節讀到:「你們中間若有缺少智慧的,應當求……神。」約瑟想知道哪個教會是真實的,所以決定自己求問神。


  • On a spring morning Joseph went into the woods near his home to pray.
  • 於是,在一個春天的早晨,約瑟走到他家附近的樹林裡祈禱。


  • As he knelt down and started to pray, Satan tried to stop him. Joseph prayed harder, asking Heavenly Father for help.
  • 當他跪下來祈禱時,撒但想阻止他。約瑟於是更努力地祈禱,祈求天父能幫助他。


  • Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ came to Joseph in a pillar of light. Heavenly Father pointed to Jesus and said: “This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”
  • 約瑟看見天父和耶穌基督出現在一道光柱裡。天父指著耶穌基督說:「這是我的愛子。聽祂說!」


  • Joseph asked which church he should join. Jesus told him not to join any of them because they were all wrong.
  • 約瑟問耶穌應該加入哪個教會。耶穌叫他不要加入任何教會,因為他們都是錯的。


  • When Joseph told some people what he had seen and heard, they laughed at him. The leaders of many local churches persecuted him.
  • 約瑟告訴別人他在樹林裡看到和聽到的事情,別人都嘲笑他;許多當地教會的領袖也迫害他。


  • Three years went by. One night Joseph was praying to be forgiven of his sins and to know what he should do.
  • 三年過去了。有一天晚上,約瑟祈禱請求神寬恕他的罪,並想知道他該做什麼。


  • An angel named Moroni appeared and told Joseph about a book that was written on gold plates. Joseph was to translate these plates into English.
  • 這時,一位名叫摩羅乃的天使出現了,他告訴約瑟一本寫在金頁片上的書,要約瑟把金頁片翻譯成英文。


  • After Moroni left, Joseph thought about what Moroni had told him. Moroni came back two more times that night.
  • 摩羅乃離開後,約瑟便思考摩羅乃所說的事。同一天晚上摩羅乃又出現了兩次。


  • The next day Joseph went to the top of the Hill Cumorah, which he had seen in a vision. There he found a big rock. He pried the rock up with a stick.
  • 第二天,約瑟•斯密爬上了克謨拉山,也就是他在異象中看到的地方。他在那裡發現了一塊大石頭,便用棍子把石頭橇開。


  • Beneath the rock was a stone box. As Joseph looked into the box, he saw the gold plates.
  • 石頭下面有個石箱子,約瑟往箱子裡看,看到了金頁片。


  • Moroni appeared and told Joseph not to take the plates but to come back on the same day each year for four years. Each time Joseph went, Moroni taught him.
  • 這時摩羅乃出現了,他告訴約瑟不要拿那些頁片,但要在將來的四年裡,在每一年的同一天回到山上來。每次約瑟到山上時,摩羅乃就教他一些事情。


  • After four years Joseph was finally allowed to take the gold plates. He used the Urim and Thummim to translate some of them.
  • 四年之後,摩羅乃終於讓約瑟把金頁片拿走。約瑟用烏陵和土明翻譯了金頁片一部分的內容。


  • Scribes helped Joseph by writing the words as he translated them from the gold plates.
  • 約瑟翻譯金頁片的時候,有抄寫員幫他把內容寫下來。


  • Joseph took the translated words to a printer and had them made into a book.
  • 約瑟把這些翻譯出來的文字拿給印刷商印製成一本書。


  • The book is called the Book of Mormon. It tells about people who lived in America many years ago. It also tells about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
  • 這本書就叫做摩爾門經,其中講到很久以前住在美洲大陸上的人的故事,也講到神的兒子耶穌基督。