
出自 青少年追求卓越
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於 2019年4月20日 (六) 04:16 由 蕭昶欣 (對話 | 貢獻) 所做的修訂 (單字練習)
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Chapter 12:King Benjamin
  1. King Benjamin was a righteous Nephite king. With the help of other righteous men, he brought peace to the land.
  2. King Benjamin became old and wanted to talk to his people. He needed to tell them that his son Mosiah would be the next king.
  3. The people came from all over the land and gathered near the temple. They placed their tents so the doors faced the temple.
  4. King Benjamin spoke from a tower so the Nephites could hear him.
  5. He told his people that he had tried hard to serve them. He said the way to serve God is by serving one another.
  6. King Benjamin told the people to obey God’s commandments. Those who faithfully keep the commandments will be happy and someday live with God.
  7. King Benjamin said Jesus Christ would soon be born on the earth. His mother’s name would be Mary.
  8. Jesus would perform miracles. He would heal the sick and bring the dead back to life. He would make the blind see and the deaf hear.
  9. Jesus would suffer and die for the sins of all people. Those who repent and have faith in Jesus will be forgiven of their sins.
  10. King Benjamin told the Nephites that wicked men would whip Jesus. Then they would crucify him.
  11. After three days Jesus would be resurrected.
  12. After King Benjamin spoke, the Nephites fell to the ground. They were sorry for their sins and wanted to repent.
  13. The people had faith in Jesus Christ, and they prayed to be forgiven.
  14. The Holy Ghost filled their hearts. They knew that God had forgiven them and that he loved them. They felt peace and joy.
  15. King Benjamin told his people to believe in God. He wanted them to know that God had created all things and that he is wise and powerful.
  16. King Benjamin told the people to be humble and pray every day. He wanted his people to always remember God and be faithful.
  17. He told the parents not to let their children fight or argue.
  18. He told them to teach their children to be obedient and to love and serve one another.
  19. He warned the people to be careful with what they thought, said, and did. They were to be faithful and keep the commandments for the rest of their lives.
  20. King Benjamin asked the people if they believed his teachings. They all said they did. The Holy Ghost had changed them, and they no longer wanted to sin.
  21. They all covenanted, or promised, to keep God’s commandments. King Benjamin was pleased.
  22. King Benjamin gave his son Mosiah the right to be the new king. Three years later King Benjamin died.
  23. Mosiah was a righteous king. He worked hard and served his people, as his father had.
  1. 便雅憫王是一個正義的尼腓國王。他得到其他正義的人的幫助,為他的國家帶來和平。
  2. 便雅憫王老了,他想對人民講話,向他們宣布下一任國王是他的兒子摩賽亞。
  3. 所有的人民都聚集在聖殿周圍。他們搭起帳幕,讓帳幕的門朝著聖殿。
  4. 便雅憫王站在塔上,好讓尼腓人能聽到他講話。
  5. 他告訴人民,他一直努力地為人民服務。他說為神服務的方法就是位彼此服務。
  6. 便雅憫王要人民遵守神的誡命。那些忠信地遵守誡命的人會很快樂,而且有一天能跟神住在一起。
  7. 便雅憫王告訴人民,耶穌基督很快就會誕生到這個世界上來,祂母親的名子是馬利亞。
  8. 耶穌會行奇蹟、為病人治病、救活死去的人,也能使瞎子看見、聾子聽見。
  9. 耶穌要為全世界的人的罪受苦而死。凡悔改並對耶穌有信心的人,他們的罪必能得到寬恕。
  10. 便雅憫王告訴尼腓人,惡人會鞭打耶穌,然後把祂釘死在十字架上。
  11. 耶穌會在死後三天復活。
  12. 便雅憫王講完後,尼腓人都跪在地上,他們為自己的罪感到後悔,想要悔改。
  13. 人民對耶穌基督有信心,他們祈求能獲得寬恕。
  14. 聖靈充滿在他們的心中。他們知道神已經原諒了他們,也知道神愛他們,他們的心裡很平安、很快樂。
  15. 便雅憫王告訴人民要相信神。他要人民知道神創造了萬物,並且具有之智慧和權力。
  16. 便雅憫王告訴人民要謙卑、每天祈禱。他要人民時時刻刻都記得神,並且保持忠信。
  17. 他告訴父母們,不要讓他們的孩子打架吵鬧。
  18. 他告訴他們要教導孩子服從、彼此相愛、彼此服務。
  19. 他也警告人民要留心自己的言行思想,他說他們應當在一生中都忠實地遵守神的誡命。
  20. 便雅憫王問他們是否相信他的教導,他們都說相信。聖靈改變了他們,使他們不再想做壞事或犯罪。
  21. 他們都立下了聖約,也就是答應要遵守神的誡命。便雅憫王因此感到很高興。
  22. 便雅憫王任命自己的兒子摩賽亞為新國王。過了三年,便雅憫王去世。
  23. 摩賽亞是一個正義的國王。他努力工作,為人民服務,就像他的父親一樣。


Chapter 12:King Benjamin

第 1 格
King Benjamin was a righteous Nephite king.
With the help of other righteous men, he brought peace to the land.

第 2 格
King Benjamin became old and wanted to talk to his people.
He needed to tell them that his son Mosiah would be the next king.

第 3 格
The people came from all over the land and gathered near the temple.
They placed their tents so the doors faced the temple.

第 4 格
King Benjamin spoke from a tower so the Nephites could hear him.

第 5 格
He told his people that he had tried hard to serve them.
He said the way to serve God is by serving one another.

第 6 格
King Benjamin told the people to obey God’s commandments.
Those who faithfully keep the commandments will be happy and someday live with God.

第 7 格
King Benjamin said Jesus Christ would soon be born on the earth.
His mother’s name would be Mary.

第 8 格
Jesus would perform miracles.
He would heal the sick and bring the dead back to life.
He would make the blind see and the deaf hear.

第 9 格
Jesus would suffer and die for the sins of all people.
Those who repent and have faith in Jesus will be forgiven of their sins.

第 10 格
King Benjamin told the Nephites that wicked men would whip Jesus.
Then they would crucify him.

第 11 格
After three days Jesus would be resurrected.

第 12 格
After King Benjamin spoke, the Nephites fell to the ground.
They were sorry for their sins and wanted to repent.

第 13 格
The people had faith in Jesus Christ, and they prayed to be forgiven.

第 14 格
The Holy Ghost filled their hearts.
They knew that God had forgiven them and that he loved them.
They felt peace and joy.

第 15 格
King Benjamin told his people to believe in God.
He wanted them to know that God had created all things and that he is wise and powerful.

第 16 格
King Benjamin told the people to be humble and pray every day.
He wanted his people to always remember God and be faithful.

第 17 格
He told the parents not to let their children fight or argue.

第 18 格
He told them to teach their children to be obedient and to love and serve one another.

第 19 格
He warned the people to be careful with what they thought, said, and did.
They were to be faithful and keep the commandments for the rest of their lives.

第 20 格
King Benjamin asked the people if they believed his teachings.
They all said they did.
The Holy Ghost had changed them, and they no longer wanted to sin.

第 21 格
They all covenanted, or promised, to keep God’s commandments.
King Benjamin was pleased.

第 22 格
King Benjamin gave his son Mosiah the right to be the new king.
Three years later King Benjamin died.

第 23 格
Mosiah was a righteous king.
He worked hard and served his people, as his father had.




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