
出自 青少年追求卓越
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於 2017年6月17日 (六) 02:12 由 蕭昶欣 (對話 | 貢獻) 所做的修訂 (英文)
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Chapter 5:Traveling in the Wilderness 英文語音 英文影片
  1. 文章

  • 第五章:在曠野中旅行


  • The Lord wanted Lehi’s sons to have wives who would teach their children the gospel. He told Lehi to send his sons back to Jerusalem to get Ishmael’s family.
  • 主希望李海的兒子們結婚娶妻,這些妻子要會教導他們的子女福音,所以他要李海派他的兒子再回耶路撒冷去,把以實瑪利一家人接出來。


  • Nephi and his brothers returned to Jerusalem. They told Ishmael what the Lord wanted him to do. Ishmael believed them, and he and his family went with Lehi’s sons.
  • 尼腓和他的哥哥回到了耶路撒冷,他們告訴以實瑪利主希望他做的事,以實瑪利相信了他們的,就帶著家人跟李海的兒子們一同進入曠野。


  • While they were traveling in the wilderness, Laman and Lemuel and some of Ishmael’s family became angry. They wanted to go back to Jerusalem.
  • 當他們在曠野中往前走的時候,拉曼、雷米爾和以實瑪利的幾個家人生氣了,因為他們想回耶路撒冷去。


  • Nephi reminded Laman and Lemuel of all the Lord had done for them. He told them to have greater faith. They were angry at Nephi but did not go back to Jerusalem.
  • 尼腓提醒拉曼及雷米爾主曾經為他們做的事,他告訴他們應該更有信心。他對尼腓發脾氣,但是並沒有回耶路撒冷去。


  • Nephi, his brothers, and Zoram later married Ishmael’s daughters.
  • 尼腓、他的哥哥、以及卓倫後來娶了以實瑪利的女兒們為妻。


  • The Lord told Lehi to continue his journey. The next morning Lehi found a brass ball called the Liahona outside his tent. It pointed the way to go in the wilderness.
  • 主告訴李海要繼續走。第二天,李海在自己的帳幕外面發現一個叫利阿賀拿的銅球;這個銅球可以在曠野中指引他們應該走的方向。


  • Lehi’s family gathered food and seeds and packed their tents. They traveled through the wilderness for many days, following the directions of the Liahona.
  • 李海一家人搜集食物、種子,帶著帳幕,按照利阿賀拿的指示在曠野中走了很多天。


  • Nephi and his brothers used bows and arrows to hunt for food as they traveled.
  • 一路上,尼腓和他的哥哥用弓箭獵取食物。


  • Nephi’s steel bow broke, and his brothers’ bows lost their strength. The brothers could not kill any animals, so everyone was hungry. Laman and Lemuel were angry.
  • 可是後來,尼腓把他那把鐵製的弓折斷了,他哥哥的弓也失去了彈力。因為獵不到動物,大家都很餓,拉曼和雷米爾因此非常生氣。


  • Nephi made a wooden bow and asked his father where to hunt. Lehi received directions in the Liahona. Nephi followed the directions and found some animals.



  • The Liahona worked only when Lehi’s family was faithful, diligent, and obedient.
  • 只有再他們忠信、服從及勤勉時,利阿賀拿上的指針才會動。


  • Nephi returned with the animals he had found. Everyone was happy to get food. They were sorry they had been angry, and they thanked God for blessing them.
  • 尼腓帶著他獵到的野獸回去,大家都高興極有食物可以吃。他們為自己當初發脾氣感到抱歉,同時也感謝神給他們的祝福。


  • Traveling was not easy. Often Lehi’s family was tired,hungry, and thirsty. Ishmael died and his daughters were sad. They complained against Lehi.
  • 旅行很辛苦。李海的家人常常覺得很疲倦、肚子餓和口渴。以實瑪利去世,他的女兒們很傷心,就對李海抱怨。


  • Laman and Lemuel also complained. They did not believe that the Lord had spoken to Nephi. They wanted to kill Lehi and Nephi and return to Jerusalem.
  • 拉曼和雷米也在抱怨,他們不相信主曾對尼腓說話。他們想殺死李海和尼腓,然後回耶路撒冷去。


  • The voice of the Lord spoke to Laman and Lemuel. It told them not to be angry with Lehi and Nephi. Laman and Lemuel repented.
  • 這時,主對拉曼和雷米爾說話,告訴他們不要生李海和尼腓的氣。拉曼和雷米爾聽了以後就悔改了。


  • Lehi’s family continued their difficult journey. God helped them and strengthened them. Children were born. Lehi and Sariah had two more sons, named Jacob and Joseph.
  • 李海的家庭繼續辛苦的走著。他們靠著神的幫助變得強壯,也生了孩子。李海和撒拉亞又生了兩個兒子,叫做雅各和約瑟。


  • After traveling in the wilderness for eight years, Lehi’s family arrived at the seashore. There they found fruit and honey. They called the place Bountiful.
  • 在曠野中走了八年後,李海一家人到了海邊。他們在那裡發現了果子和蜂蜜,於是就把那個地方取名為滿地富。