
出自 青少年追求卓越
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於 2017年6月19日 (一) 04:57 由 蕭昶欣 (對話 | 貢獻) 所做的修訂 (2)
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Chapter 7:Building the Ship
  1. After Lehi’s family had camped by the sea for many days, the Lord spoke to Nephi. He told him to build a ship to carry his family to the promised land.
  2. Nephi did not know how to make a ship, but the Lord said he would show him. He told Nephi where to find metal to make the tools he would need.
  3. Laman and Lemuel made fun of Nephi for wanting to build a ship. They did not believe that the Lord had shown Nephi how to do it. They refused to help.
  4. Nephi told Laman and Lemuel to repent and not be rebellious. He reminded them that they had seen an angel. He also told them that God has the power to do all things.
  5. Laman and Lemuel were angry with Nephi and wanted to throw him into the sea.
  6. As they came toward Nephi, he commanded them not to touch him because he was filled with the power of God. Laman and Lemuel were afraid for many days.
  7. Then the Lord told Nephi to touch Laman and Lemuel.When Nephi did, the Lord shocked them. Laman and Lemuel knew the power of God was with Nephi.
  8. Nephi told Laman and Lemuel to obey their parents and obey God. Nephi said if they would do this, they would be blessed.
  9. Laman and Lemuel repented and helped Nephi build the ship.
  10. Nephi went to the mountain many times to pray for help. The Lord taught him how to build the ship.
  11. When Nephi and his brothers had finished building the ship, they knew it was a good ship. They thanked God for helping them.

  1. 李海一家人在海邊紮營,過了好幾天,主對尼腓說話。他吩咐尼腓造一條船,好載他的家人到應許地去。
  2. 尼腓不知道怎麼造船,但是主說他會讓他知道如何造船。他告訴尼腓到哪裡去找金屬,用這些金屬來製造船用的工具。
  3. 拉曼和雷米爾取笑尼腓要造船。他們不相信主已經告訴尼腓造船的方法,所以拒絕幫助他。
  4. 尼腓告訴拉曼和雷米爾要悔改,不要反叛。他提醒他們,他們曾看過天使;他也告訴他們,神有力量做一切的事。
  5. 拉曼和雷米爾生尼腓的氣,他們想把他丟到海裡。
  6. 他們往尼腓走去時,尼腓命令他們不可以碰他,因為他充滿了神的力量。拉曼和雷米爾因此害怕了好幾天。
  7. 後來,主叫尼腓去碰拉曼和雷米爾。當尼腓碰他們時,主震擊了他們。拉曼和雷米爾這時才知道,尼腓真的有神的力量與他同在。
  8. 尼腓告訴拉曼和雷米爾要服從父母和神。他說,只要他們這樣做,他們一定會受到祝福。
  9. 拉曼和雷米爾悔改了,開始幫尼腓造船。
  10. 尼腓很多次到山上祈禱尋求幫助,主教他如何造船。
  11. 尼腓和他的兄弟造好船後,都知道這是一艘很好的船,於是感謝神的幫助。


Html5mediator: not a valid URL Chapter 7:Building the Ship

第 1 格
Html5mediator: not a valid URL After Lehi’s family had camped by the sea for many days, the Lord spoke to Nephi.
Html5mediator: not a valid URL He told him to build a ship to carry his family to the promised land.

第 格
Html5mediator: not a valid URL Nephi did not know how to make a ship, but the Lord said he would show him.
Html5mediator: not a valid URL He told Nephi where to find metal to make the tools he would need.


  • Laman and Lemuel made fun of Nephi for wanting to build a ship. They did not believe that the Lord had shown Nephi how to do it. They refused to help.
  • 拉曼和雷米爾取笑尼腓要造船。他們不相信主已經告訴尼腓造船的方法,所以拒絕幫助他。


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  • Nephi told Laman and Lemuel to repent and not be rebellious. He reminded them that they had seen an angel. He also told them that God has the power to do all things.
  • 尼腓告訴拉曼和雷米爾要悔改,不要反叛。他提醒他們,他們曾看過天使;他也告訴他們,神有力量做一切的事。


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  • Laman and Lemuel were angry with Nephi and wanted to throw him into the sea.
  • 拉曼和雷米爾生尼腓的氣,他們想把他丟到海裡。


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  • As they came toward Nephi, he commanded them not to touch him because he was filled with the power of God. Laman and Lemuel were afraid for many days.
  • 他們往尼腓走去時,尼腓命令他們不可以碰他,因為他充滿了神的力量。拉曼和雷米爾因此害怕了好幾天。


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  • Then the Lord told Nephi to touch Laman and Lemuel.When Nephi did, the Lord shocked them. Laman and Lemuel knew the power of God was with Nephi.
  • 後來,主叫尼腓去碰拉曼和雷米爾。當尼腓碰他們時,主震擊了他們。拉曼和雷米爾這時才知道,尼腓真的有神的力量與他同在。


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  • Nephi told Laman and Lemuel to obey their parents and obey God. Nephi said if they would do this, they would be blessed.
  • 尼腓告訴拉曼和雷米爾要服從父母和神。他說,只要他們這樣做,他們一定會受到祝福。


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  • Laman and Lemuel repented and helped Nephi build the ship.
  • 拉曼和雷米爾悔改了,開始幫尼腓造船。


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  • Nephi went to the mountain many times to pray for help. The Lord taught him how to build the ship.
  • 尼腓很多次到山上祈禱尋求幫助,主教他如何造船。


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  • When Nephi and his brothers had finished building the ship, they knew it was a good ship. They thanked God for helping them.
  • 尼腓和他的兄弟造好船後,都知道這是一艘很好的船,於是感謝神的幫助。


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