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Chapter 32 Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty
  1. Awicked man named Amalickiah wanted to be king over the Nephites. Many Nephites had left the Church to follow him.
  2. If Amalickiah became king, he would try to destroy the Church of God and take away the people’s liberty.
  3. When Captain Moroni, the leader of the Nephite armies, heard of Amalickiah’s plan to be king, he became angry.
  4. Moroni tore his coat to make a flag. On it he wrote a message to remind the people to defend their religion, freedom, and peace.
  5. Moroni put the flag on a pole and called it the title of liberty. Then dressed in his armor, he knelt to pray.
  6. He asked God to protect those who believed in Jesus Christ and prayed for freedom in the land, calling it a land of liberty.
  7. Moroni went among the people. Waving the title of liberty, he called them to come and help protect their freedom.
  8. People came from all over the land. They promised to obey God’s commandments and to fight for freedom.
  9. When Amalickiah saw how many Nephites had joined with Moroni, he was afraid. He and his followers left to join the Lamanites.
  10. Moroni and his army tried to stop them, but Amalickiah and a few of his men escaped.
  11. Moroni placed a title of liberty on every tower in the Nephite land. The Nephites had kept their freedom and again had peace.

第32章 摩羅乃隊長和自由旗幟
  1. 亞瑪利凱是個邪惡的人,他想做尼腓人的國王。很多尼腓人都離開了教會去跟隨他。
  2. 如果亞瑪利凱成為國王,他就會摧毀神的教會,並且奪走人民的自由。
  3. 當尼腓軍隊的領袖摩羅乃隊長聽到亞瑪利凱想當國王的計畫,非常生氣。
  4. 摩羅乃把他的外衣撕破,做成一面旗子,並在面寫了一些話,提醒人民要保為他們自己的宗、自由及和平。
  5. 摩羅乃把這面旗子繫在一根竿子上,並且把這面旗子叫作「自由旗幟」。然後他穿上盔甲,跪下來祈禱。
  6. 他祈求神保護相信耶穌基督的人,也祈求他的國家裡能有自由;他把他們的國家叫作自由之地。
  7. 摩羅乃來到人民中,揮舞著自由旗幟,叫人民一起幫助他保衛自己的自由。
  8. 人民從境內各地前來,他們答應要遵守神的誡命,並為自由而戰。
  9. 當亞瑪利凱看到許多尼腓加入摩羅乃時,心裡很害怕,於是合跟隨他的人一起去投靠拉曼人。
  10. 摩羅乃率領軍隊想要阻止他們,可是亞瑪利凱和他的少數幾個人逃跑了。
  11. 摩羅乃把自由旗幟插在尼腓人各地的每一作高樓上。尼腓保有了自由,也再度擁有了和平。


Chapter 32 Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty
第32章 摩羅乃隊長和自由旗幟

第 1 格
Html5mediator: not a valid URL Awicked man named Amalickiah wanted to be king over the Nephites.
Html5mediator: not a valid URL Many Nephites had left the Church to follow him.

第 2 格
Html5mediator: not a valid URL If Amalickiah became king, he would try to destroy the Church of God and take away the people’s liberty.

第 3 格
Html5mediator: not a valid URL When Captain Moroni, the leader of the Nephite armies, heard of Amalickiah’s plan to be king, he became angry.

第 4 格
Html5mediator: not a valid URL Moroni tore his coat to make a flag.
Html5mediator: not a valid URL On it he wrote a message to remind the people to defend their religion, freedom, and peace.

第 5 格
Html5mediator: not a valid URL Moroni put the flag on a pole and called it the title of liberty.
Html5mediator: not a valid URL Then dressed in his armor, he knelt to pray.

第 6 格
Html5mediator: not a valid URL He asked God to protect those who believed in Jesus Christ and prayed for freedom in the land, calling it a land of liberty.

第 7 格
Html5mediator: not a valid URL Moroni went among the people.
Html5mediator: not a valid URL Waving the title of liberty, he called them to come and help protect their freedom.

第 8 格
Html5mediator: not a valid URL People came from all over the land.
Html5mediator: not a valid URL They promised to obey God’s commandments and to fight for freedom.

第 9 格
Html5mediator: not a valid URL When Amalickiah saw how many Nephites had joined with Moroni, he was afraid.
Html5mediator: not a valid URL He and his followers left to join the Lamanites.


第 10 格
Html5mediator: not a valid URL Moroni and his army tried to stop them, but Amalickiah and a few of his men escaped.

第 11 格
Html5mediator: not a valid URL Moroni placed a title of liberty on every tower in the Nephite land.
Html5mediator: not a valid URL The Nephites had kept their freedom and again had peace.


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