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Chapter 22:Alma’s Mission to Ammonihah
  1. Alma worried about the Nephites’ wickedness, so he decided to spend all his time preaching the gospel. He chose Nephihah to replace him as chief judge.
  2. Alma taught the gospel throughout the land. When he tried to preach in Ammonihah, the people would not listen. They threw him out of the city.
  3. Alma was sad that the people of Ammonihah were so wicked. He left to go to another city.
  4. An angel appeared and comforted Alma. The angel told him to go back to Ammonihah and preach again. Alma hurried back.
  5. Alma was hungry. As he entered the city, he asked a man for some food. An angel had told the man that Alma would come and that Alma was a prophet of God.
  6. This man, Amulek, took Alma to his home and fed him. Alma stayed with Amulek and his family for many days. He thanked God for Amulek’s family and blessed them.
  7. Alma told Amulek about his calling to teach the people of Ammonihah. Amulek went with Alma to teach the people. The Holy Ghost helped them.
  8. Alma told the people to repent or God would destroy them. He said Jesus Christ would come and save those who had faith in him and repented.
  9. The people of Ammonihah became angry. They tried to throw Alma into prison, but the Lord protected him.
  10. Then Amulek began to teach. Many of the people knew Amulek; he was not a stranger as Alma was. He told them about the angel he had seen.
  11. Amulek said Alma was a prophet of God and spoke the truth. The people were surprised to hear Amulek’s testimony.
  12. Some of the people became angry, especially one wicked man named Zeezrom. They tried to trick Amulek with questions, but he told them he knew about their plan.
  13. Zeezrom wanted to destroy everything that was good. He would cause problems, and then people would pay him money to solve the problems he had created.
  14. Zeezrom could not trick Amulek, so he offered him money to say there is no God. Amulek knew God lives and said Zeezrom knew it too but loved money more than God.
  15. Then Amulek taught Zeezrom about Jesus and about the Resurrection and eternal life. The people were amazed. Zeezrom began to shake with fear.
  16. Zeezrom knew that Alma and Amulek had the power of God because they knew his thoughts. Zeezrom asked questions and listened as Alma taught him the gospel.
  17. Some people believed Alma and Amulek and began to repent and study the scriptures.
  18. But most of the people wanted to kill Alma and Amulek. They tied the two men up and took them to the chief judge.
  19. Zeezrom was sorry he had been wicked and had taught the people lies. He begged the people to let Alma and Amulek go.
  20. Zeezrom and the other men who believed Alma and Amulek’s teachings were thrown out of the city. The wicked people threw rocks at them.
  21. Then the wicked people gathered the women and children who believed and threw them, along with their scriptures, into a fire.
  22. Alma and Amulek were forced to watch the women and children die in the fire. Amulek wanted to use the power of God to save them.
  23. But Alma told Amulek that he was not to stop the killing because the dying people would soon be with God and the wicked people would be punished.
  24. The chief judge slapped Alma and Amulek several times and mocked them because they had not saved the burning women and children. Then he threw them into prison.
  25. Other evil men came to the prison and abused Alma and Amulek in many ways, including starving them and spitting on them.
  26. The chief judge said if Alma and Amulek used the power of God to free themselves, he would believe. He slapped them again.
  27. Alma and Amulek stood up. Alma prayed and asked God to make them strong because of their faith in Christ.
  28. The power of God filled Alma and Amulek, and they broke the ropes that held them. The evil men were scared and tried to run but fell down.
  29. The ground shook, and the prison walls fell on the wicked men. The Lord protected Alma and Amulek, and they were not hurt.
  30. The people of Ammonihah came to see what was happening. When they saw Alma and Amulek walking out of the crumbled prison, they became scared and ran away.
  31. The Lord told Alma and Amulek to go to Sidom. There they found the righteous people. Zeezrom was also there and was very sick.
  32. Zeezrom was glad to see Alma and Amulek. He worried that they had been killed because of what he had done. He asked them to heal him.
  33. Zeezrom believed in Jesus Christ and had repented of his sins. When Alma prayed for him, Zeezrom was immediately healed.
  34. Zeezrom was baptized and began to preach the gospel. Many others were also baptized.
  35. The wicked people of Ammonihah were all killed by a Lamanite army, as Alma had prophesied.
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  • [ 英文語音]
  • 第二十二章:阿爾瑪在艾蒙乃哈城傳教


  • Chapter 22:Alma’s Mission to Ammonihah
  • 第二十二章:阿爾瑪在艾蒙乃哈城傳教


  • Alma worried about the Nephites’ wickedness, so he decided to spend all his time preaching the gospel. He chose Nephihah to replace him as chief judge.
  • 阿爾瑪很替邪惡的尼腓人擔心,所以決定用全部的時間傳播福音。他選尼腓哈接替他擔任首席法官。


  • Alma taught the gospel throughout the land. When he tried to preach in Ammonihah, the people would not listen. They threw him out of the city.
  • 阿爾瑪到各地教導福音。當他到艾蒙乃哈城傳講福音時,那裡的人民不願意聽,把他趕出城外。


  • Alma was sad that the people of Ammonihah were so wicked. He left to go to another city.
  • 阿爾瑪很難過,因為艾蒙乃哈的人民很邪惡,於是他離開了艾蒙乃哈,到另一個城市去。


  • An angel appeared and comforted Alma. The angel told him to go back to Ammonihah and preach again. Alma hurried back.
  • 有位天使向阿爾瑪顯現並安慰他。天使要他再回艾蒙乃哈傳教,阿爾瑪於是趕緊回去。


  • Alma was hungry. As he entered the city, he asked a man for some food. An angel had told the man that Alma would come and that Alma was a prophet of God.
  • 阿爾瑪餓了。當他進城時,向一個人要食物吃。天使告訴那人阿爾瑪會來,而且阿爾瑪是神的先知。


  • This man, Amulek, took Alma to his home and fed him. Alma stayed with Amulek and his family for many days. He thanked God for Amulek’s family and blessed them.
  • 那個人名叫艾繆萊克。他帶阿爾瑪到他家裡並給他食物吃。阿爾瑪和艾繆萊克一家人一起住了好幾天。他為了艾繆萊克一家而感謝什,並祝福了他們。


  • Alma told Amulek about his calling to teach the people of Ammonihah. Amulek went with Alma to teach the people. The Holy Ghost helped them.
  • 阿爾瑪告訴艾繆萊克關於他到艾蒙乃哈城教導人民的召喚,艾繆萊克便和阿爾瑪一起去教導人民,聖靈幫助了他們。


  • Alma told the people to repent or God would destroy them. He said Jesus Christ would come and save those who had faith in him and repented.
  • 阿爾瑪告訴人們要悔改,否則神會毀滅他們。他說耶穌基督要來救贖那些對祂有信心而且願意悔改的人。


  • The people of Ammonihah became angry. They tried to throw Alma into prison, but the Lord protected him.
  • 艾蒙乃哈城的人民很生氣,他們想把阿爾瑪關到監獄裡,但主保護著他。


  • Then Amulek began to teach. Many of the people knew Amulek; he was not a stranger as Alma was. He told them about the angel he had seen.
  • 艾繆萊克也開始教導福音。那裡有很多人認識艾繆萊克,他不像阿爾瑪一樣是個陌生人,他告訴他們有關他看到天使的事。


  • Amulek said Alma was a prophet of God and spoke the truth. The people were surprised to hear Amulek’s testimony.
  • 艾繆萊克說阿爾瑪是神的先知,他說的話都是真的。人民聽了艾繆萊克的見證後都感到很驚訝。


  • Some of the people became angry, especially one wicked man named Zeezrom. They tried to trick Amulek with questions, but he told them he knew about their plan.
  • 有些人開始生氣,尤其是一個名叫齊愛治樂的人;他是一個邪惡的人。他們想用一些問題來刁難艾繆萊克,但艾繆萊克告訴他們,他知道他們的陰謀。


  • Zeezrom wanted to destroy everything that was good. He would cause problems, and then people would pay him money to solve the problems he had created.
  • 齊愛治樂想要破壞所有的好事。他會引起一些問題,然後人們付他錢,請他解決他所引起的麻煩。


  • Zeezrom could not trick Amulek, so he offered him money to say there is no God. Amulek knew God lives and said Zeezrom knew it too but loved money more than God.
  • 齊愛治樂沒有辦法難倒艾繆萊克,所以他拿錢給艾繆萊克,要艾繆萊克說神不存在。可是艾繆萊克知道神活著,他說齊愛治樂也知道神存在,只是他愛錢更勝過於神。


  • Then Amulek taught Zeezrom about Jesus and about the Resurrection and eternal life. The people were amazed. Zeezrom began to shake with fear.
  • 艾繆萊克告訴齊愛治樂有關耶穌、復活和永生的事。人民都很驚訝。齊愛治樂開始因害怕而發抖。


  • Zeezrom knew that Alma and Amulek had the power of God because they knew his thoughts. Zeezrom asked questions and listened as Alma taught him the gospel.
  • 齊愛治樂知道阿爾瑪和艾繆萊克擁有神的力量,因為他們知道他的想法。齊愛治樂問了一些問題,而當阿爾瑪教導福音時,他也認真地聽。


  • Some people believed Alma and Amulek and began to repent and study the scriptures.
  • 有一些人相信了阿爾瑪及艾繆萊克,他們開始悔改並研讀經文。


  • But most of the people wanted to kill Alma and Amulek. They tied the two men up and took them to the chief judge.
  • 但是大部份的人卻想殺死阿爾瑪和艾繆萊克。他們將這兩人綁起來並帶去首席法官面前。


  • Zeezrom was sorry he had been wicked and had taught the people lies. He begged the people to let Alma and Amulek go.
  • 齊愛治樂很懊悔自己過去很邪惡,教導人民錯誤的事情。他求人民釋放阿爾瑪和艾繆萊克。


  • Zeezrom and the other men who believed Alma and Amulek’s teachings were thrown out of the city. The wicked people threw rocks at them.
  • 齊愛治樂和其他相信阿爾瑪和艾繆萊克教導的人都被趕到城外,那些邪惡的人還用石頭丟他們。


  • Then the wicked people gathered the women and children who believed and threw them, along with their scriptures, into a fire.
  • 邪惡的人把那些相信神的婦女和小孩趕到一個地方,把他們和他們的經文一起丟進火裡。


  • Alma and Amulek were forced to watch the women and children die in the fire. Amulek wanted to use the power of God to save them.
  • 阿爾瑪和艾繆萊克在不得已的情況下,親眼看著那些婦女和小孩被燒死。艾繆萊克想用神的力量來拯救他們。


  • But Alma told Amulek that he was not to stop the killing because the dying people would soon be with God and the wicked people would be punished.
  • 但是阿爾瑪告訴艾繆萊克不可阻止這場屠殺,因為那些死去的人很快就會和神在一起,而邪惡的人會受到逞罰。


  • The chief judge slapped Alma and Amulek several times and mocked them because they had not saved the burning women and children. Then he threw them into prison.
  • 首席法官很多次用手摑了阿爾瑪和艾繆萊克的臉,並嘲笑他們沒有辦法拯救被火燒的婦女和小孩。接著他就把他們關進了監獄。


  • Other evil men came to the prison and abused Alma and Amulek in many ways, including starving them and spitting on them.
  • 其他邪惡的人來到監獄,用各種方法虐待阿爾瑪和艾繆萊克;他們讓阿爾瑪和艾繆萊克挨餓,還對他們吐口水。


  • The chief judge said if Alma and Amulek used the power of God to free themselves, he would believe. He slapped them again.
  • 首席法官說如果阿爾瑪和艾繆萊克用神的力量來救他們自己,他就會相信他們。然後又打他們的臉。


  • Alma and Amulek stood up. Alma prayed and asked God to make them strong because of their faith in Christ.
  • 阿爾瑪和艾繆萊克站起身來。阿爾瑪祈求神按照他們對基督的信心,讓他們獲得力量。


  • The power of God filled Alma and Amulek, and they broke the ropes that held them. The evil men were scared and tried to run but fell down.
  • 神的力量充滿了阿爾瑪和艾繆萊克,他們掙斷了捆綁他們的繩子。邪惡的人很害怕。他們想逃跑,卻倒在地上。


  • The ground shook, and the prison walls fell on the wicked men. The Lord protected Alma and Amulek, and they were not hurt.
  • 這時大地震動,監獄的牆倒塌下來,壓死了那些邪惡的人。主保護著阿爾瑪和艾繆萊克,所以他們沒有受傷。


  • The people of Ammonihah came to see what was happening. When they saw Alma and Amulek walking out of the crumbled prison, they became scared and ran away.
  • 艾蒙乃城的人們跑來看發生了什麼事。當他們看見阿爾瑪和艾繆萊客從倒塌的監獄走出來時,都害怕地逃跑了。


  • The Lord told Alma and Amulek to go to Sidom. There they found the righteous people. Zeezrom was also there and was very sick.
  • 然後,主吩咐阿爾瑪和艾繆萊克到沙度地去。他們在那裡找到正義的人民。齊愛治樂也在那裡,而且生了重病。


  • Zeezrom was glad to see Alma and Amulek. He worried that they had been killed because of what he had done. He asked them to heal him.
  • 齊愛治樂看到阿爾瑪和愛繆萊克還活著,心裡非常高興。他擔心他們兩人已經因為他所做的事而被殺害了。他請求他們醫治他。


  • Zeezrom believed in Jesus Christ and had repented of his sins. When Alma prayed for him, Zeezrom was immediately healed.
  • 齊愛治樂相信耶穌基督,並且悔改了他的罪。阿爾瑪為他禱告後,他立刻就好了。


  • Zeezrom was baptized and began to preach the gospel. Many others were also baptized.
  • 齊愛治樂接受了洗禮,也開始傳播福音。其他很多人也都接受了洗禮。


  • The wicked people of Ammonihah were all killed by a Lamanite army, as Alma had prophesied.
  • 留在艾蒙乃哈城裡那些邪惡的人,就跟阿爾瑪預言的一樣,全都被拉曼人的軍隊給毀滅了。

