
出自 青少年追求卓越
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Chapter 14:Abinadi and King Noah
  1. Zeniff was a righteous king of a group of Nephites. When he grew old, his son Noah became king.
  2. Noah was not a good king like his father. He was wicked and would not obey God’s commandments.
  3. He forced his people to give him part of their grain, animals, gold, and silver.
  4. King Noah did this because he was lazy. He made the Nephites give him everything he needed to live.
  5. He replaced the good priests his father had called with wicked priests. These wicked priests taught the people to sin.
  6. King Noah had many beautiful buildings made, including a large palace with a throne. The buildings were decorated with gold, silver, and expensive wood.
  7. King Noah loved the riches he took from his people. He and his priests spent their time drinking wine and being wicked.
  8. God sent a prophet named Abinadi to Noah’s people. Abinadi warned them that if they did not repent, they would become the Lamanites’ slaves.
  9. When King Noah heard what Abinadi had said, he was angry. He sent men to bring Abinadi to the palace so he could kill him.
  10. Abinadi was taken to the king. King Noah and his priests asked him many questions. They tried to trick him into saying something wrong.
  11. Abinadi was not afraid to answer their questions. He knew that God would help him. The priests were amazed at Abinadi’s answers.
  12. King Noah was angry and ordered his priests to kill Abinadi. Abinadi said if they touched him, God would kill them.
  13. The Holy Ghost protected Abinadi so he could finish saying what the Lord wanted him to. Abinadi’s face was shining. The priests were afraid to touch him.
  14. Speaking with power from God, Abinadi told the people about their wickedness. He read God’s commandments to them.
  15. He told them Jesus Christ would be born on the earth. Jesus would make it possible for people to repent, be resurrected, and live with God.
  16. Abinadi told the people to repent and believe in Jesus Christ or they would not be saved.
  17. King Noah and all but one of his priests refused to believe Abinadi. Noah told the priests to kill Abinadi. They tied him up and threw him in prison.
  18. The one priest who believed Abinadi was named Alma. He asked King Noah to let Abinadi go.
  19. The king was angry with Alma and had him thrown out. Then he sent his servants to kill him. Alma ran and hid, and the servants never found him.
  20. After spending three days in prison, Abinadi was again brought before King Noah. The king told Abinadi to take back what he had said against him and his people.
  21. King Noah told Abinadi that if he did not deny all he had said, he would be killed.
  22. Abinadi knew he had spoken the truth. He was willing to die rather than take back what God had sent him to say.
  23. King Noah ordered his priests to kill Abinadi. They tied him up, whipped him, and burned him to death. Before he died, Abinadi said King Noah would also die by fire.
  24. Some of the Nephites opposed King Noah and tried to kill him. The Lamanite army also came to fight the king and his followers.
  25. The king and his followers ran from the Lamanites, but the Lamanites caught up and began killing them. The king told his men to leave their families and keep running.
  26. Many of the men would not leave. They were captured by the Lamanites.
  27. Most of the men who had run away with King Noah were sorry. They wanted to go back and help their wives and children and their people.
  28. King Noah did not want the men to return to their families. He ordered them to stay with him.
  29. The men were angry with King Noah. They burned him to death, as Abinadi had prophesied. Then they went back to their families.

  1. 曾倪夫是個正義的國王帶領著一群尼腓人。他年老後由他的兒子挪亞繼承王位。
  2. 挪亞跟他的父親不一樣;他不是個好國王。他很邪惡,不遵守神的誡命。
  3. 他強迫人民將一部份的穀物、家畜、金子和銀子給他。
  4. 挪亞王這麼做的原因是他很懶惰,他要尼腓人供給他所有的生活必需品。
  5. 他換掉他父親所有召喚的好祭司,挑選邪惡的祭司。這些邪惡的祭司教人民犯罪。
  6. 挪亞王蓋了許多豪華的大廈,其中包括一棟有寶座的大宮殿。這些大廈都佣金、銀和昂貴的木材裝飾。
  7. 挪亞王很喜歡他從人民那裡得到的財寶。他和那些祭司們都把時間花在喝酒和做邪惡的事情上。
  8. 神差譴一位名叫阿賓納代的先知到挪亞的人民中。阿賓納代警告他們,如果他們不悔改,就會成為拉曼人的奴隸。
  9. 挪亞王聽到阿賓納代的話後很生氣,便叫人把阿賓納代帶到宮殿哩,這樣好殺死他。
  10. 阿賓納代被帶到國王那裡。挪亞王和他的祭司問他許多問題,想騙他講錯話。
  11. 阿賓納代不怕回答他們的問題;他知道神會幫助他。祭司們對阿賓納代地回答非常驚訝。
  12. 挪亞王很生氣,命令他的祭司殺死阿賓納代。阿賓納代告訴他們不要碰他,要不然神會殺死他們。
  13. 聖靈保護著阿賓納代,使他能說完主要他說的話。阿賓納代的臉這時閃耀著光輝,祭司們都不敢碰他。
  14. 阿賓納代以神的力量講話,指出人們的邪惡,並把神的誡命讀給他們聽。
  15. 他告訴他們耶穌基督會降生到這是上來,耶穌使人們能夠悔改、復活並且與神同住。
  16. 阿賓納代告訴他們必須 悔改、相信耶穌基督,否則就不能得救。
  17. 除了挪亞王的一位祭司外,挪亞王和其他所有的人都拒絕相信阿賓納代。挪亞王命令祭司殺死阿賓納代,於是他們就把他綁起來,關在監獄裡。
  18. 相信阿賓納代的那位祭司名叫阿爾瑪,他請求挪亞王釋放阿賓納代。
  19. 挪亞王對阿爾瑪很生氣,把他趕了出去,並派僕人們殺死他。可是阿爾瑪躲了起來,國王的僕人到處都找不到他。
  20. 阿賓納代被關了三天後被帶到挪亞王面前,國王要阿賓納代收回他否對國王和人民的話。
  21. 挪亞王告訴阿賓納代,如果他不否認所有曾說過的話,就會被處死。
  22. 阿賓納代知道自己說的話都是真話,他寧願死,也不願否認神差譴他來說的話。
  23. 挪亞王命令他的祭司殺死阿賓納代。他們把他綁起來,鞭打他並把他燒死。阿賓納代臨死前說,挪亞王也會被火燒死。
  24. 有些尼腓人反對挪亞王,想殺死他,拉曼人的軍隊也來攻打挪亞王和跟隨他的人。
  25. 挪亞王和他的人民想逃離拉曼人,可是被他們追上了,並開始要殺他們。挪亞王要男人們拋棄家庭,繼續逃跑。
  26. 許多男人不願意離開,於是都被拉曼人抓走了。
  27. 大部分和挪亞王一起逃走的人都後悔,他們想回去拯救他們的妻子、兒女和人民。
  28. 挪亞王不准他們回到家人那裡,他命令他們留在他身邊。
  29. 這些人很氣挪亞王,便把他燒死,一切就像阿賓納代所預言的一樣。然後他們就回到他們的家人那裡去。


Chapter 14:Abinadi and King Noah

第 1 格
Zeniff was a righteous king of a group of Nephites.
When he grew old, his son Noah became king.

第 2 格
Noah was not a good king like his father.
He was wicked and would not obey God’s commandments.

第 3 格
He forced his people to give him part of their grain, animals, gold, and silver.

第 4 格
King Noah did this because he was lazy.
He made the Nephites give him everything he needed to live.

第 5 格
He replaced the good priests his father had called with wicked priests.
These wicked priests taught the people to sin.

第 6 格
King Noah had many beautiful buildings made, including a large palace with a throne.
The buildings were decorated with gold, silver, and expensive wood.

第 7 格
King Noah loved the riches he took from his people.
He and his priests spent their time drinking wine and being wicked.

第 8 格
God sent a prophet named Abinadi to Noah’s people.
Abinadi warned them that if they did not repent, they would become the Lamanites’ slaves.

第 9 格
When King Noah heard what Abinadi had said, he was angry.
He sent men to bring Abinadi to the palace so he could kill him.

第 10 格
Abinadi was taken to the king. King Noah and his priests asked him many questions.
They tried to trick him into saying something wrong.

第 11 格
Abinadi was not afraid to answer their questions.
He knew that God would help him.
The priests were amazed at Abinadi’s answers.

第 12 格
King Noah was angry and ordered his priests to kill Abinadi.
Abinadi said if they touched him, God would kill them.

第 13 格
The Holy Ghost protected Abinadi so he could finish saying what the Lord wanted him to.
Abinadi’s face was shining. The priests were afraid to touch him.

第 14 格
Speaking with power from God, Abinadi told the people about their wickedness.
He read God’s commandments to them.

第 15 格
He told them Jesus Christ would be born on the earth.
Jesus would make it possible for people to repent, be resurrected, and live with God.

第 16 格
Abinadi told the people to repent and believe in Jesus Christ or they would not be saved.
阿賓納代告訴他們必須 悔改、相信耶穌基督,否則就不能得救。

第 17 格
King Noah and all but one of his priests refused to believe Abinadi.
Noah told the priests to kill Abinadi.
They tied him up and threw him in prison.

第 18 格
The one priest who believed Abinadi was named Alma.
He asked King Noah to let Abinadi go.

第 19 格
The king was angry with Alma and had him thrown out.
Then he sent his servants to kill him.
Alma ran and hid, and the servants never found him.

第 20 格
After spending three days in prison, Abinadi was again brought before King Noah.
The king told Abinadi to take back what he had said against him and his people.

第 21 格
King Noah told Abinadi that if he did not deny all he had said, he would be killed.

第 22 格
Abinadi knew he had spoken the truth.
He was willing to die rather than take back what God had sent him to say.

第 23 格
King Noah ordered his priests to kill Abinadi.
They tied him up, whipped him, and burned him to death.
Before he died, Abinadi said King Noah would also die by fire.

第 24 格
Some of the Nephites opposed King Noah and tried to kill him.
The Lamanite army also came to fight the king and his followers.

第 25 格
The king and his followers ran from the Lamanites, but the Lamanites caught up and began killing them.
The king told his men to leave their families and keep running.

第 26 格
Many of the men would not leave.
They were captured by the Lamanites.

第 27 格
Most of the men who had run away with King Noah were sorry.
They wanted to go back and help their wives and children and their people.

第 28 格
King Noah did not want the men to return to their families.
He ordered them to stay with him.

第 29 格
The men were angry with King Noah.
They burned him to death, as Abinadi had prophesied.
Then they went back to their families.




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